The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-03, Page 7T,URSDAY, NOVH1VIBER3i 1949. MEMQ;RIALS WINGHAM MEMORIAL • `SHOP • 1 famous for Artistic Memorials; at very reasonable, prices:' Always. a' large stock, in ' choicest granites to;.. • choose from.. Cemetery lettering: a specialty " Alt modern machinery. R, A. SPOTTON, ,'Phone.256' =– Winghamt Onto A .`family ' plot 'should be • graced with • the shrine -like • beauty ofa monument which win be everlastingly a tribute to those at rest We have many classic ` styles to.' suggest, and Will work with you ' on' cis tom ' designs. ': Exceptionally low prices:. No canvassing, which,• elimin- ates: sales' commissions. Inscriptions Repairing Sandblasting Memorials • 25 ,y ars',, .Experience •• • The '.latest. in ,Portable Sandblast Equipment 'All Work `personally executed, rownlie MemTor:ial Alfred. St:', WINGHAM•. 'Phone 450 • NEIL , MacLENNAN, Ripley, Ontario. es,' EVERYONE SAYS et. . SIS WONDERFUL Safesure,BERLO}U-'' protections against moths Costs little . ... , . ,a small yearly, investment '. l uys guaranteed, .'protection ..for clothing, , rugs, blankets/ &, •'furniture. Used And 'proven 'since :1930 by thousands of 'professional moth r' 1;Rf:0U' p oofers, • B • Writing guarantees' . in g to • stop moth -dam age for .5 years,. When ap • plied as directed, or ' a s;. the, darns a Be -,safe pi• g b'.- BERLOU today! W. SENTINEL LUCxNOW, ' ONTARIQ BOUNDARY EAST I' Presbyterian Eveningr ' Auxi lacy . 1, I° The meeting Opened with the o n(burg and .Mr,. and Mrs. Prayer w'as r:eatedAlex Hlackett of 'Win�gh;am iiunison. Ma ld ed wi Mrs � H. MacDonald th Mr. and 'Lord's M'rs; ':Pharls read' tlie' `current events: and. a .blathers, the Pastokeek-end. ngs, Ronnie Perster, Nancy &Ross spent' the •Week -end in Lon,.:don• ..•., Miss Grace 11;loir and her uis entertained at a ' HallP p - masquerade and social, ' in No..9 Gladys MacDonald, with. ,,,,school ori 'Wednesday evening., A 294repeated'nunison.asa'programwasput.. on 'by.the ,pups :er.•Chapter, 7 from the*topi.e b ils and a number; of games and EnterChina";-was taken by contests were enjoyed . by an : P•earl -Henderson; Prayer:Iqy.afterwards!Janet Gaunt and. M,audie fisher• closed the rneeRonnie.C'oriley..?vere ;the • prize after '•which: the hostess; Mrswinners for :best costumes. `Judges K. '-MacDonald, Served: luxich:'were `Miss P and MrsMcClen-. i jaghan 'ofWhitechurch, Lunch and'' Presbyteriancaudy`aWere served by'°the'.ladies •The' PresbyterianYoungand `older pupils- in charge. : pie's 'Guild opened with• t On. ,Oetober .' 2lst, '181 guests thenie "Mercy", The script were served at,' the annual. ban - was read responsively: Meditat quet of t'he East Wawanosh Fed- on the' theme was taken• by eration ; of Agriculture; A 'turkey` Stanley. _Prayer Was offered esu per w , oto red to by the. Gladys MacDonald. The Missi pp �,• men's Institute ary study was .taken by 'MarProminent, at the 'banquet .were MacDonald. Missionary. lettMessrs.':' John. Armstronig, Huron, Were.read by Dor alday en; John 'W. Hanna Isabel MacDonald' and Docount .' wardM:LA ' for Huron -Bruce, " Hone Hamilton. Elmer "Urxibach 'cloWan.. 'Goodfellow, Minister of with prayer'. Asing;: song`',Welfare' and special speaker :for games were enjoyedafterwarthe evening, 'Jack 'Buchanan, past •president. of t.h''e Federaition; Simon Hallaghen; ;Douglas Carmei. j'NGANNO'N 'bell, secretary, Alden Pu�rdon,.president;•- Bert Lobb; -president Mr.� and - Mrs; -George `-er��of ' Huron Federation; 'El a' n e Mrs. 'MacIntyre,:.' Mr -: and 'M Walsh, Huron 'music supervisor John'Maclntyre and Daughter. and• Gordon Bennett a,vrtiriirl4,�,.• ' en, ofWalkerton were visite Mr, and .Mrs, Melvin iiackett' singing ' of Psalm 109' and. the f Tlillso solo was : sung byMissRoszella Mullin:°The roll oall was• answer- 'ed by a- verse of scripture'„in .which was the word "Peace". The scripture lesson ='was feed by the president in charge, Miss hymn ray-' oak.' Miss. Miss' ting tC.. Pea -- h e ahe ure. ion. Ray :by on- ion ere Donna sed and ds. nig, rs. El- rs on Sunday with their cousin, Mrs, Alex Smith - . Mr. and Mrs 1C'lifford, Hackett and 'sons .Chester•' and. Lorne of Ashfield Were Sunday visitors with Mr. and ;Mrs.'Eldoxi Culbert.. 1VI 'and Mrs Will• Petrie . and. • al ` representative for Huron Co.. 'who • led,.the . crowd in .tom/ nullity singing. Rev. ,�111 r.' Currie ` o f Whitechurch sked. grace. before the 'meal and Mrs.' ;Gordon' Ben- .nett; was soloist` for the evening. • Dustan Beecroft' 'conducted'' the election ' of officers. A dance to .daughter Marina spent : the week-.. music . by Farrier's `; orchestra•fo'l end visiting .:Mrs: Petrie's broth lowed the .programA . , .`' er, Mr,' Case' ; Black: Mr 'Petrie S. The' NoVeni'ber. meeting of the ':sister, Mrs, Case'. Black;': also Mr. Wonien's Institute !,: is to 'be. an ` .Petrie's . aunt, Mr. 'and. Mrs:: JOS.. At : Home featuring, a pot luck Agar, all of Kitchener., ,' supper, ,November .8th. `Hostesses Mrs. "W R; Andrew left for the, . are Mrs, Ed McBurney .and,, Mrs : West • last week` : to , . visit • `'h two 1.: R. •Purdon.' The roll call will be months .with relatives in Sack, 1 re atchewari, sponged to. by .a farm problem A debate, "Resolved' that the men - Rev C. B.'. Woolley, pastor of should help the women' With the..Ashfield churches. ,of • 'Zion and housework", will be taken:by Hacketts 'exchanged `pui'pits with Mrs. Grain, . Mrs •Pickell, Dustan 'ley.' Jas, Bright who preached', Beecroft arid "Tom'.Mcrore. • : anniversary services at 'the Zion' Rena, and Freddie, ' daughter & i PPointm ent. At the .morningg ser Y son;''.of:.,Mr: and Mrs:•. Eddie •Moore Vice of the, Dungannon` ' United' had 'their, tonsils and adenoids' re- church Rev: Woolley chose his moved in-Wir ghan :' Hospital on ddress _from "•Ron�ians. 8:37 'Way Friday.. _ m:'all these thmgs,.we are more Ya 1 than con u Mr and Mrs. Eddie •MeQuillin q„ seers ��throigh , him, :and -Grant spent the week=endlat that loved us". Paisley.' A staccesison of.: parties were Mr and Mrs. Harold Dawson held last, Week leading up ' to of Toronto visited' last week at, Hallowe'en to make merriment the`' Dawson & McQuillin homes. for .Young and old '' • together • which proved to:be ,a step in' the I right direction ,to have these,--- as, PUBLISHER GETS PLUG. FOR it lesselied the havoc that might ACCURATE REPORTING '' have 'taken :place Monday night ' ' On Wednesday ?Light the •local, In- our recent . report of Dr. I Orange. Lodge held a euchre par:, James J,' Taiman's address on ty in the Parish ,Hall, The first pioneer days, soane'of ;our readers' ,prizes were won by Mrs., Robert didn't ` take kindly to : some .of iBere' and, Mr cordon Anderson the references to the Morals'. of.,.and. '.consolation. prizes'. to Miss the ; pionee.rs. That ,'the'sP. eaker. ,wasn't "mis quoted" by The Sentinel, borne :out by the following excerpt from a :leiter the' I7uiblisher has''since •received f iiom'' Dr: Tolman;:'. ' ,"Many ,thanks for returning' my •ananuscript and for sending. _. a..c o :._of:y ails qpy o your papier-.with tlze. report of my speech' in it., I con- gratulate you on the accuracy . of the reporting and the amount of Material which you were able to '""' take ' down while I Was speaking: • Pearl, 'Culbert' and Mr.• Thomas. 