HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-15, Page 77
TOURS:,. DECEMBER 15tho,,1949;
Brown Fm sorry to hurry off,
pu.t.I must get home and explain
to my wife ,
`Smith: Explain What?
Brawn: Oh, I' never know till
I get there,
In' the forrt.erOrange Hall
Build>tng, Luer nota,
men women
Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor
Whata thrlUi Bony limbs. fill out; ugly. hollows
Oil up; neck no longer scrawny; bodyloses half -
!Kansa, sickly "bean -pole" look, Thousan of
girls,ofahlealongle.e nnow proud shapely, healthy -looking de
They thank the speolal vigor -building, flesh -building
tonic, Oetrex. Its tonics, stimulants invigorators.
Iron, vitamin Bi. calcium, enrich blood, improve
appetite and digestion so food gives You more
• strength and nourishment: putflesh on bare bones.
Don't fear getting too fat. Stop when you've gained,;
• the 6,;10,16 or 20 lbs. YOU need for normal weight.
Costs little, New "get accualnted" size only 606..
Try famous Ostrex Tople Tablets for new vigor
, and added pounds,. this very day. At all druggists,
0 onumen
• A family plot '•. should •be:;
graced ,with the.':shrine-like
beatify of: a :monument which
Wll be'evrei„lsatingly `a tribute
'to those. at lest, We have many'
classic styles to. 'suggest,‘. and
willwo _ c with.•, you on, t;us-
.tom designs. .•,
..Exceptionally, ,low', prices;'
'NO .'canvassii g,•. which .elirnin-
ates sales commissions. •
:Inscriptions --J:? •,:-Repasiring
. °Sand.blasting .Memorials', •
`; ' •25 Years' Experience
The latest:' 'tri Portable
'' ` Sandblast ,� Equipment,
All •work: personally executed:
: rown le emoria
Alfred: St., NVINGHAM
'Phone ' 450: ,
--Ripley,.,= Ontario
Yes, •
Safe ,sure, BER L o -`IJ '-
protection against • Moths
-costs little •'.. ... a small''•
• yearly ' investment 131-1y5
.guaranteed • protection fol'
. clothing, `rugs, . blankets &.
furniture; Used' and proven
since .1930 by • thousands of
professional mothproofers,
gERi,OU ' guarantees • in
writing to stop moth darn -
age for 5 years, when ap-
plied as directed, or pays
for the damage., Be safe
buy. BERLOU today!
rug Store,"Lucltiiow
1' rs. W. H. McClure, is staying
a while with her daughter, Mrs,
•Winnifred Widcombe of Wind-
sor since !the death of Mr. Wid
cpanbe two weeks ago.
The Y.P.U. of the Erskine Pres-
byterian church are holding a
Christmas service on Sunday ev
ening; • Dece nbern8th. A' pageant,
is being prepared. •
Mr.. and Mrs. Harold Mugford,
of London visited th'eir. grand-
mother, Mrs. '. Afl per Morris and:
also called on; Mr. Morris -at the
,Goderich 'Hospital '.who is ain ':a
very .lavit Condition.
. Miss Bertha Jones, R.N,, ds'Westminster ,Hospital.„' ,London_,:
spent the week-end•with :her par
ents • Mr.' and Mrs,.;, Frank "Jones:
We are 'sorry to. -.hear of the
illriess of • Mr,' and Mrs GQdo
Sarnpson's' •littl' 13,-Months-oldboy Paul of • G ,derich, who suf
fered inj ury t his .nose in 'a car
accident recently arid :has also
been receiving treatment_ for
b'ronc'hial 'pneumonia at Goderich
Hospital: Latest reports were that
the little • fellow was . gradually
making recovery, '
Mr..•and iVlrs, Everett Erririgtoii
on Sunday visited 'relatives at
Walton. •• ',..
:TheNational rani.Board Pic- .
tures were shown in' the . Parish
Hall last; Wednesday '.afternoon' to
neighboring school pupils 'and to
the adults inAhe .evening, Mr.
.Haold:.Labb of, Clinton' operated
the movie projector:. ' These 'pic-
tures •arei. so instructive Band•• in-
teresting . that • those.' who attend
i egiil er .cannot understand why'
more do -not cornu' The attend'-
ince •th;is,:m:onth ''w s.°'a little iow ,
er than:usual '
'• .The travelling, library of Hur
on. County:.'came Friday to the I,.
Public Libi ai•y ' to bring a fresh'
lot. of hooks This was the first.1
exchange since Miss, Beth 'Mac• l
Conne]l:.has.''taken •over. the' dut-'
ies: as, .librarian.
• Mrs Rebecca Caldwell has re-
turned, to• her, home after visiting
'with relatives. .and friends . at.
Belfast arid Zion,
Miss Joan Rivett on Saturday.
night, after'returning;`from some';
outdoor `sports • about, 9;30 p.m.
taook suddenly: ' ill with :'relapses.
of Ming'; infection'••'which she has`
been bothered`` with• off and on
since last : •spring A :, doctor • was
sumo ,e . . • -
Wingham Hospital for treatment'
•for a few days.: ' 1. 1 •
Mr. A W:, Srnith, 'school prin-
ci al', has had an attach' of , "flu"
and.has`. had to: remain.. in bed for
a °' few :daysi • During' this; ;time,;:
cl,assees were cancelled in •.the ,Sr:
roorri, of,. the: school,.
