HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-08, Page 7Ii.
ANDERSON in Wingham •Hos-
.pittal . on 'Wednesday, November
30th to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon An
Berson, R. '7, Lucknow, a daugh,
ter, a. sister for' j rnfliy..,
1.040' .
,a2.4.4 •
•COWS ,$2.50 eachi
:HORSES $2.50 Ea.;.
HOGS : SOc; per
p r,cwt....
(Over. . 250. lbs. each)'
Phone collect:.:
Ripley. 182 .'
Wingham 561-j
Ingersoll .21
William Stone Sons) Ltd.
A family ,.,plot ishould :: be
graced with the ;shrine -like
beauty of a montirnent which
will be' ev.erlastingly,a tribute.•
to those at.rest. Wehave many
classicstyles to. suggest, and,
will 'work:` with', you on cus-
tom ;designs:
No Canvassing, which elirnin
ates . sales -.commissions.
Inscriptions Repairing
Sandblasting Memorial's ' • :'`
25 Years'' .Experience•"
The latest in Portable`
• • •' Sandblast • Equiprnent•-
All work :personally executed
rown ie ' emoriaa
Alfred St:;::WINCHAM
'Phone 450
or '
Ripley, .Ontario.
• The ,chapel of Melville ijnited
•Church, Fergus, was' 'the ".setting
fore the marriage of Agnes 'Grace
Stothers and William Atwood
Bradbury. Rev. • E. Ashton " con
ducted the •eerenn;ony and wed-,
ding music was played. by Mrs,
W. B. Whale of London, ' a sister
of the bride. 'The (bride 'IS the
eldest daughter of Mir, ; and Mrs.
S. B, Stothers Of Fergus . and is
a graduate of the University of
Western Ontario, London.,. Tlhe
groom is theonly son af'Mr. , and
Mrs, M. T. Bradbury of ;Stock-.
ton=on-Tees, England:
Given in marriage by her fath-
er, the bride was attired in, a
;cin'nanion brown velvet •dress.
with a tightly fitting bodice;, long
. , cart i
necklne' with
.lace insert, and matchip velvet
.hat. She carried'.. a 'corsage ,bou:-
quet of white spray orchids and
yellow carnations.. 'Her. only at-
tendant was her youngest: sister;
Miss.' Barbara Ruth' 'Stothers,,
wearing a moss 'green !velvet
;dress similar to that 'of the bride
and: Carrying a 'bouquet of .T•alis-.
!man roses:. •
The groomsman. was. Mr;. ,Jack
of. Toronto and the usher.
was' Mr... • Stephen C..Stothers of
Ontario Agricultural College,
Guelph. .
For the wedding reception in
th:e church •parlor 'the. . bride's`:
mother -.Wo -e•a-..wine drest.with,
snatching :, '.h �t ,'and , 'corsage • of
Johanna • roses.. An ;aunt of 'the
groom, 'Mrs. M: Weddell of Chi,.
eago. assisted, weariri;g• •a • black
dress with acorsage of roses. .'
• Thirty ,guests' were ...served . a,t'.
'tables•'" ' decoratedwith yellow;
White. and' bronze: .mums • and
candles arranged'' by the bride.',
Among, the out -'of -town guests
were' Mrs. 'M. ' Weddell Chicago.;
Mr.. W. B. Stothers .of London;,
S'L and Mrs G.,.'R:•. TrUernner :of.
'Trenton; Dr; •and. M'rs.', C. E:
' Stothers of Toronto 'and Mrs. J.
C. Stothers. af•. London. •
Mr. , and; . Mrs. Bradbury -are
honeymooning in Montreal, -then;
will 'go on to St. John to sail ori'`
the Eifipress .'di Ca3i4da,. for 'Eng-'
land' to take' up residence in
• "Madarie,' I m ,•tile ':piano mov-
...,"But I didn't send fora :piano
mover." , • .
`!I know it, lady, :the' neghbor.•
did" .
