The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-09-15, Page 1$2,50 Yearly In Advance 50c Zxtaia to V.S.A. .KNOW, ONTAIRIO, THURS., SEPTEMBER, 15th, 1949 !b6roie !Y Sto re ete,:::for.. SY n Business ;One . o fLucknow' Arlonlgest established businesses changed hands on Tuesday morning, .when Mr. Archie Smith of Atwood'took -.over, Mr::: W. W. ,Hail's; grocery •store, The transaction was speed it ;concluded on Monday ,after-,. Y ,Joon, with 'the new ,proprietor t ,with ver''the' next''morning; •. of , � • ll' deft`.. for ; London, en ,- . ad -been Tuesday Morning; previously arranged, where he entered Victoria 'Hospital, to ,un- dergo . an operation. < . Mr. Hill Caine to Lucknowin 'July 1904, ,and had •thus entered' his 46th year, in the grocery ' • . ness 'm Luciknow. His was the third • longeist': established: retail business. in I ucknow,,,. exceeded Only by ,Davison's. and John stone's , funeral :and. ;,furniture; ,businesses; . with Wm Murdie close behind Mr. 'Hill, ,he ' being, in business ••here for 44 : years Until 1925",`Mr.' :Hill. operated "The Hub Gocery " where • J. . L. :McMillan's butcher . shop s ', now, in' oc_ ated • and.. adjoining ,:his. , lac ,,, , ] g �' ery, 'store he: had;': an extensive china. departm t.. • In :1925; Mr. HilYbou ght. e store, w h er eh he is haw' located andPrett � 'much , Y 'T disoontimue'd his dhiria ':depart • Ment. During .his, long time "behind• the .counter",' Mr. Hill , enjoyed the. confidence and respect of everyone in the 'community He had -a.. faithful . •clientele and had• . customers `who had dealt: with him , continuously• -for 45� years. He, was, genial, : kine •and hospit able,' and to these; attributes' can •''ibe added' an ,integrity that' was. never doubted Wes ;Hill and'his white' apron will be •-missed on • Lucknow's main street,' but his many friends are 'happy to know that' here he iutill ,continue.` to snake, his home, and wish • him the best . for re stored stored..health and °' a speedy ..Fe covery'so .:'that he. may ;soon be• back home again. The sale of the business. •'in- .cludes the building; ;comiprising the• store and the ''apartment- • •.above, `occupied: by Mr. and.Mrs. `Cameron MacDonald, :Mrs. 'Mac Donald has assisted -her Mather in the !business for several `years, 'and she and her husband will naw, move to • the- Hill residence . on Quality Hill. Mrs. MacDonald' will continue to assist Mr.. Smith' for a time(while 'he' is • getting estab- N FORMER LUCKNOWITES HAVE PRIZE 1VINNlNG BABIES: ' • " Former :,Lucknowites' stole the. , show at• the Baby .Contest in :LonL, don, on Labor Day, when h un deeds of babies -competed in: four 'Rev''; C'urrie's•. ,former • charge classes •: , H : � ` •on�. • `I •:the .:1 .:�• as at �, Porn Alberni ' B.. C; and n ,c.ass for. girls` from'e... w .. n l count • , he •ca Exist ecce t xa •two ; :ears . i riz' on • ac ..: w,y,. ,< f, xst_ p ewas,-,won•. -, Y;, b ' Gwendol n 17 month = Ai -of the illness of ..his, father, whose 'daughter home , is at , Chatsworth. Rev,. Cur- daughter •of Mr. and Mss;'•" Bob w, • , . MacKenzie (nee. Isobel Cuyler of r.;ie preached on, this three -pmt • EIGHT PAGES CHOOSE REV. CURRIE TO 'Uul)EE1I BEV. SUTHERLAND The 'three-point. c h a; r'g e of Whitechurch, ,Langside . and Cal- vin Presbyterian . Churches•. 'has. extended , a call 'to Rev. R. D A. Currie.• The : call was'`'sustained: by H•urori-Maitland Presbytery meeting in Wingham, on; Tuesday;• when Rev.:: G•. A,, Milrie" was el K'' ected b e l ' od rat r uc Pres Yt ry M e o , .s ceedin�g 'Rev. , Alex The decision to Sel! " the busi- ness was prompted. by Mr, Hill's. indifferent health and the sad be- reavement in • Mrs:. Hill's ,sudden' , death, on ,August .8th. Kincardine). ,Second. pr.izein .this circuit on, Sunday September 4th class" was won by Linda Clipper= and .Was immediately. invited to, ton, a f 114r. and Mrs. ,R;usesll • Cli rton (nee L ` .Rev . , •, w o Reid)..Linda was••just`two weeks `'gone to West Hill. • :past :'her first tbirthday. Trophies Rev. Currie's induction' will be d u ' hter 'o • become their pastor,, succeeding' eora B W S Sutherland' h has• PP n• Comes 'Prom- Atwood Conies.•from-Atwood where he has been '.associated in the grain and feed business with ,his father:: and .and , Mr: a d Mrs. .Smith' have one daughter, Jane age 214 .•years.. They will Make-. ,up residence in. the, 'apart-. _ment .,above the • store' a - soon, -as = . S it is available. A hearty welcome. is' extended the • Smith ,:Family' and cu'p Swere awarded the.P " rize held`. at Langside on September winning babies as w 211th. 'Among ;, t he ,-officiating el -oils merchandise Prizes. clergymen : will be . Rev: G. S. Eaulchof South Kinloss ••• and Kinlough Baptized At .St: Peter's At St. Peter's Church last Sun= day,' morning, thesacrament of ''baptieril ; was held flor Thomas Dout'1's Clarit, :;infant so'n . ,of Tem ,ale Douglas, and, .Isobel' Jane •(Ile Ilton ); 'Clark,: of Steinbach, Manitoba. -INDUCTION „FRIDAY' •• ' The Induction of Rev W. J. Mumford Will `be held in• the.. United; Church;' Lucknow;: ; on R T' PETE �►Tt.MS.�I`h :� BADLYRT V EIGHT ATTEND NURSERY SCHOOL, MORE: IlvA OCTOBER, Eight children. 'Or pre-school' age are attending nursery school, conducted at The Rectory. by Mrs. A.'E. Tavener, 'More' applications have ' been received for , enroll- ment .on ' October lst. The Nursery `School opened • � -Morning.. The,. last ?Vednesda • � •` orn . Y �. rxl . g•: ., 1 i • .fol win areattendance, o•.Ig .n Brian .' Robert (B:obby) ,Brewer,; •L nda Maureen Crawford, John y 1 _eri- • ri al lizabeth' n e Mu ro Hall, �A , n H , ders : n l beth Be B `tt o. , 1 =M `thers ' ho - A no1:d Torn.- ( . my) ,Rath; yell, Mary Elizabeth A•llin, 'Judith Anne (Judy), Web- ster: HAP HAPPY AT P SOUS NS CARN!VAL FRIDAY •• ,The ; Clansmen's annual, carni- val wail b'e .held , in the. Lucknow Arena: on. Friday nigh,• and' will feature :the.- - Ha . Ci�iusiiis o ' a play • Elmira and the • Lucknow: Pipe. The.local<Band has had a most successful •season ' and. has won acclaim throughout Western ` On- " RgraldPete � Armstrong is in . ' `ta,ri`o'' and at Detroit. It has 'been � heard.:t • ho but'•. little ame and no : GrimsbyHospital 'with critical. Y doubt the_ citizens ' of this` dis-. i'n�ttr�ea receiveld �.'in a . highway, .. .. accident. On SundayRonald had trice''�will`•.. anticipate' -this oppor-,. . �n .ious. for fourteen tunity'to hear: them and.see them been.. a co nsc,• days. ' on parade. The Band:- wilt' hold ' astreet parade! ' :commencin at ,He is •sizfferia from' a. Enact- , P. b b.. FEAR POLO `WI � L. PROVE FATAL • Miss Marie Curyskey, 17 -year:. old 'daughter • of yF Mr. and ...Mrs, Sam Cupskey - of .Belfast''„ was stricken the latter part , of •the week with poliomyelitis.. So •sev- e r. >' . ' e is the attack that it is; feared it.Will.provetal. • She `Wag' ,taken on • Sunday �•m o ning ,nd ".:l...a c ed .in aniron lung., A'phon`ecallfro .. • Ha7nlfori': on Tuesday., night _to'relatives at Beifas •e�pre sedthe -i;• ar�-:that=� he-�w`ulid-riot ve < �- f e s a l .. � _:., til m,ornirig. At press time • we had no further word . of her • con: ct ition. ' Marie has been working At Graft for thepast• year,' and it ,was: in that city that =she,; was taken ill: Her parents were informed on Saturday, of her 'illness:, :and moot 'ored to GGalt.,•On Sunday there'. was an ,indication, of paralysis, and she Was • removed to.'Hamil.- ton •' Her condition, however, Was.'. , not •so alarming at that time.- and' her ,parents 'returned. home. On- ;Tuesday morning they .re - received, word,;to• come_ at once .as Marie's paralysis had .spread .' extensively and she was, placed in a '.respirator.,' with' little. 'hope ' .beim, held for her survival. ' Marie has two younger brothers; Gordon':nd, .George; Her mother Was 'formerly Ether 'Nicholson'of Belfast. 'Friday evening ,of this. :week• gat 'ured 'skull, •.a- ibrain : injury, .:, a 7.301- ;..: anal' • *ill Proceed., to' the ' • broken `back; 4 broken •'leg • and 'a .Arena, where The Happy eight o, clock.. The' induction.'•ce�•e • .hed . ; , ns' will take over - at' 8.30 s`foo. t • 'mon :is in charge•„of Bruce Precru s- • f ' .. Thin . Elmira,• � concert :. troupe and a ons e a ` ..'• He was .a passenger, in a truck. by+tery.:ministers. c gr g h 's . played, to` nearly1,100 and -which. went . out of 'control. Pete a ?� Y •t�•onai`. reception •wil'1 • �ohow to tent' .: is rices throui hout Ontario acid , m' ':, Rev: and.._ rs. Mum- was thrown• out and the vehicle. e g , welco e•, MThe' ..,:rod ed 'over' hili are `being. ` brou ht�l ere :Eby e •fold to their -new'' Charge. I11 In Wingham Hospital Bill . Treleaveri's miany friends ,will regret to hear that he . is ' ill •Wingham. Hospital With dia- betes, Bill's ailment was r • g nosedonly a few days ago 'Bill is the elder: son of .Mr. arid 'Mrs. - Harald Treleaven, and has been taking a course . in engineering at Toronto t'Jni ` sity. He spent the summer at h e and. s borne here a d caught for the Legionnaires •soft- ball team; Ronald:.is .the only son. of Mips,. :ClansMen, .in•belief that' this will: J. ,GarnetArnti'strong arid' the Provide their. annual carnival nival late .Mr. Armstrongformer resiaudience with.- an • •outstarid.in g... dents of•show. 'he Happy TPPY Cousins are ` • SWEAR' IN': SEVEN NEW MEMBERS OF' FIDE,: CO.: At. the regular . meeting of the Lucknoli.Fire Company; oh' Mon-. day night,seven; new' members were sworn: Mtp. the Company: In the abs'ence'•.of . Chief , W A. Solomon; .• the meeting; was.• ,pre= • sided.' duce . by • J: L MacMillan,. Who 'swore in the new members: Harold' Treleaven, - Nally Breck les, • Jack MacDonald, Floyd Milne, :1-1;,,D., Th6mpson, Roy: Havens & Mervin• Solont:on. Jim Henderson, another. ,new member, was b- sent. ; Jack -,MacDonald a n d : Bud T,hom�pson • were, named to take'. special instruction in -the Opera - . tion of the, new fire truck, when.' ,deliver'y' is made:. • Na definite 'word. has yet been,'reeeived as to ' the delivery date T`of' the truck,.. which is expected. shortly:. The new Fire Hall is, -,completed, ex- cept for wiring, to house`' 'the, vehicle. COMPLETE INDOOR .PAINT. JOB. AT COMMUNITY. CENTRE -;''The'. pray- painting of the: in terior of` the Community Centr e was carn:pleted : •last week..This job done and a 'series'. of • clean= up bees, during the' past Mcouple. of '•weeks ' hash': transformed' the place and has it .about in: readi- ness -far use Lasthursday afternoon ., saw • a .good ,deal 'accomplished' in ' cleaning •up,:!both: inside .and out side the .building,: and;, after school the :Rangers and Guides swarmed :. about the building polishing the • rt?im .in' outside, of thmany .vindows' the extensive. structure, -. Quaig and . On Friday evening Dickac Mgc-• lie .Cook. lent' 'their services' to trim. around the i Windows in the. ....e. interinterior of the north wing.' . . . At Thursday afternoon's, bee, Dr, M. fI, Corrin treated the crew of workers to pop. ' OPEN yF ►I' • T:. L. KENNEDY.. Ontario Minister of•, griculture, who will .officially open. Luck- ,how's'. 