HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-08-25, Page 5„,SDAY, 'AUGUST '25th, 1949 TBIE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LVCC.NoW arrr4RIO. Lyceum Theatre wiNGNann Two Shows Each Night. FIRST: SHOW AT ,7.15 TONIGHT ' .THURSDAY„ LINDA DARNELL, CORNELF= WILDE ill: WailsO Jericho” . f• FRIDAY,' SATURDAY':r ti4UGUST 26, 27 • ,n, PENNY SINGLETON, ARTHUR LAKE iu Blondie's:"Big Deal • . No `Matinee During, August Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday • AUGUST • 29, 30, '31 FRED ASTAIRE, ' : • GINGER ,ROGERS 4 1n e Bark s iey Ofa. a . ro �w . �Y d • It's The New- ComicBook!' Fun! There's grand entertain- ment. ,in the new '16 -page Comic B oak`'. a' earin e'ach'.week •ex-'. g elusively With The Detroit Sun- day Times Two -St*, . Edition, ,. on' sale. from, Wednesday, on Coi ics, games,; .puzzles,. magic, radio and record:' listings, and -other attrac- tions,. ,all are in,: the, :new ' Cgin'ic •Book•with';Detroit 'Sunday Times T•wo-Star; Edition.. ' LANGSIDE The W.M.S. meetingvas held at ,the home of Mrs. ,David Scott, 9th Con. Mfrs. Bert Moffat,, 'vice president, presided, ,Mrs. J, Rich ardsonr.ead the scripture' and. Mrs. Jim MacPherson gave 'the Meditation.. Mrs. Farish Moffat gave . the topic from the study book. • Mr. 'and' Mrs,. J. W. Ross and. Miss Margaret Moffat of Toronto visited last week with Mr, F. G, 1V1offat ' • • • Mrs. Bob. Brown and 'Garry • of : London are, visiting, with her par- ents,•° Mr.: and ,Mrs. • Wm., Evans. Master Teddy Evans.` spent last' week 'in London., ' M. and Mrs: • Jirn..'Mo ffat of 'Toronto spent' the ,a week -end '.at Peter G: ••Moffat's 'Mips Moffat. remainedfor*.the week. ,• • :Mrs; ' Rdbert-° :Donaldson -'e and Douglas .are visiting in Toronto with Mr. and.•Mrs. T. W. R oss. . Mr, and . Mrs. Dick: Moffat, 'Janet and Jill .of Toronto spent the. week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Farish Moffat.' ' Miss Jean Free of .Dungannon. !visited • last -week with Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDonalds, • Miss •Dolena Orr; of;London visited, -at her home. ZhON • • Miss Donna 'Woods .0 t. Helens vii ted with'•'Miss arol Gardner recently.' Mr, and .:Mrs: Angus McAuley' °and family of Toronto are .visit-; ing Mr.. and 'Mrs., Frank Ritchie. Mr. .•an'd : Mrs;' Will ' Ritchie vis- ited recently wi+tli' Mr. 'and . Mrs. ,:Jim 'MCNain: of, Amberley. Miss 'Eunice Helni has ..been' at Tiverton' Visiting . friends; ... Mk -and • ,Mrs.. Henry -Gardner. and. _Mr.''and: Mrs..Ernest Gard- her ardflier visited•'Sunday, with: Mrs:' Mar.garet. 'Gardner: of. Dungan- Church at . 9.45 a.m.; Sunday School 10;45 -;-si•saie'isrie'iii■eaitii! iiiinninrwoulinsem••a•■t • is ■ ■ i; it■. ▪ Arrived ,This ■ Week ■ ■ ■ • a' 1ii us ,i ONF CARLOAD . , , OF ■ • ■ ■ ▪ ', or •■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ :' Paint r ces now re ■• John EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY' 1EnderSofl PIaniw Phone ` 150 Lucknow i' ■' Jean and Anna,.: f,Toronto''were '■ . week -end guests at the home of i. ; their father, Mr. Angus :Graham. ■ Miss Olive,'. Blake • 'of Toronto, • , ;is ;visiting: her sister, •Mrs, Don; • • , 1 ' "MacIver. • Mrs R. MacDougall spent sev- eral days of lastweek with her , i; daughter • Mrs: Jack Needham'in se■ . Corunn. . ■' Mr.:Ga:raham, MacDonald has :re ill:.stturned from sunryner school in :.London.