HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-10-27, Page 5• IiiURSDAY, OCTOBER .37, 1949.
Kinloss Council ' ,met in ' the
Township Ball_ on October `11th,
1949; • A11 memers, present.
CarruthersLavis that the min
utes of the lastregular meeting;
•of September ' 12th at .read !be ap.
proved.`:. :..,
Carruthers -MacKinnon; that the
appeal from the "Home for the
Aged" in Bruce'County' due to.
lack, of accompdation`'be co-oper-
ated with by inserting an ad .in'
the .local paper. -
MacKinnon - Percy that: the,
:communication- from the Saugeen:
Valley. conservation schem
fyied. •
Carruthers Percy` that "B -Law
o 5 . 1949, re' S:S:: No, .1 be.
amended :providing ' for the re-
5 den ption, : ; of cl+ebentures • before
Laois -Percy that. 'this. :Council
empower the Reeve, Geo.' Tiffin,
to : speak at . County Council in.
` favor' of Kinloss Township being
included ' in the proposed: Luck
nano High School Area.
Carruthers -MacKinnon,. that' Al-
bert Cook, R. 3; Lucknow, be giv-
en authority to erect a catch.
basin in the: Henderson - Cook.
municipal drain. • Q.
Carruthers=Lavis : that • we • give
a 'grant.:of • $20'' to the Bruce Co.'
Plowmen's Association. `
. MacKinnon -Carruthers that we
give a' grant of. ;$25 to •the ,Luck-'
„now- Agricultural. -Society,-- '
' Carr Y,
thers-Pere . that B• -Law•
. 81949 being ng . • the M
,No. ,,
, • .. ; McMillan
Drain Repair: • By -Law be :read a
first, and' second time, and a copy
be sent .to. the ;Ontario Municipal'
• • Board for their , approval; and
permission : to issue • debentures
thereon. •
: MacKinnon Levis ,that 'By -Law.
No. ` 9, 1949, being the :.Gaunt
Drain Repair By Law , be read a,
• first and''s',econd time, and a,. cppy
forwarded 'to the' Ontario. Muni-.
opal Board for approval arid ;and per
Mission to issue debentures there-:
•on. • And visit ',with' your frierids
Over 200 people, coming from
as far 'as Owen Sound, Hanover,
Kitchener and London, attended
the' regular monthly meeting of
"Clinton Area Youth for Christ"
in .Clinton on October 3th. The
executive ;is pleased to report
that 12 ministers representing the
.different.Christian.'religions were
present. ''• •
The• meeting .gpened With a
lively song ' service led by 'Rev,.
H. G. Boadway of Listowel' with
Mrs.. Muriel Snider at' -the 'piano.
The director, Rev..,G. W. H.
Medley;, introduced 'the ;soloist,.
lis:: Wm. Purdy.. of Hanouer•,'
who'delighted' . the,. group. with
three. lovely nunbers. Rev; Glenn.
Beach of: Grand Bend led 'in ,the.
opening prayer..
Rev. C. N "Washington, colored
evangelist:from Toledo Ohio, was
guest` speaker for the .eveing
The audience ' ,were much : im
Pressed by this finegospel mes=
sage. They also enjoyed Rev.
Washington's solo entitled' ;"Good-;
by l'har'oh"
The executive" of Clinton Area
Youth for Christ again .extends
a'- • cordial invitation. to . attend
their Novemb'er.'5th meeting fea-
turing Rev. Quinton J:: Everest,
'Your •Worship' Hour Pastor from
• South Bend, Indiana as speaker,
with Miss . Joyce Sanderrson.:from
Kitchener `. soloist and Sergeant
Robt, Persan,Clinton Air School
as. violinist. •• .
The Zion. Ladies
Are Ar.
having a bazaar;'
We wishto meet our friends .there
Trust 'they'll 'come from near and
Now we're' sure that you are
As to where and when it`will be,'
The place, will be. the Legion
The date, this : Saturday' will be:
Cone . early in the afternoon
Carruthen4-La'vis that ; 'wedo
pow; adjourn to meet; . gain . on.
Tuesday the. 15th day. of Novem-
" ber at the: usual .time,' and. at 2.00
o'clock ° in the :afternoon -as : a
Court of Revision on the "Assess
ment Roll. for the year 1950. All.
appeals—thereon ; tq- ,be -iii:--the
Clerk's ; hands riot' later ' than 10
days before the sitting of the
Court of ReVision.
