HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-12-01, Page 12::50 Yearly .n Advance -� 50c Eacta�a to IJ.S A,Li7;CKNOW ONTARIO, THURS., DDCEMBER lst, 1949
lhlaw►a►�as�� MeetingUnanimous
■�� etitiQ� FOR•MR.'P W. $OAG
;Ratepayers in the northern sec-
tion„ ofwho Wawanos'h, Town-
ship, p tided, Friday's nom-.
ination ,meeting in West Wawa -
nosh Township Hall,were .unan-
imous in their request to have
,another.petition :circulated to the
ratepayers ,of, the northern por=gy.
tion of the Township to decide
• ifk this, ,area is:_to 'be withdrawn
fiOn the •Winghar High; School
District for iz corporatio i. in the.
Lucknow :•High School ; District:
,When it's formation, is completed.
The decision Was taken by '.a
standing vote and climaxed ' the.
meeting. ,which • lasted 'until 'six
o'clock and at which a ,deputation
from the Lucknow Board of Ed-.
.. ucation was present..: Spokesman
• of.,the deputation was Dr.,W. V,
' Johnston,- Gerald Rathwell; chair
man' of ,the Board and Mr. T. W.
•;Smith,. , Were. •also present and
spoke briefly. . •Durnin Phillips
was chairman of the orderly
greeting, at which . the H i;g h
School District question was the
chief 'topic and Was thoroughly
• '' Reeve.' Finnigan reviewed the
past -Year -'s ".goings-on" :• in this,.
- regard, since the•.,subject was
brought into the limelight ,lby the
request from '" West Wawanosh •
ratepayers for a ,' ballot' seeking
withdrawal ' from :the- .Win ham
District. No provision for a vote.
is' made in the Acct and, as a re
suit a `' petition was •' circulated.
Which was signed.'ratepayers.
y. 90 percent,
or better, of ; the rate .a ers , of
the urea concerned. It was stated
however, that .Mr.. Geo. • Kenned�.1�
the Township representative '. on
the Winghaan High, School Board,
• took .the voters' list ;as ` the basis,
for signing' the petition, and es-
timated that little more than 35
,percent, of .,the electors' ;in' this
area had signed. '
The Reev'e.pointed.out,thatiM'r. planned' to ofificiahy, .open the,
J. W..:Joynt . had . been ` appointed park' next summer. •
t•o, represent the petitioners an a ..' The`' three retiring members of
delegation that 'went :'to Toronto, the School "Area 'Trustee Board'
and; which was 'assured' by .the were `Roy ,• McKay, Walter • Alton
Minister of Education that if and Wm. G. Hunter.: -All °three
County. Council .passed.a• by-law were elected in ;that :order,with
.approving'•withdrawal. he saw no only 10 votes.,, se- arati When
r e a s o si why : the ., Department the Township -.Board was formed
should object. Huroi't County at the December election in 1945
• - Council: approved . this by-law .:in, ; Trustees McKay •and Hunter :re=
June %by .a • 14-10 vote, and; the tired this year and are succeed-''
:Reeve ;considered' "they were out ed • by Marshall Gibson,: and 'Gor-
according to the Act". He heard
'nothing.,but rumors until the: No;
Vember session, when a letter,
from the Department, :Written in
- rriid'-October, Was read to: • CountY
Council,, failing to approve. of
Count.Y, Council's action - -in- June
COUPLE MARK 50TH ANNIVERSARY the L' P. W. Hoa g, Principal. of
Lucknow High School, is suf-•
fering ;from 'a heartcondition and
has . been ordered . to bed ,dor a
month. Miss. Eleanor Plumhsteel.
of Clinton has been engaged to
take over: 1*. Hoag's .Subjects
and commenced., her: duties on•
. Mr•
1Hoag suffered the seizure.
Pt school ori, .Thursday morning
but ;coxiducted• the Band at : the
Commencement, on . both' Thurs.,
day land Friday;•••before submit=
„ting ,to medical orders to take 'a
Complete rest....••
WOODS, , veno have' lived at Bt
Helens all their married life,' celebrated •. their golden" Wedding
_anniversary g
y on. November 22nd..: Between • them is a • basket of. ..'
mums presented by the Women's Assocation -of St. Helens chur
• . Ch: •
Friday's •nomination meeting in
Ashfield Township g a v e. ' t h e
Reeve, Council and members of
the.. School. Area' Board, • an, :ac-
clamation; and will 'probably. go
down as one of the 'quietest ,meet
ings . ori record :
There 'wa
s a good turnout;for.
