HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-08-25, Page 8T LU.CKNOW SENTINEL, "LUCKNOW, ONTARIO tIIIIUI1111U11111111111111gIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIm IIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIgIIIIIIIIHI,IiNIIIIIflIIIflIi.IInIIINIdWlluINIOIUIII plloIIIH IIIIiIpIIUIIIiNulluilllllpullllllllliollllllllln C • • • THIIRSDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1949. FOR, BOYS -,Pants in Bedford cord,. Tweed; Overalls, - ' `$Sweaters, Socks and. Underwear. _..:.. -. w eters, Hose, , • . , IR GIRLS"-w*S.c!Q. a• . , � - . , �. •• terials to .make, Clan, Tartan, Flannels,•. Wpol Crepe, Light Weight. Flan' Gingham. and . Chambry., •. •.. SIMPLICI<TX PATTERNS:, ,. .. .SPECIAL:For AUGUST, SALE Bleached g,• Sheetiri •even weave", 72 wide, yard 98c H.OLYROOP' FOLIC. STAG'''ED SHOWER. Miss Doris Eadie, bride -elect, of the week, was, guest of 'honor at a znxlartequs shower .held at the Township Hall, liolyrood, on Wednesday ; , evening, •A'ugntst 17th,. A• large gathering of :friends and relatives was -Present to ex tend their 'best (wisl es, ' The hall, was, effectively. decorated •in pink and" white and summer flowers. To the strain's of "Here. conies the Brides' .played by Miss Ilene El- liott, Miss. Bailie was ushered. to a .decorated chair -9n the,platform by Mrs. H..Iouston where 'she Was showered With confetti. Mrs., Jack Ackert -:read the following .address ORE'S PURE FOOD Now Available At `:All Times At Ou Plante :and Also IN THE :' LUCKNOW STORES ac hone •1� A saries •t avelock: St., Lucknow. miner-SpeEials t :'Soap; 'Flakes ,`For .Better 'Suds" , Giant }'ami y Size j:: 'Sent • Farm .:Cholce Cream . Style.. • Conn '•. 2 for 39c ' Newport. Fluffs 5 qt. Bag, ' . Fruit Juice Glass. 8 qut... bag, Drinking Glass• 13 "'qt, . Bag. Oirex Cup ,' rti bear poris . We your friends and neighbors have. gathered •here 'this •evening to honor" .you on 'the . occasion of you, r cona.ing ;marriage. You have 'always• been a very,;',actilve inem ber of our cominuniit T and .we regret ,that you .are moving from our ,¢nidst. Although, you 'are not going very far it is",another• com munity; that will benefit ray your. presence. • '• Your • kindly ' disposition and. helpful ways have endeared .you, to our hearts. 'All hough .you were, 'dbsent' for about •four:years there was never a 'oirthday, , anniversary: or . any other :occasion, but receiv- ed ' a, lovely .card from. "Doris There is :hardly a neighbor ..along :iffe .li ie Wire :hasn't_colied-on-yaw' to "nurse • them ' at One. tune or another ` in' the "past - two . years and you have not .hesitated:,to help •when asked: 'We have ap- preciated this very much, • Doris. You have been a ,good friend; to both .old, and ',young and, as •.a token of our good wishes and appreciation We ask youto ac- cept these gifts Signed on ibehalf -Of your friends and;, neighbors,: ,Betty Ackert; jean Smith, Elsie Hous ston, 'Mary Boyle, Hilda 'Ackert. • ' BREA KERS—g ba ardine,; nipper .front, for BOYS WIND .. $3•5Q 4...A spe; .lal at: , , , , •• ,,. ,", , , , ages to 14, c . ' �. y ' PANE'S -ranging ' in prices , from • $1.49 .: to $4,95 inl• BOYS, sizes '7 to 16 years. ' 'WEAR --S1111.4,$, ockso ullovers.. ALSO IN. BOYS •: . S' ,. ' �.. GIRLS' CARDIGANS—ages 7-14, from ....,..... $2.9$, to $450 GIRLS' PULLOVERS—from 98c up SHIRTS'r. BLOUSES, TUNICS, ° DRESSES,UNDIES, =:•^ for girls ,7.to 14. a r _• 1HI G'H SCHOOL' GIRLS :are invited : to look' over our new . Skirts, Blous,es, Cardigans,. ;Pullovers, ,Dresses for school weal LADIES! 11Tew Tall Dresses. Now; ,in Stock:. `BORN • DAWSON.—�Mr :and Mrs; Harold 'Davison are happy; to bannoun'ce .the arrival of a daughter'.•at the. Private Pavilion; Toronto:" Gen- eral :-Hospital; on August 19th, .29c Donald •'Duck ' Citrus Juice ttrapefruit. and Tangerine Mended, 20 oz, tin 19c 45c continental Salmon , Fancy Red ;.Cohoe' • tiny 35c Dare's Polar Ice Wafers A new '.and.delicious summer' biscuit, • Lb' ' 45c • THOMPSOWS The Store 'of Friendly :Service' 8 PHONE � 2 WE DELIVER MARITIN- to Mr. rand 11 Jophn. D., Martin (nee . Margaret Halla well), Maple, at the ,'Private' Pat- ients Pavilion, Toronto ' General Hospital, on Sunday, August 7th, a : baby boy (stillborn) CAMPBFT Tr-Ir�' Wfnghazn pital on. Thursday,. August 4th, 1949, . to. Mr. Mrs/ Robert Campwbell• ,(lee Wilda ps'borne), R 3, Lucknow, ,a son,': Douglas; Robert• W BSTERr-In 1mcardine Hospi- tal on August 14, :1949, to Mr; and Mrs. • James Webster, , Kincardine, a, daughter, 'Patricia' Ann. • WEBER •— In Winghain General Hospital on: Saturday, August 6th `to: Mr. 