Since' «1:
Safe • sure,' B E. R L.0 U'
Protection :.against 'moths.
costs little . a •small,
yearly investment'. ••' buy5
guaranteed protection. for
clothing,. rugs,_ .:blankets &
furniture. Used and proven
since 1030, by thousands :of -
Professional mothproofers, . .
•BERLOU guarantees ' '.in
writing to•'stop Moth 'dam-'
age for 5 years, When ap-
plied as directed, or pays
for the damage. Be safe
buy'BERLOU today!
Drug Store, :LUcknow
The. death 'Of, George Swan, Sr.,;'
occurred ,.in Walkerton Hospital
ion !Thursday,' December 1st:
had 'been ill utast a :week, :and
until that time had enjoyed cam
parative]y good health. Mr..Swan,
would have, been &1 years f .age,
on Decenilber. 15th. G �.
• Born in Vo1borrie To:'vnship, ,.he..
was orie of a . f5zriily ; of seven'
children of. the' late ••Wrn Swan,
• and Harriett Parker Mr , Swan,
married"Sarah Cook, da ughter•'.of
the elate Mr; and Mrs. ' Sarnuel
Cpok and a .,few years after -their
marriage .they moved to Conces;=;
•sign 12, AShfiel'd, to• :the; ` farm..
now : owned by .,their on : Earl,
and for over;.half :a century:Mr:
and;'Mrs. Swan, made their; home.
ih ,Ashfield and, district.Mrs
Swan passed, away five,years ago
on May 24th.
Mr. Swan:``!_w,as laid tb rest, on,
Saturday in the family plot
Greenhill "Cemetery, . .fellOWing
'the funeral service at .:the;•home,•
of his son; George Swan; Jr.,, of
Lucknow. The :service was• con=.I.
ducted. by Rev:" C. B Woolley oL
Ashfield 'Circuit-.-artd Dr, W. J.'
1Vi:'utnrd' of Luclrnow United
Churc' Pallbearers . were, •Ger
don Struthers, Frank, . 'fi,itdhie, ,•:'
Dave ',Swan, Earl '.Swn, .'Harry.
Swan inti •Ernie Merkley, ' •
:Surviving 'are 'tour' Sons,- Geo,
of • Lucknow,' Suns of . l3elmore,
,John of I3ervie and Earl of Ash
'field. and ..one daughter, Mrs:
Mary McAuley of, Acton:; Surviv••
irtg also, are . two .s14$ters, Mrs, M.
McKenzie of Stratfard,Mrs, Lock
Cree. oaf Clinton and one, brother,
Charles Swart. of Saska'tchew'an.
Friends and relatives''attended
the funeral'from Toronto; 'Harris-
tor, Stratford, Clinton and God-
Agricultural Nears
(BY Gr R. Gear, Ag. Rep.)
The • annual meeting, of the
Bruce County Crop ,Improvement.
Association was . held. on. Decem-
ber 1st.' The two first prize
ners in the 'Yield Per Acre coin -
Petition were, the. same • as last
year with the exception that the
order was reversed, George Rut-
ledge. of :Kincardine came first
and. Jim ; Richardson of • Walker-
ton , was Second,. The' yield, was;
, clown about 300 1bS'.. ` from last..
-year 'due. to the. dry summer.; Thee
diflference between4the''high:• and
'lbw producers : this. ' .,year • ,was"
greater than last, showing 'that
good fanmin: pays off, in,,an' un-
ear more in a
goe .d' year:, the secret of success
in high ,yields apparently is a
good rotation: of ,crops •and the
proper use .of' alfalfa 'and: clover's.
with sufficient fertilizer • to Make'
them grow well. This .ainounts .to.
from;' 100 .to l25 lbs.commercial-
ilzer per :acre Per year in.
the. rotation.,. Besides this, of
course, are the other features. of •
laird well worked, good seed, .etc.
.Althou h .we test. .th .
