HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-08-25, Page 1$2.50 'Yearly In Advance - OVER THIRTEEN' HUNDRED' X-RAYED 50C Eictara to' U.S.A. • A total ,of 1350 persons ' from . ' Lucknow and 'District ' were x rayed last week during the three day .visit of; the. Ontario Tuber aulosis Association's mobile X-ray unit,The equipment Whi ch is Y tut, il' houseda us • m lifie' s s th p. .... r1T,. • e Work of th 'tu wo eoe se r , rotor ' p operators a they move from .centre tto centre The .mobile unit' was ;tatioxied •beside the `[:own Hall.- Those at tending cher .ked ' •at the1.H g n . al 1 t� . d;.: o .;• and s e t the l�'loe u .:d.,rnr into :the. 'has where the cher x-ray 'was .performed in a twink- ling.. ;Messrs... Paine . ' .and G ` _ uthrie '. tech` ici•u` • er thean• �' eh i n s,nc charge were. well rge of the clinic and werewell pleased with • :the' attendance, although there was • a big drop in numbers - in comparion' with the 2100 per- ,'. sons who ,were x-rayed here tw years ago last June. This.downward trend, is typical - , where 'repeat clinics are held•,:at ',comparatively close intervals :There are quite a number 'who, because they were'x-rayed two years ago "do' n'ot'�bother" -to'; at- -ten at -this ;'line: d TYien�'again, iEhe clinic was, held in the ''. Midst : of the harvest and, `vacation • times, tended.to • cut 'attend- ance. The , ttend a rice :he a re; .,however; vire' repeat, eat wi. , .P as regarded; as quite good by: the '.officials.Last week's Chesleyand Durham papers :re .ported' clinic figures'' in 'these two towns' at • 600 and: 750' re " eetive= :ly. This pass x-ray, 'was • on r_ ,Y s1p so ed• locally by The Clansmen, with arrangements and detail work - in Charge ' of ' Ted. Breiwer;.. Sessions were'held Monday` afternoon and evenin , with ;morni 2 p nil. evenin sessions: ;bo - � �h Tues day and- Wednesday. .. •„ . Y_ The dig night was :the :final eveningwheng more than 300;persons: were • x-tayed. • The- . ,. volunteer. • clerical staff, was Comprised' • c . Mrs.' P. - W: :' Hoag, Mrs, J.-C.:MCNa Mi' b, ss• here Y� AUGUST 25th, 1949 . LUCKNDj1V, ONTARIO, ` :THilR�S�DA, • .10q NG TOTWEED .. EIGHT PAGES. DEFER TRANSFER' . ' NEW B'ANH MANAGER PIPE R��• .....' BAND IS. UNTIL SEPTEMBER— _ • Charles:: L. Smith, . manager :of the, ,Bank . of 'Montreal's ' Athens branch for, the past tWo years � :::.: �.�:::>::Y:::::. ' >.•: ' rhas.-been' succeed �b :appointed oto', s J� john A r T h' :•.•:::: ompsbn as• Manager f. 'f ^f: or the bank's Lu ck Office. ,M -T r, om •���` h son 'wil take p l' charge h e g. . f. ..r' of h B. ry of b rr :��M rain r branch a t Tweed. r. .::::::::::; ed fr: x e .f 'r Th ari sf e r v✓ :•:: which . .as s Ed for.the end it month; :�4:::: -�:. �: r f Ty: ,.K nt ., has ? ' <°°f ' •been. deferred until dart -Se : ein p- <�. t r.. be r e:m� dile: tavi .� d ac ,{ i anon. 'delays., :Y ,t Y Y :/ '�:ir �< `'an a: k' r 'D ,b. f. e 4 ..< � ears. >?%? ex er.