HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-08, Page 4PAGE FOUR' . TOE Litiicloow. SENTINEL, LUC%s1,QW; owr41110 'United Church. Here .in Canada we have 21 hospitals; with 22' doc- tors and ;115 • nurses: Last year medical sand surgical care •was given to 9,000 patients."and over 25 000 out patients, mostly new . ,,... i t AD" .RATES "— 2 1st inset ion cents a• word, subsequent, ' insertions' 1 cent a word. Mininnum' charge 25 •cents. Replies care of The." Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 centspers count. ,line first 'insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent. insertions. VOA' SASLE-roan mane, about .ADO THANKS .1200 lbs. Wary, D :McNah;: R. 7, : r . Lucknow, • Marguerite McKenzie wishes to • .. .• . • ', . � ,' thank .' her', many •friends `and FORL•+ T. E-=•1.,5 Bred Rock put- neighbors who sent her cards and .. ` A l ; `at' ••Sentinel ifts while she was' .in . bed: They.. lets, laying . _ pp; y g . _ ..appreciated. ,• Office, . were really, app i t LOST --a tire chain:in I.ueknow' '-- �.T . r.. -.a F,.•_ der ease, notufy 'vn ,Sunday. ane please . John ,MaeRe,• LaCknow•: •FOR ``SALE -black _boar of ser- viceable •age.. John,'- England, R; 6, Lucknow. • - . ' • FOR SALE new fmodern one- •storey' home; immediate: possess-. • ion. Apply to Geo.. Orvis, Luck - no :I would` like' to thank -i'ny friends and - nei ghlbors who axe "::, g ., m�eanibered Me' with cards, tr`eiarts; SKA . FOR. ,SAL• E pair of boy's skates,'size 5. Bowen Ross, Lucknow, WE'RE AGENTS here for Kitch- ener Big -4 Chicks. Vernon Mc- Quay, Becton Says "Pullets we Canadians Indians and frontier got: frorn you are doing; simply wonderful"', "Nicest birds . we ever had" says customer J. Braehler, Breslau. Join .these sat- isfied. customers. Cull your flocks, start off with Vigorous, .paying, Stock:. Canadian. approved, breed- . ers' puilor ...:r. tested. : ED V. BAKER,' Lucknow., • ,IN -MEMORIAM • -] I+CKER---m loving menory of a; .dear •husband and father, Con- rad Decker, who 'passed away two years ago. -ori' December •5th . The. •evenirng stars shine on the rave . .: $. LL Of one we laved but could not and: books, , and a1So those. Who, save. ' visited - me. All these kind . acts The call w+a�s sudden, . the shock were ' appreciated : very:, much:. severe Thanks a lot.' . : To lose the one we loved iso dear, Angus: Cline. ''Tis sweet 'to know .well meet • SAVE MONEY:'' ' order' now. Chicks at below W • hathery 'Prices.' To obtain ' ;,a -7-roam frame house quick backlog of 'orders we offer k QR SAI:E mese discounts, from their prices. in Lucknow, ,�iot..vvatex heating, all; od rn ' conveniences. Barn Quantity 5c per hundred,. Earl* ' an e � . arae. Apply at Sentinel' Orders 5c per week before de - Office. garage. livery. :On,' May. • delivery;. of. 500 Office, " Chiicks..this Means $1.50 Aaelowr hatchery. price.' Can supply any breed.__(on order) at any•'age.We. brood or 'range -•ahercri 'until'. you BUYING CHICKENS 1; FOWL- - -Chickens-bought on .glther live or • dressed grade. Premium paid on ;well .finished'"birds. . Goldie .Mar- ' tin,:.. Paramount `CHAMPION'.,GRAIN GtINDERS -Scold and installed.; Electrical '.ap pliance ':siales and .repairs.. Rural • wiring.. HAROLD ..'HALDENBY, Kirilough. LOS rewn,' female collie .pup, ' mos: old, with large white col- lar. An yone,`.