The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-09-29, Page 2THE.. LUCKNOW SF.:NTINEL, iUCKNOW, ONTARIQ COUNCIL MINUTES KINLOSS 'TOWNSHIP' ;Kinloss Caunci1 met in the hall ,SePtemiber 12th,' 1949. 111; ineni' 'hers present.• ' (Carruthers-Meitinnon that' the •minutes of the regular :meeting.; of August 15th and'special meet- . ng of August 29 be .apprayed, and sigrped. . Carruthers -McKinnon, that the cPrn7nunication..,from the. Bruce County Ag. ,.Rep, .be fyled.. • Pet°cy-Laois that the clerk, pro cure 'an., uner,ployment insurance book'for the read, tisuperiritend, ent. Laois -Piercy ; t h, a t' Councillor McKinnon' . secure . a supply of hood .for the Ball,' , : �CarrutherS-PerrcYY ' t�h.a t ,t he. Reeve. •acrd • CouneillorAlcKinrion, secur:' infornrat ork f the Dept; al • Affairs�garding a. number of drains, ;anti, if .Possible, ecure an engine&r for drain spur • BAKERY ' anCl GROpE.RY Watch Our OVA. ,PRICES. ARE' LOWER •We Keep 'Down :The •.Upkeep Specials. ,Bread 1`4c' 'Phone: 36 Lucknow Sliced ,15c','_ j (24,54+ Loaf) ee an :Try: Dur, Full Line-.Ol Homemade Cakes and Bung Special 'Orders Acceptable: • r•. L! This .Week and 'Saturday Th �• Friday • Red `. Sockeye Salmons lb. tiny 39c, ::(3 oto a :customer. ) Heinz Tomato ;Ketchup, 13 24c oz:. bottle Chili Sauee• 12 ` oz. bottle• 25c Eatmore • Wheat Berries .5kb. bag , 39c, � Syd: Gardi<ier OBI'I.UARY ROBERT J. ROSS _ A well 'known : resident of Kin- loss Township. passed 'away:' in Seaford). Hospital, on Friday ev September 16th, ,after .. a ening, cipt short illness, in the ; _person , of Robert J. ,Rost. Mr. Ross was • in his niriet'iet'h ,year and during the few: months had `gradually, 1 worn out..His `', parents, the . late woo Mr.:.and Mrs James, Ross, . Vie. from °::Rossliirb,' Scotland, and R. family J. was the last' of their car- of -:five children: He: was ' a Heavy :Grade Zinc Rings Dozen .29c Lyons .: 'ea, Blue Label pckg: New. Stock AMBER HONEY 2 Lbs. 33c 4 .•Lbs. • 65c T1b• :1.05: 's. .f. L�uekiow 'THROUGH THE: , Sixty' Years Ago • SEP EMBER bib, 1949 KW,A R D S fTJNEL FILES The death.occurred of Mrs: A,gne�s Cochrane ; ' mother-in-law of .Peter. Corrigan She w,as .72. ` Lindsay. Lawrence of London was .electeth a councillor of the Pharnh1adeuti6al • :College of or- ont9° ' 'Rev, Coiling came. from Walk- erton to minister :here ,ing the Methodist church The: July 12th issue of" : The •Sentinel : reported thatThe". Cal.: edoniari. Gaines would- --be held - as usual on... the second . Wectxie's day , in "September ' and• 'that a. Haron-Bruce teaim would. be; as. semlbled to pull' the fued Zorra team* in the. tug' of war event. . : John L;, Sullivan defeated Jake Kilrain in the. 75th round of the world championship 'bout at. Rich- mond, ,Miss,, nem` New: Orleans. • James Malcolmson ott Huron Township : died • at the , age of 99 years.:i-Ie -was the ;father of 'Mis;• J•amies Brotchie .of ,Kinloss Ari Equal 'Rights . ;Association q wlas formed: • in Ashfield. Officers Were: John.. Matheson;: pres.; Alex MacLean,vice pges•; .D..McMur- 'chie,':,D: oyd 'and Baugh- ' Cham fibers; -the committee With a,sec- • retary' to- be elected :by` a exe- • cutive. • Wm Lane ` was elected secreta;; ar ' -treasurer of: the .West Wawa'' t , Y Y ante Com- pany.1Vlutual Fire Insur.. pant'..