HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-17, Page 6F:. tee 1,1: A P,AG; 'SIX THE LUCKNOW SEI�tTINE WtlfilMillok. • •1 ' 1 LUCKNOWRONT ARIO • HIGH SCHOOL, FORT ALBERT IN SOFTBALL FINALS,' It's High School and Fort Al- • ,bert in the Indoor 'Softballs finals for the Wm; Schmid.ltrophy , held last 'year by Dungannon. The series gets' underway to-' night (Thursday), with the sec- ond game next Monday. If a third game :is necessary it •wilt be play- ed next Tuesday night, F oft: •Albert made• the finals by 'oustingD u"n g`a.n n o n..in two; straight. games; But the Kintail- • High School series went. the .full three,: games to decide -the win- with the High Sc' col 'edging them: on , Tuesday • with a 5 -run margin to:' clinch the iilaydff spot. • •irst. The High •1S�c'lool:• wlon,, ; the. # . , , 'game 13to;.9.:last Thursday 'On Monday night Kintail evened, the series with` an 11 to: 7 victory. Port Albert has a snappy ag- gregation and this final series should pack `.plenty of interest. RE-ELECT "TORY" GREGG "Tory"..Gregg was ' re-elected president of the W.O.A,A. for the. fifth ,consecutive year ' at the an=:. nual meeting ',in Wingham last week. Miss 'Jean Tervit was re- elected ectedsecretary.'and Alf iLock- ' • eridge, . treasurer ' The loopwhich has expanded , --an Priospered-,--under,the-diree- tion ' of "Tory" and' Miss Tervit, has, a 'surplus on hand : ` of 3,600 • •A 'portion of this , fund will' be, . expended during the winter 'when Nonnie Himes of Galt will spend Several weeks; in the • district; instructing young PY la' ersl on the •'finer points • •of • the game: , 1ilimit applying 'The 12 -mile in the;,W �.O.A.A, was rescinded .and rules' . similar . to the :• residence .. O.H.A`arid0 M.H.A.were adoPt- The Walkerton'Intertriediate. A. .O hockey. team. had a navel. .H. eY . experience -on Saturday: when they, flew from Wiarton to Sault, Ste. Marie .t�la an exhibition P Y hockey game in . the Soo that • night , '' WEDDING BELLS,, SIMPSON--CARRUTHERS A Marriage; cereniony Was per- form . ` ' ed. by Dr., C. H. MacDonald in.' th'.e o; :Presbyterian Church;. Lucknow, on Saturdsay, ' Noverir - ben 5th at 4.00' p,rn•; when Lillian • Mabel; ` c a,ughter of • Mrs. Car-, a; others; •Kinloss, and • the late John T. Carruther"s;::became the .beide. • of Dunean : Hector . Allan: ISiinpsen, son "of • Mrs Simpson; Kintail and the late: Dr. A,' A. J Simpson.. , The . bride, given in ' marriage by 'liar` uncle, 'David. S. Carruth kers,, wore a.• gown, Of blush pink, • satin, ' styled with nylon- net yoke trimmed; with •beaded pearls and. pink sequins, the full:skirt , fall- ing iii to along train. A. coronet ,Of pearls •'held her fingertip veil; •and lshee parried: ' a .bouquet of. white' mums and pink • carnations:, The ,matron of honor, Mrs. „",3... ronald F4rater, Lucknov wore a gown of blue taffeta,''and 1Vliss. i. Marion Gcrehain, Lucknow, as • • (bridesmaid wor a Similar, gown. Mauve. They chose matching. heeddresess trimmed ' with ostrich plumes, •and carried harmonizing bouquets of mumps and .'.roses. Little Gayle le: Carruthers of • Lon-' ' ' dog, niece of the bride, was flow- ergirl••' and . Wore a„ 'floor length gown •of pink : moire silk with {bonnet„to.match. Zest man was Arthur Simpson, brother' of the groom, and. ushers A :4 Were IrwinCarruthers, 'brothers of thebride and .Robert Simpson, brother. of the groom... Miss Marian MacDonald play= ed the wedding music and. Allan Stewart of London sang "0 ° Pet=. feet Love” and "At Dawning", The bride's mother; was gown- ed in a black dress with net bo.d ace•over pink silk and wore black accessories. Mrs. 