` tv� ::>. p r r%•�'r' � :>'� •`'c::: .: � ence, .,.... : iNi`r:- Smith.eintered the B 'of •M' at Waterford in 1925 and, since', that time,' 'has served at. f <.; . :.tr::}}:•;:.::;:::;;:<.;. Branches of the bank .in numer-. .::3:> . :`� ou Y.. s'' On t 'r' aio. :.,. �� 'centres. :•f � es •A . Appointed, accountant •at the bank's Tweed' office in 1942, ,.he , became' 'man .:........... .:. rrf •ager of•. the Athens branch in. 1947 • o - Actii�ely interested' in conimun- ity :affairs;: Mr• Smith ;_ served• as JOHN A '. TI•IOMPSON treasurer 'of. the, Canadian ed B :Cross branch while at Athens. S WE AND SPRY AT NINETY-THREE On Thursday, :. August Mrs.' ' James :. Solomon observed her 93 -rd birthday,c .the" horn/ of her son,: Reeve .Austin' ,Solomon, whire: s:�le is • spending, an extend- ed :visit. • - • Mrs. Solomon continues •to en- joy •excellent:•health,-'and •has re- tained' all: her, :,faculties =to. a "re markable degree. She; is :quite alert'• • and '•, active, :and •bus :each Y • day at; :general household , tasks: ,She has 'done •a` great: deal of knitting..., and. crocheting, but•.dur •'ing, the' ,past•• year . ,has' eased -up `somewhat on these : activities; • Mrs. Soloanion Was born in the -?ort Hiope clistri =in, x856 Close .fit.. to 70: yearS Sag 'she and 'her hus- �band"'Moved 'to Huron Township; 'where they 'took up fanning, on the_ 4th: Concession.. Upon refit - int :'from •: 'the farm • :they • :moved g Y.: to Ripley:•and later:to Lucknow' after. their ston, . Austin, : moved in ,1912 ; Mr.. and Mrs; 5°16 .7. mon,. Sr; resided for •a few years in. the home now owned by Mrs. E. Lockhart, and ; it was there that'.,Mr. ,'Solonton died in:••1916. Since then. Mrs. Solomon made 'her horn/ with her family ;Of three' sons,: Fred and ;R. H .Solo onion of, Stratford 'anAd'Austin 'of Lucknow ` The: aged lady was sorely ibereaved a-Acouple of years ago' •by the death of her son Fred, Who • was killed in`: an accident while at work • in Stratford..• He. also takes a.• keen ,interest •in cmany sports. Mr. Smith expects • to' assume his new duties here' 1•CHARLES `L:::SMITHI TWELVE GIRL S . :G ... _ . d�. E CAMP about : the 21st: of • Septern�be .: Athens is. ' A. ten -dna near Brockville: outin : ' at. th . Y .... g ,. a new,. • Mr. Thompson, who is leavingHuronia • Girl Guide..Camp ;in Lucknov�r to assume • char e. 'of the B' of :1Vf's Tweed office,has ta�kenr an ;active ''• part `in local .af-. fairs . in'his'five, years as ager of the B of';M's'branch. here. Hes many interests have : includ-. ed two 'ears' service.as-' Years' secre't:. ari treasurer of the'local' branch, of ::the 'Canadian dian ria Legion. He was treasurer• of -the :.Red 'Cross Soc :.: iety, •chairman of the. Tubercu'l- ;osis'Chris'tmas Seal committee, •a member . of The Clansmen?Club and on; ` the Recreational Centre's (building , committee, He • a 1. s Helen, Hanilton, . Mrs.- ,;Harvy, •Webster,Mrs. Clark." F` .uilayson, ' • Miss Gladys MacDOnakl, Miss • Maudie Fisher, 'Miss Lena ' Rob inson, Mrs. • Nelson Bushell;, Miss • Margaret Rae M. Millan,` Mrs. • Beatrice':• .Yovan,, Mrs.A. J. Wilson;- Mrs.:- H•i�arold 'Ritchie,' Mrs. 'Jack•. Wraith,,:Miss• Catherine Gibson; Miss -Jean Taylor,. Mrs. ,Floyd: Wilson, Mrs... Ted Brewer,. Mass' ,Marion ra h. am, Miss Gale -MacMillan, Mrs. .11.03r Blacks Mrs. ,Howard Agnew, • Miss - Wilda Irwin, Miss Donalda: McQuaig, Miss Betty Miller; Mrs..' L •MiacSween. Re -Check Clinic A re -Check clink; if cl'in' . required, will be ' held ' • in about --three weeks,in the Legion Rooms, with a Medical `doctor in' attendance.. MEN'S & ' BO so work. shirts pants, overalls; 'socks, ',underwear. 'at flew law prices THE. IVIARKET : .40B � DB :S ___ERTSON � .NEW COUNCILLOR • ' Mr. Stuart': E. Robertson was elected by acclamation, to fill. the vacancy on the Council . Board, caused by the removal frons town of Councillor Larry Doris.w There were less than . a 'dozen in attendance . at this .mid -summer -nomination meeting. on -Monday; August l5t a as the; only � 'rid Mr` Robertson edwas' for y candidate riominat-• the the office. He qualified following day• and took the declaration of office. hav` •. • . . , .ice.' Failure ttl e qualified would have re quired the calling of another. notfiination meeting. Mr. Robertson is no stranger at the 'Council Board, having prey viously : served ,as.. a councillor. Some 'years ago°.. Personnel . of the Board. is Reeve V. A, $'oloron: and :.,Councilla s Mcl -; ab E, , rnie Cr. did Russ Eutto�ri and Si' E. Robertson.: HAS 57 -YEAR-OLD :BINDER A couple of weeks "ago we :re- ferred to a 50 -year-old binder o'wiied . by Duncan Cain.: ' of Lochalsh and still' giving faithful service.' , Tom Salkeld has. one ' 57 years old and still doing a `good job, Tom's binder • Was: originally owned by the • • late '' W; 'E. Mac- Donald, who operated` 'it' for ,21 r e i was Yeas: 11 figure d• 't "no good":, when ' Mr Salkeld - got it thirty years 'agoBut :Toni, is a ni eehanically - *Minded gent and' has given the. implement the best • of attention, and ' with a couple of parts replaced, it has; served dim • well , for three de- cades. • It is ,nbw 'powered by a tractor and although; it only cuts. a 'five—foot swath, still -.does .a good harvesting job: •It too is a Massey-Hiarris machine. FORMEORME R : PASTOR AT T. HEL� ENS PASSES •. The death, of Rev. J. A. Ward. occurred • at Lefroy, Ontario, on Sunday, August 14th. The funeral was held frain hit late residence at' Lefroy on Wednesday, August 17thwith interment in• Stroud Cemetery, . • 'Rev, Ward Was a,former sten' at St: - Helen's and White chGurch `UnitedChurches. , • ,,., •ed i `, widow, .is., survived by , his w , ,formerly Edith McCullou li, and one • son 'Bruce .at hone, r Ashfield, :for members' of .the. Lucknow ' Girl Guide . Coin : .pant; _came to an end on"Sunday Twelve 'ir • girls from town '' were .among the' more than 75', Guides from the Grey -Bruce Division who were under :canvas. during' this :period. .Other 'Companies represented we'r'e Walkerton, INNING. PRAISE Lucknow Pipe Band is increas- ing its popularity and �.s' making a mighty fine showi'�g in. com tits on with ' •_ com- petition p �autstankiin band s which .it'• is meeting up.with at various •.centres. thic S . surrimer A week ago,last Satnrda Y> Luckriow' Kilties, were at Detroit, where .they received a rousing: reception,' particularly •from ; the , • Bruce Old 'Boys . of. the :Motor i, t ;T•" hi:. . o ca i•' n S C S O 'W' pity.; asthe•1001 t anniyersaryof the St. Andrew' , , ,;.. ,• s Society of Detroit, and more than a score of bands were massed • in the city for ' this event.: 'In• the competitions held on Sunday; , the. Lucknow 'Band, placed `• 4th 'in the' slow march and sixth in the • march,'' strathspeys and'reel, .' On• Saturday last the' Band ,was at Fergus taking part ; iri the , .: annual • games ,held in that Scot-'• . tish centre,' Lucknow Band plac- • ed third in the ,contest for ,junior •bands, being bested by :Earlscourt: ' Legion Band; ---Toronto • and: T -the .