HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-17, Page 4PAGE FOUR: <ej TIM LUCKN'OW SENTINEL, L L CKNOW, ONTARIO • Y • THURS,, NOVE112BER 47th, .194 ew ft • • ,I} of 15. • "WANT' AD RATES—lst . insertion 2 cents a:. wordy 'subsequent insertions, 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 25 cents.. Repliescare of The Sentinel 10 cents extra, . Legal. advertising, 10 cents per count line first , insertion, 5 cents per line , subsequent insertions.. FOR SALE . 100-�Barred Rock FARM FOR SALE -. 100 acres, .pullets. J. Powers,iiloss; ,.• Lot, 15, Con: 8, Kinloss Township, {black ,collie dog, goon house•, barn, Bering water, , ap- proxunately •70. • ares wgrkable,. Will accept best cash' offer. Ap- ply :to -.Calvin, ',WTI - Mouth MonMouth. Rd',: Windsor.! . • ' cattle and children's. ` dog. ' Re- ward. Kelso: McNay, Paramount.. OR SALE -40 . small pigs, ,five +vweekis old. Apply, to Howard Rob= inson, toicknow ' FOR ' SALE -'-new modern one;, Storey home; immedate possess-' • •ion. Apply Box 1.61,, Luckiiow. '. FOR SALE hemlock, good plump stock; alio • 2x4, hemlock. The Lucknow Sawmill Co., FOR SALE -7 -room f rarhe house in Lucknow, hot 'waterheating, all ' modern. coQnveniences. Barn and, garage..Apply • atSentinel Office: • EUY'."ING CHICKENS•.& FOWL Chickens bought' on either live or. dressed grade. Premium paid on• well finished birds.- Goldie Mar- tin; Paramrmt. • `.CHAMP,ION' GRAIN GRINDERS sold. and installed;', Electrical ap- pliance, males. and •,repairs.. Rural wiring. HAROLD H'ALDENBY,• Kinlough.. FARM FOR SALE --100 acres in West Wawanosh Township -about. three. miles .' East of St., :.Helens, near school" • Good ' buildings. Cairns Aitclhison, R; 2,:Lucknow. ' S7IRAYED= to the :premises ' of the undersigned, '' as red ' heifer with ' .somas . white on, about 800 pounds. Oliver:;Harkwell,:.R. It, 3, Lucknow, :_phone Dungannon , 62- r-3, WANTED= -FLOCKS to.supply us With. , hatching eggs. for ',1958 seas- on. Flocks' culled' and bloodtested free .of charge.' Guaranteed: prem- `Tuan •plus hatchability ,preminni 'paid..'z:IF.o r., .full _details write_ Tweddle:'•;;Chick Hatcheries •, Lim - Fergus 'Ontario. ..:TENDERS :TENDERS are' requested • from any Ladies'` Organization an. Luck-: now and surrounding 'rural coma' munity, for the serving of a cold plate at the ',annual` meeting ::bf the {Chamber of ?Commerce, . in _the Recreational. Centre on 'Nov-' •ember 30th; Deadline for: tenders, November • 22nd. 'For ':information, apply to Wan. Pappas. • PRINCIPAL ; WANTED Qualified Protestant teacher re- quire(':. for Senior Room ,in ,,. the ,Dungannon Public School, - U "S S.� • No. 8, Ashfield • Township School. A: r e 'a ' `(Huron County) . Four grades, 25 pupils. Duties to Corn- , mence in orn-;mence`'in January,; 1950. Present 'salary $2,000.: Applications stating qualifications, experience; salary expected and'•ferrrier inspector to be, forwarded by ,November 24th • to the sec:=treas,,, R.' :T. Kilpat- rick; R. 7, ,Lucknow, Ontario:. NOTICE The. :Ashfield :'Federiation.n _:of. 'Agriculture will hold their 'an- anal' an-nual' Meeting,' in the Township Hall. on, Wednesday, November 23rd at ,two o'clock, CARD' OF THANKS Mr. Boden 'Ritchie cif "• Windsor. wishes to sincerely thank: friends; sand relatives in 'this community :who re xgembered. 1vm so kiindly' while patient in Wingh,axn Hos- pital, IN MeIVIORIAM M1S ENTER=In loving memory of James 'R... Misener.. Two.' long .