HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-15, Page 6PAGE SIX
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Silver, Seal miakes ironuig faster, easier, care-
free, a11'. year round. Silver Seal saves time
and effort. Clothes ;require less 'dampefing,
Wrinkles disappear like magic. Save 20 per-
Bent. ironing • Cost.'
Mailed Postpaid, :To Your Address
$4.25 each
o -
Did Some Fine' Curling •
Ernie. Vaughan, . Ron. McL;e1-
4and,. •'Bob 1Vliddlerniss and Pelt.
McCoy did. some' clever. curling
in , the Wingh+am Bonspiel` last
week, but fell drown in the pay-
off series and missed the silver-
ware. The quartette ' won the
three .straight games to' take the
second night's competition for
the ;Western Foundry trophy,. but
on Friday hadn't so much ' luck
in the playoffs and -were' elimifi-,
ated. The three "Westerrr.Oentle-
;rn•en':arid Pelt' Were pictured in
the 'Free ::Press �1ast'. week,, the.
shat ' being taken. ,at the spiel:.
Skip of. the foursome was Vaugh-
s _s,Z>0i4 ir10r0.r >gs it> ".
;u�t,esi�tem� ,
': worthwhile
:. �anadiais: can , nelp the United ceStitte ' children
Nations International. 'Children's Christi present'aby :sending do
emergency 'fund': give millions of .nations to'. "UNICEF,.: Ottawa".
The Wan: Schmid trophy .em-
,bleznatic of the .Indoor Softball
championship •was.' presented to
the Port •Allbert team at a •ban
quet in the Recreational Centre
on • •Tuesday. The banquet' wa's
postponed , last' Thursday 'night
because, of snow !blocked. ; roads.,
On' Tuesday night "the dust was
dying", : '
Cameron' MacDonald, . president
of the Softball• League, acted as
chairman a n d` ekpressed his
thanks to 'members' of the Luck-
now . Women's Institute who .cat -
catered ``so acceptably.:,Mrs. • A. J.
Wilson -replied- '
was.' furnished by Mr.
W. L..,MacKenzie,,and Mrs.: H. R.
The:, trophy was presented by
Bill Pappas; and was/accepted ,by
on be
" kson
Mel 'Dickson
Port';:Allbe"rt champs. .•
• Mr. W. L. MacKenzie' address -
TillURRS., DECEMBER 15th:,; 194:
Mout one.. hundred, couples,
gathered in. the • • ;Recreational
Centre: on Wednesdtay aaight, of
last Week for the Clansmen's.
dance. earn MacDonald:` was mass"
ter • of ceremonies,, and • caller -04f,
•and 'kept activities . at a lively
land entertaining pace, Partners
competed in two games o f.
"shooting skill", with Pa ida Oafs
as prizes. IVfr. and; Mrs.
Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. 'Don-
ald 1VIcKinn.on were the. winners..
A balloon=blowing contest' • pro-
:yided:. rcnuch merriment. Music,
was 'supplied' by Farr.er's 'orches
tra " ,1. •, e
The'�Clarisrneri's"welcome ^to. the
guests; ivas extended'by. Dr: W',.
Sohnston ;and H.M.,: M en
'an; president and vice-president:
of , the Club.
FINAL DETAILS will be iroried
out . on Saturday when the re-
maining active shareholders of
,the Ripley Arena turn the build-
ing °over. to' the municipality.
ed the players who ',had .taken'
part:and his' remarks brought re-
plies ' from :Harold Greer, Art
Andrew, Cecil'Blake, Bob Simp
son, ' Charlie Webster, ' Blake Al-
ton; ;Leo Murray, 'Morley
°Ron McLelland, Gordon Johnston:
and Sam : Sherwood,' the latter
having,acted as'ticket seller dur.
'ing the schedule, • ' .
Leonard..:M{aCDonald, :•secretary
treasurer, gave :the financial. re -
pert, .ghowing 'receipts 'of $1'64.10
and expenditures of„$147.45; 'of
.which the' Arena received $85.00:'
Hardld Greer • stated ” that. ' he
had-, been approached about. a
rural:' hockey league,, and` asked'
those interested:; to. notify hinn•
Bigg family the B df M staff . close to ten thousand men and women serving
people1 over A million an. a:half Canadians in. every. walk Of life frorn coast to coast.'
. wlo make.• the 'B, of M they are our "greatest asset'`, which,
''hese are .the'
o balance sheet'can show..