- 400th Squadron' R,IC.A.F Band, • Toronto.:' . O.n_,a1 their aippear-ances -bass, drummer : Allan MacLean; son: of. Mr::. and 'Mrs-:. D. A. ` MacLean of • Lochalsh, . is coming in .,for,: a lot of • well- • deserved '.praise; . „Allan only.,started• to drum a year ago last July, ands..already handles:, the sticks like a veteran. • The'. :MacLean, farm yard: frequently rings to the sound of : the :;pibroch as; the boys gather. there for:.prac- sesf Hanover, 'Durham, .Owen.. Sound,, MRS. MIKE RROLL PASSED ,Kincardine and. Shelburne. • AWAY ON MONDAY The New':"camp site at "The • Deival's Elbow"which coversThe death of M rs. �(Rev.) D..T. several . acres, ' has , been in con- `.L.: 'McKerroll °.'occurred in - sery cLas-chairman-of-- the Bo Y.. *tautuse thr gh t th ' caxdine Hospital late Monday •of-: "�SCout"' coniariittee when . the or= mer.. by. Guides from Widely scat- ganization functit nee ;here,F ' «, . „ : tered ''points iii Western Ontario., Mr' Thompson, or .. Tommy , as 'Th , 'he is familiarly: ,ktio;wri.:•to<•m'any, /..facilities include:. a per!man began' his banking .career ini his home town 'of Meaford and has • since seriv'ed in numer- ous Ontario :centres. Among : the. More important' posts.. he field ent log cabin style dining hall, six, .. ermanent "B " ,'P unkie cabins and : some twenty tents. An . artes- ian well , provides ; ' the• • •cam, 's p. water 'supply. There is '•anhple playground .space, wooded : ureas` More :.being ,appointed Manager at: for natureram Lucknow' were 'the accountancy ,..lbles ,. and a long lake frontage for. swmiming; Mrs. at, branches, at Belleville,, Pres- A ' 11yIcK' 'P cott, Windsor'..and St. Thomas m?,, .rovincial Carnp Comgnissioner, ;was- Very active in • arid. the past. of in. na;ger ; at he ' bringng abouthe establishment office. of this. camp p,• and •Lucknow` • CA- izens gave, '.gy erierousl in finan-. ciallyIl the pied '�In-.Scotland. Miss Isobel MacIn sh'of Ham= ilton,, : and formerly of Lucknow, received. :Word recently, of the death of her. aunt, Mrs. John MacPherson of Kingussie,• '°Scot- land. • Mrs. MacPherson Vas ;'in, her •91st year:' AL ORANGE HL S HA,• BEEN.: ,� SO LDS .. , . . The Oran e. HallHallin' LLucknow has been', sold to Mr,. and Mrs. W, j . n G. Armstrong: •of town, : who get • 'immediate possession. `Mr. i Ar stronlg plans to . set up a furn- iture- 'refinishing business and Mrs.' Armstrong. . will ',operate a laundry service The building has • been; used :for ,almost sixty; year's as •an •.Orange Hall, but as. the local Order has. been inactive, for some time, it was decided to dispose: of the building which has been in use very ' infrequently of late- years.' The site was ,purchased by the Orange Lodge on Oetober 19th, 1892; from Fred Grundy. • The building was on the site at that time, it is believed, so far as memory can recall, and the pur- chase price was $500: The build=. ing' • had ; been : Moved ;by ' Mr. Grundy from What it generally known as the'Mitchell property.. It was Mr. Grundy who built the "Mitchell home”: •now awned by Ralph Hodgins: : Trustees of • the Orange Lodge who transacted. the,purchase Ywere John Webster and. Win. John Good Of Ashfield and Vim. Mil :cr ,,a.,01!;West W'awanosh::. pt.