HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-24, Page 4F,AGE; FQOIJR TBE L't,TCKNOW SENTINEL, I,;VCJ NOW, . QNTARIO 4 ktia rot ate; 4 ilk a At • "WANT AD" RATES- .lst insertion .2 cents; a work: subsequent insertions 1 -.cent a .word =Minimum charge 25 •Cents, Replies care .of The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 cents per count .lane first insertion, 5 .cents per line subsequent insertions: FOUND --a child 's.tricycle, Ap- ply to Mrs. George . Whitby FOR • SAFE--- 6 Qmford ewe lambs • Wilfred Haekett, ;R. 7, Lucknow, phone, Dutvgannon,. 6741. FOR SALE -•about 40 White Leg horn. pullets; Rose, breed. . Dan:: MacLean, Lgehalsh.' FOlt SALE - --eight weanling 'digs. Frank Ritchie,, phone,; 69-12.. 'NMI- :tan/Ion. un','.gannon. • FOR ,SALE -pair, .of heifers;. due to :, freshen next. month. Omar' • BrookDungannon. ' s FOR ' SALE -1940. Htidsori, • per- ffect:condition, , ready . fors winter driving.` N. -W. Wintersteir}.. • . , 'FOR SALE -new •modern one ;storey home; iminedate.:possess- ion. Apply Box 161, .Lucknow:. FOR : SALE -150 'Sussex :'.pull'ets, ''dark; .also 3 -year. -old • French ,. Canadian Mare about 1300, partly' broke. Ray-, Dalton, R, 7,' Luck now, 85-11 •Dungannon.« FOR SALE -pair -6f, ;girl's white skates, .size 2, 'and. a pair of girl's ' Jersey` `cloth'. overshoes; size 3.. Mrs- W. G. 'Hunter, R. 3; Luck= noir • ' ' R'FO; SALE -young' lady's • grey fur Moulton coat, good condition, reasonable Apply at• residence,, Mrs Wm Stimson, Stauffer. St, Lucknow. FOR SALE ---..40 cords of 'hard Maple. Wood, ; quantity, , of cedar; 929: Model. A• - coach, 1934 • Ford: coupe, . both in good :condition.; Dave ' Robb, R. 3, :Holyrood 'LOST --•2 Shorthorn steers, ,about 700 ` or 800 lbs: .Anyone, 'knowing of their whereabouts 'please not- , ify•Ray Dalton,' R.•7; Lucknow.. NOTJC ,ANNUAL MEETING Huron County' Federation o • Agriculture own` all ', 'Cliriton ,.Tuesday, November. 29th at 1.30 pini., Spec' ial ,speaker,; V {S:; Millbu'rn;,•sec. manager, Ontario • Federation. This is your• annual meeting and your , organization. "Come out and show' your _interest Annual ban= quet, concert • and"`dance'on same miming at Cardno's .Hall, Sea- forth at 7.00. :p.m.. Special .speak- er, Watson Porter, editor-in-chief, Farmer's . Advocate, London,' En- tertainers: London, ";artists ' with' Bern Conway as • master of .Cere- monies and his .Continental' .'Or- chtestr a. Tickets may ; still • be ob- tained. from Township director's to County or .County''secretary treasurer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In 1E6 TM ter of ' tlie"Estafe-ofd Andrew McDonald, • lateof the Village of Lucknow in the Coin- ty of Bruce, Gentleman, 'deceas- ed, • , Take notice;' 'that' all persons. having' any ' 'claims or,' demands t• agains•the estate 'of Andrew' Me - Donald, • late of the Village of Luckndw, , aforesaid, gentleman, deceased, who died on '.:or .about the 17th day : 'of .September '1949 at.the Town of Wingham, County of Huron, ..are required to Send. proof pf their 'claims Veri- fied by affidavit and statements of: the claims to the undersigned POE; AT ' r room-franie house administrators -on -or before, the . 