• el am .very` proud of our: staff," said.
Gordon R:Ball in,his report. as General
Manager. to shareholders of'
the B. of M. "Theyear has been;a
heavy, one in all, sections of our
business, and our staff' have 'dis-
`charged their duties, with untiring
.. ,.
` I .A energy and of iciiency.. .
"But mere f acts and figures do not,
and: perhaps cannot, .convey to... you the spirit •
and warmth of. the services:rendered day by day
throughout the :year, sometimes under f, :, .,
most trying: circumstances. ,.,, :::.: .
'I refer to the staff in many .A• �'/f�
offices where'.; alterations .are ; 1 '
under way,. who carry on' with a smile
.amidst the: din of trip -hammers, and
with:, carpenters, plasterers' and others
working at their. trades..
'41 refer to the men on
the lonely outskirts of
Labrador who'have un- .
furled the banner, of our
institution in territories Y' '
still undeveloped
"I could :go on recounting other talesof a spirit ?' '
in our institution jhat cannot be measured
in dollars and cents, but. which is,
nevertheless,' ouir greatest asset
I am very proud .of our staff,'"
i0 1
O R Ie 1, N G.. ,W t t H C A N A D I AN 5 1, N
e• v's R'Y
M 0: H"
4,1411110 tANAa(ANf.
Fives lovely, patterns
From left to right:
Coronation,.Lady Hamilton,
Evening Star, Morning Star,',
M adlr.
Services•start at $44.75:
4"16 411
Wedding (bells' are r i n g i n g
again '
'Mr and' Mrs: Jack,Kenny have
returned to'Detroit'„ after spend
ling, a •few.'days here.
1.: Austinriiave •
returned from their honeymopn
. 1 •
Miss:Annie Annie Bowler is spent ing
Abe winter in London:
On Monday.'. evening the. play,
"Yimmy Yohnsonts Yob" was
Staged -. to a full' : house.. Much
credit - s due the' -bast for—such--a-•-`
fine performance.
St. Joseph's::: Roman :Catholic,
Church,;" "Kingsbridge, was the
setting'>' for.. a pretty wedding
when. the in,arriage •was solemn-
' ized of , Grace ; Courtney; daugh-
ter of Mrs. Courtney and the late
Mr. •Joseph Courtney, to. Mr. Jahn ;
Austin - of Ashfield ' Township,
son. of Mr•. Frank. Austin and the
late Mrs. ,Austin 'Rev T. P
Donnellan officiated: The, bride,
' given in inarriagle by her ibra- t,
tworhene l
, 1Vl;r. Freovdely Cougowrtneyn,' of. Detrowhitite,,
.a "
••f ace over satin, fashioned with
hoop' skirt and Satin bodice Iler.'
'fingertip veil fell" .from•• a.'coronet
:headdress,. '.and shecarried a:
bouciuet .of red•'roses::The ibridesf'
maid, Miss. Catherine Sennet„ Of
Detroit,. cousin `of the bride,'was
wearing a gown ' of powder blue
faille over satin styled' with net
yoke. and' hoot). shirt, with bustle,
bhek, She, wore•. a small blue hat:
and matching Ilei' flora-
Ersn.ce.nt werAe uninlz . (al`tlrttiQfl5i .1141;.
.V pst, ilii .I7i i�lr t'�Un� s
':brother, yvPS 'best' mx117 ,rl'iil' a'Cci'
ding rratF,iv .Vit` Iti 1>l r+l by Mrs,
Wilivin' Ln,7n•rul, and Mr'
tro,nd flnitc�r� ".,r i ; s l'1 ,?.,,ir't...
t;er. a roor,blion ..at1(1 ill 11 e.
'4° gugsts alt �1l+ifr l' 'i;,ll,,i 1 o ..
"rich,. the couPlc1,•f1 l,n n rrcl.
ding" trip to,`Niat,nr11 1/it'i115�1TCITE
bride tr.a el led tri a 1 w„lt darlt •
.shit, : gi 4y` torif'oal,• with
gree iccessi�t ie;; ,trier ccii`sal;etbf
• red . r'oses, Mr at1d Mrs' Ari e
will reside. in Ashfield 7n
• guests in,cludcd •1♦ r eel , Courtneyi
1Detroi:t ' Mr..'�arid Mrs. Tory► BrYaii,
iss Florence 4talT, 'Rene F1Y on:
and Rita Burnie, an of Toroi� .