'Simpson, moth., et ' of the groom,' chose• teal blue crepe with' wine accessories: ' ..Following ,a reception, . at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingharn, the couple -left .on a wedding `trip p to British Colurribia..: F P travelling the bride chose a grey gabardine shit, with navy suede accessories.. nice (ou tin cs Pay .. -As-You-Go" Polic , y Bruce County council conven- ed for • the final session of the. year at Walkerton on, Monday ey-• ening, November 7th, with War- den A. H. McTavish in. the chair and all members present, Need Homes; For, Aged .. , The only .matter which might be termed ;other than routine was :the .idecision, of Council 'to' try to, secure 'boarding places for: sur- plus inmates at the; Horne for the AgedI'n ;order ;td • ease the crowd- ed situation „at the ' Home, , the Committee ., are , authgrized : to.. board; tut certain inmates, who. are Old : Age 'Penisoilers, in pri- :vate" homes., Their pen ions, will be used to pay their ;board & the Co Mittee..are 'authorized to add' .an. .additional 'limited. '.amount where, in their discretion, they deem it necessary. County.'' 'treasurer :Thos.': Alton, in' his report to .Counbil,, predicted that the :careful budgeting proce- .dura 'adopted at the January, ses- sion would result in ,a small sur-, plus; at the end' of the year:' He also stated that, since . `January: lst, $20,000., has been paid :from the General Post War Fund to the . Wiarton and District exnor- i-al .Red- Cr-oss.— Ho5P' ita] -Bus ding• Fund. This coinpleted the '.;pay-; meat of the ' $25,00.0. •County - of Bruce .grant: to the' fund. The Post Wale„Eurids • remaining at present are 'as • follows: Highways ,Post War Fund '$85,000, General Post War; Fund $20,000. Suggests .Reserve '',Fund "For "Soine:ears''•clow”',� •said. Y , Mr. Alton, "the 'County of '.Bruce has been :•free of ,any.debenture or bond indebtedness. The' 'Coun-r ty has been firmly on 'a ' y -as-. you=go' basis, for which.:. we . can all be proud. • It would•now ap ,,p.ear , that lat some' tune' In. 'future,' we will:be' 'faced With large • capital expenditures: for example, the:' ;construction 'sof a new .County Home for the: Aged:: This would involve, • theissuing of debentures. unless some_ previa - ion is made toset up a: reserve to provide far-.. this• purpose It- is my .;opinion that longrange planning:.of capital ,e*Penditures , could ' ;result ., in a , eo p ` iderable saving of tax . dollars,:' first, through the saving of interest'' on debentures, second,' by increasing the' reserve ,Auring perfoci its rind aeCtinaulatioi ` through . earnings • on . goverrirrierrit•bonds purchased as: investments, ,and third, ::by be- ing ` able. to Undertake a 15roject at 'the most advantageous time,„ such, as recession years, •when the purchasillg value Of ,the` dollar is the greatest" The Health • •Unit '' Committee reported ..that ,the, ;Health, , Unit. now has eight staff nurses, which is the : first • time they have :'been able to have a` complete nursing. staff, . acid this should greatly 'as- sist the work of the:`.Unit.. In the present • school . Year, • the policy has been .adopted ,of .;giving 'a Coinplete• physical examination to all :pupils •in Grades I and 8, with the ;parents' consent. A iY pupHs` in Grade' 7" who will be :writing their entrance are examined com- pletely also. • In between . these grades, who -Were, . examined" in previous :-years' and :found ..to 'have , defect's; .are brought forward for a special 'ex- amination' to check on 'the pro= gress (good pr bad) of that de feet. All this is' ifi., addition to the ...regular ' medical inspection i solar . • , . given bey, the Staff Nurses ,and the imthuriization of commun ca- ^ble . diseases program of inocula- tions carried, out each year by the M:tYiL •„ The Highways • Committee re-' ported, that it has decided'to open a new stretch. of ,road' which will ' run 'from Hawe's . garage • corner in Paisley, westerly to ., :Connect up with, the present Towriline highway. 