Fr" there's 'various •attraction
For -there's s,
And .our, `success on you .depends..
There'll be.fancy'
• aprons •
And delicious baking. too
And' there. will be : a cup of tea:
_And -a_ 'lunch eon_servedto" you.
SO come.., along,. enjoy yourselves,
We :know „you 11 have a ,pleasant
• Cheques issued' George Percy; When you Meet .at ' the bazaar on
:, shingling ' ' shed, 3 3.60 •. John ,W: •
, • � � _____:Saturday
Henderson Cb., ,shingles and nails,With the :Laches of Zion.
..103.90; J.. R. Lane,: rev.. .Voters
List, unemployment, stampe, 4.7:16;'
Wm. Scott, rev. Voters' List, 6.80;
J. W. Ft'eeboi'n :. certi in ., Vot
, fY b
;: ers' List, 8 •'.00; Ezra ;Bushell, sheep
claim, 15.00; "James McEwan, • in
apection 'a'bove .claim,; • 2.80; 'Mrs.
• :Tarries SMith, caretaking, ' 4.00;
• Geo:- Haldenby., .cattle_.._.. claim due
•:. spray, . -81.00 ; Mrs: ' Geo:: Pere
• ►. Y!
stamps', � 3:.00, . George Tiff an,_.trip
to Toronto, 10.00;; Dan T. Mac
` Kinnon, trip to. • Toronto,::10.00
Frank Thompson, car, trip to Tor-
or•-onto, 25.00; WM.' Stauffer, ,sheep,
claim, 18.00; ,James McEwan,= insp.
.'•above. Claim, 3.20; Lucknow Ag-
ricultur-al:- Society,, '25.00;;
grant, ,
'Bruce County Plowman's Ai'ssoc
grant, 2.0.00.
Highway cheques: Pay ,List No
10, $397.00; Montgomery .• Motors,
charging ;batteries, .2.75.; A. M.
Hunter,, 2 batteries, 43.85; C. E.
McTavish, fuel oil,' 26.83; Mrs.'
Barr, gravel, 23:5 • ilk- J I'
Bannerman, on account contract.
2452.00; 'Donald : MaeIntyre, de-
livering:' fence, .5.00; • .Mrs. George
Percy,' stamps, •2.00.
' J ' R. 'LANE Clerk:
M: - _. ... .. ..
HonoredBy Congregation
• Before their departilre last
week for Baltimore, Dr. and M.S.
W, 0. Rhoad, and family were
honored by ,the congregation, of
-ltipl r Pres byterian 'Church;•.who
presented them With a purse of
money, The Ladies Aid Society
presented Mrs.. Rhoad With a
lovely` giii'lt and the children re-
eceived• a.) series of books.
winter be operated by. a Coin
mission of the Town Council,' Mr.
W. T. Cruickshank having _ wen
up the lease he. held for' thepast
few years. ,
Dishes s : For: New .Centre.
ve' $200.
Cost Ovr W I
Grandmother's ' Day was ,ob-
served at the .:October meeting
with Mrs: Cook and Mrs. Stuart
Collyer : in Charge :Business de-.
tails were dealt with the pres-
ident, Mrs. A. • 'Wilson. The • pro
ceeds from the Fall ,Fair booth
amounted to '$45.00. The dishes,
donated for use in .the Recrea
: tional Hall, cost ,$201.80- • It Wass
decided that the Institute: place
a 'wreath. on the cenotaph on :No
vem!ber llth: Miss Welsh' and
Mrs. 'Wilson were placed' in
charge 'of -the sale of tickets for,
th Blind.
It was decided to. include -
tea .room and• home -Made baking.
sale 'On' the day :of --tthe rti r mage-
sale, which is to . be held in the
Recreational..Hall. on October 29.,
, The motto 'for. . the • day "A
Wholesome .:home is the back-
ground , of a great • country was
Ably taken by 'Mrs, Harvey' Web-
ster. Mrs, • T. Clark] as. convener'
of historical research, dealt : with
ome •pf the hardships 'of 'pioneer
life,- which was.. counterlbalanced
by times of co-opeation . in work
:and play. Mrs. Hall and Mrs.
