HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-08-04, Page 8. PA•GE EG` Only At.'Templeton's Will You Find : These 54 -Inch Wide McKENZIE DRESS McDONALD DRESS STEWART ROYAL STEWART, ..:DRESS' McLEOD MAR�irARE T ROSE HUNTING. MCKINNON' BUCHANNAN KING GEORGE CRAWFORD* ; R.C.AF.- HUNTINQ. FRASER • RAYON & . WOOL TARTAN S --Baby . S`tewart, • Beatirice, I I • Buchannari OLIVET ANNIVERSARY. ,. (Continued from page 1) the, iixfluencg,:a' devoted life has. on another. He challenged the. oncoming generation to._ . the ac- ceptance of these .high and noble. things 1 of the spirit and encoiw- age them to:hav�e the ; zeal and : ' faith of those of 'former ;days. Rev.: Duncan MacTavish•. used eek -End{ erngs EW CROP'S 'IN! Stokeley's Finest Fancy Quality Honey Pod Peas 15 oz. tin . ' 2 for 35c Syrup Special for :as his sermon subject "The"chid den way" 'based on. the 40th chap,- ter hap- ter ' of Isaiah. Graphically: he per, trayed . how • the 'Lora works quietly : in the inwlard `. parts. if we stand/in the Way sof the Lord. How He lifts'up and througWHis ,irgfluea ae we can ,t soar. ,,,'to the iheights.: 1 -Ie. called ` that as there have „been • many changes" here; so. the Lord' is able` to ..Ariake the crooked .straight and, the rough' places plain.' He boldly' said 'that Yie doubted : whether Olivet Was as • great and . good as in' former days. He used this' • to challenge thel present;, •generation to ibecome ready 'for'.a. spiritUa�l er`usade:.'. • .THSDAX; AC7 Sari .4t1i, 1945, mewled' tha,t Buncan NI,aC- 1111111114101111111111111110111III1111111401111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII111111 lilllllllal9Wi 111111111 N 1111,III11111111101U1111111111 UIIIIIII10110 IIIIWi!IINIIII0• one Dungan, once; Causini :a dis Tav�sh ,, •turbance in the buck seat, and _ be 'was reminded by no less than the Ministelr; .that he !arid his compaction "wouldn't amount to anything 'Apparently it had a telling effect. The Reunion• ' Picnic: The social event . of • the' 00th anniversary 'wasthe picnic at Poplar Beach. Mr. Jas.,. w.as, the • convener' for the programs.' There were ball games for the 'Younger 'children, young .women. and the men. Horse shoes drew. a .n!urnber of the enthus iastts ,S'ack races:.tug o' -war created .a ht . of enthusiasm . and 1 'left sone sore spots. • •„• to•Prizes •for the following were given, by. Mrs Melvin (Coling• frorii a1 ,suppius, ' of a last year's project; The,olldest lady' on the Ig!ro'unds;Mrs: Ciaw'ford, the'.old est man, Mr. A. McNair; the 'old. est couple- (number of years mar- ried), Mr: and Mrs. MCN'air; •the youngest child, .Donald Cassler, age "13 months, -on- of ;Mr. -and• Mrs.Welby;- Cassler; • those that came the farthest, Mr. and Mrs, Clarke` 'Coiling 'from Detroit;: the. largest family pre s,ent,•• Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MacTavish; : ;the lady with the ' most ,graceful .wialk, Miss •:Mary :Stinson;"" the rriiti ster's,'Wife with the most grace= 'fill, walk, Mrs. .Cliester' Wilkin- son. 71he usual bountiful. picnic ;sup-; per ..Was served.. Letters. were read from Mrs. K.i1lan and :; her daughter Laura of Lambeth; -I#;ev C. R. 1cGillivary, . Victoria; :and Mr. N.. H fiaanilton, Van-• ".cpqter. These expressed their good Wishes ,for;;a 'successful am niversary and. due recognition' of. the glories of .the pastyears and ian expression of hope . for the The', c'hoir.. sang.' "Bless us in the evening ' hour".' Solo "open the- gates" bby` a . a n exnlber of the C!l;arke quartette, Mr Gordon ' future. Britdlge, • wlas sung ]Duncan MacTavish gave :a The; signitficance:` : of : renewed bratty and humorous. historical red: quaintance �aai d rekindled .view, recal'lin,g that the first work done in the minediate area was la' Sunday • Sch'ool in :the 