'between ' Bruce and Saugeen townships. The Coin- inittee Will . also • favorably con- sider, it ',19 -; the' building of a bridge b e �e nElden; g e Brant arid. ilia . township' Regarding the road along the county bounds rY. between. 'Huron and ,Bruce 'Chun ties from Belmore easterly to the boundarry'between. 'Wellington 8s r,. Huron counties; A the ' committee recorrenended' that this road be •assurn'ed by the bwo• .eeun_ties, Have Snow: Thrower on Trial, County Engineer George Ste- phenSdn; reported that, owing to: the dry season, it was impossible to ' ,keep ,.oyir gravel roads in 'as: good condition as one would wish., The calcium ,chloricle was not .. as, effectide. as • during • the :damper season. Next year it is expected that chloride will be more plenti-, tul and more, pf • it ,will : be used, and,if possible the roads will be ipiit,,in better shape- withat least -nmore• cla a; .;five: inch, crown , and. ,Y Mixed with t'he,•'gravel. Purchase of . • equipment was limited to minor units, but includes :a .Rich-, ardSon: snow thrower on trial for installation, on a D7 . tractor. This works somewhat • similar to a blower' and will, be used for wid- ening cuts, throwing the -snow 3:0: .to 70 feet. Thii'year the' County ha'd a large bridge program, cost-,. ing about $100,000, and 16. miles of road: mix pavement were .Com, pleted, The Agricultural committee' re- ported that the. Warble Fly pro- gram, as. carried- on by the Coun- ty :in ;1947 and- 1948, and : contin- ued by`the Townships in 1949; i`s 'considered to; be most successful and the Comin:ittee • recoinnends to ' the • Township' councils . that the Warble: Fly'campain' .be. con-.• tinned in 1950. TB. testing under' the ' Restricted : Area in Bruce, Co. is: progressing favorablyend, will probably .be: completed within the` next' year: The •Reforestation Committee recom ended the urchase •of mT �P '260, `.snore acres _ in Brant •fown, ship, to: add to • the ` lands already purchased ,by the. County; for the new reforestation .project in that township;. also: two More.town- ship' 'lots .in Lindsay towns ip.to, .add' to the existing. forest there. :: •Thee 'following. .grants were au thorized • during: t h e . Session: 'Chesley .High School' - Board: $1;:000 : -to •replace ,equipment :lost in .. the ` fire; 'Lindsay :Township -Mierrrorial Hall, $500.00; $15.00. to: each Public Library . in. the Co. having,. 300 to :1500'volumes;, and; $30.00 '• to each •Library, , ' having 1500 i ohlmes: .Hospital accounts f 'r: Tnainteri-- .ance of;_: indigent patients. • since the June Session•totalled.$4;5.10.-' 25. .” The ' County • Home Commitee • t were authorized':to pitrthase 40. .additional acres. of land ,to . add to .:the County 'Horne farm. ; • The following resolutions were .adopted 'by Council during • the Session: Requesting:. the. Minister of'. Ed-" 'iuoatioh. 