the meeting; 'but •.not a uestion
., q
asked; 'as , the 'elected members:.
gave an account of,;•their steward-
ship, ..and the meeting_' was con-
cluded about 3.30. p.m.
he �Townslai:p' Park: on the lake
front at the 12th Concession,
which_ was •: u nillo' Br,.., ley'
.,.. . _. Co, n�c r, ad y. s
"baby", has,been well receiived
�as a timely project, and it,: is
Mr. ; H.C. Firth, Boy
Field 'Comimrissioner . attached to
'prbvincial headguarters.'paid:,ari
official ' isit•:'to, and `insection of,
the Li,know Boy Scout :troop
and Cub Pack, last Tuesday
night. The.' meeting' was held • in
the Recreational";Centre,
In common w:i t h adjoining
municipalities there will. be no
election in •W e st W Wawan osh
Township The bare slate of five
Board members ' Was nominated
for 'office on Friday "to return the
reeve; and council .by ' acclanna-
er uirugan re,-✓
tion Reeve ' Ev ett F' x "'`
• Mr. Cecil Johnston,: reeve of
Ashfield ' Township for the past
fouryears, was ;returned 'toof-.
•fice last Friday: for a fifth. term.,
and -has ;announced' that he will ,
be a candidate for , the 'warden..
ship„ of Huron County in 1950
Ashfield . has not had
a . warden
in thirty-seven; • years; and only
twicen the history of the Town
ship has that honor come: •to the .,
rnuxii•cip'ality °' "
The records show that. Thomas
Stothers was warden ,in 1912,•. He
was reeve of Ashfield from 1907
to 1912, The only other Ashfield.
reeve to ,attain this 'distinction
•.was.. Joseph,. Griffin. 'in• 1893, He
served as, . reeve for ten ,years
from 1884 'to 18193
' The 1950.:wardenship contest is
likely to have several aspirants,,;
with`' four contenders having •
been • mentioned. The winner will
be decided, by a ballot at a caucus
of Conservative: Members at the'
`January session of 7,the , 1950
Huron County . Council.
turns £or�us third term -Cot -in
cillors e John Durnin • Harold
Gaunt,. Ben . Johnstone• and , Ger
Mr.Firth' expressed . surprise
••and' • pleasure in` ' the`. ; progress,
made ; by these- two, recently `or.
ganized�:.:groups.: The Cubs no* .i
have 26 members and the Scouts
21. The Commissionerreviewed
the Cub Pack`.and .entered into
their -•activities • from 7 ,to 8:00'
o'clock;:was with he y
t .. Scouts -:for.
.the next hour :and.. a half. and
:then met with -the 'leaders -and -
members of: the: Local. Commit
tee;' Refreshrnents were served by
the wives 'of. the :Coe irnittee mem-
bers to'conclude the evening...,.
During the last: session, Mr.
Firth presented': Scou' Leader'
Stuart CollyetCOand. C ' Leader.
Elmer Um'bach . With their, badge
• of office and expressed delight in
the Whole set-up, which finds- the
committee 'and the `public in :gen-
eral whole heartedly.. supporting:
the organizations: '
don Finlayson. Mr. Finlayson is.
a resident ..of 'Huron 'Township,
:but as a rtepayer.:in the Union
School : Section ; at Lochalsh,' is
eligible to ;serve on the Ashfield
. The '.Council - is--connpr sed r f
in , passing the: withdrawal by- Reeve Cecil Johnston, ,and ,Court -
law., These and other. facts were .cillors; Elmer , Graham, John
'revealed, iby . Reeve Finnigan "to
_show what has been goi»,g on":
• • The Reeve defended 'the • tax,
bill, which the 'Department had
said was misunderstood., He said
that the `difference between: the
North and the South High School
levy •had to be,showji, and • while
last •'year's bill covered two years
in one, it could' have . been mis-
understood no ' 'Matter in • What
form it ' anuspresented. •
A "
"There .. r
has been a lot of cxook-
ed work going :.on'' _spoke.:up_one_
ratepayer in the audience.
'`*here Do We Go -Froin Here`"
'Where do we go from here?'
Reeve Finni an . k . n
g as., ed the large
turnout of • ratepayers. He favored
another 'petirtion. to ,'s specifically
'state• What iDri P Y
striet�-�-'W`ingharn . or
LucknoW �...tihe north 'half : of 'the.
Township Wanted. This would be
the way to definitely show. the
•.Township: • Council and County
Council the wish of those con-
cerned', although the Reeve said
he could. not g u'aran
this ac ,. guarantee that even
tion would get them out
•s n LL
Bradley,. ; Andrew 'Ritchie and.
