HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-15, Page 5BURS;,. I}F)CEMB'ER 15th,, 1949 W THE Lr'CKjOW *'.SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE, ;FIVE; ..4004-4,roar Lyceum Theatre WINUHAM Two"' shows Each Night FIRST SBOW' ` wAT 7.15 .,TONIGHT --+ THURSDAY SPENCER TRACY; DEBQRAH,KERR ,.in .... ' WARD MY SO (Adult Entertainment) FRIDAY & SATURDAY. DECEMBER 16,` 17. ,. JAMES G: 'EASON , •.LLOY.D,,NOLAN. . JANE • WYATT ' BAD BOY Matinee Saturday at 2.sf p.m. MONDAY ;• & •;TUESDAY DECEMBER.19,20 ROBERT . DONAT, GREER CARSON ,-, in 0b h� � s e od Mr. • CP. WEDNESDAY &'THURSDAY `DECEMBER 21, 22 DOUBLE ' •MILL • Fighting.. -Back s:. and Intruders a e' G ' LOST AND FOUND ; ST. HELENS.. i Mr: and Mrs. • E. 3, 'Thorn .are v a ' sitors, with their daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Al Martin in Detroit,. Don't forg1et the school concert oto be held on Friday evening in the conrn, unity • hall. • • The December meeting; of the Women's Institute was held at the harp of Mrs. W. A. Miller on. •Thursday ..afternoon, Iti •spite of the unfavorable weather •and roads 12' ladies' attended. The vice president, Mrs. Charles 1V1eDon- ald was in the chair and the roll was yesponded to with a Christ, rias' verse. Christmas cards were 'used: throughout the meeting.; It was agreed to donate $2 to ,the •Christmas Seal Fund: Mrs -Fred•• McQuillin ,dead a poem. "A Christ- Inas yW ah".•1VIrs. 'Charles:. McDon aid had`charge ofthe subject and' read -an :: interesting: article .. on 4`Christmas .Milestones''" ' Mrs: E. W; ' Ricefavored With a solo; "`Glory' of Cihr' "- ' An ex-, change of. ,ChristMas las gifts ,was enjoyed" after which • lunch was. Served with Mrs, 'Gordon, Mrs. F. G. ,Todd and Mrs'.. Jaines Curran as : hostesses.• Mr. and Mrs.: Jas. Snowdecn, Mr and Mrs. • Ernest . ',Snowden, Mr G. A. Webb, Mrs, .Roberts andMr.. and .Mrs. • E., W. Rice: attended the funeral of'; the . fort mer's ,other, M'r.• Wm. ,Snowden at- Orangeville on' Monday, ,; The' annual meeting • of ;tile Beef Ring , which. ,was postponed, last week" -O alccount of -weather id •-oad,'=c-onditions, willobe'•held: this Thursday :evening 'in the. hall. A good' attendanceis requested,.. The "lost and; found ` depart - Tea' at The Sentinel Office `.cur r'entllr.; has . to: 'ofer'. free , or the calling, a • man's scarf, .. red and beige ;,knitted gloves, a pair of children's mitts, ; red, • a' . lady's> brooch, :a jackknife and a large table. runner, the latter' lett: by error in the wrong car .on Sat= THE VOICE.. OF ,TEMPERANCE: .The • opponents of the Canada Temperance Acta are :trying : to. that. it h ,failed to make out. a as - •prevent • the. giving .of liquor,; to minors. This contention • is, un-, •founded!;• The, Canada Teper- ante Act definitely ".forbids :a public carrier :delivering. an: order :of : liquor to a minor. ,Moreover. the failure that • is seandalous' is the :failure of the' Ontario - Liq-, uor' Act • 'to . keep :minors 'out , Of' beverage rooms: The Huron Temperance Federation is sure FOURTH CONCESSION Mrs. R. Martin and son Austin. attended the agricuItura1 meeting in -Walkerton last. Thursday, • Mr. and Mrs, George MaeGil- livray have removed to their new houne in Kincardine.. They will be missed from the, Fourth :Con cession. • . • • • Miss. Irene'Roulston is recover- ing from • an attack of :chilcken PDX', • Mr. Clare .MacDougall and son Rbddie of Fleslierton spit Sat- urday night at the home of his.. 'father sand,other, Mr: urea 'Red MacDougall, Every, one .'•is pleased that Mr,,, Dan r•1VpacIntyre •% is .able . to be', home from Winghazn Hospital;. :' Snowplows of Kinloss & Hur.on did their ,,best' to: keep `the • r✓'on- cession open .