.foynt sang and'Mrs: Havens'gave
a ' litnnorous reading on , Graxidma
the, role role of 'baby sitter, A' con-
ed bylunch. •
test on Thanksigiving was • fol-
low, Those. 'wishing to go to White-
Th n,g . • .
church' on' November 9th fork the
short" course . on "Personality ,in
Dress" are asked to contact Mrs,.
Wilson or .Mrs, `it •Johnstone.. As
the next Meeting falls :on Re_.
rnenbrance Day, the date is
changed to November 10th,
Dr. M, W,. Stapleton of Sea -
forth held, .a° dispersal sale of
Shorthorns fast Wednesday with
26 head selling for $11.,350.
Top price at . this auction was
set :by Wii11 axn ' C. C'ongram of
Holyroodwho paid $1,000 for the
4 -year-old roan cow, Queen of
Rothes, which was : imported • in
dank from, Aberdeenshire, ' Scot-
land: ' •
Other district ' breeders 'making
purchaas..at this sale were Geo,.
McKay and Son, . 'Tiverton; O.
Free, Dungannon; • Wm. McKen•-
zie, Teeswater: ,
. . .,'
GATE • RECEI . a.�Teeswater
Fair, were $5,6,43.70,' plus an 'ad-
ditional, $.,439 from, grandstand:.
Seat sales.. The ;gross frein; two
dances: staged on'' Fair: night.:Wee
$653.61•': ,' •
On Monday, • .October' 10th at
2.00 p.m. the: Ashfield. Presbyter -
lap Church wasthe scene of a
beautiful • wedding when . Dr:
Rhoad 'united in marriage: Mar=
Ion Iris.MacKenzie, "daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKen-
zie af.Ashfield and`:William; Char-
les Barrett, son of Mr. arid' M'rs.
Charles Barrett of Toronto, in' a
double. ring . ceremony.
To : the strains of the wedding.
march; '''.played by the bride's
aunt, Mrs. D. MacLean, the young
couple' took their places before
the altar ':-Which was • banked by
:palms, ferns and chrysanthemums
backed by, white: candles set in
artistically, decorated 'candelabra.,
Prior to the'. entry 'Of the bridal
•attendants, •Mrs. J. MacKenzie
sang "The ' Lord's Prayer",.. and
'diming the signing ..of the register
gave a lovely. rendition. ':of
cause". •
The bride, "who was ;,given in
marriage by her father, was beau=
tifully `gowned : in a fitted 'dress.
of white bangeline with skirt
falling: into soft folds ':'and long
flowing: train. The long :sleeves.
tapering to graceful points •over
the '.wrists and: highflaring col-
lar gave ' an.' added.'Charm.
Her fingertip veil;' was caught
''to ;a 'small bonnet, of white,
bangeline trir i ed with :orange
blossoms:: She carried a cascade
of white. ;mums and, •stephanotis
withmauve centre.' •
.: Tlie: maid' of honer; Miss Mae'
McKendrick of A Toronni: w a. s
gowned in American Beauty .rose.
bangeline•of similar . cut . tohat
of ` the ' bride withrn`'hin n-
a.tc g bo
net trimmed With white plume
and_carrie matching muff' with
a tca,g fwth
white a n d American Beauty
mums' in 'muff arrangement. •
• The bridesmaids, Mrs. Mac=
Lean BU of ; London ::and . Miss
Bertha McKendrick of Toront ;
wore similar:: gowns .. of Mer
Maker .blue bangeline with : mat-
ching bonnets and ..+pink plumes.
and Carried matching muffs .with.
:paler pink carnation's in muff ar-
. The. 'flower, girl little Sharon
Davis of Toronto, .'wore Amer
lean Beauty .rose dress with mat="
chin; bonnet and white • plume'
and carried •a basquiette of. white
and. American Beauty baby
'Th'e .:groom ,was supported by
Mr. Harvey Clark of Toronto as
best arian_:�and aVir Stanley Geary.