Kenneth MacKenzie.
The- Trustee Board includes
Walter: Alton, Gordon Finlayson,
.Marshall Gibson, Marvin.Durnin,
and • Walter. Tigert. The :latter
two, elected a;year ago for a two
Year term, will 'be the retiring.
members, next . year, ' but,, of
course, are eligible ..for re -elect -
:tion. tion. •
Nominations, received• ori Frir
day. by Clerk .C. E...McDcnagh,,.
were as follows .
For„ Reeve
Cecil Johnston.iby, Sam' Alton
and George Henry'.
For Councillors
Andrew 'Ritchie .by Walter Al-
ton and Dick Kilpatrick. •
John Bradley' by Neil' MacKen-
zie and Rueben. Wilson..
Elmer Rueben
by Walter Tig-
ert ,andBen Mole. .
• Kenneth :MacKenzie by Neil
MacKenzie and Lloyd MacD.on
'Kenneth MacKenzie; 'by Dun-
can Famish and Howard Barger:-
e final O.K. must wine from' For Trustees
the Department of Education. Roy .112aeKay'+by Walter Tigert
There were those at the meet
in and Einer Graham.
g wlho questioned the necessity ,Marshall Gibson by. Robt, Helm
• (Continued .on 'page 8) and Wm.' G. Hunter,
Walter Y
• al er. Alton- b Dick ilpat-
• rick and 'Andrew Ritchie.
mEN,S Y 3 With, G. Hunter by Frank Rit-
BO'!r'S Work Socks hi Andrew Ritchie, '
Glomes M ' -c .: e and
Mitts Sweaters etc Th w
' M h Tr �''�' <-46,, n. ers+
r�sr Ftnl�vsnr
'COMING.E E •�•:
V tel. S
(2c a :word . each insertion).
=-Will be ' rese ted' " b RuralSchools in t�e. T
own Hall;; Luck -
'now, Friday; December • •9•th at
8:15,' directed • by :Miss:. M. Mac-
Donald. Admission 35c.
`PROTES,TANT" • •;'.
Is. the
subject` of art •,address
to be •given . by Rev... Lucien Vinet
i : n t: h e .: Presbyterian Church,
Lucknow, ons Friday, December:
2nd at 840' .o'clock..:Rev. •'Vinet
was a f brine � R. C priest and a
chaplain i : i
n . the" R.c.A.F. A Cord-
ial invitation is extended to; all
• to hear his interesting. address;
Silver collection.
'Regular meeting of the Ladies
Auxiliary to. the Canadian : Leg-
ion in the Auxiliary Rooms :: on
,Tiiescday, • December 6th, 8, p.m
Last meeting of year. Let --all' `tie
present. Nomination , of officers.
Exchange of ' Christmas/ ' gifts,
Cofnrnittee, Comrades S it,
Collyer, g. Welsh, H. Hedley.
Youth For . Christ announces:
two roneter: ;Ralliesi-Thursday,
Decemlber Winghain Town.
Hall, with the colored. Jericho.
:Jubilee Singers' from New York
and Rev. Harry Troyer .•of "The
Voice of , the. Andes", Quito,
Ecuador; Saturday, December 3rd,,
Clinton . High School with Rev.
Alex Ninimo,,. Win,gham and Jack.
N''an 'Irnpe, 1'T •accordianist from
don Struthers.
Jim :Curran was. the' only ;one:.
of the three retiring school' .trust-
ees to_qualify. Two : new . mem-
bers,• -Harvey Anderson and Ted
conn e ' =
pl. ted•,the trio, elected
Eby acclamation.. They: succeeded
Howard Sproul and Kitchener.
Finnigan. Other two mein+bers o
the • Trustee Board are Wallac
Miller .and, Wm:. Webster. . •
' First speaker : wvas Reeve :
, nigan Who reviewed County af
and` concluded with an ex
planation of the High 'School Dis
trict, which we.refer to in > an
Other':article ` ' , :- .,
extpiained the 'in
creased -County 'rate ..as •'bin .