•knowing. ''of . her whereabouts, please • notify Eldon Miller, R. 1, Lucknow. FARM FOR • SALE 87 acre f arae. in Ashfield :'Township be- 'ween 12th and 10th -Concessions; again. When troubles are no more :And that, the .one ;-we loved :so Has just gone on 'before. '" • Mrs.: Elizabeth - Decker and Family. families. Mrs. Grant M,aeDiarmi d read a temperance paper, and, a Christmas vocal et n by NR's. Harold • Treleaven 'and Mrs.. Joynt. "WWhatconstitutes a good' Christian. • spirit was read Eby Mrs.Robertson • and ,a 'Christ- mas Christ -meas story "My first 'Christmas oi. the Farrrr", written by Mrs. Isabel Craw Cunningham • of Fergus,' a daughter of the late ReSr Craw, a former ,ninister.' was read by Mrs. Ewart Taylor.,_.A social. half. -hour was *enjoyed ' ;fol:lowing;- the meeting. . TENDERS WANTED ,. Tenders, accorcnpanied by,• a 1.0. percent certified - cheque, will be received' . up., to'. 2.00 p.m. on ,De," ,cember'' 15, 1949;fk y 7 -the -under -- want ' All chicks from OAC signed; for the -repair :and im- mem.g. �a 'roved' and pullorum tested, provement of the Pewit.'Muni p'P -flocks: •-=,from breeding farms sipal-Drain; consisting •of'9315 cu. i linin in : that breed --hat yards of • open:. drain excavation,' specie , b � clieries 'operating under Govern ° • and:3038 feet of tile `at ;the.upper meat nspection, Because .prices end,'. 'and also for the repair of. do :of' end,delive' onry'breedplease',. aw!,gerit' 'ae'nus.d .. tamsk:e• the McMillan. Municipal• Dram;:. p . ' which ''envpties' into the: above ` ;.for ,prices.• We.' selected our ',G•aunt':: Drain, consisting, of 2,7.30' sources for chicks 'for 1950 care- 'cu , yards of open drain exeava-.. fully. in order,to offer pouitXy : tion ' keepers highest quality 'Chicks at Plans and ,specifications ; may °be seen at .the clerk's office,: or at .the ' office' of the engineer; W. G. McGeorge, .Chatham,: Ontario. Separate• tenders on. each' drain. The lowes_t orany •ender ;_not necessarily accepted • . f J, 'LANE,. Clerk Kinloss Twp.: R. ;.R;.. 2;- I•tolyrood, ' Ontario. THURS, DCF 8th, 1949 Man, is .just likes a wormy he ,wiggles around in ' the ''dust till some, - chicken gets. him. NOW IS THE TIME To Order A: • lowest :possible .prices. 'We :guar- antee ?Unsurpassed value. WEST'S POULTRY SALES' Kincardine; O.ntario:.; onHighway 21, -paved road.;Farm' - : •NOTICE TO CREDITORS seeded 'down, ceanent house, large In the ,;Matter of ,. the Estate.: of • :good' land, Andrew McD_onald`, . late of ' :the, .barn ..on cement wall, u drilled well,` orchard, hydro; etc. I Village of Lucknow in the Coo$- NOTICE : TO :CREDITORS Apply: W L.• F•raneey, R. '3, God- r ty ' of. Bruce, Gentleman, deceas All persons : ;having 1 a i m c:s ' Take • notice that .all persons against the • estate.. of, `.john Mc - Y ORDERS, • an claims :or :demands Kinnon, late of. the Township .of Did you :.know; 'that your can against the estate of An rew r c- i' , =. fts• free •overseas:.: •: the :Village., of Farmer, who .died. on the 22nd d 'packages, . Donald;: late • of g. • -send fao bythe `food .rr14n'ev; order sys . Luckndw, ..aforesaid, gentleman, day.. Of October, A.D.' 1949, are -r about notified to' send to the Undersign tem. • Europe: has. safely' delivered,deceased, -who died' ; on o •illion.parcelsf. •S tember A.D.; .ed ori or,before ,the 15th day ,of -•`tv�ro•.; and a ..half - m .'h - the 17th, day • o, �. eP , D"ecember,. 