HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-15, Page 3t e TBUII+S,, P c EMBER 15th, X94 „ d an. ,Mrs Jiaimes, Altonhas goneto London to spend the winter. with lylr,. rand Mrs. J, ..C9'r, McIntosh, ' •Mrs,. Wm. Bushell of town- is in Wingham Hospital for :a; Week or so, receiving, 'treatment for :a heart condition, ., Mr, Charles Steward, who was confined to the house- for" three weekswith a Severe attack .of bronchitis, is.' able to be• out again. m Mrs. W. I ; • Maelcenzie, who has lbeen. ill, with pneumonia lin, Wingham•' Hospital, ' convalesc•• ing favorably; Received a postcard last week from. Mr. Stanley J: .Tymnr, and .Mrs.. Pymm are'4sholidaying at St Petersburg, Florida, . and at the time `of writing the wea' ther "'was • cold:. • A. SENTINEL•SUBSCRIPTION'' IS:,A :WELCQME 'GIFT THE L UCKNOW ' SENTINEL l fL Miss Helen Forsyth/ who has been employed at the home of ,Dr,, and. Mrs, W. V. Johnston for the past; 21/2,. years, has :returned io her parental home at Rivers - dale. • Mr. a •Icid Mrs. Art Breckles re- turned e=turned .on Saturday from •a two Weeks' , holidayin the ,Springfield district in Ohio, .where they vis- ited,. with friends who annually enjoy •a. fishing trip to Clam Lake, on-:tOe Breckles farm in' Kinloss township. Mrs. Burton ,Roach'a �. , ,., has return- ed •from :Wingham Hospital `where: rhe had been ':a patient :for. over three 'weeks, having siuffered:a heart attack,and. pleurisy. We un'- der tand..she,..is-timprov>r g.slowl and is able' to be: uS 'a shorttime eaclb day. Solve your last minute Christ ariasp ift • roblem with ,a sub- .! :, •scription to The Lucknow •Sen- tinel: It's the year=round gift.. A .greeting card .will be sent by. us 'to announce the. •gift. ; The Sentinel: can also obtain ;foe you practically any Magaziie that's, 'printed, FORMER, LUCKNOWITE$`. ' MEET, IN' SASKATOON The' home Of .Mr." and Mrs T. Anson 'Girvin, 515 -12th St., Sask-. entl y'the; scene of: a�toony wad re -c,; y . , a, nappy .•occasion, :when:' former. . residents,: of Lucknow and wncin- •ity . had a "get-together"., .A . very pleasant' evening was enjoyed. :The : guests present Were:. Mr. Charles ex-M.L:A. rid .Mrs. A;gar,' • Agar, Mr. and Mrs. • C. E „Wilson;` Mrs. J,• L. Spence (Jamieson), Mr.; land Mrs.' Allam Fix ay Miss Laura ' Stewart, ' Mrs Rothney (McMullin) and Mrs. E. A. Lief • (Etba'`Hall).' GUIDE; NEWS • The regular meeting of the Girl' Guides 'Was' , •held i at 7:30: at the'. `Legion ,Booms After' forming horseshoer form- ation' the plans were mlade. for.: "a' social evening;; The: riew ;uniforliri' belts were :'given out. ns, ruc• ions • e e •. . Gladys 'Gibson ': ,on the , proper folding and .tying ..of the..Guide ties.•• After a• few short games Christ- mas Carols hristmas:`Carols ;were : sung. .The 'meet_,, :ling..was closed' by :the singing .of , O Canada and' taps LUCK•NOW I U:NITER:CHURCH Minister; Rev: W .J Mumford,l. M.A., B.D., 'PRE -CHRISTMAS SERVICES SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18th 11 a.m.: The ..Christmas. Gift of Release from Fear. '12.15 p.m.: Sunday School, 7 p.m.: The •Christ• Who :Came Too"' Spon.. '• A cordial invitation given to` all to. •worship with us. (Jpho.ktering Chesterfields' And . Occasional 'Chairs • Repaired and Recovered, Factory Guarantee.' • Free rick -Up and • Delivery' STRAT •QRD UPH0Ls R EKING•'c•Oe. 2 Brunswick St. Stratford „For further' information enquire at JOHNSTONE'S Furniture Store 'Phone 76, Lucknow NEW •YEAR'S. DANCE IS LAST ENGAG.EMEN F FOR: FARRIERS • Te New , Year's night dance' Under auspices > of .