•: Ten Years'.A o James Robertson of West Wa- $. •k his 8 -year-old' son to • Were: senior •boys,' Jack Leith loci bo s " . oss for •girls,` Evelyn Taylor and -.Mary Salkeld (.tied); `junior- gir] Caro lyn: Allan. • I. seriously �, urt when he; f ell' under one . of 'bheir trucks: ,Successful ":entrance pupils, '•at St.. Helens centrewere Clifford, Menary, Vera .S nith, James Gard xrer, Sydney' Gardner,. Alexander Neale, 'Mary • Nicholson;'' William', • Pardon; Etta Taylor, William': Taylor, Neely Todd, Richard Wea- therd. - , ' • Brawnhea,Mallqugh died in,Peter, 'borough ,froth'a..heart ,attack.. ll'is wife; formerly • Etta Belle Mac= Donald, predeceased 'him' nine .months.. Mr Isaac McKay, -died at'the' home :of• his daughter, \1r W. Hill; .iit 'his 707th Year Mr:.Edwin Jarvis, age 84;' was fatally injured on July '12th when. a tire blew on a'' car" driven • by his son-in-law, . Mr.. Stam , Reed,: and'turned over ;in the ditch near Zed .Bridge: • - �Ontlan July °'12th a ' son, Douglas Alexander; Was born , to Mr. and Mrs: Granit MacDiarmid. Grape'Blake was'. teaching at 'Nile and .•.Olive Kilpatrick. :at Crewe: Mrs. `Wm:.: Blake returned froni-. an extended. ivisit iii: Winnipeg' With. her son,- Dr. Mathew Blake... T.h e following,- Whitechurch liu�pils. of '. Elliott : Fells , passed their entrance--' 'exarrairiations, Jack Pollock; Tom .Wilson, Velma Scot Evel n , Reed, ` and `Lorna•. 1VicCl'e raghan Carruthers -Laois that. we do now adjourn;. to meet : again on Monday, .O'ctober :10th, .1949; cheques :issued: Municipal World, . supplies, $16.86; J.: R; Lane, hydro ata hall,, 4.05, J. R. Lane,: Ins stamps, O. A. Pension. postage; 15.72; ,Mrs• James `Smith; caretaking to date,, 14.55; •W. G. MnGeorge,, engineer's •' :. fees,- Mc. - Millan . drain, 56.50; Wm. ' Macln-,: tyre, assistance,* ssistance - McMillan : drain, 3.00; . Russell Gaunt, assistance. McMillan drain, .3 00, Donald Mc In yre; assistance:;McMillan•drain, 3.00;. •Fraser • •Purves, .assist. -Mc= W. 'G: Mc - 'George, engineers ; fees'.Gaunt: Gaunt; .as-. 'dra'in," 225.00;. ' lhussell , Gaun , sietance Giatin�t ' drain,' 8.00;. ' Wm. McIntyre; assistance Gaunt drain, `•8,00; Fraser ,Purves, ".assistance drain, -. '.Jaanes Parks, �G�aunt; di'r 8.00; . .assistance sGaunt:drain, :.6 00; Dong t eassistance. Gaunt•. aid `'.1VIaicIn yr ., , , • drain, 3.00;. E,. A. Agnew, prem-; lain road -:ins:,. ;164.88 'll N o. . ues R 0 • wa .'the Pay i q.. H h. Y. .g.. 349.20 •:: Joe ::Kerr,; . ,gravelling • 9, . $ , Bos: and ditching, 281;80, King Bros., rushin• and wsurfacing,', 239.00;E.. brushing :Ackert '`draining road,,Con. 10, 50.00; Charles -Elliott;':: four posts, f.80 Ira Dickie, bridge railing , 2 50, Charles Mason, Hanover ex, ss ..60 : Wm• MacI ityire; tele= pre '• , tr` phone calls 3:50, R , Fors e , pho, avis welding, `12.25, ; C E.:: Mcfia h, !fuel. oil, 86.26; Kenny. Donaldson,: trucking. .gravel; 10.00; Frank Thorn'pson, cutting' weeds; ;42.00; Lloyds Ins.: Co: extra : employees .prem.iurn, )22.00. Dominion:: Road Machi:ner. A. 'supplies;• 46.45: : . J.R. LANE,: Clerk..• . Coulter, •:James ,' Wilson, Russell. Gaunt, 'Ro}� ert.R ss,.Russell Ross: Frank oss:; •• . . and • BORN �' and .Mrs. Jack' ' Hill ' � Mr.. an d LL— HI (.nee Ena Pinell), ;R R. ,2,' Water.- loo, are happy. to aiinou�ice the; birth of a son in Kitchener-Wat- erloo Hospital en Monday,' Sep, tein'ber .12th. A birather for Shir-. ' ley , nd Sharon:, BROWN,. prominent Ii.. � ' JAMES , AM. Teesvirater !business, man for many t d •• a miller and had years will - shortly mo ° e to penter •, at Canrning, Ayr arid Brampton where he has p�urchas- 'Owned nnills° • 'oce and Treat business. Behnore: His Wife, Isabel'. Haigh; ed .a•gr'oc ry formerly ` of . Langside and One Son, Rabert •:of London,: survive : l seiivi�ces 'were held n Monday ; fro ' ;Funeral m the Presbyterian chiirch, Whitechurch; with . Rev: John Pollock : of- • Wingham, in :,urge Iriterrnent ;took. place in South Kinloss' cemetery. The . , Pallbearerswere W J• '1111E INSTALLATION of 'the art-= ificial lee making equipment in Kincardine: Arena was `;ccinmenc ed; this week. Dreams are rare dividuai : past. 65.