1,tivett. The Y:P.U: 'sponsored a Hallowe'en • party' at Erskine Presbyterian church on . Thurs." day; ,night.. On Friday night the` Junior Farmers 'Club held their annual Hallowe'en, , : party and dance ,/in the agricultural . hall w fh-Perrier's _. s orchestra.. supply- ing the music–On Saturday' night Mrs.: Frank Glenn, gave a party for her family and` their friends. at 'their `home: The Dungannon Woanten'sInstitute 9g,ave upwards rug: Store,. 'a I have no' hesitation in saying that of ' '100 who came. to' the'', Par'sh- . IrucknQw t 1 hive never been more aecurate- hall ` masquerade an even' of ly reported'. games and treats ,on Mon ay ow e night (ball e' n) . " • n o f North 'Bay, Mr, ' and Mrs. Etnest Pritchard, and. Mrs: A B Pent- land - ent land of Toronto were recent its itors to the homes `of their' rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs.'• Frank Pent- land , and 1Vpr. and Mrs: Wilfred Pentland: Mrs., A. B. Pentland,: their'mether, is 'remaining for. a •Mr. and Mrs.Ron Pentland T FnR SALE A FOS SkY Harbour Air Services of Goderi :h' have for SaleAnsori tt ,for $7 'b5.00. 'These' aircraft can eused by farmss to ••.x. great advantage. ,used Wheels can be put on wagons, the , fuselage . ; used as .a cabin trailer or chicken house,..hundreds of (while•' longer with mem ' of feet of wire and many nuts and bolts can he detained; Four her family' and is' at present' with 1iYdraolic p ` tu'bin�_.' I g pum?r s are, also included as weals much metal her dau' hter,.Nlrs.. Ralph roster, g' and plexi -glass This is the best investanent you ever Shephardton, ade, Also iinxied'iatel available (lust overhauled) air cooled, sclane engine for sale complete. • 1 Mrs'. Eeriest Hall, Almeda and With ' i"p g rip Mi' Robert Johansen of Brantford Pe, er. This "engine is of 75' .horsepower.:and eon: lie.;., for_. snbwailuobiles, etc, The supply of the foregoing' IS ` limited so.set at once. i , 111wh'rr014••11•A1r•1►1,•4'luft41bi111►i:•1up•6 •.'1' 44114'h41 :4°111( 44,4 • ,,.we+n .41 tile►Y'�'. Were week -..end, visitors- with. Mr, - and. Mrs, Thos. Webster. and. 'call ed On tither friends. Mrs: George Whitl•nm, 'fc rpt er[.y Millie 'Anderson, ' who arrived • • • PAGE SEVEN from Bradford, England . .111' the early part, of the sumaner, is ex- petting her husband the latter part , of the .week- from England and will meet hiT t Another arrival ' from England is. Mrs; Albert Rivett who .sailed on the • 25th for Canada after a few months 'visiting her relatives. m in oron. o, at ,Newcastle -on -Tyne..' • :r. • • o •._ You only fool yourself. when' you ',feed stale 7 -•�= mash, for egg production 'suffers.':' The National "Quality..Mix" system is the fresh -mix's :.Ystem it :. ��� ��' 'gives that tasty eat -more, quality to your egg mash which is the!; only way to keep •your'birds into shape and roll' :: �,•. P oil. out the eggs week after week. National "Egbilder" concentrate 'mixed 'fresh, .at Y -our 'NATIONA L •Feed..' • Dealer is modern -feeding. • Remember first that feed is a raw material used byI y the. • h en �,. to prodqce growth and eggs: Secondly'there': �. ' a bird can eat and di amount of'feed a a' limit to: the gest in 24 hours. If the ration . is stale or poor,' your birds c Y annot eat enough to keep healthy and. produce ` eggs. The result' : is ' )hat either egg production drops. or health' is' imaired. your So choose 'fcarefully—el needs . . • . :• feed hen...less of ' o high quality feed. That a -why you should always most on a . feed made' with; NATIONAL y quality mix concentrate. wm — l pi;— - —, sea —,.o ea. 5« raw hail • NAtiONAI Folli Oe hr POW. • WM. STONE soNS. UMiTED • iii•O SOl4 • . • ONTARIO • FEE MIX FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE Insist on NATIONAL` well -cured, properly ended fertilizer: D. 'PHONE.9 -w, LUCIKNOW. ealer • • rr • • II • *�k 11' .. h • A .1