4o.' respect : theexpress wishes:' Of the''townships' of' Car=. •rick and Culross to:be detached froin. the Walkerton High School. District;': • Recommending _ that 40 percent of all fines collected in towns ands -Nallages-whichrretain—their . owir :police forces revert back•to these zriuncipalities • • 'Recommending that legislation be, passed exempting from taxa- tion: the gzbwing crop of trees just as' other growing' crops are exempted, providing the, property Js -.properly fenced and'ain£ain ed Recommendin ' survey • g • a urvey be made to establish the: boundary between the Townships Of St. Edmunds ' and Lindsay, the cost. to -be borne : by these townships; .LETTER STATES WEATHER $BALLOON` OF NO` VALUE - -' The weather' balloon, with Par- achute P achute and iritriticate recording device ,attached which' .recently landed : on ' the Ernest Gardner farm at Zion,. is' of no, Value: • This information was"',contain- ed in a letter which' Cecil •Garde ner ,received frorn the 16th ther Squadron, ,Selfridge A i r 'Force Base,' Mich, The letter stated that the' equipment was p a Radiosonde trResmitter 'used to obtain ' upper air data. It is used' one time only and: -contains' -acid batteries;: that i' lake is dangerous' to mail: "You may destroy the" equiliment",. the letter ,,concluded,: THUR5., .NOVEMBER 17th, 1949 • ,Pimpi1.;►TrimNlrr,.;,..q,>s►1,m..41a0110„oftwo.®q.,l,. CHA'MPIONSHII'' :FINALS IN THE ARENA, LUCKNOW r . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17th —? Tonight. HIGHSCHOOL vs . PORT ALBERT;, Here's 's the he payoff series for t'he'Indoor Softball Cham ionshi� andthe Schmid TroPh Come and- cheer, your- fairorites Best 2 t of 3aures - Monda . & Tuesday _ _ y Co>btnues. , series W M S •SE.CTIIONAL MEETING.: CANADA'S OLDEST CITIZEN VELD ' AT KINLOUGH ,Sectional , .meeting •' The VancouverSun . carried'the for the. Western Division Of.•Mait- following articel of local interest,, land Presrayterial was; held 'in in that, Mr :Alton is ,a . native of Presb iterian• C: urch. .this community and well known �.y.. ,•:� Mrs, Guthrie . Reid, Teeswater, to :.mapy presided:Call , to ,worship and Death of: Ja'Winters, Camedls' s raer Was. given 'by ; Mrs, Reid.: ;oldest citizen,: in Westaskiwin� last pY �-::, Mrs. Shortt,-.Kirncardine, read :the week :'at the age of 108,:. brought scripture and gave the medta back :memories to Vaneouver cit tion• on _ the theme' ",Lowest' thou ' izen and' retired railwayman Dan me?". Miss Mary"1ViacLeod, .Luck - now, Luck now led in`ray er YVir: Alton carries around with P Y • Miss Margaret', Robertson, Kin ,bim a. fine,:gold=headed.` cane: In - lough, extended• welcome, to the scribed on it is.,the date 1904 and Auxiliaries. Mrs: 'Mowbray ; •of the fact that it was :presented to g .. Win Liam read the:minutes: him, by_ mem!bers� • of ` his road' • MacDonald` and Mrs.; MacKay :: of• gang. He h ckbelen.:foreman of a Ri le - 'sang. The ` roll calx was.. railWay.'9iuild Xlg, crew in Calgary, •p,•y g ., answered. by helpful ideas from.: When., ' he was promoted to 'ase' the Auxiliaries. superintendent of.: bridge and Mrs. McAuley, Ripley, Presby ':building •for,.the.;CPR arid moved,: tarsal resident, reported. on the to ' Cranbroek, his .gang. P ., Synodical executive x airs eke t:i ng get'her on the,• cane. which''.was: held in .London:. Mrs Jim' Winters, who died',...at the rRoberVMowbraY. who`'had ',been :ripe old, age,- Was a': •member of a delegate :tothe Council. meeting that :.gang, and the man who made in 'Calgary, gave asplendid. ie.; the .presentation. Port She. told of the. work„ being He had fought in the Civil War - = �the :- is "�h' cls On 'the -confederate, side and. was carried on at Ind rr, sc o._ _ _. _•_ _.. and of the.' needs' in ;these dis-at the young agegof',62 when: he , tricts. ;Mrs: 'Bell Kincardine ave . finished • that railroad' job .and,.. the. treasurer's report Mrs.: Rus- took.. up . , homesteading in, the -:sell, ►; I ucknow;:' extended` . thanks Pigeon ;Lake': district. to the seakers; Mrs,• ;MclVlurchy, "He could hold ':up..'his end of s'p , Ashfield` 'ave the closingray- 'the work, 'too", recalled •',:Al er: Refreshirnents were served, by. ;toss the. •Kinlou h Auxiliar"" dVir. Winters eventuallysold'his' .. farm and vitas living ie a hotel Kilpatrick -McNay 'Group' in: 'Wetaskiwin when his money ,. The . Kil ,atrick-McNa :. 