•the Luckriow. Fire. Company • will : mark thelast engagement for Farrier's' orches- tra. 4•The Band• will,: be .'re -organ- ized and. will' continue to function under . the ..leadership of. Jack Henderson of Wingham, but .Gar riet and Mrs. Farrier are calling it quits, after a lengthy period !of playing, during • which their pop- ular orchestra' has been "in wide- spread and contmu'ous ;demand: Farrier's will playfor both the' Christmas and, New . Year:dance In -Lucknow, 'these". two 'engage- ments',having beenbooked a • year ago. ' The' : T e pr oce-eds of these, dances will; go toward.'the cost of con- struction: of: Luck;iow's new fire hall, the construction,. .Which is. being financed ••by the Fire Com ,Pant' IS BRUCE. FEDERATION VICE-PRESIDENT At; the'annlal:meeting of the Bruce, County Federation. of Ag riculture held in' Walkerton, all :officers ,'were : re-elected ':'Lloyd i Jasper is serving his: second term as president. Vice president is . Austin: ,Mar, - tin; son of Mr. and .Mrs `Richard Martin; ; R. 6, Lucknow. Austin, is rorninentl• associated,with farm niovenien:ts iii :the ; ounty '• • e 1s immediate past -president 'af the Ripley Jlinipr. Farmers.' Ile is."a delegateto the County Film Board;'• and the Provincial • Jun- ior Farmers "•Association, At the—Bruce-County Federa tion` meeting, Mrs. Richard •Mar- till, who . was .a• delegate to the Ontario,: Federation, -gave a ;report of_this. session Shorthorn Buyers District ` buyers .at the Scotch Shorthorn draft sale held • at- Clinton . • included, . Willbur Brown, Dungannon, ' 2 -year-old heifer, $270;, Orville 'Free, .'Dungannon;,' •2 -year. --old heifer; $330; Hugh D. 1VLacDonald, Lucknow, '7-year:old cow, $315. SNOW WENT AS •IF BY MAGIC. • 'Approximately two feet of snow • which blanketed ,,this dis- trict Last ,week, ,disappeared ,as if • ,by Magic on Sunday and early Monday morning •Sriow sand' wind last' -week h-adr temporarily `blocked many coun- try roads, and sn.owploW ;crews were working, overtime; to keep roads,_ open. Banks of; snow flank- ed the main street and ori;Satur- el:ay contributed to many traffic Sti lOy., oro»ghi" 'tlticl ,i,venthor mc1 air:ost ''cct?rt+ .ntt,+.rct4 'rain' that r ;VC ti,t0';,`"!()W • it ltc .c'i*tr�, The ji)b c o i,Ic;eci'fi i mtlt•c lirly' vanc'ly 1.1,11.11111;; by 1' st'rong''' `Citi:7(7f11i" !11 c'.e„zo, and One coul','i tar' rir �'lt�' h'1i( .'e fr�� jir e .',',,, ct,t Moeda:'' rr,' t ne. r•. t,r'j . ee the £ fiolit,cl and • tt,t. '4 ; • 13:11T as;:till' Grid the '.snow hanks practically gone.: one Monday aftei,xioon sate the. tcrnperatt.irc drop” •sharply, 'and What's, in the a. r' as., this is writ- ten remains to be seen, A pea -soup, fog, accompanying the mild spell, settled down late Sunday afternoon and .brought traffie .practically to a standstill for a few'. hours: LUCKNO , •:ONTARIO LIFE ;MEMBERSHIP . TO MRS. LOCKHART The retiring president, Mrs, W. J. Douglas; occupied .the ..chair for the W:IVMS.: meeting held in the church on Wednesday De- cemlber 7th..Miss Pearl Herder son gave the Bible study and the roil call was answered by giving A. favorite • scriptural verse, The Glad Tidings news took the form ,of: a"' radio.. ibroadcast; in which:. Mrs. E;• Johnston and Mrs. C. H, MacDonald, Mrs. Campbell, and. Mrs. Russell took part. The var- ious reports g eri, showed ' ad vancer'tent . on all lines of . the. 'work. Qn behalf -.of the Society, -Mrs., •W, . Douglas, and M; s. Clair Ag= new presenteci Mrs;\#race' Lock hart with a life me xaibersl ip, cer- • ti f irate, ,_Mrs" • Lockhart_ has been at. faithful member' .all thfrough• the years,and, especially so' when it •carne to .Contributions ifor the' bale: : The :nominating committee, M,rs. Cook and Mrs. .E. Johnston, brought in the following slate . of officers ,for.1950:' hon. presidents, Mrs;: E, MacKenzie, Mrs. H. • Mul- lin .+and' Mrs. W. J,'Douglas; .pre- sident; .Mrs C. H. MacDonald; 1st vice .prey., Miss M. B. •Macteod;: 2nd, vice Pres.', Mrs. Russell; .33rd vice press; Mrs A. Pirdon;; treas;, Mrs. Yoveh; financial sec.; Mrs. Watson; recording, sec,., Mrs.. Por- teous; Glad :Tidings 'sec., Mrs • B: dVlcGill; ' corresponding sec:, Mrs: E Johnston, ipress reporter, lyiisss M.' MacLeod;; literary sec., Mrs. MacFarlane; students' sec., Mrs.. James Little expense • and life membership,; Mrs, •.A.. 'C. Agnew; Welcome' ,and '.Welfare, . Mrs. J:. '1 :• Johnstone, Mrs..' Cook, Supply, Mrs. Nixon, .Mrs.. . Jewitt, Mrs. Max Callum,; Home Helpers, Mrs R, V�. MacKenzie, pianist,'Mrs ..A: C. Agnew; social,''.Mrsr'W::Doug.