HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-24, Page 8PAGE EIGHT •TWE ',mom -AT SENTINEL, L'UCKNOW, ONTARIO'• • . �' OBIT ARY IRS. FRANK LICKMA N There passedaway in. the Strat : ford. ;General ,Hospital on' Friday POST ., WEICE •PREPARIN:G OR's• CHRISTMAS RUSH • With Christmas only a month away, mails are already heavier. morning, November 18th,, 1949, at the local postoffice and Post- E1i,zalbeth Hodgins, wife el Frank: master Kenneth Calnieron.is; niak ' formerly f' '242 'Duron Mg plans. for speedy, handling' of , Linkman, f. Y o. � St•, Stratlford. The' deceased wo thetrrias ,rush,, - - � Chris • ,nian had been .in poor, health for To aid in this, it is requested the pa st three years •and a patient that those who are posting sev of the Stratford. General Hospi- era' letters or cards tie these up tai,for She was 'the' securely in bundles. This greatly • ,r .s 4 daughter of, the late .Thpma,s, facilitates - clearing t h A. letter 'Iodglitis .and Mary. Ann Andel 1 chute, and in cancelling • each and - was : born in Kincardine 'piece: of mail wnshi an January31, 1862: Rural boxholders..are request--' Sh ... w h. efirsta to have a suet ply. Qf stamps ort She., was twice married, tier• ,, , d h • husband,. iCharle,,s Wilson; died, in'`•' hend for Mailing. their Cliristnyas July . 191.0.: She . had, , spent the letters and cards• It's hardly fair 'greater part of.her,married life.' to expectthe;. courier to pick ,. in Stratford. and• vias: a member: coins •firpm 'the.m'ail fbox< in freeze 'Of St., Paul's An'glican,Chu.rich and Ing .'weather, and • then purchase of the Ladies Orange Lodge stamps,,. and affix them'.to••. scores Besides • her •husband •sheis_l of letters., and' cards upon•=,arrival • survived, tby two brothers," George' at the Postoffice Hodgins, ' Barnwell, Alta, " James ' "' The Christmas stock of stamp's' ':Hodgins, Stratford and nue sis- is now on hand and now would. • ter, Mrs, Fred A.. Hodgins be a.good time to lay*, in a supply (Susan), of Windsor. :. in both • urban and rural. homes,, TlTe remains' rested at Green- so to have theme 'on 'hand• when wood Gilbert funeral home un- r needed. • .til Monday when funeral services took:' place. Rev:. H. H..' Farr of-- `ficiated Interment was in Avon-.. " dale cemetery; Takes' Over This 'District. Tom •Stevenson of the Electro OBITUARY MRS; ELIC •.TELFER Death came suddenly, in " jtan- couver'•on Menday,',October. 17th to .Mrs. Eric 'Telfer,' a ' native of an lux • ,..: Cleanerd.: Air Purifier has Huron Township and asister of been • transferred to . ': Kitchener, Mrs. Wsn,:-acKenzie : of ' Toronto and G W.. Laithwaite of Goderich and formerly of Lucknow,. • . Yeas 'ta 'en over this ..district It isthe .first !break in the four, were together for a happy gath- in g two years • • er. ago. Mrs:,„Telfer's. home was in Ladner,' B.C., where she. +was: a . very public spirited citizen' and during the war did • a ' great work • "for the Red .,Cross•. . Born. near.. Lucknow, Mrs. Tel- fer was formrl•erly, Mary Paterson, the :daughter of Mr and Mrs. Al- exander: Paterson She -moved. to. British Columbia about 1907-08 For several veers as a registered'. ,sisters of this family,' all of whom. • 9 Cr K .a mit NY11IO •EIItCTlIC rows* coilm000ts., a OonAsio nurse she lied charge of ; a san- itariuM. in, Vancouver, '.:then in 1914 : she ' Moved. Skagway,. Alaska, to take ,charge :of ' the White—Pass and Yukon ' Rail- road hospital, • There. shmet Mr: Telfer, 'Virho 'at.., general c:ashier for the company, and they ;were -married,: remaining in the North for: a further-ten.years t. Going to Delta,'. B.C.,in., 1925,` the Telfers made themselves