•:last week., Mrr and 1Vrrs, Dan Thonipsonl 'have ' been %ok ,with a, severe cold. • • • A very nice shower for' 'Mrs: Lillian • Simpson was: 'held last Tuesday .afternoon at the hone of •:her mother; Mrs. J. .C'arrugh.; ACCIDENTS.. AT' GrODERICH etmookatioN- Elie ., 4 s r r- 'r r:r,. Presents ... ~' ; Thursday, Friday, Saturday Dec. 15 16 • 17 • Alo • See the mysteries of the sea -see, man 'fight' an octopus; ti see, Man lashed for talking back to their captain. Men against the storm in this revealing sea story...... • � `The Wake of :the Red • ! Itc 16 :Played for'' 20 solid weeks in one theatre in Toronto—.- starring JOHN WAYNE and, GAIL RUSvLL ' " D a .: , . it PL S_Dyzzy Acrobat" cartoori, Universal News &:Sema1._...� onda Tues a Wednesday, Dec. ,1.9 A delightful 'double billy with..plenti of laughs,' and music with 'GLORIA JEAN .:in Treacherous winter driving conditions lest Wednesday were. responsible for ' two "accidents near :Goderich`. On' thecurve at the overhead bridge • north : of Saltford, 'Rev. • C. B. Woolley'e car slid into • the path 'of a Car �aipp a c, g � roams"'_- pp I d rectierf and -driven •,hy: -Gordon Sampson -of Goderrch, and ac coo partied :9 y Mrs. Sampson and two children.. Their l3 -tr onths'-' •old son had the, = cartlige in his • nose broken : in ` the imnpact. Each car was, stated to be :damaged to the :extent' of about; $150. • • That same evening at,,Saltford, Mr F. - T •Armstrong's car . ;was damaged to the 'extent•.of about $250; when in collision' with: the wing' of a snow• plow. Mr. Arm- strong, Joe '.Kelly and, ' George Buchanan were' returning' from,. a practise; 'of the; Harbor Aires ichorua; at Sky Harbor: ,;'Fred :and, Mr. Kelly escaped with a shaking up. Mr. 'Buchanan had . his face lacerated 'that there is: less temptation and danger* for minors' under the Canada Temperance Act thari un- der the . Ontario Liquor Act. 1 oiriO►taftwasft;$1'i avais,sabial �'i+ M oteater' f ismi !#a+h'ratOrbsi plino.. - bout . ening n : Luckno1v 6 •Starting froth crotch. this hatchery will. be Government- nt- pproved and inspected, our..eg a eggs being Secured.' from. Dur - mice s once Farms; Sarnia. All birds in above flock, blood -tested v are and banded, in fact being one of the 'few accredited flocks. in. the Dominion of i Canada. ' We .are determined that all- customers must be satisfied ti and :we are prepared to go the limit to keep them so Before C you order chicks for the coming' season, investigate' our 1 Breeds, Prices; ,Discounts,, Guarantees' and Brooding Charges." REMEMBEIR!. .S� This Hatcher Is Located ;At •• Lucknow:` ,� where : yon, .can. see ' the chicks: before E takingethe.m • home. , z Dea D' Plearder Form,' sola -addressed. se send- PrrCe List, ., O , stamped envelope,. and,. all available literature ,LehcenmrY,` • i your .chicks to i ' CLIP ME OUT AND. SEND ME' TO Crawfords Chick Hatchery. ft Box 125, . : Lucknow- Ontario Phone 165,-Lucknow TAME :.. 44 '4440704 i 4 66. :. , ......... .... •..,, r.Ylisrrl Y Y{.j, (please print) • 41)1JL 88 y Ys. ..i i4440r14'44I4Y,.YY..r'44 Phone No. r Y {,1 r.Y �' lsr.#tetei'tiv# iY{YY'YIYY ,Rev: ,L. Wvwen of Southamp-• ton will; ;be' ; wekc hied here on 10,th, by the Anglicancongrega- tion when he . will. be celebrant for the cora munion *, service,: On the. following evening the Suis' 66 Surrender Dear" And on ' the second half, Those three mighty atoms of, comedy, THE THREE STOOGES in "FIDDLERS THREE" Plus, a; delightful short, "Diving Champions".' Fred Newman, 'Whitechurch' ...,. ,•. •. . . w • .4 • assistant sec., Mrs.l Geor a Gra- ture .lesson • -•was ` read' Ib 112rs: g y .ham, 'serial; service sec., Mrs: H. 'Tom Hodgins' foil 'wed by • the Graham, sec: for Little Helpers; •'prayers:- The -Rev - Ralph •Blight_ Mrs. 