. g . e fertility
of: a 'farm '.: by. the yield , of.. grain,
•there is' more money in hay .and
pastures thane in 'small •.grains.' 'If
you • can • seoure. heavy; yields • of
alfalfa and' .clover, your prat em
of. ,heavy,.. yields-" of- .almost- any --
other crop yoii;'want to: grow is
solved, '
11 feed is a bit on the short
s ' ;. Barley is expensive. Corn.,
Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary
. The :meeting was held 'at the
hone .of .Mrs, Virden Mowbray,• , * THOMAS CUI.4BERT
with the: president, Miss Gretta ThM deathof"Thoras..
uLbe t at
Campbell, in the chair: Miss .Mar- ' his: Ripley home on Sunday No
ion MacDonald had charge of vember 27th, saddened the corn -
the current events and a piano munity in which he had been so
g a . •
solo: by Miss Kathleen McIntoshh ,lon resident and in which he
was, much enjoyed. The president, was held insuch high esteem.•
took charge of the Bible medi Though .he had not enjoyed
tation period. ,''The last chapter •good health cover aperiod-;of two'
on the study book "China" was fears, his death
is -keenly felt., '
taken, by 1\xrs Gordon,' Fisher.: by his family and "among, a'. wide
Mrs, Maude Sherwood gave :the circle ; of friends who' will feel
closing prayer. ' the tvoid ,left by his ,passing.
• Truly ,a Christian; "fgentleznan,
Thornas" E',Culbert ':was of ,pion-
on: thecob is still corriparatively' eer. Huron .township stock.
cheap. and when mixed with was' born on, Con' essi re
home. grains is most, satisfactory: his •Fparena d c come-
0, •wihee
If corn 'is, to subStitute'�.for' bar- 'influx `P � is .had came with ' the
of settlers,,4on'January 19,
ley, `supplies should be purchased. 1872: He was a son. of Henry.an
and. used.' now inst Y
,, ead:of•�feeding •• argar';et_' (Wall). er ..
,,M � ) . u b t.
they _granary'', •,•s ,
g.... " •'out and' then.
.:.. , y ° .en look- ; .:,Oh' November ,
in for' feed for 1•, 1005,:' he wed
or hogs and cattle. Sarah' Ann Berry of Brant Town-. . .
• Corn fed to hogs requires larger ship, who is,: left to ' mourn
amounts of protein, or concert-assin a on
P g, alOng with two. sons, ;
' trates.Infact.- itwould pay-the'William,„Windsor; Walter, R i
average. ;fartnier handsomely ..to ley,; a daughter, Hazel, Lucknow .•
use • more !concentrate or•high • and sister, Mrs. 'James Needham
protein feeds than he does, '
. Kincardi:ne Township, • " `
Internal parasites are the cause Thomas Ezra Culbert was
of large losses in hogs and poul- terested.
in, all good works fry, Qheap, effective remediestributing of 'time•and ability
are as follows:' for hogs, one lb, well as•:in 'other material 'ways,
sodium fluride per" 100 lbs. feed to .them:
'for one Bary. Mix' well and: feed. He Was, long. associated ' with
d]ry. For hens,one. level teaspoon. St: Paul's Anglican' 'church .and
ful Gillets lye. per pail • of water: ,held4.various offices in the co.
with sufficient mixed. to ••last the gregation: n
hens "for. one day,; re eated .once- • Lar el - •ttende
P g. ,Y,, a d, last.;; 'rrtes- '
per week, will eep ''!parasites '' were. marked. Tue+3day at his late
Bow, and is not .' sufficientl residence ax}d 'at'. the "graveside
' in ' :Ripley cemetery. The rector •
severe to:: put the :hens off pro- of St, haul's. Church, the' Rev.
lection, • E. 'Tavener, officiated;
o VuARY:
Authorized bottler of Coosa -Cola under Contract with Coca; Cola Lfd
. erich,., Olt. 'Phone: 489:
n 4' .: