HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-24, Page 2•
' M w, n •.Y,.w .
n Via
• " . ly doubled and expenses; were up
ownship Doctor Pioneered to about X12,000 for a month's
recalls, th
e o l c• Horseback Doctor
days When it took three days for
the roundtrip to • Forks and
Quillayute by boat arid horse-
back. The deep forest trails were
s, a
(black`' apit at. night, he said.
"It makes ine seasick yet to
thinkof it., 1. would get a tele-
gram at night. to go ' to the west
end, and be seasick !before 1 got'
out of bed. Juste thinking of the.
Oily whelkof the dirty old Gar-
land, the boat that supplied PaSS-;
age to Clallam Bay, made . ,me• America.. It; -completely surpass-
sick"- ed anticipations.: and reiterates. the
A horse would ; be. waiting fact that I.uckno v:. Caledonian
when; ,the " boat docked 'and ,the . S;ociety' can 'bring together at,the.
" to !for miles y
doctor would : gal.,:. p , __. • . annual• games ` .the largest ,num
:ber of the :'beat •papers Sl leers,.
and- athletes; to (be found in•:Amt
erica. They were.- here:froth frot • all
parts of • the continent ,and: in-
cluded the . names of such world
famous celebrities • as Ar c h le
Scott George 1Vlathieson, . C.
Curry, Prof. Moon, Robert Har-
rison and many others".
The Society , t`' ,had not •.held The
Gaines the year (before abut in '89
they were revived with renewed
In the Port Angeles district, in , hospital there, was :no' place to, d'o
the State 'of W. ashington : there is
no more ifamiliar figure than Dr.
D. E.. McGillivray, .who pioneered'
in medicine in that bushland
area when. horseback or • afoot'
werethe only means .of reaching
backwoods' patients..
surgical work"; McGillivray says;.
Three months after the hospi
•tal pend, in June 1903, the doc-
tor married Corinne Lane at the
old. E,piscopal church. The form-
er . Miss slane came .:west from
Montpelier, . Vt., with her uncle,,
Dr..McGillivray is .a native of .. Thorna s Brophy,., and aunt, •
Thiron•Townshirr and a soil of the ' Born .inc coma& . ,, .,
late Mr and• Mrs. ' Cornelius. Mc- Doctor McGillivray , was born..
MacGilliivray •. June 2 , 1872 at ••Madoc ; Ontario,
The owin 'article in "'art is a,town'of 2;000,'POPulation found;
X011. g ntPart . .'. .
from the Port -Angeles 'Evening eel; iby his grandfather.
News:..` . ` r ..• .. ' .. When' he. Was four , years: old
,,• ., � . : .. -through goosing :rain.
The era , has passed' iri' which liis family moved to • HuronWobbles;
.. , ._.. , ibften
, Enjoys .
g township. He Went to. high school . Doctor 1Vl'oGillivray;•` today ap-
a Port:' An eles: country `doctor at Kincardine ' on the shore of.
went bumping over sttumps and . , ,n „ pears:hearty` despite his • recent
logs m his. rubber -tired •buggy:.•or Lake Huron;: -playing association loss of: cdnsiderable .weight:.His
on, horseback'" into deepfootball) in school.` and. his
plunged . ,. ,. . . voice had the old vitality,
• " forests' to- serve his.:patients. 'The After:. high school the future eyes • their well remembered
main' who perhaps best represent- doctor taught'school himself at twinkle ias`• he speaks of scenes
of almost a half century ago on
the .peninsula. • '
For recreation. the 'doctor. liked
to dance, play golf and travel. In.
1935 he got the chance of a life=' enthusiasm, and featured the tug:
time.- tO Combine business with of war between the -famed zona'.
THURS., iNOVEMUR 24th, 1949;
LO•.0 K 1 N ,
Sixty. Years Ado' •
. ,
A Sentinel' report of the. Cal-
,Games held, on Wednes-
day, September' '11th, reads in
part' asfollows: " •
"Another Caledonian Day has.
come and • •gone. and Lucknow can
still justly lay claim ;to the proud
distinction ; accorded her . in the.
pas.t:k as- the ',great Olympus .,of.
ed, that : era, Dr. Donald Edward
itloGillilvtay, is a 'legend in his
'own tithe.
'.To hear Doctor ' McGillivray,
now 77, talk about it makes
March 1903 ' seem, just yesterday:
That wase, the year he 'and Dr.
•Samuel,Whitfield Hartt founded
the : first: hospital.;, here, •the Port,
Angeles:. General.:'' ,Through 43
; years- Doctorxray-.active-.-
1operated the os ital until
Y p �.
Keremes• for two years. He. then
enrolled. in Trinity University in
'Toronto to begin ' his 'study of
"1 ,went to college three years.
Then my money played out . so
I startled doing' medical and surg-
ical work for miners in Ontario
near Lake . of the' Woods", Mc-
Gillivray says..
perind-•�e-uwas�m ;-
ployed by :Sir Henry Wilkinson of
the ' • Regina Gold '
Mining. Com-
A:couple of gene rations remeni-•paY R,,.iter build• 'up.
is fin-
berthe slight figure•bf:the•doctor ances the embryo doctor': 'went
flying through the streets Pt, .backto : • the ' universit fr '
es in'.'a buggywith his fast Which
Y, -With , -, . . .. which: he.graduated in ..1.899 wv"�.th
racing Mare and'Hambletortian in ani M:D.C.M.,' 'master ,cf :surgery
(pleasure It came in the form of
a letter from Dr. Charles Mayo
of the 'famed Mayo clinic.
The. letter invited him to ,de
-liver-one-Of-16-papei3s -on-the-p -o.
gram ,:at• . the . Pan-American Medi-
cal Congress, International Coll-'.
' ege :. Surgeons, convention in
Rio,de Janerio that year.
On .the chartered Queen of 'Ber-
muda, the
ermuda;'.the doctor and 'hiswife
visited ; Nassau , and Jamaica in
• team and a; team ,of Huron=Bruce
stalwarts. - There was •a wild scene.
of excitement during the second
draw;'' Ittook the, world .famous,
n-3-:minutes-a-nd 1-9sec
.tiorra�-�me ,
onds to win the first draw, , and
they were 'extended to the full
.to' win . the second draw in • four
Minutes;„;;48.1./4. seconds. Prize
was $50,:. and, .$25. Thea.
• Zorra 'team .was '`captained . by J.
Sutherland, . M.P. ; of Woodstock
the traces,, on'his way to :an:•em- •• ; c an with 100 ::other doctors and - :.the ' Huron -Bruce' team b.
degree.. omp Y 'W .y
ergency. case- He took' the state •medical ex- ad their families. oil the ,dray 'to John A. McDonald of Kintail, and
Started' m .1900 + : ' ar •enation at .Tacoma ' in the` fall. Rio' Big brass hands •2net the .con- .Was '•compoed of John 'Fletcher;
A ,
Ozi •February 1,1900, :Doctor of 1899, along with 82'other-doe-1 'vention, delegates :gin• ;Brazil, Dr. :Wan. McKenzie, Win. Leggatt; V.
McGillivray put out ,his' shingle tors scoring', near the top of the .McGillivray recalls.': Vannorman•, T. Henderson,• J. D.
a second floor suite of. a; frame group; In Rio McGillivray saw adver- 1Viathieson,. R. McKenzie;' A.', Mc
building on the Site of the-pres- •.Doctors Hartt and Mcdillivray tisernents of the. wealthy: Brazil. Auley.
s -
ent_Harrington � and Giles a tab operated. the • lios ital • .for , ',:six
lishment.',;Port Angeles had about years until'' 1909:' Then Hartt's
health • failed.' and . McGillivray
bought; out his interest in the
hospital: Fromthen until 1918 he
operated the' hospital alone
•The year:1918:' saw. the 'begin-
ning, of a partnership. between
McGillivrayand his brother -in-:
law, Dr. Walter Taylor,. in oper-
ating the hospital...; _ -•• •
From,_ 1914 to:1929' Doctor Mc
Gillivray.` served as a delegate.
"I'm sick of real; estate and I from Washington State to the
see, you've got more business American Medical Association
• than you can handle”, I]Iartt said. ,(conventions. •`
"That' was right •up my alley ' 'In 1923 the doctor was attend -
as I-needed:aoxneone •-I could -de=
+ ; pend, oni. Hartt was a fine six=
footer, formerly .assistant profes
sor: of Surgery at the lJnrversity
of Pittsburgh and.
a Jo
kins goldmedairst,, McGillivray
They set up 'a-ipartnership...and_
continued practise . on. Front •St.
In' March '1903 the two doctors ther Walter and Dr McGillivray
bought the old Germania' hall '°at in their partnership in 1928.' They
.,Eighth and Peabody'str'eets. They. bought the .old' •Olympus •hotelin
remodelled the building, adding 1928;: the •present Port Angeles. ,ization : are written Eby '• students
. 3,000 people then, and plenty of
work for ' a young doctor:: ,
ill ora had".: to conduct
surgery in his , office or in ,pat-
ients' homes, . for no •hospital.: ex-
isted then.
-Then .one 'da Doctor McGilli-
vray had: a .call frorn;Dr. Samuel
Hartt. : Doctor Hartt was .in the
'real estate " business" and • not
practising at' that tirrie
Traetion Cotnpany.,. That'company • pfficeis of the Society , .were
was then -spark -plugged. by Sir Chief, D. A. McCrimmon, M.D.
Alexander McKenzie, who was;a • '
1.First !Chiedtain, Ales.` McPherson;:..
high school iclassmlate: of', the doc• Second Chieftain • ,James F'' d
ears before; •
for � in •Ontario; , y ,later;' '3rd :Chieftain!, Wm. Man-
1fc'In-'. .Interested , in •Schools
'tosh; 4th ,chieftain. John Scott;
When Port :..les W con-:
Wh Ante � . , • D :
.secretary, , D. � :Yule; financial
sidering building;' Roosevelt high; -.
r secretary,•George::,i�err, treasur-
school the •doctor .was. president: er, John. Murchison.•
of the board of education. •The
Another- : feature_ was the - 'local=
td .bnd
people had
never vo e• .on .a o Clan competitions ' bet
issue issue before and many thought
MacDonalds lin d . MacKenzies,
it; involved, too much_ :money, but
With' Clan: McDonald winning
Dr. ` McGillivray convinced' them _ .
it was worthwhile; He' served .as.' 'the ;(gold medal:
boa>'d" chairman ,for. nine 'years; '
A;.special, class :was.established
for •. local ' competitions :\ open .to'
Later the. IVlciGillivray'scholar:
Bruce •and,Huron:residents. These,
ing the' St :.Louis convention ships; were set up at the` high_•
terse ted it school.' He allotted 5 000 . to es= '.events, resulted as ' follows pip-
When a messenger interrupted .... , • $ , • .
Tt 'sou ht t tablish. a `roan' fund •available : to ing, D: McKay,. ' Kintail, A. ;Mc-:
kto hand' his a telegram.. .b .... g i'sop,honiore
Lerman Bervie• .D ; B: McKathe'.news ' that his hos ital had students ` .: following i y,
burned; to the a ground. No lives their, entry into college from the
Kiiital: Highland Fling,: Harry
• McIntyre, . A. • McPli ,son.: Best`
were 'Oast in the fire: He 'hustled 'county. •� ` • .. ,
'R dress'ed•. blander, -•+
't, established
h}g �. 1VtcElier=
back home .to build another hos The:doctor a o • es a is, e
son,, Harry-McInt e: Trish
ital for `Port Angeles' • scholarshi s in , Aarier�canization 3'r .• . , J g
P -- E11is, A. Fitzell;. H6lyrood: Put -
Dr. Will Ta for 'oiled his :oro,. musie arid' art M the high school_
y ! ting• light stone;. George Webb,
These provide; $100 yearly, schol-
S . Helens; • T,' Ross, Langside; J,
arships for •accomplishment in .
McKay, Kintail. (41 ft., ': 3 ' in.).
these fields,: Essays . on American
Light:- hammer, .sT. P. Murray,
•Ashfield;: < W. 'Walker, 'Langsidei
T. Ross, Langside (90 'ft.; 7 in.).`
56-.pound:,weight;. T. ;.:Ross, ' T. • Teeswater• W.Wa lker.
(20 ft., 101 in:), Tossing the caber,
R. •aVlcKenzie• . Kintail; Math-
ieson, J. P. Murray (35 •ft., 6, ,in.) .
Scotch wrestling, R. McKenzie,
a third storey -for.' nurses' uart- General hospital . building •- re- and .judgedloy a' high school, corn-
- n w m'ttee.
itand, installed e „,
hospital • odelled i
.. ens and set a .the first m •
in the city. furnishings: In 1933 Walter Taylor died and
"We and night. In the days s the hospital in 1946 his brother WilTaylor
l .
• We. were busy. day'g early Y _ Ptal ...
There were lots of logging camps operatedwith, 10 'nurses on ca passed; : on, reavin lir. 1VXcG'illi-
andshingle mills in the countybudget' of $3,500 per;I:nonth.; By vray alone . once :"again with his
then . and until ' : we • started the .1946 the nursing staff < had near- hospital. `'In the last 'few years
• he 'had specialized, in the atiidy•
iii!►i>_iu�.�i��.�li�i���scr���f�f��,�� _ ,
• of heart, • disease; Finally m' ; 1946 I IIIIIIIIIIIId1111111161Vi,
Mathieson, T. .P.Murray. , half
Mile race, J. G. 'Musgrove, Wing
ham; A ngwall•, Blyth, R.
ton, •Turnlberry. Stilt race, L. R.
McKay, J.
B. Hunter, T. Little.
Old . man's race, W, Scrimgeour,
Jock Adamis, D; .:McDonald, AmR.
berley,,Walking race,. C. Smith
Walkerton ' A. • Rudolph;, Wallcer:.
ton;' J. V. Corrigan, Kinlough (1 •
mile;, 7 minutes).
This` ty-Five .YearslAgo
A SLindsay L , in dsay;,of Glami �.waS,:.
s .
'killed ,When the boiler explode
during .threshing •operations;
James S.; Hamilton who operat ^ Y
ed; a :shoe repair business died
his 56th year.
Robert ickerin o
f the..
oldestpioneers oaf • the community, died in ' his 83rd • ear;
Capt:. N. T; S'inelaY r ' was ad
ver, tising for recruits to join . the. •
33rd Huron Regiment.:
120 was' raised for •• t: e
$ h Pat... .
riotic • Fund by; "a • little army of.
'girls". -who' sold flags .on .r
Fai '
The deaths occurred• at Amber
iey ..' of •• Mrs. ,Peter: Shiells and
Mrs. D. 'Blue'
With •thewar a mere ` two
trionths old..,.the_:news, vias -to -etre.-
effect that the great GOman:
Army that; had'invaded France,.
was now•:bein chased out. of
g the; ;..
:Country and would not, be able '.
o snake any ititportant''stand un-
til reaching their homeland:
James Ross, ;15 -year-old sonof •`
:Mr. Wand Mrs, Toni Ross' of Lang-
s •
�•i,inede`o. ] ,d the ,• Lucknow Pipe
Band, arid Won .second s conl prize for
iins at the. Fall Fair:
SRP. g
Twent ' Years'Ago
Mr.' and Mrs. Wan.:: Martin''and
son Bruce,; moved to ..Stratford.
Grant'MacKenzie entered 'Tor-
onto' University, as a medical•stu-
dent::.Kenneth'' Thompson come_.
mended his • second year in osteo-.
pathy at Chfcago:., .
A horse' and .`bug stolen from •
John ,:MoCharies'' •farm; .Con; 2;
Townshi�,P• was `.'recovered' •
near -St; Marys by :Const -able R. :
j." Moore. -
James `Culbert disposed':of`.his
farm to' Chris'•Cook and took.over `
the latter's implement business in
Dungannon.: annon.,
Rev. Maclaren moved from tlie
South. Kinloe ss .char to_Brad-
ford: •
;' M ra-•`.
• At S.S. ; No. :5, Kinloss, y •
MaeDmivald was (teaching Beth
McKinnon, Johnston Mcl.'eod: E1-;
• lrott Carruthers Wellington Haid
vey,; Mary: White, •:Leonard Mac-
"Leod . Wilfred White.; Irwin Car-_',
ruthers, Kathleen `Cari;uthers,
George ,RObinsonGrace lticLe¢d,:
M•urdean.:: ;.McLeod:'. a n d Elva
' BQI;;,N
//. h
CAN:TFT,,OTT ---. Iri.�the . Ingham
General . Hospital, ori 'Wednesday,.
November ;16th;:' to -,Mr., .and 1V1;
W. in harn. (nee
Merril C'anitelon, „ g
Agnes Patterson ), a , daughter;
Joan' Marilyn..
• ,TWO N I G H'I`•S•
ursday, Friday,.:
Commencing at.. 8.00 •p.m
rogram ' includes. Two ` Plays, •IVlusic' by
Glee :`:Club and School ..Band, and
Presentation .Of Awards.
Adults '50c
Proceeds` 'for ''School Purposes.
Children. 25c
.he sold• the' hospital -to its .pres
ent. operators find retired.
Busy Career
The following list of..McGilli-
'vray's • ` f rmal accomplishrnenfs
illustrates his ,long career . of ser=
vice• to. people of the peninsula;
life. fellowship in the` state med-
ical. society
edical..society and. American College
of Surgeons,` district; health of-
ficer. 10 years, :First National.
;Bank director singe its founding,
park 'board . chairman' 15' years,
coroner for four' years,: Chamber
of, Com`rrieree•nember and life I.
member of Elks and Masonic
•"They tried to' get'•ine.• to run
for mayor'and the legislature but
at least 1 'had sense 'enough to'
'keep out of politics", ;he laughs.
The doctor was all set to go to
France . in 'World Wan .I to take
charge of a base hospital. Then
the army decided he 'was ?seeded
iri ;Port. Angeles where 6,000 sol-
diers were stationed on a project
tb produce••wood' for '• use in air=-
. plane l uild ri.g. Doctor McGi hip,
(Continued) on Page Nine),
rge Collectio
`The Municipal Garbage Collec• tion Service in
Lucknow will be held every other, during
themonths, minter effective in
Thursday; and . Friday, December .1, 2:
Thurs and Friday, December• 15,, 16'
Thursday and Friday) December 29,, 30'
until further' notice. `
'Corporation of the , Village of LncknoW•
;ItionliUnII itliIII1NGIGf M11{ININIIi} getotiNUlgglllltlllHllllNlllllll fllUfhNHllutui 1.i 1 11111111 Wtliall1101g0I