'Geo. • Haldenby; work ,eon-. presided; for the election of =of- . and ficers which wieners,,. � M'rs. Ed : Schaeffer : 'were � as follows; ` . Mrs. Wm.: Wall, prayer partners '�pres., Mrs. Bert Nicholson;.' vice sec.,: Mrs.,John Colwell; • buying prey, Mrs. Ronald Thacker; sec committee, •, Mrs. Maurice Hod- treas., ' Mrs. • Karl Boyle; , aasistai t gins, Mrs.: Herb • Grahham, . pro- .sec., Mrs. Jim''"Boyle programn grlaan comiunittee, Mrs. Geo 'Gra committee, Mrs.' Bert.. Nicholson, 'ham. and Mils :Edna' Boyle .: ;The Marl "Boyle, Mrs.Jim Bayle Meeting closed with the' W:. A. and Miss May Boyle. The `meet -.'litany ,and' a dainty, , lunch' was ng closed by singing': O little. served.' town > of Bethlehem"' and Mr; Saturday afternoon the Blight .. closed " :with prayer. A Girls Auxiliarymet =at. the •.home-:dainrt •. lunch_ was served. y,: of Misses.:Edna `and :.May•,Boyle .Mr. ,and MTs, Bert Kennedy of with ' the president,. Mrs: Bert Agincourt visited on Sunday 'with Nicholson, in charge. The scrilp- ' Misses Edna and 'May Boyle a isiiei'iei•■eea•ea1eeta ••eair•■a' 'lid aeiiiaa m ■ Prese t'' h Pr>rcea � oiF • A fec ■ n H G t •All Feeding Costs ■' ornparison..:' ■•. ■ day School will 'held 'their Xmas'' :i conCert and 'social : evening. •The • • w rrn Christas carol service will be : {■ SINGLE . BAGS `to CA LLOT QUANTITIES ''r on• Christmas Eve at 1.30 instead r our a of .on Christmas. 'Day. :Miss Catherine Gibson and her, pupils are ;ppreparing ''their con- cert for December 16th..• ` .::Mr • and. Mrs Jim Bodge spent the .,Week -end. at Chatham The; Decennber 'meeting of the., Holyrood °Women's. Institute was, . held on Wednesday•• afternoon at the home 'of.:, Mrs. P. A. Murray with •the ' president, Mrs.Jack Ackert; in! char ge*.After' 'the usual opening, 'business: was dis- cussed. Mrs. Tom, Hodgins .read the. Christmas ..paper' which was ' (prepared by.:Mrs.• W. ' J. Mac.-: Lean. ;:Mrs. W ri, Eadie read , a paper and Mrs Raynard Ackert conducted • a contest, Miss Doris•. Barr ,and Mrs. ,13. A.. Murray won, the prizes for- the • candy contest., ,Vocal --duets eanor arid Margaret Murray and a piano: duet by Misses Eleanor. Murray and Edna Boyle. The meeting closed with the National, anthem. A ,dainty 'lunch was ser- ved by the' hostesa and commit- tee. On Thursday afternoon Mrs.' Ed Schaeffer was` hostess fer''the Sr, 'Wopen's , Auxiliary. -Mrs. George Graham *as in charge. After 'the singing. • of Christmas .carols the scripture Was read by Mrs, ,Win. Wall, followed by the prayers, Miss May Boyle- taking the" prager partners prayer in the aiasence. of Mrs. John OolwelL Readings' were • given • .by Mrs.' 'Torn Hodgins' and Mrs: • G. Hal-. denby,. This being the annual •business meeting: thd'Rev; Ralph Blight tookcharge for the elec- tion : of officers 'whfoli' were as follows pres.,; •1VIrs 'Torn I :od- ging; vice pr.es., Mrs. Karl Boyle,,, sec: -ureas.;- Mrs. Geo, HaIdenby; ■ •'. ■ Do You Know We Make A 'i :: HIGH :'QUALITY STEER FATTENER ■ with molasses •. ■ •j 'Formulae by : Swift Canadian Co,proven on. . ,: their. experimental farm.:' • 7;r e�... • 'Treleaven Millin �o ��rr# ted : x .'Phone 9. ■ Night . r Phone2. ,,• ••^.ai >a ♦•••e\�1••••vNN.N%\e\\•%> ••%‘••\••,%•�•‘w\ i s 'Feeds; Y Fertilizer•; .,.hone 1. Groceries Phone:: '27 • $1.00. to, $4.00 per ton lower CO-OP QUALITY FEEDS At .Lowest Prices TRY THEM — . YOU'LL LIKE THEM!. Co -Op Sow - Ration Co -Op Pig Starter Co -Op' Hog Grower Co -Op Hog Finisher Co -Op Hog Concentrate '7 Co -O Hog' Minerals ., n 1 Co -Op .Chi"ck Starter: Co -Op Grow :Mash • ,Co -Op Lay Mash CO -Op Fattening Mash. CO -Op Poultry Concentrate Oyster Shell, Grit • Dairy. Ration, Dairy, Concentrates, Steer Fattener, Calf Meal, Bran, Cattle Minerals, Bone' Meal, Salt, Lice Kill, Poultry & :Stock:, Tonies, Reduced Iron, Worm. Medicines.•' otknow DistrktC�-Oprative; e s i i s s i i 44* • • • • 11 • • a • • 1' A, • ,' rA • .r. 4 Mr