'in •: Lucknow;. hof water heating, 28th day of °December,. A.D.1949.. .all maodern conveniences, Barn and garage.; Apply at: Sentinel Office. BUYING CHICKENS '& FOWL -L• Chickens bought on: either live or dressed ' grade premium; paid,: on'. well finished birds. •Goldie Mar ,tin, Paramount. `CI AMFION''GRAIN GRINDERS sold and installed: Electrical . ap- pliance• sales and: repairs.. Rural' '.wiring;---HAROLD HAI DENBY; Kinlough FARM' FOR SALE - 100 acres, ,Lot 15, Con 8; Kinloss Township, house, ',barn, . spring • »water --ap- proxi lately, '<70 acres , workable Wil1:aceept :best. cash --offer: Ap :ply -to Calvin: • McKay, '926 Mon- mouth Rd.,' Windsor POR SALE -registered .Durham. cow and bull, :Durham cow, Hol- stein Jersey 'cow, heifer calf 6 • :months,' brooder.'stove . complete, DeLav+al bench creaseparator,, •4$0 lbs.:, capacity, • set of sleighs good as;. riew; with. rack. Keith Johnstcin,, R. 7, Lucknow, 'phone Dungannon :76-r-11. • . And ,:further, take notice that after the said date, the adm;inis" trators ;will :proceed to, distribute the assets of . the estate among the persons entitled 'thereto :.and the administrators . will - not- be- responsible for the 'said assets or any part thereof"' to ' anyone ::of whose:'' claim he shall not then have received notice ` Dated at Ripley, " Ont.' ,this -21st day 'of, November A.D. 1949 :.• Murdoch McDonald; ..-RT-R. ' -1, ' Riiplem 'Oat- Eldon Oat Eldon .Henderson, R. - R. 3, `. Lucknow, • 'Administrators. NO.TICE" TO ..CREDITORS In „the matter of:the Estate of .,James__.Edwar_dBaker,late-of _tl e Town of Walkertbn (formerly' of the Township ot'Einloss)�. in the County of Bruce,; Retired .Farm- er, arm,er, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons` having any claims against. the estate of James Edward Baker,'. aforesaid,.:who died on or about :September, 29, 1949, at the Town of Walkerton, . are required to file proof. of their 'claims, duly. 'verified with tl'ie undersigned ex- uggestions for.:, ones A reasonably warm, but :well ventilated pen..with no drafts,"'' dry clean litter and nests -Use our baled' shavings, ' NOW AVAILABLE •: "Thirteen to fourteen -hour day --try a Jamesway tune clock. Sturdy easy -to -clean feeders which avoid wastage. 'rood quality .Oyster Shells eliminating breakage: Cod Liver Oil to counteract colds and assist in body, build-up, Granite 'Grit to aid 'in digestions.::' A Mineral'., Tonic which prevents' or cures cannibalism. Last -but not least, a 'balanced ,ration-. LIFETERIA LAYING MASH or NEW LIFE LAYING :PELLETS, with. Scratch Feed. "WFOD' RR S Feed Story Can Fill Your ''Requiri'•ezlnents: . • . • •"'PHONE • 165 - LUCKNOW COUNCJL 'MINUTES KINLOSS TOWNSHIP'' • Kinloss iCounciL+knet, in the hall November 15th, 1949, All mein - bets present. The minutes of the Qetaber meeting were aPpxoved and signed., ' • The account , from the' Huron' and 'Kinloss Telephone 'Co.. was filed;,. •,and' Clerk' was. asked. to write for •further-,particUlars. , The questionnaire fromthe Ag- ricultural representative to' be filled :in ; by the clerk. Thecattle claim of Harold Percy wasordered .paid, Donald' MoIvor was given $50 for taking care of water' on Iur':on bo .. dary. through. his tile d'rains,. • i, The,`Court•. of :Revisien, on the 7:950 • aSsessgnent; roll' convened at 2.00 o'clock when. the,.;i'ollowing Aptpeals were; dealt "with. George 'Hint; Holyr:ood service "station, reduced'':to $1000 Melvin Husk,. lots • 8-9, 2RS, not sustained;, Aro. chie MacIntyre, Lot ' 10,..S1-1. 11 'Oon, 3, • reduced $200; Mrs., Ethel lames, lot 17, Con. 9, not sustain. ed; George E.. Colwell, ,Lots .13'- 14, ,Con. 8, not , Sustained; Mrs. Elsie Scott; Lot•2, VP,H,.3,', Con. 11, not. sustained. The . Court of Revision was then closed arid the•'assessrnent roll as revised to be to en, as a basis. of taxation for th ear: 4950.1 , The roll was accepted from. the assessor, and his salary ordered paid. •.Councillor , McKinnon was •an = -po in't-ed to-lookmmafter-tl e7re --pair ing of the interior of the, hall, and order material and;:secure a carpenter imxriedi,ately,, ' • : Counc l'then adjourned to'rneet again.. on. December 15th, 1949;. Cheques issued;. E,' H:.• Agnew;' premium .•collector,'s .bond,: $15:00. George'' Tiffin; selecting jurors,. 4.00; 'J R. Lane, selecting jurors; Wm.: Scott, 'selecting jurors,. 4.00; • R. J. Lovell Co:, supplies, 32.45; Lucknow Sentinel, prin,ting and advertising, .66.00 J. R.: Lane, postage, • 4.00;' Mrs. ,Mary, McLean,. refund .dog:: tax 1948, 2:00; Harold' -Percy, cattle claim re dogs, '50.00; James McEwan,insp.; mileage, 2 claims, 5,20;:Mrs: 'Smiith,:.caretak- ing,, 16.35; Wm. Scott, assessor's :salary and. Postage,' 142.00::: • Highway cheques: Pay, R011. No. 1. 11, $4200; H. H. Bannerman,' on account contract 1877.80, C: E. McTavish,• :fuel '.oil, 81.91•, A;;` M Hunter, brake •fluid,_ 1;50; W. A. Graham, repair tire &< tube,' 2;50, Frank- Brown,, 124n. tile, .15,75;• A. E. McKini,. ether`, 1.25; Roofers ,Supply • Co., signs, •5,75; :Pedlar, People, snow •'fei1ce and , posts, 337.0; ` ,Thomas ' ,Moore,' gravel, 97;00; m '•Smith; • gravel, .83.75 Dominad• Machine Co., re-. pairs, ' 7.90; • •Bert Moffat, 30 per- cent •pn wire fence, 5..10, •George Lockhart, fence rails; 13 00. • J. R; : LANE,; Clerk; ` INGSBRIDG; BOTJtDARX EAST Th,eT:Whiteobrilreh W`oinen))s In- stitute held an At Nome for the members, 'their families '& guests in the form of a pot luck supper„ ,program and dance. Rev. Watt, ..asked ; grace and 83 people sat' down to the well-filled. tables. After the -supper Revs. Currie, pre- sided over the, program which was , . opened , by 'community' singing .conducted.' by Mr, Gar- net Farrier with Mrs. Farrier providing the. accompaniment;. The program -'cons' ted 'of duets Eby Mr. and Mrs.. T 'Rice of St.. Helens; readings by Mrs. George. Fiaher,, 'Ostler , Joe and •Mrs: Jas.. Falconer, :Women • and Work;' piano,.,`solos by Mrs.. ';Alex Rob erts'on. ' .and • Miss ...Jean. "Gaunt; 'Plano :duet,.by. Mr. and Mrs, ,Jas:. Falconer'and "duets:: by,: •Raymond•,Ada.iisyarid Billie New - ;Man. Mr.George ,,Gear ,of • •Walk-:' erton, Bruce County, agricultural' representative, was. guest, speak- -et and spoke on "Farming, the Canadian.,Industry The big event of te evening w'as the de- bate,, ."Resolved.that: the men should.'help the women With the housework", The :affirmative was taken by, • Mrs L., . Grain,. and Mrs.: James• Falconer •;; while Mrs.. E. Casemore . and Mrs. ' Wm.:. Henry ('disguised .. s two`gentlem:en) up-' held the negative;:' Rev.' Watt and Ted •.'Rice ''acted. ast-judgess.award= in'g the .decision in •fa.vor. .of the: affirmative: Tiffin's orchestra providedmusic for - the dance.. Which, concluded the 'evening.