1949,', full particulars during .;the :pest three' years -.'De . 1949 at the •Town of••�Wingha7m, liver • is guaranteed and all.:County'of Huron; are required to' of their claims in .writing, Im- orders.:are filled,:the Same clay ' :send proof `of • :their ,claims Fieri• ; mediately.' after the � said 15th' ay., 'as received: 'Call at Local Express: fled• \by • affidavit 'and. statements' ; of December; • the assets of: the ` details.. • ..claims to the, undersigned-• said intestate will be .distributed 'office...for further: qf the, Canadian Nat. Express :Co administrators On or before the; amongst the parties entitled 28th 'day .of December,- A.D.1949., : thereto, having' regard Only , to; CARD : OF THANKS " : .And ' further, take. notice: that 'claims. of which the administrator• after the: said : date,' the', adminas .shall then have : not ice. trators , will' p r oceed to . mstrib ut e .'Dated this '25th day of Nov- i ••aseis- ,of the estate among ember, A.D,.1949.r the persons entitled thereto '• and Alexander Charles: McLean the, administrators will not :.be. R. R.' 7, 'Lucknow, "Ontario, ;. responsible for>' ;the said apse or Administrator. , any part. thereof to, anyone of ` whose' claim 'he shall not then have received 'notice. Dated 'at Ripley, Ont. ,this- 21st. -.day of November • A D. '1949.x. • ` Murdoch •'McDonald,, • R. R.. :1., • Ripley ••Ont. :Eldon ' Henderson, . R. B. `3, • Lucknow, , Ont.,... Adiministrators. i Threshing 1Vlachi ae 22x38,28x48 3 •sizes -,--42x32,,, Roller .Bearing Complete T Ai L:_H.2, ODGINS� e R ' R..1, Nolyrood,` Onto. 'phone • ,36 -.r -I3 •Teesivater w . 7r • fr to >f er t w ashes ' Miss . Hazel '.Culbert express her sincere • thanks for cts of kindness and expressions . of sympathy extended at the time of 'her ,father's . death•y' and to especially thank the Lucknow Bi siness:.Men's. Association.. The' family of the •lat'e George. •• Swari. • Wish td.. sincerely . thank: friends and. neighbors- for 'the•. many kind acts: and expressions of 'sympathy extended them in. •:their' bereavement, and to espec-' ially thank the ministers for their .services. • suggestio,tis f o: Fiock• : Owners A reasonably warm, but well ventilated, Pen with no drafts, dry ci'ean litter and' nests --Use - our baled shavings • NOW AVAILABLE . * Thirteen to .fourteen -boor day -try a iamesway time : clocks Sturdy easy -to -clean, feeders which avoid wastage.. ° Good quality Oyster Shells eliminating breakage. Cod Liver Oil to counteract colds and assist in body build up.: Granite Grit to aid ,in 'digestion. A Mineral Tonic which prevents or cures cannibalism, Last -but not least, a balanced ration J . . LIFETERIA LAYING MASK or NEW LIFE LAYING :PELLETS . with Scratch Feed. CRAWFORD S: Feed Store Can Fill Your. Requirements. 