HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-11-03, Page 3TI•iUR:SD"A Y, NOVEMBER: , 1949
Loc itn
'WARM WINTER underwear and
'work clothing, ,or men and' boys.
The.. Store with. the Stock.
Mrs Donald Ferguson, is: quite
:poorly at the home of • Misses
Pearl and, Elizabeth Henderson.
• Mr. and Mrs. S ,:B.. Stothers
heave moved from Arthur to Fer-
�gus. where they are residink.
Mr; and Mrs • Floyd Smith of
Iidgetown • spent Sundaywith.
Mr.and Mrs, N. W • Winterstein,
Mr; "and' Mrs.. Walter' J.Bircl
of Toronto visited over eek -
with the Tatter's m their, Mrs.
T. A lYlacD•onald. •.
IVIr and "Mrs: , Wilfred Patrick
of Souris', Ma`nitobap visited "their
'` unele ',and aunt, •Mr. and Mrs, D,
C, Me.M.Qrran ,recently,. ,',
Mrs.: Wilfred • Drennan is' con
yaleseipg at her :home•, here after
undergoifig an operation .in.. Vic
toria Hospital, .London. •
Mr. and Mrs; ' Percy; Smith and
daughter. Charlene. of Toronto
spent the .week -end . with Mrs.
Sarah Jones.: '
Mr. and Mrs Jack .�Farrish of
town• and Mr. and Mrs. dif'n Gr'b
son of Blyth yisitedt, recently at
St. Catherines 'and Niagara Falls::
Two.carloads•of ladies .and girls
from Lu�cknow' will.' attend , .a
Guiders' .Rally land Local Associ+=•
-ations meeting..in• Owen•Sound-on-
Saturday, with •sessiorf • morning,
and afternoon.
Miss: Kathleen. Harr . of•° Toronto
spent the week -end with Dr:'and,
Mrs, W. J; Iii ford." Sunday`
guests .•.at .. The 'Parsonage were
Mr. and Mrs. Milton.Wigle and
Mr. and•' ' Mrs. -Leslie. . Smith, of
i agersvilie.
Mr, and Mrs. Wellington' Nixon'
of 'Lucknow spent• the week -end
THE with Mr. and Mrs, J. C,' Robinson
and with Mr. and. Mrs. Edward
Robinson Of Donnybrook.
Come and Worship With
or Dinner Motherill
•piiILING Fowl,
! Mark Berger -4.
F. Schu.eti Sons:
Mrs, Roy Cu1b,ert attended the
Holmes reunion at. Petrolia on.
Friday, at the hone of her sister,
Mrs. George J,ackson,with whom.
she visited ' for a few days, •
Mrs. Charles • iCooke of town -
.has •been named Junior Past
President of the newly organ-
ized. •Rebekah. -Lodge in Wing-
Mr ':and Mrs, Arthur Fraser ,of
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michiga•
were . callers in town this week;•
Mrs. Fraser was:rformerly Mar-
garet: Gafrible of''Kinloss
W; 'Ti;, 'Treleaven
arid son Robbie of Hamilton and
Dr. .and Mrs, .R. B. Treleaven :and
son Allan "Visited last Wednesday
with Mrs. M. A. and Mass` Ger-
trude . •Treleaven. ' • •
J. C. Drennan .was home for
the week -end. The "lake' freighter
Burlington, 'on Which he. 'is' an.
•oiler; , went aground .'last ,week
near Little; Current' during a
storm his now undergoing re-.
pairs at Midland. • "
Weekend guests,, at the home
of Mr: -and Mrs. W. B. Anderson
were Bob Hassard.' of the Toronto.
Marlboro ;Senior l hockey .team,:
Doug, Treleaven. of 'the ; O ,A. C.
"Aggies" rugby team and the lat-
ter's , parents, Mr. and Mrs,. Tre-
.:Dr.. and Mrs. John. D..... Forde
,and ;family, formerly of .Peter-'
The October. meeting of the
Kairshea ' Institute •was held at
the home of .Mrs, Walter Mac-
Kenzie,. where a large nurn!ber of
members and gi ests met.
..The usual exercises opened the
meeting • With the,•president, Mrs.
'Fred Gilchirist, in the chair. The
roll call was well responded to
by "Shortcuts in 'sewing", .Com -
triunity singing followed and the
motto . ":Put your talents in the
W. 1 and watch there multiply
was given by Mrs 'Harvey Hous-
ton ,Mrs, W, Sept ! .theri favored
with an instrumental followed. by
,a Well prepared ,topic. given by
Mrs. H. Cavi be11 on "Time ssv:-.
•'ing in the,. home". A. solowas
beautifully` Sung byMrs. McTav-
'ish, This Was• followed•:by .4.1), A'-.9'.
solo �,by Mrs..• D McDonald. • _
- A
t 'Pleasant part of 'they•
program• followed in . the, pres-
entation ofd a lovely /lamp to'
Misses Jessie and: Annie McKay,
who have ,moved to the Village.
