HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-17, Page 7+ URS, . NOVEMBE,R 17th, 1949 , LUC•KNTOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,' ONTARIO.; BORN" • BRISBIN---In Belleville on Fri- day, November ,llth to. •Mr.and Mrs: James. •Brisbin (formerly ' Helen MacDonald), a son, James David. • In m HOGAN Win gha General' Hospital on Tuesday, November ' 8th, to • Mr. and Mrs,. Cornelius Hogan, R. 3, Lucknowi .a daugh- ter. Hum -=In Wingham Gen- eral, en-eral, Hospital on Tuesday, Nov - enter 8th, . to Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Humphrey,, R. 2, .Luckn'ow, a son. • Iterosene 'replaced, whale oil 'a •;a means of. ' illumiriation NOW IS THE .TIME • T o Order A White: T :_, hreshing achi . , ne for' next year.. W. .' . I .5 m•��' G �n on & SoIns lluron Rd. Goderich Ont 'Phone 1132 A family ..plot should be graced with the shrine -like; beauty 'of .a .'monument-wlpch' will be .everlastingly•' -a•: tribute to those 'at, rest. Wehave many, classic . styles to, • suggest and• will work with you 'on` 'cus-' tom designs.. Exceptionally : low • prices. No canvassing, which "ehmin ates sales commissions. ' Inscriptions • • 'Repairing. Sandblasting ',Memorials,., 25 Years'• . Experience ' The .latest in'` . Portable' ''Sandblast Equipment All work -personally' executed. B'r.oWnlie. Memorial • Alfred St ;:' WINOIIAM` 'Phone. • 450 • or• •NEIL. MaeLENNAl , Ripley; •::Ontario. Yes, EVERYONE S , '0010u IS WONDERFUL • Safe, sure, B E R L O'U - protection -against moths, costs little • . . a small.. • yearly • inv,estment ' buys guaranteed , protection for clothing;, .rugs, blankets Se P furniture. Used, and proven ' since 1930 by 'thousands of .'. professional ' nothproofers, BERLOU guarantees in writing to stop moth dam.. for 5 years, . when ap- plied aa- directed; or pays'' • for the damage.' Be safe buy BERLOU today! CKiin' ,s• Ufig Store, Lucknow; ANDY CLARK BOOK IS OFF THE PRESS By GREGORY CLARK, The late Andy Clarke's "Neigh bourly News" broadcasts over a period of eight 'years on the CBC. network 'piled .up over ,a million written 'words of sheer deli ht to a very wide audience. These mil- lion word& have been raked and sifted, down to ..0,Q00.wo'rds f • a boot, .,..."Andy Clarke and. His, Neighbourly . News" 'which " has been published by Ryerson" Press, in time to be a Christmas gift t'o someone in all . the thousan'ds,•' of horned that were joyously invad ;ed by y And's .voice ev .„ ., er y Sunday' morning for so. many. years. When .Axdy,Clarke died his ,widow, Vi' Dickens-Cla� rke,.,.,her. ;,self a newspaper:. woman ally her:' 'life,' determined ,that Andy's work in recoiun.ting ,the ' humor and good -will of Canadian', rural' life, should be. 'preserved - in, a • kook. With the help .of her, friend; Mrs. May Holland Cox, an experienc- ed author, Mrs; Clarke . spent a whol e ,year extnactin .from those: g. million 'words off . Andy's filed marllascripts the iyery.' .cream • of the stories her husband had: cull- ed from the weekly. .:,newspaper of Ontario and Quebec. Last win ter, . she enlisted. free among •th .host: of Andy's friends in tl'i' newspaper 'and radio business a committee ..'.consisting of Purcell, .general:Manager .•of Can 'adian Press, Dani 1VEcArthur; :of C,BC,...Fra'nk Macintyre,--of, the 'Dundalk , Herald', .and 'Greg Clark'; of the. Montreal' ,Standard, and atter . a/rneeting' ,with .'Dr. Lorne • Pierce of the::Ryerson, . Press, the task : of •;assembling:. these into book 'fora, 'was:,begun..