part. of the community .life ` Mrs Tel- fer; in particular, was active in United iChurooh, work, first •in East Delta and then, alfter..they moved to Delta 'Manor,, in.. Ladner• She' continued her. interest in the: Red` Cross and also ;assisted •in the Work, of •'the Delta Manor Com-, munity Association, of which she acted as secretary •• for •several year's• The 'funeral service was held in Ladner , United. ,Ch ircli on Coet Ober :20th, With • internient Boundary Bay ;Cemetery. • 'Mrs., Telfer' is survived ':by. her husband; a •, daughter, • Winnifred (Mrs. . Charles Dennett)' New Westminster, and two grandchild ren; also 'three !brothers, D.' A. • Paterson, Delta; W. I Petersen, Alberta; and T. F.' Paterson, Van-. cottver;• 'four. sisters,' Mrs. Alex .D'avie, Ladner; Mrs. WM. Mac Kenzie,'.Toronto; Mrs.: A. Y. John -1 ;Stone, Vancouver Island, ' _•and Mas,. J. D. Lumsde, Vancouver. COWS , $2.50 each.. 'HORSES:- $2.50. Ea. HOGS.'- 50c per. cwt. (Over: 250 lbs.' each) •• Phone ' collects '• Ripley. 182 •'tWingham 561.,-'j.' Ingersoll.. 21 William Stone Sons, Ltd. INGERSOLL. ONTARIO ' A ` re -organization' meeting of the Luoknew' Jnteiimediate Hock ey Club, has been,called. for., next Monday evening at 8.00 o'clock the Tovwn Hall: It -is -important that all executive members, play- ers • ' and interested. persons • turn our for '.this. • meeting,:.. -This is' the second meeting call- ed The. first ..meeting, held about a. month ago, was .adjourned be-„, cause of the slim attendance The • Sepoys, ,W.0 A.A ' Inter mediate ."B" ':champs • last year, should be fairly Strong again this .season, and it mediately the Club is. re -organized, could Staryt' pract- iseis ph • artificial ice. Lucknow ;end . district is :. certainly ':hockey. conscious When game time rolls arqund, '.but a" little more interest end". enthusiasm now would be -appreciated by,:, the . executive in .their ,efforts to get activities. plan- ned ':and underway.. for another season.. • ,... •, 0 •iJKPECT. KINLOSS TEAM TO. PLAY HOCKEY' HERE: SOFTBALL. FINALS GOES FULL THREE GAMES Port Albert: and Lucknovv, High. School extended the softball finals: to. .a three games series. The ' deciding tussle •was post- poned on Tuesda night, and'at .w pone . , ., ysister family lived in Luce no was as ex ected: t t, Helens. for, a tim time of `writing , it ver... ,. P . and a S . occurred noon o i't would be played last night.. The crash .occ crit- ical Grant Chisholm, Port. Alberts Tuesday when Roy suffered ''t-. limited the stu head and facial injurles, speed ball ace, seal dents to.t:iree. runs last - Thin- which rendered him unconscious:. day night as the. Port Albert nine An emergency operation' was per teak • a 6-3 decision, forinedF in Victoria Hospital on On Monday night the • local Wednesday night in a.. futile ef- THURS.,:I`TOVEMER 24th, 1949 YOUTH DIES OF .INJURIES Injuries received .last 'week When the motorcycle which he; was driving crashed broadside in, to a car in. London, . resulted2 the death of Roy' Bannister., 1 year-old- son. of. Mr. and Mrs, V ' Grant Bannister of $1. Marys' and natives of Kincardine. The Ban- "book worms”,evened the: series with • an ixn.pressive ;11-9, win in. a ,• rousing;.: battle and ' did some timely `.hitting in the 7th inning :"' for' a four -run.. scoring bee that: gave them the victory. Dale .'X aideniby. . a n d Ernie' Vaughan. havebeen sharirig the' •;pitchg 'chores, .for the High, School First Game Lucknow , ,, 200, 001,':060.--•3' Port. Albert '1301 031' 10x--6, Second Game ' • Port 'Albert ,•,...,... 