*. ing . . prod ect.. The Grey,Bruce Guides were in charge of three•,commandants,; Miss Xenia Knech'tel,:•Hanover Miss Isabel Ellinghausen, ' Walk- erton;. Mrs. G.' E. Scarrow, 'Owen Sound,and other licensed camp ers •r ' . • Thetwelvegirls from` Luck- now were Beverley Ashton, June Ross, : Marlene' MacLennan, Betty: Johnston, Margaret Gollan, Mar- jory, Armstrong, Edith Marshall,. Gladys Kilpatrick; Winnie Ste- wart, Carolyn Gibson, Gladys Gibson, Joyce Mowbray. . PLANS LAID; FOR CLANSMEN CARNIVAL IN .SEPTEMBER, • The Clansmen's • annual, carni- ,val will be held in the 'Arena on Friday, SepteMber '16th,' with a' variety° -program presented by Happy Cousins concert company of Elmira and the Lucknow Pipe, Band. The concert party, will fea- 'tu're male • quartette, tenor and bass solos, comic songs, comic. skits, comic imitations magician,• crayon sketches;.•piano; hylop.hone and cornet seelctions. The Happy Cousins- have 'presented almost 1100 performances throughout the country, and: are widely recog- nizect•;.' las outstanding entertain- ers. entertain-e A draw` for prizes valued • at over $256 will also be Made at , the carnival, which will have • carnival games' and dancing as •added 'attractions. T,h•e draw ,prises:iincludean electric rang ette, a.°'beautiful cedar' chest, a bicycle and a .''chest of 1881 Rogers silverware. ternoon, and .Word of her passing` brought: sorrow to ';many .;Old 'friends in this community, • Rev. and ...Mrs. ' Ker" 11.• Were': Mc , xo . residents ``.'of Lucknow for 'six years during his ,pastorate in the Lucknow • Presbyterian C•htirck from October Of 1904 ; to 'Febru-' ary 1910. Froaii : , Lucknow Rev: and Mrs. McKerroll went to toria< Church, Toronto.. •They returned • frequently' to •Lu,cknow, /where , they were al- ways'kwarmly welcomed. Mr. Me-• Kerroll predeceased' ' his wife :a few, years: ago. s McKerroll was. at her I. sun aner. cottage ; at Bruce Beach %where' she ` was .taken ,seriously ill two . weeks •:ago, :and, was • re moved to: 1 incardine 'Hospital •'' • • The funerail:, serflike will be“ ' held .in Toronto on ,Thursday,, With interment a't Oiwen Sound:' Mrs: Malcolm'•'MacLennaiti of, Barrie, who has beer spending, :• the sumnief here, is a niece of Mrs. McKerroll, ,MARRIED AT LONDON • Birch-MacDonald—At noon on Thursday, August .lath, 1949, in Calvary • .United Church,' London, Ontario, by Rev. John A. • Agnew, • Dorothea Cairns MacDonald, Reg.'. ,N., daughter of` Mrs. MacDonald • and -the late MrThomas A. c-, Donald,:` Lucknow, :Ontario,Ma. to ,';. Walter • James Birch, B A:,B.S.,. son ,of ' Mrs. Birch and the. late Rev.' M. P. Birch, Win-. pipeg. HEALTH � .R N, U SE STATIONED HERE' Miss Edith Munroe of the staff of the'Bruce County Health Unit, has been stationed in Lucknow as' publichealth nurse forthe. district of Luckriow, Kinloss and Huron Town; hips, Miss Mu:nroe's' hone is in Apple Hill, Glengarry County: She is a graduate of Ottawa Civic Hospital and took the ° Public Health Nursing' course .at ,the University of Toronto:. TheCounty • Health Unit has a staff of nine ptiblic health nurses now functioning through- out the Cotlnty: el +D • •1 1, r•