of Toronto • and Mr. Ross Mac-
Kenzie; brother of the bride, .act-
ing ` as ushers; The bride's two
small bbrothers,' Alan and . Neil,"
dressed: in kilts; 'were ring bear-
ear-ers •
Alftez` - h e': _cer cri ony,w`:_11` rs.:
henry MacKenzie. ,in '.floor .length
own and black ac=•
grey cre crepe g I
cessories and Mrs: 'Charles..•Bar-'
reit in royal :blue • withh Matching
accessories, . received, at the Park
House, • oderiich, • where a ; bount=
iful wedding dinner; was served,
and ,later at' a dance arid-pres-
rid"pres-entation in. the;Town: Hall, Luck-
now.; ' . „
Immediately after 'the 'reception
the young couple left 'on, a trip
through. the :.Laurentians, the.
bride travelling in a cocoa brown
suit with snatching ;hat,,and green
",alligator shoes and bag, On their
return ; they, will reside in Tor-
Presbyterian .Gond
•• The •Presbyterian Guild opened
on Monday evening' with the
theme; -"The :Covenanters, where
are they today?" ' nn 433 w'as
sung and a prayer was: given by
Elmer U :r . ach. Donald Agnew
read the' scripture, Elmer" Um-
.bach . outlined' the life of John
Knox. The guest speaker, Rev..
G. S, ' Baulch of South Kinloss.,
'Spoke on the Lord is rimy Shep,
herd Hymn 399 was sung sand
Dr., MacDonald closed with spray
South Kinloss .Mission Band
The, . b Octo er : meeting i
. ng of :; ,the
Busy Bees Mission Band of ,South
Kinloss church was held ` on Oct,
6th at the home' of , Miss Margaret.
1VM'acDonald. Miss MacDonald con-
ducted the opening 'exercises The.
scripture was 'read; .by Miss Mar.=
ion:' Grah . ;Roll call.' :was :,ans-'
veered' my naming:: a book of • the,
Biible„ The • business' section Was
conducted by Mrs. D.. Graham
and Christmas ' cards for selling
were' distributed among members
by Miss Mary Anna' MacInty.re.
..Musical numbers .on' the program
were a lovely duet by Betty and
Joan Hamilton, a piano solo by
Mac' MacDonald and .a duet by
:Margaret :and Joyce Baulch.: Mary
Anna, MacIntyre,: Joan Hamilton,
Mac MacDonald, Bruce Hamilton'
and Bill Baulcli took part in' a
radio broadcast from China; Thea
story of • the y:Sarriaritan. woman'
and Jesus at the well w•as Pres-,
ented with :visual aids ' by Mrs..
-.Walsh. Mrs.: D. .Mclvor moved
a' vote of thanks to the hostess
and to all those taking part in'
the' 'program'. .. �am'. The: meeting.
p g1' , ng was
clos`ed With the ftiizpah-lbenedic-
tion -and: a social tinie followed
during .which. lunch
by .the hostesses.
LUCK ;OW:` - A
The :younger, generations in.
this." ". district have frequently
heard. their elders boast' e f the
famous . Caledonian ': ;Games" for
which this; village :.was internat-
ionally famous." '
The . Sentinel .: has • frequentl
published•, items frown its 'early.
fyles, 'bearing ' ,,out -this- : ungues
tioned , fame, hich was again
substantiated .' 'Friday night by
Mr.;`J .;'J. Ta 'an' of :London in:
'his address to the Parent -Pupil
audience in. the Lucknow Town
Hai._ ' . ,_.
From the London Advertiser of
September 16th, 1879'(70 years
ago) Mr. Tallman read the fol-
lowing extract:
It May a big a .'seem thing ng to
say but • it is nevertheless true,
that to Lucknow belongs . the.
honor, of .having the largest and
most :successful. lealediinian. Soc-:
iety' of America, . the annual'.
games of which are the : finest
held: on . this continent, and at-'
%tract From year to year the •most'
distinguished competitors . in. `'all
departments''. The causes must be
extraoirdmaryiIt'o produce such
wonderful' .results, and '•to 'sustain
an increased interest in Attie games'
from • year . ,to year, the Year's
meeting. Which took 'place last
vIn"m. k ;being : in
any respects
ah ad . of any former one: Iii :the
first place we are situated` in the •
midst•of one of the largest Scotch
.settlements in America. Of course_
the, representatives 75f.rsothelnot-
•tonalitiess are numerous, but the••
Scotch• :element, : predominates;
particularly in : the . townships to
the, north of us.. And the officers
'of the Society are live men and
enthusiastic Sebtehmen, but tie •
life .and .soul of the Society is'
its respected ;chief 'and ,founder,
Dr. MoCri crimon. ,
"Great interest .is taken in the
Society by>4thecommercial tray;
‘eliers and their contributions and
assistance' ,are .much 'appreciated.