2.13' 012, 000— •9 Luckno* 105 010 '40x:-711 Skniny Me!! women gain..5,10,15 Ibs• Det New' Pep Vim, Vigor. Wk$$ • tiutIU' 11anY tWb , p out; ugly honors up' lnaotano. jongee serawny ; bod lose! halt• 1-0-04', starved' ms�e., sten bean-pole" e� weld ¢ain bolo o aro now proud 01 h ly, healthy-loolung hodlee,. They! t1�a0� the'meow vlgor-building, fleeh-bundlhg' tonto,.0attes.,XNl tonics, stimulant!, 1nvlgotatore,. iron. v Amin. A , oalclum, enrloh b/904. raprove appetite, and Slott•'io. food Ives "you more: serrpgth and tto manta pput peen on bare bones.. Don't tea; gettinngg too tat. Stop when you ye gained. . iha 8.,'10 lb, or 20 tbe, you need totnormal weight.* coda lithe, New "'get acquainted" etze may 800: Try, farnotu Oatree Tonle Tablet!' tor new vigor sad added poµade, this very" ;day. At all drugglet', • •#ort to save the young'nan's life,. HOCKEY MEETING CALLED FOR, • NEXT MONDAY 'NIGHT • Ashfield Presbyterian • W.M.S.• The 'November, meeting of the . Asiifieeld W.M.S. met at the home of •.Mrs. Neil G. 'MacKenzie with a • large ':.representative . attend - dance. Mrs. Dan McDonald, 2nd. vice', president, was in' charge of the prograin , .and opened the meeting• with a hymn Mrs. •Mc- Donald' offered prayer.—Mrs.„ D. R.'1IaeKenzie gave the scripture reading. Mrs: D. A. MacLean /gave the analysis' of. the scripture lesson. iMis, Torn McDonald gave a reading'entitled ."Prayer". Miss Sadie Johnston gave a 'Remem- brance Day paper on the life of Col.•'Jbhn McRae.' Hymn 71 was sung 'Mrs. Lizzie Rose offered prayer. Several of the ladies. who attended the Presbytery meeting reported ' the proceedings. Mrs, Jack ,MacKenzie sanga solo ".Jesus wants me for a sunbeam". Mrs.' Ears lIowaes , gave -an ' out- line of George McKay's Christ- ian efforts iri Formosa,' The miz� pah benediction closed the meet- ing. Refreshments were served and a social time spent.' . . .2 . Y. urry o The !RE CHRISTMAS luet costs: �1,d11f niiture Store •� y fur Q e. •iece CHESTERFIELD S, :.ITES •' • Lustre Velour;. soft, large 3 3 -piece lU , Reg. $219:00, fog. .. . , , $189.0. 0 Complete line of "Snnh' ne"•Trlkes, Doll Prams, ,• Hi -grade •End' Tables, •C�o`ffee Ta-bles Walnut or blend glass on top. Reg. $16.50, for .. • $12.95 New 44" PIANOS; $600. value for $535.00: Trade-in accepted 'USED, PIANOS, : reconditioned :: $125, $185, ¶225, etc., 16 BEDROOM , SUITES=Substantial reductions, Lovely Suite, 3 pieces, plate mirror. , $89,90 • 220 Coil spring -filled MATTRI SES -Xmas Special $25.90 1 REFRIGERATORS -60 =25 cycle. A grand ` gift, WASHERS'` •Famous Brands Clearance $2'5.00 Discount on $169:00 Ivasher, making them 'only. $144.00 each. • -Man • Christmas ; Gifts . $5,-$10415to X7._5 on safe at J. F. SCHUETT•. and SONS 2 SHOWROOMS.. at Mildmay During This e Christmas' Sale."; Free Dehvery� The Kinloss,' Towns1Tib. hockey' team, Which is primping : 'and: practising for, the .1 49-50 • season; expects ' to . play' their games the Llicknow, Arena. Earlier :it ,was thought they might go to; Ripley: The. squad, all .decked, out in new unifarn, has already. been prac'tisin ,on. artj`ficial ice in Kin= 'cards a Arena The new equipment includes sticks, sweaters, ,pants, socks,' Shoulder 'pada, shin.' pads . and goalie's ,gloves, which set, the boys back a pretty penny and 'depleted ,the fund. thele set up .for' this' purpose; by holding •'a. shooting :match: and turkey: raffle, and by personal: donations., The 1 turkey draw, held at a dance , tat 'Hlolyrood• two weeks ago, ' netted a little over '$100.00. Winner of the turkey' was Jack Gilchriat•'o ..Con. 6,' Kinloss.. . Bagged Three .Goals • A recent, :issue of the, ' Windsor Star contained, a ,picture; of Geo.. Chin, who is plat'in'g.' With the 'Chatham- Senior team, this seas: