The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-09-22, Page 7THURS., SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1949. THE LUCI NOW spiTINEL, LUC(NOW, ' ONTARIO Drennan.4B1a4.: Group The ;September 'Meeting of the Drennan -Black Group of the W, A. imet in the United Church on "Wednesday, September 14trf, Af- .ter' the opening,. ,exercises. 'the scripture lesson Was read by Mrs: Roy Black, After the business ;period,, Mrs. Jack Henderson took r change of the , progran which l consisted' of a, piano solo' by Mrs. ,Harold •A1lin; a vocal • solo by Miss . Margaret Rae .and read- ings by Mrs. B.. Roach. and • Mrs.,, ' .J.' Webster. A socialhalf hour" was held at .theclose of . the 'meeting. Will Move To'Ciinton Mr.. and Mrs.. H; 'J.. Lindsay° have ,a. home in ,Klin ton 'and will hiove there as soon ..as improvements'`" to' the7houseuare` corripleted Their home here has. been ;:purchased b'y Mr T Jacks' MacMillan. Put On Subscription Drive The' Toronto Telegram had a Crew' of Salesmen in town last weekunder the direction of Ken Misener, when they staged a con- centrated subscription' campaign to introduce ."The. Tely" ,in Lick= now,' The *aper- is delivered by two).. carrier boys, Bobby` .• and' Eugene Gardner.. WEDDING BELLS McAItTHUBERRY ;_A:�.quiet_Wedding took place ' in the ,manse of Ashfield Presbyter- -' ion Church . on Friday : evening, September.. 'W O.1 Rhoad officiated , at • the. marriage ''of, Joan Isabel'. Berry,, daughter of Mr. ` and ''Mrs, W,. J. Berry : of :Goderich, formerly of Kintail, to Chester • William Mc . Arthur; son of Mr. and Mrs...: Wm 'McArthur of Toronto The 'bride, 'wore 'a gown ,of ',navy bluJ "silk crepe with. a floral headdress ' of • carnations' .and corsage of Amer- ican Beauty roses...The 'attendants- were MJr:'anct lyfes Mervyn Avery of Goderich; the .:latter ;wearing a printed sheer ''dress' .with cor `sage :of roses; • and headdress' of. lilies=of-the-valley::. After a wed ding: trip .;to.' Toronto, Hamilton `end Niagara, .M'r.• and -:Mrs.'. Me - Arthur w1ill reside in Goderich. phots;#er ns hesterfields. And Occasional Chairs Repaired and, :Recovered • •Factory •.Guarantee• Free Pick -Up •,and Delivery STRATFORD 'UPHOLSTERING •CO.. .42 'Brunswick •:St: Stratford For farther information; enquire 'at . . JOHNS'TONE'S Furniture Store 'Phone 76, Lucknow, M0fl:UfliefltS A: -:-fainly plot shquld graced with the . shrine -like beauty' of a monument' which Will he everlastingly n: tribute to those at rest. We, have many classic styles to suggest, •, and' -will. work with You on cis-' -to ::designs Exceptionallylow priges. No canvassing, whichelimin ates sales contrniss ons. Inscriptions', : • ' Repairing Sandblasting .Memorials 25 Years! Experience'. :The latest in. Portable . -. Sandblast" Equipment All work "personally executed BrownlieMemorial' Alfred . St;, WINGHAM: . 'Phone ,,;450' " or NEIL MacLENNAN, Ripley Ontario, ..C. l k ' FIRST PRIZE WENT BEGGING FRIDAY The .financial report .of ' The. Clansmen's carnival; received' at a mneeting .of the. Club on Friday evening, showed a profit of -up- wards to $450 on the ;bight, An exact' figure was not. available .due to outstanding accounts' and icredit notes to be received fromi gaods returnable. . • .;. - This' annual event, 4held' last Friday night in, the Arena, at- tracted about a thousand persons,. sand„ while not a big crowd,. it. was a free' spending one, and the. .carnival ' games, ;''bingo, . refretsh.- Ment• booth, prize draw and dance enj