'Clover ' Via1ley' rieighlbourlood (where Presbyterians • and' Meth= odista met :together until. a then,. logical argument meant : !that/,one' Party withdrew. He :pointed out that- ;the 'present :Olivet church was really the- com!binatiori •,:'of. two :early .;congregations - being :sought. together about 1889: Once pt` u;again, it -was pointed :.Out that Adam 'Wilson donated .the land and :that 'the deed Was not drawnUP /until it Was certain to the: amount of land was. required. „The /deed is held by Mi'. W T Eoulston It: is very Clear .writing and. the 1.doct anent is.well preserved. The same 'Mr. :Toe Black, Mrs. Baird.' It was re • Rolls on.;helped draw`tthe brick' ' acTav called that Rev. Duncan Nt for the Church. The first • struet- • ure, .' was a frame with . roughcast surface so .that the. brick veneer -was later. The c!lien shed was' built in .1911 at a cost of $616:' This •' bilge Shed- was' the firtt' was theirst. cass leader of he sructu . -th they"beddedasmay driving be • : Hunter's Party Roll "Christian Endeavour". Mr. Wil -put on ` cement walls in : this dis- - 1 • ]Ib. • roll 29c ;Ideal for : slicing' and serving with Ritz .e ackers. tTHOMPS H0 'The Store of'Friendly Service .; son asked het to . teach Sunday strict. There tiave been no basic School ;and .his •reply to her 'ob changes to the property in recent' jection.'was "the voice of the peso years except that there has been pie is the voice • of God7.. Once more fill put in. at the . front .she- Was: challenged by :one,: of Electricity has 'been' added. , the mothers to !behave herself-. Rev. Chester Wilkinson, recall;. :(alter- a1T- side Was their -Sunday ' ed ;some interesting incidents a# School •teacher); "Mary, I "Wish earlier days and .expresse4»-his you would behave yourself'. My thanks, at. being invited; to take. girls' d r' ' me Uri 60th a whatever eve you do" some- - part in e < anniversary cel e . LADIES—We are :pleased to be: a to offer you, u, anotherone of Kayser II.` a amoua . Lines. I• I 11111 ,�,"• I II •, 11111 IIlilik 11111 (IIIIIIII ( l 111 �,KAYSE,R SLIPS , I.N STOCK 'N S. 0 TOT :TO -TEEN` & LADIES' WEAR 'Phone 89-14Lucknow Ont, III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIiIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111NIIIIIiII111111111NIIIIIIlII1111Ullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls �IIIIIIIIIII(Illillllilllllllllll Baran o W ;'0N i. r1E8—„Ureses ; Spring': and Fall'_ Coats, Shortie„ .Coats, Slacks,” Shorts, Bathing Suits, 'Sweaters; Gloves, Pyjamas' and .Nightgowns.: GIRLS -=Jeans Shorts,`Bathing Suits and Slacks;,sizes 8 to 14'i Suits Sport Coats t Pants and''S ort Shirts,.:. MEN'S—Tropical Su p , Sport, BOYS'—Sport Shirts, ,Shorts; Bathing Trunks. For The ' ° Week -End Only, WHITEi,FLANNELLETTE 3fi,'' WIDI SI?EAL and -- .40c 'I , T ---- C :r. Norman Taylor . Of Our 'Entire Stock`` of en's Women's,.: Children's' • • u ' ummer �� F+oro wea till Bargains• Galore for Thrifty 'Shoppers in our Mid -Slimmer Clearance: Sale. Take advantage of (hese` sav ings in . Men s,.. Women's . and• Children •s ,Shoes. bration. The thanks of the rvis :tors' . i e was fitt rigTy xpress, -by Rev.Fred MacTavish. -The pro - i`' grainbrought Was ought to a close , by a prayer .of, rernembrance, ;the .singing,. of "Blest be the tie that, . hinds our hearth in *Christian, love” and the benediction by the 1 church, Rev.. minister of �. Ov 1 Douglas A. Brydon. ' • 500 PAI, IRST + QUALITY, NYLON HOSE, SPECIALS in Children's . Sockees, Boys' and new colors, ell sizes,: 42 and 45 gauge:. Women's Half ,l -lose and Socks. Reduced to '' w t1:49 Priced 25c,' 39c and. 49C SPECIALS: in'Women's and.Children's Summer • Y .Under Garments. , 50 L` dies', New Nylon Slips, reduced` to x;.$2.95 +J' . *tore Wth The toe 1