-' burn . «era; nto 11 one _Cash ' paid . for scrap iron, :'sacks, rags,:; car batteries` and ntetaiS. °,. G. .D•OR,SC'HT St.. Helens'' 'Phone 56-r'-5 Lucknow, Mr. Ed; Schefter of Toronto was' a' week -end wisitot with ,.his .` sister, Mrs. Louis; ,Hogan. ..• .Congratulations 'to Mr. & Mrs. E: King (nee Mary Clare), on the arrival', of a baby daughter. in St. Joseph's Hospital, .London Mr..and Mrs. G. Hill and Shar-. ori and Miss ..Rose Marie Lannan :spperit.the week -end with Mr. and. Mrs. W. Lannan. • Mr. Lyal..Lannan was rn Lon. don on ,Moriday. ' A . miscellaneous shower •.:was`; held in the hall on Monday' ev- ening . for Miss • Grace Courtney, when ,'-she received many ...Useful gifts. • . A 'WAVE- OF. BURGLARIES :at Ripley; Te:eswater,Brucefield, Clinton,' and ' :Londeshoro; :may .have:been cornrrntted by the same gang, police'th n.k. • ' . . ecutorz'on or before the 20th day of •Deco n er'A '1949. And notice 'is further given that after the said,. date the executors' .will distribute' the assets;` of the said estate among the • persons entitled thereto and will not be responsible for the said, assets or any part thereof to anyone of. claim they all have received noticenot then Dated„at' Ripley; Ontario this -.14th day of • November A.D, • 1949. Richard Baker, Lucknow, •Ont:, Richard Elliott, P R. 3, Holy - rood, ''Ontario, ExeeutUrs, WESTERN' FARMERS Weather Insurance. Mutual Co. MOTTO ..Prompt: -'and; -Satisfactory..: Settlements For ' information,. reliable ,protection • satisfaction; consult your, local agent Al�iI ALTS LUCKNOW' 'Phone Dungannon 844-4 Can; Write , or .''Phone LUCKNOW For full• information .. oon a-Operati • i p veLfe .Insurance' Or: Co-operative Automobile Insurance 'Phone Dungannon 70-r-10' , f . ' Also` 'Sell` • HEALTH &- ACCIDENT, FIRE INSURANCE N VEM ER 24th, .1949; CLELA:ND VETERIl1NARIAN Havelock St., south o! ` Superte t Gara 'g e • w a ..LUCKNOW Telephone 175' G•eperal - Accoubtanc y Seryiee, for the . small •mer,- chant, professional.'.man and the. farmer. In Lucknow.Tues,; -Thurs., and. Friday.' ,Office in Kilpatrick 1patrick Bioek; .A S;.J.PY .O. Box 74, Lucknow Ont. Phones: Residence ... 23-J, • Office 23=W. F. T. .ARMSTRONG - OPTOMETRIST IN.LU• CKNOW FIRST WEDNESDAY • • OF EACH MONTH ;from ' AT WM.. SCHMID'S STORE Insure In. Sure 'Insurance •CONFEDERATION LIFE Car,'; Accident, Sickness • WIND -.Western F ri • Farmers Weather FIRE`=How cls •Fanners Mu'tita1 Consult • JOHN FARRISH 'Phone I69 -J -Lucknow NS:URANCE, FIRESCASUALTY :. AUTOMOBILE. To •Protect Your Jack Insure.With Jack: 'Today.: a.: J A McDO R R:; 3 Lucknow, Oiit. Phone .61:5 i)ungannon• 1. W. ANDREW.' Barrister and Solicitor LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO, Office, in the'•Joynt Block Telephone Residence' n4 Office 13$'' - cart MatKenzie.. , BA tRISTER" & : SOI.ICITO t; Walkerton; Ontario 1 N : LUCX.NOW W edlesday .Mach... •W fin OFFICE. IN' HENDERSON BLOCK " R.S. Hetherin ton,,K'(' ,L S Barrister, .Etc. Wlflgham•:and' Lucknow, IN LUCKNOW Each • Monday .& Weclnesi1aY Located on. the' ground floor in; the front of John. Kiipatrick's Buiidin3 'Phone • Wingham Office 48 • Residence 97..