- aMon,g : SUE BELL;:SIN E • KNOX CHURCH, KINCARDINE atur €tob,r .30; p.m.. Advance ' Sale of tickets $1.00 Available .Now •'at• . Sentinel Office': mincing ' . The Opening . Of e SERVICING: THIS; pisnucr With A Full. Line Of TRACTORS, ' REPAIRS IMPLEMENTS, � `T You- Are Invited P To Dro In and.inspect • Line of Implements = Their, are Second••to None. iron Road, Gode>irich Landon too is • removed Field Pay champions .of'L.H S • London to• have an eye, junior y , R Patterson sen - gricultural _.WS • (By .G.' R:- Gear,''Ag. 'Rep.) Bonus ,poliicy. in- augurated 'Dominion and rnrnerits has, to • do mares and With e spring <of :1950 fired ,my Forme, ,are a number b s tri the :county re�gisterect as,'.4 tlYris. applies have: played n, the• Fall. ounty° They w unity to '`show. fair•�nd at, 5bh; and fine of •calves Nvi11 at •Walkerton o d 1�lovem�uber fist fitter coo(npetitio of. the � air: Over $100 prizes. Four make txp th s • slaughtered, an '.fair:• � Tlie • oth to the fair sold: Entries `f by October 13th y ' dowing Matc in Action .this bigger• and ;bett is a matter. te. right 'Var- iety, va • and .good:. : ,m;an ely application on ;soil fertilit time to :alb re' on' ,fresh see fertilier c to freer• -tarp tam d ,��re the. same ovw on your gra d show you moo •; . ' t -Five :Years Ago ,; Thar y ' zell and family left.: for: Mrs: �'it ell:' z n`ze the West �to 3oin :Mr :Fit „ •Z'iri•e'. �wvedding:;;'•was' .solern i d Wilfred' ,Anderson graduatedof oris May Cooke :of Mclntyre ` Mac- � `Thomas Laurier iii�es and Kenzie from. Wingharn.High ;school' with o or' standing :: in all 'subjects.: hn Chas:' Pinner, a Britis re - '.to am his Using nitro-glycerine charges, servist, was notified ] , thieves expertly.: blasted the safe; , r "ent' im''Englaiid, and . sailed ilvhe sa e Wim. and strong ,box at S... on' August 19th :: o earl Sunda' morning An`ter. Dairies ar y :.. Y nie •Jd nston, little-dattgh r' le and . escaped with , cionside ab n live Johristo , s: O r •dM r , r..an hof iNI he :ash: • o en;" when s `.-fist •�brk h •w hd The new. Foal:: - augurated by •th Provincial gove . •t>v'ith registered f oals'°born • in th They must Abe s I stallion's. ' There'f ° Clydesdale mare. that could • be cross ihares, but to Clydesdales only : Junior clubs a very large part i Fairs held in Bruce ; C ll have the 'opportunity at the Owen Sound Tees - .water on • Octoberl:. ly the baby beef be shown • and 'sold n' etober-31st an The .Bacon .L n is, a new. featureWalker, ton:Christmas F is being offered, in pigs from one litter�e entry, one ,pig is d. . retiirr ed =to '-the er • three are' broughtalive'.. and.shown and or this;must (be in; . ' "Bruce County h and: Farm Machinesto be .held at BurgoyneYear promises to be better ,than ever. Good pasture:.of, high' soil. fertility,,r iety,.of grasses ,- agernent:,, ' Tim' of • •these is, first y; that, now' •is thely 'barnyard' manure d-: imps., Commercialan be applied naw e. Analysis shout as ytiti ordinarily s in'. A. soil:test woul re • ea. ;: er: r l ' iia.. •Brill et •Cain• Godfrey died 1' from'+an a ..ple tree g • fel P Ka s'' ;C' four •:days 'after' ' you ht•� �`in nsa �Y 'Mr. Solomon of .Ripley .b g.. Geo, , Har h's ;dw'elling 'ori Stauf- reaching her a 100th birthday. She g et..A .E:. Durnin'bdtight Was a daughter /of `the late Mr.'