'PHONE ,:165 ' , - LtrcJ NOW United Church -W. • Mrs. ,W.. B. Anderson was re- elected president of the ';,United Chtircii. Women's Missionar'..Soc- iety_ , at; their ..Christmas meeting, held' at Mas: Anderson's' home. Other officers onithe slate pre- sented ,13y Mrsi. Jc 1VIacKenzie; convener ofnominating commit- tee, include; honorary pres., Mrs. wS - Rathwell;--vice„=pres ,_. C. W.. J.. 1Vlumford, .Mrs.' Geo.. And- re*; trees:, Mrs. Torii; Bu'rn's sec.; Mrs. R, Robertson, co'r; sec.; Miss Etna Greer; Supply sec.; Mrs.. D, C. Taylor;•• Temperance sec:,: Mrs, Geo. •. Andrew;: 'Literature sec.; 'Mrs, Harald Treleaiven; . A soca- ate .Helpers sec:,” Mrs. W ' L. Mac- Kenzie; Missionary Monthly sec:., .Miss;' Hazel Webster; Community Friendship sec., "Mrs, N... J." Mac- KeP lie; "Shpts. •Mission Band; Mrs. Jones; Mrs J. Kilpatrick; Supts. Baby ' Rand, sand Cradle Roll, , Mrs;. Gilchrist,' ' Mrs. -Mac- Diarmid 8 •Hazel Webster; press reporrter, Mrs ,' J. Wesley Joynt. The singing of Christ/has carols opened , "the meeting kid Mrs. Russell .Robertson. Was in charge 'of the program, Hazel 'Webster read., the scripture, and Chapter 4 • of • the study book "Growing with N. .Years",' .was given by Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie.. The theme was `"`;Medical Work". Bringing healing andhope to, those tvho „stiffer is part; of the Work,` of the pint crap, rito:. Money for seta Iron,:, sacks, rags,- car batteries • : 'and metals.,' D ORSCHT. , St, Helens 'Phone 56=1-5 'Lucknow rR T B. CLELAND: • VETERINARIAN Havelock St., south of Supertest Garage LUCKNOW Telephone 175 General kcou tancy: Service for • the small . mer:. chant,' professional :man and' the farmer. In Lucknow 'lues,, Thurs., and Friday.'O-ffice In Kilpatrick" 'Block, , L PYV1VI' P.O., Box. '74; Lucknow, Out, Phones: Residence 23-J, 4/thee 23-W. - IN L.VCC1t1VuW n.: 'FIRST". WEDNESL'A'Y. ' OF EACH MONTH Trim,. to 6 p;ni, AT • 'S'‘,',1111.,S'CD:NiID'S STORE Insure In .Sure Insurance CONFEDERATION LIFE Car, Accident, Sickness WIND Western : Farmers' ; Weather FIRE-Howick Farmers Mutual. Consult : . JOHN FARR-SST 'Phone' 169-4 ' Lucknow WESTERN. ,FARMERS 'Weather Insurance 11�'atual Co. • MOTTO: Prompt and, Satisfactory, Settlements .:For information,- ',reliable protection, 'satisfaction,', 'consult your local agent SAM ALTON ,LVCtiNOW - 'Phone '• , Dungannon. 84-r-0 CAM 1.• Mme. 1 p' or... 'Phoine_ R N. LUCKNOW. ' For . hall information on . Co=Operative Lif e Insurance:' or Co-operative•• Automobile • Insjurance • 'Phone Dungannon.. . 70-r-10' '•Also-S.elt • HEALTH & ACCIDENT* arid fi FIRE • INSURANCE INSURANCE: and AUTOMOBILE' To Protect 'our: Jack Insure With Jack • Today', J, A. McDONAGH. R.rt. •3 Lucknow, Ont.. Phone. 6.1-5 Dungannon ;��•.. W. 7A.N.D ,EW + : Barrister and Solicitor•. LT7CI�NOW, . .ONTARIO .: Office ,. BIQck;• . . in the Joynt, Telephone.. epee, , 1-J 135'6' ; :`•Resid O!f ice P. Stuart ►�'ac�C.enzie BARR T41 & , SOL1Ci,0R Walkerton, Ontar'io. I. LU:CKN9W . Fach Wednesday • OFFICE '1N ' DENDEtt,SON 1 L� UCS R . Hetherington K.( S . Barrister, Ete. +; Wingham and Link noii , IN LUCK -NO Esc} Monday nda - & Wedn6sds1 } .Located. on :•the ground tlaor •.•in the .front of- • John Kilpatrick's ' Buildlnlm•' 'Fbone: 'Wingha bttice 48 Rcswoo 97.