partially due to assessmeri
_equalization _.and. the' health: Unit-
as well as_ the 'purchase •"o n
road machin' to be fetter:.albl
to. cope with winter ;conditions :
'He' referred to. .the ••'fox bounty
being' paid the year round byth
-s¢id to the fact that, u
is, not. legal to trap •foxes exec
in the . open '. season..,
Critical f County y Home Poliic"•
# uesitioned 'b 3r Ex":;'Warden.
;Brown Smyth; `about' the -purchase •
of cattle, at the County- home,'
.Mr.- Finnigan replied,that',.$1,400-
had been paid for a pair' of Hol-
He felt�';that the first pur
pose of the'home•'was: to properly
care .for •,the , ago rather '
g _._.__ than
be •_ an. •"experimental farm". He
felt the'; keeper•'was' capable 'arid
that. his Salarywas. too
the building •iitself was outmoded
and that a new wing Was needed
to;. segregate the inmates; some of
which were, mentally sick.' Brown
Smyth"referred to•the'• home. as a
fire trap , •and, ex -reeve :Wm. Ste -
Wart,. also agreed that the 'old.
folks could not' Properly be cared
for under .present .'conditions.
Reeve 'Finnigan' Was • the. only
rural reeve• on the , assessment.
equalization' committee. • T'h e
,Cqunty • ' assessment will be up
under -the -new: system, -'i but ,West-
Wa.wanosh's .:assessment`• will. • be
down while. some urban muni-
cipalities: Will be sharply increas-
ed..Th new assessment is likely
to o
to effect
g � in 1950. ,
ridge Expenditures:
Councillor'-Durnin.• dealt with
road. ' expenditures. To take•ad-
vantage ,of the :provincial subsid-
es of 80 percent they had spent
about 2,500 ' on steel culverts,
The ceent:'''.bridge • at Medd's.
Cost close to $1,000,:and lite bridge
at St. Augustine cost, $1,369,. The
(Continued on Page:it)
f:-- .
Kin os • n .
1 s Township ;Reeve. -and
Council were returned .by'accla
mations last Week : for their second
term. The Board. elected; ` b' ' bal-
lot:, a . year : ago : is •com P.rised'
... of
Reeve: George Tiffi•n and `Coun-
cillors ;David, Har
H:.Carrutherss Ha -.
Lavis, Harold Percy and Dan
T. McKinnon
. Meeting..
was well :attended,,and: during '
.thenominating hou, tennomin' ;..
ees were named for the five seats :.
the Board. favid • ,•Carruthers•• .
Sr., , presided • for the ,,ratepayers.�'
meeting, which Was', an .interest 'one, but passed off 'comparatively
_- Most contentious. sub'
-eared to be r
oad-...work and :the
warble • fly canripaign.
Ek, Reeve :. Richar'
d• Elliott arid.
David H. Carruthers were', named
fors reeve but did 'not' choose '1o.``'
stand; nor did Russell Gaunt, .`
Charles Taylor and Charlie oor.;
Sawmill Shut' Down'
The Lucknow Sawmill .shut
down, at the end of the week, up-
on cleaning up the mill yard • of
the supply of logs; Residents gen-
erally , are hopeful that the shut-
hutdorn will be .for -a-short • time
who were proposed as councillor .:
Nominations were . received as Y :
• •. For {Reeve
George e'` Tiffin .by WallaceConn'.,
and Jamieson Pettypiece,;
. Rich
and Elliott,. Eby Ted ,.Burt & .•Fran
Maulden; . D:avid : H C'ar"r t
;byRussell Gaunt and Wm : Stauf=
o Councillors
Dan. T` Nlekinri'on, ' by Donald •.
McPherson a n dWni. Smith.;
H arry Lavis, by Donald.: MaPler,
son . and John BuS ell;; David H.
Carruthers, by Mark Johnston' .
D. H. Bain;. Harold Percy, by . Ge%
Graharn and.. Cliff Johnston; Atm.-' ;'
sell Gaunt, • by Ed McClenaghan
and Chas. Taylor; 'Charles Tay.-
lor; by Jamieson Pettypiece and
Walla& Conn:, Charlie Moore, by
Ed : •McClena lean' 'and g n Janriieson
Pettypiece. .
Allan Me uillin
Q 11 -year-old.
son ' of Mr. /and '.Mrs; Dick M-'.
Quillen ',fir, suffered
a fractured
leg on. Saturday when, kicked by
a horse on his father's farm in
Kinloss Township.
The lad is accustomed to', being'
around the horses •but it is be-
lieved he clipped the horse'' with
a pail he Was carrying, in i�pass
ing the animal, causing' it to let
fly. The -.blew struck . Allan be-
low the knee on the left leg: The
'mishap occurred about eleven,
o'clock in the morning.
The fracture was set at 'Dr.
JoQinston s office and Allan was
returned to his !home where he
is not suffering too much from
"the injury,
a• 1;
AT; a