` ler Stre anal Mrs: Rodger Cain, 'a pioneer , .' f Holyrood' family Mr :gain's. house 'on Willoughby Street •arid Mrs. McNabb'sold her; Gough Sty; tiproperty:.to - Mr M Woods ' `local talent concert was be. ing staged: to aid in equipping a. /hospitai , ship ;.which Canadians were .sending overseas.. The ,Bag Holder, and Machine. Company's shop was destroyed by fire. A new' Moiler was installed in the LucknoW •Ta4 e:' Factory.. Concrete abases 'were erected in •front of the new Toon Hall; on which were mounted 'the •'two. cannon `•wwhich'had lain.•for some time in Vctor.a •Park. Twenty Years Ago Mr and•Mrs: Leslie Harris: Moved to : London: .: • Charles Barbour of Chilliwack;. B.C. visited here and .called *at The .Sentinel' where he once .set Mr, ,W: E Henderson bought; the. R D.: Cameron residence on! � • Station' Street , and.• Mr: and Mrs:': Diok MacQuag *wed. to; t e. ..• Sturdy home... I' . .••• Wil iam:� Mole of. Glenn's- suffered lenn's I3i11 ' ' suffered :a .severe stroke: ' • Fred: Jackson' of'. Lochalsh re turned, from overseas after.a'per- iious ocean• crossing. on ,the Duch ' est : ':of ' York. Her passenger list • had been , greatly . increased`by sumrivors ' of : the-Athenia. The - York: was accompanied by the ' Duchess. of Atha, and both, ships .' Were convoyed. by two British de- stroyers e stroyers which sank a• submlarine Lloyd. tiRolbb, :who • was Work - Trig a an•worth with,–the-Vow--7 • land Constr-uotipn Company, Was,. accurately, the needs of , the soil. The • amounts Should be fairly heavy so' that::: appplications would be further apart andmore 1preet- icalfrom-. a: labor'-staandpoint. As far . as Management is;;concerned at: this time of year the 'most im- portant thing is not to over -graze . •and. to let the pastures go into the winter with °a fair top growth. Overgrazedrpastuare will lose s month' next spring.' ' • Junior Activities .The 'almost. continuous days of fairs 'in 'the county are bringing out the endeavours 'and 'activit- ies of - the • Junior' Farmers •;and . the Junior Livestock Club s . Among the Junior Farmers, eX- hibits of Bawer' oats' and sheaves have made excellent displays at Mildmay; ''Cheney and Port El- gin fairs. 'Still to :show at the time of;. writing. are the ; Junior Farmer clubs at R:iipley'and Tees, the first night out. Miss • Mabel McClure resumed her teaching ; ditties• ; in Toronto. `: •She:had spent the previous .year' as an exchange teacher in • Glas- go*, ScptlancL Weddings! Thomas Anderson ie Dorothy • Curran, • Donald Nelson, Mirtiri :and Isabel MaoLean, H h. Charles McDonald' & Ruby Reid. Water: , Also, at Teeswater the. county's •f ive.Junior• Farmer' clubs will set up' , an ,'inter -club . exhibitof. Beaver • oats' and. ~shelves An- other ,-activity of the Junior Farmers is the tractor Forming: part of 'a: farm • equiP- merit project it features safe driv- ing and' riv-ing'and' Handling skikl, of farm:.' egtrpnent.. The actual rodeo or. driving . competition . has in 'some, • Cases been' staged at the y'Clirb's local •fair. The MilddrriaY Junior '.: Farmers, for 'example, staged theirs T . at the" Mildmay,,Fair. They drew the interest of the crowd • and ,.plenty ; of applause by the well rganized ditplaY theY,•pu. on. Out 'of 'seventeen competitors " Don Weber, placed .first and ,har-°.• old TIossfeldt second. :TheSe two e : Will .represent- their club lie d at county competition to be, match. the Bruce County plowing at: Burgoyne on.:—October• 7th. r• Ti ed th f in DIE ve ,•1 up Bli i7 •ed wi We sat GPI Lo. .1 ser ers ani Ch mss ,at• •coa 'the •� ma Maui an( sid bri •Ari Kis nib -awl Kit ••dat at'` -Jac SI Il