• Thoreau IVlacdonald was the 'artist ,chosen to il�lus'trate`;'the.book' with draw- ings for each chapter -head: • • The; result is; a` book' 'so essent ;ally Andy Clarke's that you, can. almost hear • the, tone .of his voice as you read the; :pages: All the' .greatest stories Andy told are in )eluded •.• in: the ;book. T'he:. form into which . it has•: been 'assembled is by,' Months Each chapter ' is a Month of the year, from January to December, in which are group - ,ed the choicest itemis'that during. Andy,. broadcast in that ; month the eight years -°.of his ".Neigh - bourly News"' on' the; air:: Greg.; Clark has: written an introduction. in the form "of• .a :biography; the interesting story of Andy Clarke's happy`_ and friend -making` life.. One' of the.features of. the book is the •index, • which enables. . the: old: Andy Clarke' fan ,to look up.` the tale of the. piano playirig. dog or the bear that • treed. the hunter, 1'. w'ithc ut a moment's 'delay It • is a unique-.:+ book, uniquely `eon`-; struci ed• ":and 'certain' . to Y e • an abiding' sweet•, nienrory to . a mil titude ,of ; people. • The Canadian' Weekly Newspapers,• Association Which, with "the. CBC, was re- sponsible for •p ut't i n g :Andy, Clarke -.on- the air. is cooperating with CBC• arid:the publishers in publicizing "Andy. Clarke'and. his Nei.ghbouxly.News" and..steps'are ' being_ `taken to• make.:,.it- easily available to:all who esire copies for Christmas, The price is' $3.00. THE FRIENDLY FOLK NEYT DOOR - (by Helen Thompson Woolley) There's a fine, big, • friendly fam-• ily Living in the house next door Chasing kittens. through the • ar- den, Playing ball and games galore.. Washing flutters aintost daily; Sizes up from, nothing flat; Slacks and sweaters; • skirts sand;. dresses, , ` • . Shorts and 'shirts,' and . this and chat: An apple :;tree •grows by the .fence ,.• • With branches'; bending l+snir And :on one strong straight, sturdy rin ;°° • • A, swing' sways to .`�a;nd fro There the :nappy, :laughin :child ren' • g. Up :above , the teen : world g . _ go In the swing or in the branches, • While the soft south breezes; blow. ' other; like a sweet ,big' sister And �a ' guardian an,gel,. too, Works 'and'plays omorig her children Guides their footsteps ,firm and. true 5 ; Ranging a:ll•. the way, their ages, e U�p from• one' year to. a' score; e And I. lilve•:again •thy •girlhood 1 t e; friendly •'folk` :next . Jane (Mrs. • A :White )' and his •.two door.' ! ___Lbrgthers ' Albert Bruce Road' , arid= Taken ` To iiosital Sunday • `,Miss Elizabeth'°"Weish was: tak- en to :St Joseph's' Hospital,' Lon= dons on Sunday, after taking ill • early that morning South Kinloss W..M: S. 'The; November meeting of the South , Kinloss WaMaS. •was Yield,\ at the .home .of Mr.s. Lloyd Mac- Dougall 'with a' large crowd tin .attendance; The roll .fall was answered by "Bible prayers", A reading' was ,given. by Mrs. L. C. •MacIver. The scriipture, and heed'-; itation"was- taken, by. Mrs. Law- rence ,MacLeod. 'A number of ,the ladies •took part 'in, the prayer circle. ,This being the Home. Help ers meeting a special address. was prepared by Mrs..: • Baulch,': She` chose'' as, her topic '."Types of, Thankfulness in'the Bible This was followed by a reading by Mrs. Allister .Hughes. Mrs. Chad wick favored with a 'solo. The topic from the 'study book "En- ter China" was taken by Mrs. Ted 'Collyer, Mrs•. Gilbert Hamil- ton am l -ton gave they closing, reniarks. Hymn 3$1 was .sung"and Mrs. D. Graham closed the Meeting with prayer.- W•th h • OBITUARY ROBERT DANIEL..THOMPSON The news of the sudden pass- ing of . Robert Danniei Thompson of Bruce Mines, in his sleep from coronary, thrombosis, the night of October 3rd, at the age of 66, years carne 'as a great -'shock and grief to his family and friends. Though his health was not good for ,a numbee of years,, . he was still quite active and seemed to be better this •fall .than .for quite soiree tune. �i.Vlr;' Thompson has numerous friends: and relatives in. the Lucknovlr;•.c'liatriet. Re: was born in Aberdeen,, Township of, Algoina,'the-:young est' Son . of' the late .Mr. arid' .Mrs.. Robert 'Thompson, and. spent •his•. early life there: in 1918 he.mar,-, ar, rico" fres :Orr, eldest daughter of the late : Hugh Orr and •Mrs. Orr of Bruce, ,Mines: In. 1921 he purchased the Orr farm .on Bruce.. Road where ' he resided for the. remainder of , his life: ` • Her Was a devoted father and husband: ;and a• cdheertful and kind- ly v hbor • g always welling • to.' lend'. a .helping hand. His pres- ence is sadly missed in' the" home and community.. He leaves, to mourn. his passing his Wife and two daughters,: Phy-, llis (Mrs.' .J..Gjos) of Desbarats and•Betty.at home, also his sister, ',AGE' SE EN •David of 'Dryden, Ontario. TwO brothers predeceased him. The first grandchild, • 'Bobby Gjos, was born . twelve days atter' his pass, ung:.' ° The funeral was „held from his late residence on • Thursday after. noon October. 6th and was atte.. ded by ,a host of friends. The service was conducted. rby Rev,. Oharles Wooley, of Bruce Mines United Church- assisted by Rev. W. J. Rickards of Bruce Mines. BEREAVEMENT• COMES TO. TWO BRUCE PUBLISH. ERS, Death . came to Donal "Dan:' 1VLcKenz , d 'an' f e ,the Bruce: County:' newspaper•:fraternity, .on E riday, November4th In %hi€ 13,E th year, Mr. ;McKenzie had been en- gaged in the printing business, since a lad ,of 14; ared,for 57 years. had been publisher of the Paisley Advocate. While: relinquishing controlof the business to his oh .Ross, . a few months' ago,' Mr. Mc-- ..,' Kenzie continued' to be regularly- at the office, and actively .erigag ed in the • work. . On Friday: of last" week, Mr, A. E. &ott, editor' .of • the Tara`s' Leader, .:'was ••bereaved ' in the death •orf his wife, who . died' at her home in !vara ..after 'an illness:' of 'many, months. She was _years -of, age.:,: .4'.=•' i Q4., k ���: '� �. • aim _ wading • pigs• within: the sow, . .putting 'body weight -on the tl sow herself .as a reserve. for the milking period .' improving the `quantity . a_nid:.:�quality: of. the .. , milk after she.farrows ...'is.a job '.:. for a top quali.ty.feed .. a• mash that'S made fresh with:,National Sow . and Pig ' concentrate , . Feed your next litter in the sow. See your local NATIONAL Feed Dealer.fodar If a sow. farrows '7 0 pigs, she must build 45 pounds of; young pigs as Well as her own body in' the• last' 114 days.•,Only a specially. balanced sow . ration can do this job: If you 'want strong,. large. vigorous litters =: •feed ;them in the 1 sow and keep them, growing on a'rahon made ° 1 the NATIONA! way. •1 J /�.�. Vii''-.- in r r- - r - — s '■11,I lin . ,WILLIAM'' STONE. SONS LIMITED INGER OLL. ': •ONTARIO 4 A m: • mist on NATIONAL well. -cured, properly -blended fertilizer 011 Baler „ • • .: i�- r: •