84th; Fall Fair at 1+30• o'clock-' on --_Wednesday, Sept . ober 28th,'.. "Tom" Kennedy, 'as he is l?P o:ularly :known, will. be in - traduced. by ;John W. , Hanna,. COMING EVENTS • POSTPONE BAZAAR the -Ladies Auxiliary bazaar: is Ladies Auxin a y being ;pos•tponed ' p ost oned until : Saturday; September' •24th': ,. NOTI'GE Special meeting at,L.O. Zion, Monday, September ^19th. e�i s "are re uested ' to '�rriemb , o be present.. • - E Ritchie,'Sec. !DANCE •AT 'DUNGANN"ON There •will:be a dance in Dun 'gannon Agricultural Hall, , on. Wednesday,. September 21st, un der auspices` of the Agricultural S oc et y: Parrie.r's' :orchestra. Admissian,5.0e; ''1044,• versatile' ` group, and will :p provide. s g P> Pr a real variety program' of mirth and, music. • The ad mission; feeat the arena is kept; down to; 35c,' wth`, public school Children ,admitted .for`.15c, and no , charge . for 'pre-school age children ti: •Following " the program, there • will be a variety . of carnival games in operation, including bingo. There -will ,he jitney dranc irg on an ' excellent _platform, with music 'by'.Farrier's of 5fies- Ira, rand at midnight. there will' be. a ,prize .draw for four lovely prizes, consisting of an electric rangette, . • cedar chest,' boy's . or girl's'' bicycle ,and -'a .chest of sit-: Ivor: 1. ,, • Proceeds are_in aid of the.Of • JOINS LOCAL BANK STAFF. Miss Agnes `Conley,daughter• of Mr. and `Mr's,; Jog Conl'ey..•of .town;;. x i has been.; transferred to, the local staff�of7the, Bank . of ,Montreal?.: and' 'commenced her. , duties here on Tuesday of last' week. Miss Conley • Was',a„telegraphist' with the C N.R:,• and was .employed at the Brampton °depot' for :some' som time, . until • joining -: the Bank of Montreal `staff"in.: thatsown • about five , months ago ' . She was ern•:- ployed .there:: until ' .her ; tranafer•;.., last week to • her ' home • branch.' ENTER PHARMACY` • Sam and Bill Chin ;have.. corn- m,en.ced their studies at the• Coll, ege of .Pharmacy in Tai onto: Bill'; who':has been' :working in Tor- onto; spent the: 'eek -end 'here and.; ;on his return was • accori parried by ,his brother SAM.' Bill •:served his.: apprenticeship in McKim's Drug Store and later in Toronto, ' and Sam put• in his , pre -college. duties 'with Larry' munity Recreational Centre fund. Downs .and Elmer Limbach: oca $4,00 'George Kennedy of ,West: W wanosh `attended the sale at Old Orchard. Farms, Peterborough, last ' week, and purchased five 'head. at: a,�cost of $4,32'O ' Mr. Kennedy, who has become a'_.1?roaminent breeder of purebred. Herefords, holds •"an annual 'sale at ,his, own .place,,' "Pine •Echo Farm';'/four miles east ' of Luck. now. This year's sale, held in mid-June, grossed''about $12,000. • The* sale last week at Old .Orchard :,Farms totalled • the huge figure' of $70;200,: with •many of •the animals. in the $1,000 bracket. and ;up. Pive' of ' the ' seven ani - malt bought"by Mr. Kennedy cost. him $3,610, I-lis.P urehases included "Old Orchard iCaroline'•?a cow 'with' ,Eben calf at foot, $1,135;. "Old Orchard !Shirley", a 'Cow with s.. (Jver ere or bull calf at foot, $1,275. This .cow Was, ,gram champion at the. CNE in1'947; "WHR. Lady. Hill.108th' $1,200; •This cover• Was 'sired, ..by!.. a son of the'$100,000.bull,Helms- ' ,man XII, • and • her calf ' at .this sale sold separately for. •$1,500. "Mistress.: Vicky Dom.ino ear= old heifer, $410, and "Old Or- chard Miss Mixer'. , a heifer, calf, $3C0'.. • ;k: 0 Other- District Euy'ers uite a 'Maribor of the Oicli" Orchard' ,herd . came to' this dis- trict. In• additions' to Mr: Ken-- tiedy.'s purchase;•. f .• J.' L. Eedy : bought a :Cow •for $775, •'S'he -was; "Old. Orchard. : Hazel", and was r g ;a rid .champion rn:.fioronto in 1946. • J. A. Sully 'of Goderich0 bought five head and eleven head were, purchased. by 'the Jervis , farm at Holmeaville. • •