Mrs M: , Reed' gave her 'home
for the meeting of the United!
and 'home economies., entertained
65 visitors at an afternoon tea
in the junior .roam. Ruth Orser
poured tea at a table 'decorated.
with a Christmas table . cloth,.
mirror, reindeer centre ;piece grid
sleigh, arranged- by the a pupils..
Margaret Anderson and ,Norma
Pentland, assisted by Elizabeth
Pentland and Patricia Pentland,
served sandwiches and cookies.
Proceeds' "of .the ; sale amounted
to $31,70.
PARKING .METERS 'were 'voted
out in - ianover• ?Kt to 540;
The W.M.S. "axrtd • W A:. met on
-Wednesday afternoon at, , the
holxie , of . Mrs,H Jefferson 'with
ori attendance `:.of' eleven:, Mrs. 1
0 I.QrQ�l,�1,�eiirs«.;srpsel�lloirlitoo1!w t 01..«. ououse kram+
I Hereby Declare ,Boxing Day
1 A. Civic Holiday, For. The .Village :Of ' L:ucknow
And Call Upon All Citizens; To Observe
4 . The Same.
e .
s pr@Sided. over.`tris ys.e�uip <;�► .a7 r •0
meeting' F�a,d. g : b ,
in s wei e. given y
Mrs; A Craig and Mrs., R. Chaim
ney. The chapter in; the study,.
•l ook was . given' iby..Mrs. Mark
Armstrong.,, Air' • the . present of-
ficers Were re-elected. Lunch was
served by 'the'', hostess assisted by
Mrs. '•Hewitt .and 1VIrs.A: 'Craig.
The Sunday . School care ',pre-
paring, for, their Chr'istrrias con ' cember 20th." •'
Mr. .. George Wallace, 'has done:
to • his ' home in, Seaforth for the,
inter .months.
.cert to be held- in -the .basement.
of the church on the evening of -
Thursday, December 22nd.
Miss Margaret Ma ,.• Jefferson,. land
her. pupils 'are.: -holding their
Christmas'concert inr the 9th;' line
school on Tuesday afternoon, ;De
Mr. David McAllister is a 'Pat -
pat•lent in Wingharn Hospital suffer
infg ' from pneumonia, We: wishH.
him a, speedy recovery,.'
Church •WV,:M,S, on Tuesday; ,after
iioori with Mrs. Ilee4 presiding.
for : the operiin.g exercises• and.
Mrs.. •' Henry Horton led In the
worship service; This `w;as fol
lowed by a Christmas' candlelight 4.
service Those taking. part,were k
Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Popp, • Mrs,
'Hodges. and Mrs Ryan: After the,
roll'' call Rev. Bright took the
Chair' : for• the • election of officers.
The same officers were re -instat-
ed fornext year.' Mrs. •Robt Jr. -
r_vein was ;elected to assist Mrs, C.
-Blake, superintendent of'Missiori
Band.:.It 'Was decided' to bring a
gift for the:needy for a on'iission-
ary package, from .the • Auxiliary
to be' brought to the. 'January
meetings Mrs. Reed igave• the of-
fetory, ipriayer . and Rev.. Bright
Closed the meeting with prayer,
• Mr. Geo, Rivett •is.. a patient
at Westminster, Hospital, • Lon-
don,.' to •'get built 'up. for , an' ope•-
ration as soon as possible
1Vliss Bertha Popp`o, student Of •
London Norn al School, iso pra•ct,
ise teaching' at Central. School,
Sell Handcraft ,Articles , '
Parents'were entertained at air
'At' Horne in Dungannon public
School, with .principal A. W:,
Smith 'and ,a�ssista'nt teacher MIs.
D. Durnin in ',charge.' The pupils_
,displayed 'work. cdrnpleted• this
term. In the senior room, Mr;
Smith supervised a\ sale o 'ha1 d -
craft; •shellwork of brooches, ear
'ring ,sets, 'beads, ash 'trays and
other ornaments. Stuffed ‘animal
toys and apron 'sold quickly
with grade. 8 pupils in charge..
Mrs. ,i t,irnin, 'who has taken a
a d'e
ECEMBER is, here and with it lurks the "common cold"! Ontario citizens
are reminded now of a . few simple helpful ,`rules to safeguard their,
tit—an 'e tha f tbersl
Prevention of the common, cold 'is the -responsibility , of.all, and if everyone
plays his part much unnecessar illness, expensebe;
and discomfort mayavoided.
With the
;. holiday season season looming
ahead when so much happinesdependsends on
everyone feeling' why run the risk:ofcatchm -cold-:-mor-letting member
of your family face that danger
•In the interest of parents and families, the Ontario Department .of Health
recommends every Ontario citizen to study the common:,. sense precautions
suggested belowandact upon them.r
Take plenty of.rest. Avoid becoming
unduly tired.` Endeavour to follow a
well-balanced diet.
Avoid becoming wet, chilled or over-
heated. If clothing bec'omes::.wet, it
should be `changed as quickly as
possible. '•
1 : ' If a .cold overtakes you, go ` to bed
• until it improves. If, it' does not clear
up ,rapidly, do not hesitate-' to seek
medical advice.,
Be thoughtful of. others,! .. if suffering
from a cold, 'do not.spread germs by
coughing ; or, sneezing openly.
Avoid crowJts•'as far, as,possible.
No one ",wants to be • ``Maid tip" with' a cold
especially at this holiday time.of year..' By following
these five coirimon;sense ,precautions youcan help
yourself and .cithei:s enjoy a happy,; healthy. holiday ..:
free ,from the seasonal irrisery of the "common/cold".
keen .
fntereat sin.. teaching eraftS .
:. ,'
awn oseurAint