•years -since that sad, day' ' : 7'^" • The •one we loved was'called away. • -Ever.' rerriemlbered 'and sadly •missed; by 'Herb and Mary Cur ran- IN MEMORIAM ERRINGTON in loving 'memory of a. dear wife and mother; Mrs. David ::.Errington, who passed away: one year ago;: on Novern- ber 17th:, One year has: passed since that •sad day, When one , we loved ' was, called away, took her hommne, ' it :was His, But in our hearts she liveth still. Fondly remembered `!by; Hus I band, Eva, Roy .and Wilfred.' NOTICE -TO `CREDITORS In. the matter or the ;Estate of James. Edward Baker, late of the -Town .of : Walkerton ' (formerly -of the Townshipf Kinloss), in the: -County.'of"'Wu-be,''Retired. Farm er, . deceased.'. Notice is 'hereby lgiven that all persons . having :any claims. against 'the ' estate of James Edward Baker, , afiiresaid, Who died -on -or 'about September :29, 1949,` at :the. Town of' Walkerton,, are 'required to file, proof of •their claims . duly verified with the undersigned ex- ecutors on or before the 20th day.. of December; A.D. 1949.. • And 'noticeis further given ;that after 'the; said:: date the' executors; 'will 'distribute the assets of .the. said-. estate • among .'•the : `persons entitled thereto and .will not be responsible for the` said assets :or any part thereof ; to anyone of whose •c1aim,,they shall 'not' then have' :received . notice. Dated`at .Ripley, Ontario, this 14th • days. of .November A.D. 1949. • -Richard: Baker, Lucknow, Ont. Richard • Elliott, R.. R. 3, Holy ;rood,' nOtario, Executors. rood; Ontario;; Executers. to PRO: ,From, Your. Winter Layers By Using: NEW Lift or LIFETERIA FEliD '(Pellets or. Mash)• OYSTER ` S•HELLS, • •'GRANITE,. GRIT, .' COD LIVER -,OIL •From . . WFORD'S Feed Store WORMING"' :IS 'A MUST ! !' ! R. A. Finn's Worm Cures, Tonics anal .Minerals give results. Laying 'Birds'Need 'A, Fourteen, -Hour Day IJSE,, A JAMESWAY, AUTOMATIC TIME CLOCK Of heedYou . Get By. Ordering on Or More half' FREE DEL'IV'ERY 'FIIONE 165. ,...• LVCR11.OW ; 40° Champion GROUND • GRIP TRACTOR TIRES The only tractor .tires that, take a "center -bite" right in the heart of the traction., zone. Firestones out pull; ,out -dean,, out . last all others. i'OR IjIRESTONE TIRES and Prompt, Service in ELECTRIC •WELDING BLCKSMI- H WORK Calla Jbert Porter's Lucknovi� East End, Phone.87-r-4 Open . Evanings •*:. ' . Your' Business Appreciated IN : MEMORIAM, , CUf,RAN • In loving memory; of John R Curran, who passed away one 'year ago, ' November 18th, 1948 .'. Our family ' circle has been brok- en, • •.A link gone from our chain; But . though ' we're ` parted 'for a, while ' We know we'll meet again -Ever • remembered by. Sisters and Brothers. NOTICE • CLERIC'S NOTICE OF FIRST' POSTING VOTERS! ' LIST Voters' 'Lists; 1949,' Municipality: Of the. Village of Lucknow in • the County ot_Bruce Notice is :hereby 'given ', • that . I have complied with Section . 8' of` ' the. ' Voters' • List Act. and 1 • have- posted•: up at my 'Office in , the said Village, on the: 29th day .:of October, A.D.` 1949; th'e list '.of all' persons • entitled tovote' in the said Village at 1Viu.nicipal .Elect; ions and that, ,such list remains there for inspection And ,I hereby cadh•• upon all Voters ` to take imrimediate',.pro; cee Ings to haire : any,errors errors or emissions corrected "according to law, the last day for appeal be,. ing. the 19th day of. November,_ A.D.' 1949.. • : " . .. 'Dated at Lucknow, 'Ontario; this..29th. -day ;of October,. A:D 1949, • . JOSEPH . AGNEW, •, Clrk;'•of the Village, of, Lucknow.` „ BORN JO11NSTO)\I—In Wingharn ,Gen eral . Hospital' on Friday, Octobei- 28th, to Mr. and 'Mrs. J. 'C. John- ston, Lucknow, a son. United Church Y. 