HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-08-25, Page 6•
iTas, Guest. Soloist -
Mr, Carrick" Pouglaa of ,New
York City' +w'as ggest soloist in
the United Church .on ' Sunday
morning where the congregations
of , the Presbyterian., and United
Churches ;are meeting jointly for
the , month •of August, 'Mrs. Cris -
(pin presided at the ,organ in the
',absence of Wilfred Black: The
• service was conducted by, Rev.
Ii. Douglas • NlaeDor;tald of Till-
sonburg,. The -previous Sunday'.
the service wias. conducted . by
Rev. Wm. A. .Henderson;. of Walk-.
erton, while Dr. 'C. H MacDonald
was xireac ng .o _ ....1
L. k Fall Fair, the
KairShea Institute rias • donated.
Ilad Car, Badly 'Damaged ,'•
Mr, George Greer had the mis-
fortune to have the :top`•sheared
off his Essex; car 'when. driving.
into: the park On Monday of last
week . to attend' the first game
of the Liucknow-Clinton playoffs..
Mr. Greer caught the ,guy wire
from the flood light pole on the
west side . of the diamond, and.
sheared: the top off the -'car. 'The
impact . shook the ,pole line 'vio-
J ently butfortunately no wires
Pyr eet
:Call Y�
Ri 'le 185 Collect
P ,
At. the uc now a
prides of $2.00. ' .and. $1.00: for an
apron made by 'girls 15 years and
under. This elv'ent is open to all.
girls, and not alone . to daughters
of Kairselia members' as the
prize' .list reads. •
Won Hunt Trophy
' Pelt, McCoy, Isaac° Miller and
•Hugh Cunning won, the Goderich
Trebles; Tournament ' and , . the
Blunt trophy in. the Lakeside
Town. on Monday. 1
Buy Dungan>non Property •
Mr. Thomas Pollock, Dungan=
non? has sold;, his, store .aid apart
Menta on ,Dungannon n?+ n street.
to• 1Vlir,::: and;xMrs. Ernest: Carter;
3,. Goderich, Who will receive
im nediate , possession. Toni. has-
beught: another store a few doors
down 'the street:.
:.„,octEisTO , AYTON
Or Rev. J.- Clair .Leavey,• pari§h
priest : at• Riversdale .and ,Holyrood
"'. for several years; has Ibeen•trans-
ferred; to the parish. ;at Ayton..
HiS successor is . Rev. Jerome
Meyer; . ,who has been assistant.
at St. 'Joseph's parish, ;'Kitchener..
AN. OPEN SEASON for deer is
being requested • of the Depart-
ment by the. Greenoch Township
•Council, • °
A ,1VIOVE IS ON to have a• game
reserve area established in, .'the
• Greenock sw'arnlp district',
Aof 1 U •with
.. ........ .
THURSDAY, •AUG417ST.25th,,1949,,:
This cor{ nunity 7nou} ns the
passing of Mrs. W, W. Hill, whose
death occurred with shocking
siuddenness about: ten o'clock on
the evening of Monday August
•8th, She had been in herr usual•
good health, and succumbed iu-
staatly Without speaking, as' she
was about to :retire. that. evening.
Mrs. Hill's death wasmost shock-
ing to her husband,'.arid the comp
inanity 'in .general could, Scarcely.
belielv'e the. sad riewis; •.
Mrs;. Hill'Was in her 70th year..
She Was formerly; Ella May •Mac -
_Kay,.. a . daughter ,of the, ate Mr.
land Mrs. "Isaac MacKay of, Silver
Corners, .:near 'Seaforth where
Mrs. Hill was born.
Following.: their marriage,- ' Mr
and Mrs. Hill resided in:Mitchell
for..three years before corning te.
Luckaow in 1904,, where they
have •sin,ce 'resided And. • where
they have won a kindly. end a f-
Playing• the brand ,of ball they
c a n Lucknow • Legionnaires;
edged Clinton A ' en on their
home flight deck on Monday ev.
ening ' by a ' score :of '5-4. It was,
the third game of a best in seVen.
series and The Legionnaires were
on thespat, having bobbled away.
the 'rst vvgms;; .. '
Harold.fiGre,oer cut short ..
day to t
eget to aClineton for 1Vlhylicn,
day's Barrie, and •hurled his mates,
to their first. win in the crucial '-
series:' He w!as. given near per-
• Lecgti,•osnnupP4ior.rets in.wrethe field; butwiththe
weak''the wdllO' and left7a ;.bunch •of •
.limners stranded,; by'. which ' they
could,. have" Avon in a •walk. In
the . third, and.: again. i;n the :'5th
the, •side .'was. retired .:with the
banes loaded.., In , fact Lucknow
was trailing , until the 8th, when
they carne through for °three runs
fectionate spot -in. the` hearts of to snatch: a, .victory., Qiily eleYen
the folk of this community,. Mrs: men:• faced Greer in ,the last 3 '
re 'frames.
They went •right back to Olin
ton last.night •(Wednesday.)•. The `::
fifth 'game .will be in' Lucknow
but ,is not expected to be played
'until next "Monday.
Score by Innings .
•Lucknoiv 001;100 030., -5 ',
Hill's interest ling centred chief-
ly in her home and family,' She
was a, devotedwife :and •mother,
and her . husband;' daughter. and
*son-in-law;will' sorely miss ' the
,constant .•companionship; and af-
f ectio nate; ties. that closely knit
this family foursome `
. Friends from near and far
it'ed the Hill home prior to the
fainCral service, •.to extend their
sympathy,.:arid :'eondolence, .`.aria
:which . wasfurther.:evidenced' by
a profusion of floral: tributes.:
The 'ifuneral .service Was held
privately at •the farnily,residence•
on Thursday; 'August:llth, con
ducted by Dr ' C: 'I . •MacDonald'.
of Lucknow Presbyteriair Church,
of Which`' Mrs: Hill was' a faithful,
and devoted • Fiember . .and con-
stant ,in .,attendance.
Interment was in Greenhill
Cemetery with the • ..pallbearers
being Wilfred and Lovell : Mur
doch of Toronto, : Ronald' MacKay
Clinton ; 011 002 OQ'0=-4 •'
': Lucknow Legionnaires finished
on tap: 'oaf ;the • .Intermediate `B"
loop,' with: • a' schedule'. . record of
three :',wins and 'a : loss against".,.
"Clinton Radio School Nine.' The,
Legionnaires made quick work of
Blyth in the semi-finals, and then
proceeded •to • libot: away the'•first
two .games of • the grqup champ
kinship ,' series with! the Clinton.
Nine . They •lost,' :the • opener • ()kr...,
Monday . night '• at home by' 1141; ,
and performed at home' again on
Wednesday : night; in , a "drop
of Seaforth. J, P- Anderson,
Robertson, and Stuart Robertson everything" ' exhibition that set
'-Friends--attended • • the --. funeral -1 -them back for • a 16-8 hckirrg 'The
Wednesday, • night' gone was to
have: been` at Clinton .,but:: was.,
:rained- out, and the. ' decision
reached to Play . it here.
' In :the opener on. Monday' Har
old Greer started •on•;the'inound .�
but. '.couldn't' control ;the: 'horse
,hide ,.'and got into difficulty ,;.
through, nuinerous walks Alex
Hackett'' replaced him :at. the.,end:'
`of the:' 6th with the Score knot
ted ' 6-6. •'.:Alex `:';wasn't;' himseI
either' but •the support` faltered a
bit and Clinton ,pushed over 5
runs in • the 7th and; .8th.. 'Luck . /
naw.: got ,•tWici them' back 'in
•the.° 9th' in," a. belated`.rally, . that
-,finilshed ;off ,- nota bad sort of
a ball `game, except for the out
•come. from the- lopal standpoint.
;Score, :by Innings
Clinton: 111.021 23011
Lucknow • ' ' 410100 002.- 8 ..
1'Twa. Bad• Wednesday
.But .-Wedirsday's. performance
was sometlingelse again. The
boys,::generally, :; had a" bad day
from ,Flint, Toronrto, ., Seaforth,
Orxhia; Brussels; Milverton a n d
Stratford "; ` . • .
• ° Mrs. Hill is survived by her
sorrowing husband ,and': one : dau-
ghter (Kathleen), 1VIrs.' Cameron`
MacDonald A .brother, . Hugh
MacKay; predeceased -Mrs. '' Hill
several years ago.
Mrs. D. A. MacDonald, ailife
long resident of :; this atom' unity,
passed oaway. on Monday, August
8th at %he home; of her. daughter,
Mrs.- W.• A. Porteous:: Mrs.' Mac-
Donald was in her 77th year. ; She
had been in her usual health un:
til the clay. ;prior ,.to: tier death
When she 'suffered• a • severe
stroke from which 'she. failed to
rally. '
• Mrs.. MacDonald• was formerly
Sarah ,Elizabeth Tiffin, daughter
'of the Tate Mr and Mrs. Willia n
Tiffin of Landaide where she was „
of :it and' could •do' little Tight.•'
born.. She vias •the last surviving•
member. of 4• family: of five.. ".
Fifty-one years , ago last Jan
'nary she married D A 1Vf acDon-.
ald .and' for' years their: f aria• home
On the Second :Concession .:was
the 'centre: of, hospitality.: A' kind=
ly friend and neighbor, ,yrs. `Mac-
:Donald, was beloved by al . who
knew her,, and many friends
"rZlpUrii . her. passing.'and xtertd
their '`sympathy to her aged hus-
band, 'and to her' only . daughter;
.Jennie, Mrs. W. A.' P:orteous.••An
Only son, William, died\in 1931,
:Two grandchildren, also ,survive;
Donald MacDonald of
Keesler ' •Field, MVMississilppi an d'
Mary Porteous .of Lucknow.
Mr. ` and Mrs. Ma.cbonald left
the 'old, home ' in Kinloss •• about
two •and •, a half' years ago, and
hale since .resided with 'Mr. and
Mrs: Porteous, where the funeral;
service '.vdas held on: Thursday,
August llth, conducted by Rey:
G. S. Baulch , of South Kinloss
resbyterian -Church, of which'
Mrs, MacDonald had 'be:en•a faith-
ful and devoted nie'miber for over.
hall. a century,
Interment was : in South.: Kin.
lass Cemetery. The pallbearers
were Wm MaDoi'i'ald, ;W. B.
Al�derson, Fred -Jackson, ;Archie,
MacIntyre, Leonard McInnes ,And
Donald MacLean:
:Alex •Hacke.tt . 'and his • nephew;.
Allan Hackett, both toiled on the
'hilltop in 'a vain.. cause; :Clinton
took an early lead, abut ,LUcknew •
jumped back into the ball;game:
• and into the, ,lead :with a 5th.
inning outiburst, that, netted them:
.all thein . runs; The : final; blow-
up ,came' in the, last two fi hires,
with The.LLegionnaires retired•in
order. in -their .turns at bat, '
Score' by 1 Innings
Glintorr , ., 024.010 04.5'--16
L.ucknovV .:.,.:i..:. 000080 QQ0._„ 8
Lucknow Lego aires cleaned
up the Lucknow-Blyth semi final •
5 -game series. in. three si$:aight
games, They',coped •;the clincher
ori Wednesday,, August. 10th by
a score tif 204.. •
'Toby" ' Greer., went ' to �tt
mound for this.battle..: and p`h
ed .a .steady game. of ball backed
up, with a neat fielding job by
his, mates. Greer tired a bits in
the• final' innings, 'Mien Blyth
got filvne' of their seven `runs,
Walter Tarras toiled all the`
way for"Blyth and—We''mean'toil-
ed, Walter's .support was pretty
ragged.' and in.', the 4inchesY
Mates let him' down badiy.
Score by Inns igs ..