'Group ran • out: He was 105 then so ;his • : P Y P of he W.• A: met a1t.;the, home' many: friends ..of the district took e' ' tot :o�� �rs: ' W. • . L. MacKenzie With: his c add '''ma d ..'•,_ , : p....;ase... d , g,� =1.8 ladies. ,present.• Mrs;::Her hint, .a government old -age pen 'Treleaven presided . and . opened sign. ' "Why he the. meeting withassn':85 m self arid. � g by rid pray- .: I•: sin y . " � er, ,The: slcr' tore: lesson',Nvas read quit.' , workinigr� for.. •me ,when . he P y 'Mrs: was" d the smartly_ by . Eddie Johnston: After $2, ,• , muse. Y , =business ..and ' re ortsof • commi . dres ed,keen Mr. Alton, looking . " tees were.. iven ` the following at ' his 'geld -tapped ' 'cane; , a thing ' g g , program""was .enjoyed •'by ,all'. Mrs of 'real : beauty. He • has lived, here • Brewer gave a: reading' on "Being since1922 h. and' .has another cane, an ordinaryerson" Mrs: J. W. he''likes, too. It's' made from wood Jo•' nit :saperson"; - " "Beav r'_' •' y g -;a -solo My T•a$k , ae from the•-old�'steatnerr "Beaver! �--:. companied • lb K, Mra. Kil atriek• Wrecked 'off:;Pros `.ect Point. . Y P � P... Mrs. W,:B: 'Andersonaverye av g Y interesting ;account : on her trip to the Coast this suinaner a :huin= .orous' selection Was. given'.,' Y two i s sses • Ruth Treleaven' and GAVE CANE>•TO 'DAN ALTON ..,.IDE LANGS yr success-, very �.'he.Y':P.S: held :a , `r1 M' fol f3allorwe'en party in the. ,Marilynhurch. yn Kilpatrick.. A • contest followed and ThNoveunIsar meeting of the . ,.....,..lunch, was serrved . Eby the ra ram commit ee : Mrs. Mission Band • -was held ' at the Harold Treleaven Mrs. 'Kil, at- home ofMrs. Charlie Tiffin, Mrs. Farrsh Moffat *as; in Charge, Mrs. Tiffin''read the: , seriptere and Betty Conley. led in prayer, Mrs. Bill 'Scott gave ''the story frons the rboolt on•Tndia. Mr. Dan MaclntY re is a patient. in : + ; �: Wingham ,Hospital,havin gfin-. . dergone .- an ; appendiic operation. We wish him a speedy 'recovery' Miss Marjory Maopent • the •week=end in; Toroaclnto.nald s G. F Mr:. , I.. offat and: Mr„ Alex M , MacKenzie attended:' the warden s banquet in Teeswa.ter' on Thurs.. , day ' evening: ' rMiss •:Dolena• -Orr of London• spent the week -end at her home.' The •W.M.•S.' meeits held. ona Thursday a.t tiieting home of Mrs • Jas.:1 cPherson, Cultj ssw: Miss . Marjory Ann &ott 9f. Wingham spent the week-eid with Mr., and Mrs,' .Bill Scott. ' Mr.. and Mrs, Wilson Wall friday witli� , Mr`. and 1VYrs Bertspent Moffat. rick and Mrs:. IVMathers. The' next meeting i.sto beheld. at The 'home of 1Virs,'• A :E McKim. The Pilgrims Knew Hoy to gat! Believe. it or not,it took 'the Pilgrims whole week to eat their first Tha.nktsgiving dinner, even withthe—help, of .the In- diens!: For' interesting facts, read" "Here's Howe", entertaining quiz 'Show, ' iri Pictorial. Review'; 'all- all- star magazine with this Sunday's (NoVernber 20)' issue .of The De- troit Times; Visitor Was Hospitalized ' Mr, and Mrs. Boden Ritchie re- turned. to their ' herne' ` at Essex. 'on Sunday. Mr; Ritchie suffered d a ,,heart spell while visiting .lie . and' was a 'patierit in Wingham 'Hcispital' for, ':about' three weeks. Duringhis confineinen ` t Ri t-, Mrs, • chie remained at Zion at the home of Sohn` Ritchie..