- :las,. L. ` H....Anderson; program, Mrs. P Si Stewar,,t,,,Mrs. ,C.' 1Mas on; ` mem ership . committee, Mrs;- Spin'dler;' Mrs: . R. T . ,;Douglas, Mrs.''McOall Mrs. N. Campbell;; •. 0 • •'PAGE THREE •. Lam, JutArriyed- .rf'HE IDEAL, CHRISTMAS' GIFT Get Yours While You Have A Choice } Trllights • complete'. from' . $16.50 Table Lamps . froth $ 3.95 Boudoir' Novelty Pin U s B& L ,. Q ty, p_., amps II LARGE STOCK OF XMAS TREE LIGHTS.... Radios, Fiigidaires : Ranges,. ., Washers Vacuum .;Cleaners._ Skis Skates .: I-.ockey ',Sticks : 'Bicycles Irons, Toasters, Hotplates, Heating Pads and • many other worthwhile gifts. Come' in . and:. shop around, you "are always welcome at.. adIo'&t" 'P 11.0 o e Lucknow '" 8&5 'tr8r 1tr R i7 AeRerb tri #r IipBr it e 1 8 8,+ iiffa - . . R Cont, # „x1;w ?l #Elg7, 4aitterini wit94,4 4exii/AP44 1f,`w'rQf'i R a?# 0,, , • • In addition to the regular hours ' of business, .Lucknow Merchants will be . OPEN THIS AFTERNOON, TI-IURS.,-DEC. 15 avid THURSDAY: AFTERNOON, DEC 22nd r' Business: Places. Will ' Be 'OP .N. •EV ELY `NIGHT; NEXT E• EN . W EK :•: ; ucknow ;Business Men's: A8tsociation Mjsslon-Band leaders, -Mrs. Clark Finlaison, MissNorman . Taylor; e!��d�irur '� anrtitisar41gtrarNr�ari>sinlip+ sick con nittee, two,anenlibent to be .chosen . every :three months: FRANCIS BOYLE 'QUALIFIES FOR ' PROVINCIAL.FINALS' Francis Boyle of ° the Ripley Junior •"Fanners. Club .has . • uali fieri.': for the provincial •public' speaking competition: to'•nbe held in. Toronto "early • iii the New Year; In. 'succession :Francis won 'the' Bruce County ",contest,. the inter= County,,contest and then the zone competition in reaching the pro7. vincial finals. Dress' Up., For Christmas ; Dress.up your table!' 'Dress up your Christmas tree! See recipes for roast goose, fruit sauce, mistletoe .cake and other.: holiday treats. 1Vliake''your own Christmas tree decorations. See the easy :to follow instructions in. The Arn-. erican 'Weekly,, great 'magazine; 'with, this' ,Sunday's (December 18th) issue ' of Detroit . Sunday Times. PURPLE GROVE'.' Mr •M'orley Pettiplaee of Riv- ^ersdale visited ,with' his sister; Mrs: Ben' Scott, last: week Mr ' and Mrs.••Saris. Emerson, Goldie. Nand Hilda .arid. Raymond of: "the-R;:CA-it% --at Clinton;--a-]�so. t.1VIr. • and Mrs. Jai* ,Emerson spent Sunday with ;1*, Angus ,Graham' at 'Lucknow.:" Mr. and: Mrs: Kenneth Robert -1 son , and family spent . a cently. with..Mr, D;onalcd• Robert -.l.. son. Mr: and ••1VIrs Will' Arnold and t'7iStily and Mr,., and. Mr's Donald, 'IVIr'Cosh; Mary, and,. Dickie spent ` attrrday a't• • the, home of • Mr, cthe^r't •McCosh's . a't .Rioley. The Roti;° lN'u.tsir'tg'course which hod , by Kiss Haler, Gardner at thc' home of .Mrs.' D.gri McCoSh' proved hotb helpful and instrii.C- ti 'e, th.e-average attendance be- ing .12,' ,and Mrs, John ' Colw,ell ob'- Served their .49th wedding, anni-; versary Last Sunday. We extend our most heartiest corigratula- ' tions. Mr, and Mrs. Fdbert Bushell, George acid:Katherine spent' a day aty London • •last Week. GERS BR. Qinaaail �'��nrei; � : Theis four beautiful pot, ,eons of famous 1840 ROGERS !.; ' BROS. silverpiate, can be seen •' 'at eursilverwgre counter. Choosing yoir :1 pattern,iis a• • job you will delight in. but : definitely one not to be hurried..This "purchase of a life -time" con be, one of pleasure when you , .r choose your pattern at our store. Let us show you 184?' ROGERS BROS.. Feel itspeifed balance,, note'. its sten: ,•'hng=like qualities:. 1847. ROGERS .BRAS. is original''''• ROGERS silverpIate and costs no mare,than•ordinaryy • silverplate,; •' ,; . '• A starling service for six pertons'an be purchased • for as Tittle aC$44 75 • • `` ar, 11i .. • a(pMv ,oar do* An early visit, to our store will: assure you of beim able to get: . this. valuable .Book- on table, eti; :.'que,te written by Canad'o's out. standing' authority on' this' • subject, Ann Adam.. Beautifully illustrated; if gives..full and coe. . • rect Information •(in fife art of . *fling. Your Table". Price only 154.eo,' •• 11