` ai ■ ST::I-LE'LENS • WHITECHURCI, Mrs • Clarence MoClenaghan. 8 little daughter returned to their home from Wingham Hospital. BORN — In Wingham Hospital to Mr. sand Mrs. Robert,. Hender- son,. a ' son. . . • Mr., Will Taylor from, Alberta spent the past week with his, sister, Mrs.'Joe- Tiffin, Sr: and Mr, iffin. ' Mr. and Mrs. • Malcolm Ross.. spervt a fow days With his moth-. err,- Mrs.. Mac Ross •: and Olive„ Their two children, who had been spending , some ,hoildays here, , re turned'.home with them, Made Presentation • Communion- was ,held, in • the Presbyterian 'Church ,,on ' Sunday:: •This. was Mr, Sutherland's.. last: Sunday 'before.:, going to his new hone: near Toronto: We ai•eY sorry, to lose our minister; Who has. done' excellent work ;here. We• wish him every, success'., in. his new afield of labor. A number of ladies of , the,• .congregation 'visit- the Manse. on. Monday after-' noon and presented Mr.,and Mrs. Sutherlandwith a beautiful tri- 'light electric 'Jamul)" .and , spent a social • hour with . them,. • • M.r. and Mrs. Ezra Maier of Palmerston'. spent. Sunday with, W.: ,and Mrs. 'Victor Emerson.. Mr.. 'and :Mrs. Jantzi' and child- ren of Milverton spent 'Sunday With : her. `' aunt,': Mr's. • Kenne'dy Mr arid. Harry Tish o me 6- Goelerich sipefl`t Sunday at the same ' home • ` . Graydon Cox,. d au' rs hte: lVlrsg Donna and Ruth, -Ann, who.'. have been -holidaying With her, mother,; Mrs,;1l'Iac' Ross'" and' Olive,, are returning, • to.their ` :new home at. Fonthill this ;Week The W.:A, �f the United'church:' held a :picnic alt the home:of Mr.; James Falconer :last: Friday 'af- ternoon. A'. very •pleasant time was, ' spent. FOURTH CONCESSION' • Mr.. ,and •• Mrs. . W. Townson' 'o f 'Sudbury arid. .two sons and Mr. and Mrs. L. .Ci MacIver; -have, been on . a" motor 'trip- to Ypsi- lanti, • Hastinlgs, :- Harris -vine and Alpena, Mich Mrs ...:W IF lVfacDonald is .spending a fe k -days_ with her sister, Mrs: 'B. '„Sangster in Tor- onto.' - Miss C�hristine Tho son who • h (been attending su mer school ,•i , s ndin the •-rest ,'sToronto s zi g ne of her holidays at the' home of:: her father, Mr, , D Thompson. ,Mr. Rennie Glraham .and:sisters ■r0■0 •sisssaiaiiia:iisi■u■■n■■■■sm■■siii■i■iiii■. AMER'ICAN. a. bag Will take orders - for Western Grain or .immediate or October delivery. ROE AND MASTER FEEDS • N..'E'I' •m DI�N1�TE • BUFFET FOR SALE • White Trimmed with Black 'Phone 55, Oungitnnon Recent 'visitors with Mr. and' Mrs John Carneron irielud& Mrs., Callum ;Cameron and Carol ,and 'Mrs, Goodham of Detroit and Mr. and' ;Mrs. Ed Pickwoad, Robert: ,and': Paul off New York. Hydro tyas made • available last eek>. tQ_ the , United Church and to the homes of Miss M. C. ,Ruth erford,, Mr. Lore. Woods and Mr.' H.. D McDonald. Mr.. and Mrs. G. S. McIntyre and ,Donald returned .to Ottawa last week, They were .accompan-° ied by Miss Isobel Miller for a few days visit.' Mr: and Mrs, H. D.: McDonald and . Mr. and , NMrs Alex Coulter of •Wingham left this week .on'.a Motor. trip to. the Western ';coast. ' A]lviin Miller, Donna ,and. Douglas of Sttat'hroy'were guests„.; of Mr... .and Mrs. Fred McQuillirii last ' week: .. • • IN.Gr, and Mrs: Gordon MacPher- • sin, Mr arid Mrs.' Raynard and Mr:''and• Mrs. Thomas MacFarlane of Ethel, Mr; and 'Mrs Walter' ,MacFarlane of Brtisseis; .Mr, and Mrs; mitungo MacFarlane' of Bluer vale ;and their 'families,: Mas,Il Macy Farlanep of . Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Jaeker.ndt of Detroit •and Miss' Jean." Laing of: Vancouver enjoyed a family •reunionat the. PAGE TIME' Presents:..:. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 25, 26' 7' Action galore, thrills and love • He.man against. nature . that's co -on With :.John . Wayne, Larraine Day. Plus News. ,Reels' • onlay, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 29 Yes, Folks. -A delightful comedythat please you` imnzenselyi sur Hearts ere Young a with Diana Lynn, Gail ' Russell:, Charles . RuggIes . Morley Chin: Tenth ridge reecently:. .The Septe+mlber meeting ,of the Women's -; Institute-, will --be Bele- at :the home of Mrs. Chester Tay- ler ' oh Thursday, September 1st at . 2.30 Roil 'cant. Hints for Fall 'planting. and donation for the Wingham' ' Hospital., .' Subject' in. charge of.' Mrs; 'Harold Gaunt; Program committee and hostess-: es, Mrs..' E.: Barbour, .Mrs: C Me Donald • BQRN": �In ;:the Wing ham Gen- eral ,Hospital 'on 'Thursday, Au,g • ust;18th,; to M .. and :Mrs.. Ernest- Gaunt, a daughter, . Karen Anne.. -Mrs. Al Martin and Neddy of Detroit are visitors With her ;par= eats, Mr.:and, Mrs E J. Thom. Miss Isabelle 'MacPherson. was. a visitor • last 'Week with,; .he +grandmother, Mrs. •Mac>3'ariane, a L- ucknow: Miss W.D. Rutherford' ent'a few da,ys London in last week as the ' guest of Mr and Mrst. Gor• don *Bier. Miss Donna.' Woods. visited week".with her : cousin,. Miss Caroli Gardner. at Zion. Mrs. Mel Brown tof' Waterloo iso visitor with. her', parents •Mr.. and Mrs. R. • Woods.: Mr. 'and : Mrs. James .Dura : . have . had ' as recent guests, Mas ter Ted Lautenslager of K.incar- dine, Mme.'Wi1i ert Durnin 'of London, ; Misses Ida : King amt Audrey . Commish' of ' - 0 vi na • ;. Sound. • aeiaaeieauninnimii■ eea e o ■■i ani ee iaee n :; ■ :•:00' is ■ . ■ . Form :tne Largest Part of''; an • ■ '' COMMERCIAL ;RATION 111 ■' : We are 'in a very favorable position vn ■, ■. P?s ar d o, bo. g t both. :assuring : ■ .` TOP QUALITY FEEDS at LOWEST PRICES.:: red r: CUSTOM:MIXING'. MOLASSES` And OILCAKE Available at 'Attractive Prices.:. Place. Orders For Future Delivery.'' releaven i Iling Co. Limit •. ■ : ■ Day ''Phone: 9.' Night 'Phone 123: ■ MILL OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS NI■ ■ a•■ii■e■saia■■s■■■■■■si■s ■■■is■■■sail.•eiea•en,:.:. i i i i i ••I i i i i i i•` e i •i i i i 0 i i i i i • i •s •i Feeds, *• 'Fertilizer Phone 71 Phon Groceriese27 .' Co-op:Brand::earn iter WHEN YOU BTCO OP FERTILIZER y ou can depend on getting.; Co -Op Quality., :Place your orders early with The Lucknow District Co -Operative and be sure - of prompt 'service. AVAILABLE BRANDanS:d0-12Pebble:-20,e10-161, 2.12-6, 2-12-10, • , ORDER YOUR STABLE -PHOS NOW for Fall Delivery. 11/2' lbs per animal : per day doUbles the value of your manure. SHOP THE 'CO-OP WAY Luckn�w.Distr,ict::; Co OPerative ° Mrs. Alf Ritchie d:• r m; .'r ° • .411 • 4 if ^:1 •