'and Mrs Murray Weber, Doris received :anany beautiful and useful fgifts and, thanked.the Mrs. Jack:•:Aekert then presided over -a short program. The • main :iten.'of interest, a ."Mock Wed ding", with. fitting' nusic.: supplied by Miss' 'Ilene Elliott,, brought.. forth Much, merriment. , Mrs. Geo. Colwell _nerforined the duties of, clergyman, ;Mrs. Jinn i' Smith bride; ,Mrs -Jim Boyle, groom Mrs.: •Raynard Ackert, •bridesmaid; •and'; Mrs. 'Max • ,Bushell ` as best .man, Other; itemswere readings by Mrs. Smith, Mrs.. Don McCosh;: solo, Mrs .° Harold Haldenby,. Mar- garet . Anne ,Murray;. duet, Phyl ]is Chadwick and Mary MacMil- 'Ian; . piano_ . • instrumental Mrs. Harvey Houston;` •pl iio ' duet;, Misses': Edna Boyle and: Eleanor' Murray; contest, Mrs.: Maulden.: Lunch , was'served and a', social :time .spent. Doris invited the lad- ies to her home to see, her ,trous seati' which brought 'a .pleasant' eV -ening ,to a close. ladies i ' .,,a.. e f vrell:chosen words. s .TOT.TO,TEEN' 'Phone 89-w t n's iiith WEAR ; • Lu C kn OW, Ont. ' ;a ' 1111111111111111111111➢11111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIululllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllilllll A� dlllllllpllllllllllllllllllllilllllllillllllllllllilllllllllllllillililllllllllllulllllllllllllllplllllll.. 1 , , 471 . NQW IN STOCK ,Ft r' The Bride or Her. Mother E - • and DRESSES N W FALL SUITS,- COATS FOR HER GIFT Pillow :.Cases, Cotton 'Sheets, Linen Table Cloths, Flannellette Sheets, - Woollen' Blankets, Chenille Bedspreads„ --Bath Towels. << . a . . SPECIAL .- For The Week End. Only. Nylous 40 ' Denier• --Firsts '@ $1.19 , Per pair, or,• 2 Pair for $2.29 ow is the time to buy your—Fin supply: Men's ' 100 percent pure .Virginia Wool Plaid Sport Shirts by Deactin Brothers .°:This is an outstanding garment • both in 'style and quality. • Agents for "CAMBRIDGE;. CLOTHES" • "TIP TOP TAILORS" • School Shoes forag.._ e ' from tile little Tots �....;, every y , to the '•Teenr.Agers. i ffent Styles to choose from . • � Many. D fer .:. y • Most. Lines with long:wearing, . Neolite • Soles. R, 2, Holyrood, a. daughter.. ' NGAGEMENTS' Presented With Sum of Money The: folk in; the St.' Helens corn- mlunity •gave tangible evidence of their kindness and ;goodwill when they, collected a sizeable ,sum of money •for, presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pur s following their, recent fire..' Alex suffered a severe, loss in. the destruction of his blaeckainith and woodiworking, shop, and . the: generosity of.'the' St: Helens com- munity will'- help to ., compensate some in his misfortune. Mr,' and. Mrs:: Albert W. Alton announce the engagement of their ..elder daughter;'iyfory. Jane, Reg.N.,., to • Wallace Edward. 'Chal- mers hal-mers Hogeboozn, ;Napanee, . `son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hogeboom, Bath, • .Ontario. The' marriage will take place: on 'Saturday,. Septem- ber_10th at three pm. " in Hack, ett's United ' Church, Ashfield. Mr, and Mrs. Harold" E. Hunter .of Windsor 'announce 'the engage- anent • "of -their, only • daughter, . eial Width, . ' full NEW BRITISH "SHEETS •Slic bleached,. washed ready for use. Reduced to 2 Each ;:_ _ ----- --------- ___--j--------� -- $2.95. NE* BRITISH .FLANNEL ' BLANKETS, large size, Each lofty `finish.. E $2.49 1 ' Childs' and 1Vlisses' Canvas Outing Shoes, leather sandals, and, the' balance of sunllxner, footwear -lines at .greatly' reduced prices. • a'we Shy, Anne, •Dld .Wim , elder : son of iMrs T. irle.C. Stothers,to ; Victoria 'street,llia London, 'and the late John Can Stgthers,, B.A. d noxi .•StotFxers: The`"`'vv'ed ,in g -t place '•lace'Septerrmber loth at St., , an ' Church, .Wind- • Mlary s •A�iglic BRITISH KITCHEN HAND ,TOWELS; very colorful, washed ready, fa use. Two lots. On sale for _ _ �__ �: _ 35c and' 49c BRITISH ,TABLE' COVERS. Fine new bright, ;colors, Green, Blue ,:and. Corn, 54"x54". These are pe Each $1.49.. ore Wit he Stock