The. 'address was read by 'Mrs. ii,
Martin and the lamp' was handed'
the ;ladies by Mrs, 'Lavis...Both:
ladies, being taken miuch by sur-
prise,+,.but' ase usual made` very
ftting replies. Thegathering then
sang "For they are • jelly good
A .pickle contest was held;' Mrs.
Ira Dickie" winning first, and Mrs.
McDonald 2rid° prize; The jiidges
were' Mrs. W. MacKenzie • and
-•Mrs;•- Campbell; -°The ',closing` • re.
'marks were given by Mrs, W, ;F,:
MacDonald and the meeting closes;
ed with ,God Save the King.'
borough, have taken up residence
gatFordwich, `where, the• Doctor'is
establishing a medical practise.
Mrs: Forde :was forrrierly Eliza-.
beth MacDonald; daughter of Mr.
Week -end! visitors 'with Mi. and
Mrs, W. G. •ArrriStrong were Mr.
JOe• Austin,' .Wingharri4. Mr.. and
Billy and paul,,Mr.' Wilbert Reel?,
'Miss • Jime. Reel) and Miss' Dawn
Reeb;. of Port colborpe'
Mrs'..J. C. •McNab Were in Fergus
on. Sunday visiting relative! ,who
had been suddenly bereaved last
Wednesday by, the death:of Mr.
Allan- MelVab Wilson..Mr. _Wilson;
in his a9th year,- 'and SuccuMbed
to a heart attack.
rebOtiOTI 'was held
hall in honor. Of 'Mr:: and '.Mrs.
Stuart. MacLennan, neWlyweds,
crOwd•of frierids'And relatives At,
After lunch • the young AuPle
,were Called to •the..front,,where
Joe MoIntyre read an address and
a well filled .purse of money..
Stuart . replied very fittingly
and the croWd joiried in- Singing
"FOr the Are jolly •goed
The -Girr-GfildeSlield-theirr4-
eUlar Meeting' on Friday. night;
October 26th. • The roll call was
taken With fourteen Present.
BUsinesa. was discussed. Poppy
Pay Will be , on • NoVember .5th.
Girl Guide CoOkie- Day,- NoVem-
Guides' trying :•for their seCcind
class. Games • were. played and
, the meeting ' closed by . singing
' overheated brooder stove,
!in' Miss ,Hattie Galla.gher's apart:.
inent in the :Henderson Block on
Main Street; came close to de-
veleping into a serious fire last
"WedneSday Morning: Smoke that
started filling the apartment first
attracted . attention, and when
finally. the 8tove was removed, it
t'"_ :9
Mr. `. Steve Stothers: and son
Steve' and • Mrs. Jessie Crispin
visited with" Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Kirkland
oppy Saki .Sponaored..By The
Wear A. Poppy RemplOrance
quartette at the evening service
whiCh was much •enjoyed.
• Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ritchie &
Anne sPent a• few days in Tor-
onto ,visiting friends: .
Fidgar Ritchie I and Jean
visited :with Mr._ and •Mrs. Lorne
Mr. and„Mrs. Elliott 'Sandy and
Mrs. Tom MacLeanTL-arid Calm'
visited' reeently. at Mr. arid °Mrs.
Nelson Raynard's.'
Mr..and,1VIrs. Glen Tasker •And
Douglas . Mr. and- Mrs; "'Mark
Gardner; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne '
G.arclney visited With' Mr.' and
Mrs. Cecil.' Gardner; and Ernest.
'Domain, 'Manitoba and Mr. Sain.
Durnin• of Lucknow' visited re-
cently with Mr. and . Mrs.. Jake
Hunter. ;
Alvth and 'Clayton and Miss Ada
Webster visited Mr.' ancl, Mrs. Bill
Church will be at 1.45 Sunday
School follows.
This New Leader of
the Heavyweights
held in Ripley,' Friday, DeCember
3rd.,•The,''pupils of our school will
Mr. and 1VIrs.• !Currie Colwell
where they visited many relatives, -
and friends, .
•CWr next' will he at„11 !a:rri. and
will continue morning and even-,
ing alternately .throughout. the
Doris spent. the Week -end, with
Nicholson and 'non.=
na spent' the week -end in Tor-
. onto with Mr. and' Mrs. Tom Bell
from a 'Most .enjoyable motor trip
' Mr, 'and Mrs. Wallace 'Hewitt
of Waterford and• Mrs. Catheritv
Hewitt of Kinloss visited with
Mr. and Mrs. George Graham. -
Mrs, james Hodigins, Mrs. Tom
H clgins Miss May 'Boyle, 'Mrs,
George lialdenrby and Mrs, Geo,..
o step on
ren power
just a few
ever had your
worries—about you'll know the true' meaning, of John Deere
equipment in
;cuing through
tworcylinder Diesel performance and econom,Y.
Then is. when you'll sayo '"I wouldn't &ye it •
up at dny price if I cotilcIn t get another