Of the travellers Messrs. J. D:
Stewart, .'Macfarlane, R: W.
Gouinlock and John Gouinlock,
.Macquesten, Murchison, Pearson,
Peddie, 'Droxnigole, Glennie, Lair,
Urquhart, Watt and others are,;
deserving, of • special mention':
Next year one thousand. dollars
in prizes, besides specials,' will be
offered 'rand several new features
will be added to the :.games'.
During the 4. pot four years,
there has been: a 62 percent in-
crease in the numlber; of tele
phones ' in ' service in Lucknow,
-and local calls have risen almost
60 ,percent, D. A.: McArthur, act-
ing dell' Telephone manager for
this region, said this week in.
reviewing. the record-breaking
post-war de7nandfor•: service
which has required the',addition
of much especially -made, and
costly . equipment: Long. distance
calls originating her ehave
doubled in ' the same period, he
There are:•now`'325' tele`
in use in ;Lucknow compared
with 200 four,..ears a' L o.
Y g. Deal-
590, •aticI lo. . distance callsaver;,
age 100 ='da.ily or 50 more than in
19454 •
In • order to meet this itinrite=
cedented demand for. service the
company has continuously inn
proved, and enlarged' its facilities.
Extensive • outside construction,
involving cable,•" wire and pole
line, has been undertaken to ex-',
panel the rural 'network.
In spite of - thin: large : innP rove - `
Tient •lirograr which has resulted
in. the addition of 125,:tele telephones
in 'four years; there :are. still 19
applicants •waiting. for service
here, the manage r said: Addition
gal switchboard equipment is due
to be added shortly, and construc-
tion- oafs -outside: wire,- and- cable`.`
is expected to: continue at a high
levet in order to keep pace -with
The •. • Bruce County'', Shorthorn •
'Club sale' was held in Walkerton
on Friday with:'Donald Blue, < M.
P as auctioneer., Judge 'and ring
master -wag H. 13.. White, secretary •
of the Canadian 'Shorthorn As-
sociation: Sale manager ' was ;G.
R. B%Gear , and president of the uceC1ulb:is
George H: A!IcKay ;
of Tiverton.
Fifteen . abulia and ,
6. heifers
sold ' for $9,790 Or an. avera .ge
$.,.9 of
$316. The bulls average $350 and
the heifers $284.
Top price of465.Was ' a ..
$ 9.0 p.id .
by Waugh, Bros., Dobbinton 'for
a:; bull• consigned --by R. C. Arm-
strong, Teeswater;. Ont: Champion
bull: consigned by .Norval' Y.Ste-
wart,' . Luvknow, ,soler to. George
Millen Teeswater for 450:00.
Three 1 eifers.Gbrought the- high-
est Price of $350 each, consigned •
by Wm. :MacKenzie, Teeswater, •
sold to ,Geo. Millen, Teeswater;
by N ; Y: Stewart; Lucien*, sold
to Wm. Nelson,' Paisley; by Frank
Ruetz, Mildmay, sold' ,to . Alvin
Thorripson, . Kincardine.. • •
'00, YOU :KNOW`.,
—a girl .who is planning 'to be
'ar arrie'd?
We'Have A: FR
o EE,
For ' Her..
• We' ,every believe that •eve ..-. r bride-
to-be should. see; and hear.
about. ' our ' modern cooking
method that retains the nat-
ural flavor .in` the food.
Our lovely gift ($4.50' :value)
isgiven 'free for the•privilege
, of .. • showing' her the n+ewll
styled "•Wr'''ear-Eve"Waterless
cooking utensils that are" not
to be seen in any 'store.'
• There is no . obligation to buy.:
Only .girls than have not yet
seen our equipment are elig-
ible for. the gift. •
Send or Phone names to
your nearest distributor.
Huron County -D. Campbell,
Goderich, ' 956M; L. Cherry,,
Brussels, phone 31; .Bruce Co.
--r C Farrier,' Kincardine,
:112-r-5; .11. English,:: Wiarton,
Sales and :Service'
32. Foibar' Rd., London, Ont;
'Phone, Met. 349-W.