'P. S. . The regular meeting of the Y. P. S. was 'opened with hymn 501 after 'which. Dr. Mumford- led in ger: The scripture WAS read. 37 -Charlene Smith followedby a short business period conducted by president Jack McKim. At this point • Donald MacNay, Christian Missions convener; took charge, .of' the meeting. The topic, on xfnis- Bions `was taken by Dr: Mumford. Margaret Rae,,conducted a Bible quiz and the meeting Was, closed with the benediction.' DONNYBROOK DO N The W,M.S, and W.A. , met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. `Arnold •raig,, the first vice president, Mrs. Chas, Jef- ferson presiding. Mrs, Mark Arm- strong read the scripture lesson. Mrs: Rev. Hewitt contributed a solo. Mrs' Hardy gave .a reading entitled "Twoo little old ladies": Mrs, Arnold Craig read a leaflet entitled. "One lamp • liglhts, an- • other 'Mrs:. R. • {Clhaniney , gave the report of .,the Sectional con- vention which was held- at Dun-' 'gannon.. M'i's. H: Jefferson read 'the 2nd •chapter in the study.book. "Growing "with the years'"'; Rev., 'Hewitt' ' closed thet -,,_meeting. A bazaar in • •charge ` of the W. - A. 'xietted.-.$.14 20;- Mrs: Mark Arni strong :;and -Mrs: J,: ; R Thoznpson assisted . the 'hostess' in! • serving lunch. : The ' Dec hilber "meeting will_Ibe :held, at the home• of Mrs. H. Jefferson.. Visitors at the home of Mr.. and. Mrs. R. Chaniney during the week -end included' Mr. and Mrs;' H.. E. C'hamney.' and "family of Windsor, Mrs. Olive' •, Allin ` of. Clinton,: Mr, and ••Mrs.. R. A. 'Chia,' holm. and ,seri John, 'Mrs. Ernest Craig, Miss Virginia Chamney & Mr. Jim Roberts Of Goderidh. • Week -end. Tvisitora at the •home'' of • Mm:: and Mrs.: 'J. C. `Robinson. included' Mr. 'James Robinson & his grandson,inn-Macintosh- Of f Toronto` and Mrand Mrs.• Doug .Williainls and •..daughter of Lon don. • ash :' paid . for scrap lion,. iron,; • sacks, ..rags, car '.batteries and ' metals.. G. D ,O R •S.0 HT. . St. Helens 'Phone 56-r-5 L• uckitow : } ESTERN :FARMERS Weather Insurance .Mutual -Co.. MOTTO: : •Prompt :;and Satisfactory Settlements • For information, reliable protection, satisfaction, consult your • local agent •• SAM .• ALTON .: LUCKNOW' •' ,.'Phone Dungannon' 844-4 N. • Call,' Write. or 'Pitons CAMERA DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN' Havelock. St., south of Supertest Garage LUCKNOW Telephone 175 General. Atc`ointanty •Service for "the` amall mer chant, professional* man , and • the farmer. ,1Un L cknow Tues,,, Thurs., aril -Friday;' Office in' Kilpatrick:; Block" ' . S. J. ilYttVIM P70. Box 74, Lucknow, Ont. Phones: Residence 234, Office 23-W.: ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST ..IN• LU�CKNOW ��: `FIRST . w f tiiiESDAY• OF from •. • �. • 10 • ,WM.. SCHMID'S STORE Insure n Sure Insurance CONFEDERATION LIFE Car, Accident, Sickness WIND Western Farmers' • • / Weather FIRE-Howick Farmers • Mutual Comsulf JOHN ' FARRISH 'Phone: ` 169 Lucknow NSURANC FIRE, ' CASUALTY ' and'' AUTOMOBILE To. Protect: Your Jack Insure, With Jack Today J. A. ry DONAGH R.R.' °3 Lucknow, Ont Phone 61-5' Dungann9n ANDRE! Barrister. and Solicitor UCKNOW,ONTARIO' L Office in.: the Jovnt..:Block ,Telephone: Ofilee 135' . Residence 314 P. Stuart Mackenzie • Foie° i>r11. information on,' CoO.perative Life •Insurance or° o -operative' Automobile Insurance i.• 'Phone Dungannon 7`0'-r40''• Also Sell ,HEALTH & ACCIDENT and.' FIRE INSURANCE. :.,BARRISTER & `SOLICITOR . Walkerton,' Ontario, • N':LUCKNOW ' Each Wednesday OFFICE- IN' 'HENDERSON BLOCK ..f . S: Hettier'rngton, KC. Barrister,. Etc. Winghan and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW h. ac Monday & .Wednesc�aY Located' on the ground; 'floor in the front ot;• John Kilpatrick's Building: �Pbone Wingharfi' •Office 48 Residence 97