The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-08-04, Page 7•
THURSDAY., AUGUST 4th, 1;949,
,'U .
Mrs; Richard Gardner has had
recent visitors. Mx's. H, Agar
• as ,
and Mrs. R. Fitz.gerald, Bnamp-
.ton,. Miss B Parker -and -Miss
Olive Webster, Toronto and. Mrs,
Arthur Spiegleburg, Kitchener;,
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Hughes,
Toronto, Were • week -end (visitors.
at the home of Mr, Thos; Rivett
• and other re+latiVes in the vicin-
Mr, George Alton, Echo Bay,
was a visitor on Sunday w'th his
Mr. and,. Mrs, •,ary
cousins, e3',
• Alton, 6th .;Con,; West Wiawano'slh.
•Wilfred Pentland attended
the wedding. of his. ilarntheri MVlr.
d Pentland. ad Miss
iain : at . Exeter, who
n ,,;Str aug�h , ,.
'ted in 'Marriage Re '.
:,,Were ung, by v
. r ' A B :"P rit land-
onto • vvho is visiting '.her'
�, of Toronto,' ,.„ .,
daughter, Mrs -Ralph Foster, also'
attended, h .
• Mr. 'and, :Mrs Cecil Orser,. pe-•
troit and . 1'Ir. and. Mars: Albert
Orser returned after a pleasant
week ':spent w'i'th . relatives. at
Golden Valley, xs. Mu r i e 1
"Br-antfo d, ' vi itin' ' a.
Smythe, Brantford,' is. , r g t
the • home . of her •!parents, Mrr.
and Mrs; Albert Orser•Tthis.,week;
Miss Joan Rivett, ..who has been,
in rather poor 'health since an
attack of pneumonia last spring,
was taken to Wingham Hospital
this week foi treatment We wish
her a c°ornplete recovery soon.
Mrs. Everett Finnigan and dau-
ghter .Gwen hixve :been• spending
afew days with Mr. and Mrs.,
burnin Phillips at: -the cottage
at P.oin.t "Clark.
Miss Margaret: Joy,;' Durnin is
visiting , her uncle, .Mr. and . Mrs.
,Bill McClure, Jr., Elmira: Master
Conrad:McClure 'of' E1m4ra is vis-
iting;his cousin, J: G. lin, this
Mrs. S•. F. Fines and Suzanne,
, Toronto, are .visiting Hlarold and:
Cecil Blake.
Ernest Pritchard and AI-
win , Pentland; .'her • .nephew , and,
mother, Mrs. A; B. Pentland. 'of
Toronto, `, :were ` visitors with vela-
• tives over the week -end '.
We Specialize :Iii
Beatty Deep Well ' Pumps
Beatty Three -Way . Pumps.
In ,,Stock
Plumbing; and Heating
Pump p :and Windmill
• Repairing
R. It. 3,, Goderich
'Phone 12-r-3 Dungannon
e nt
A 'family plot should be
graced _with'...the_ _shrine -like_
beauty ,of a' monument which
will will be everlastingly, a tribute
• • to those at rest. We have many
classic ,styles to suggest, and
will Work with you on cus
tornT designs
Exceptionally low. prices.
No canvassing, which ;`elirnn
ates.: sales commissions.
Inscriptions Repairing
'Sandblasting '.Memorials
25Years Experience
:: The latest in Portable
•Sandblast Egtiipment.
All work • personally executed
Brownlie . Memorial
Alfred St., WINGHAM
'Phone 450 •.
Ripley, Ontario.
Mr, L. F'. Sing el had .as visi-
tors for1wo weeks his mother,.
Mrs, Ronald M, "Stingel and sip -
ter, Mrs, ' Dayton Voorhess °of
Princeton, New Jersey 'and his
nephew, •Szmrier Stingel .of -Sal-
em,' Mass. They returned home
on Wednesday of last week. Mrs.
V!oorhess and. Sumner by motor
and Mrs. Ronald Stingel and her
son Rosy and Sylvia left for Carl-
eton, 'Nova Scotia by , plane, from
Crumlin airport, spending .the.
summer at their former home..
Mrs. Voorhess and her husband
•sere joining them later.
• Mr.. Matthew .Shackleton spent
three' •weeks helpingto..bui
.. .build •cot-
'ta es at Grand • Bend
,. g and 'Oak
horne for the week=en
Visitors. rs. wi th .• Mrs
Week Cardwell 'for a • ' e ,Were e k were •ber
d aw�h ter
�John Spivak:. and
Mr. S ivak,.horoto� and another
daughter 'Miss Pearl • Caldwell`
Leamington. ',Mr. and .Mrs. Spivak
returned home on y Sunda and
were accompanied by Doris and,
Lorene, ,Caldwell, daugh..ters of
Mr. and Nlrs:• Will Caldwell, who
will !visit for a week, Miss Pearl
Caldwell,'returned to Leamington.
On .Tuesday and was accon a'n-
ied :with,, :her niece, . Miss Ahr&a
Mr .
and Mrs, •Cecil •Culbert
'Tommy and Jimmy ,were visitors
on .Sunday at :London..'.
Mx • &.'Mrs'. Dian Vine of Ower,
'Sound visited , former friends.
the ] ungannon district.
Miss Mary Ellen . Culbert . is.
leaving :Thursday of this week
to' visit friends at S'udfbury.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kelly, Sea-
farth, visited Mrs;. J. • Killo gh.
one day last .;week,, •
July Institutetin
Mee,, g• -
Mrs, J. J. Ryanwas hostess at
her home On -Thursday evening,
July 21st; with .a good:, attendance.
Mrs,. K.,, K. ' Dawson, • ,president,
Was in the chair and opened with
all 'singing the Institute Ode and
Mary Stewart.p,
Collect re eated
The 'roll 'call ' Havas
, _ '. answered .
"history.' of our present. home
The minutes . af..hhe lust 'Meeting
were read P and approved: It was
decd• d . halie
..>d� a a shovve'rof gifts
brought •tcj. the rie$' Meeting for.
a e ..
n w Polish "family �Rthe, 'dis-
trict, was a
it rn .: ..
decided to :have n�
exhibit at . the Blyth Fall Fair
com,petition with other. Insti-
tutes Of •West : Huron. A box of
fruit was' sent to Miss' Joan Riv-
ett, a patient in Wingham Hospi-
01. The program, prepared•'; by
Mrs. George Harris, began 'with
a . contest, '"Secret .. of Success':',
,conducted by Mrs. Cecil. Blake.
"History ,of 'the, Harris .home at
Cransford", was read. Mrs. 'Dui--
nib •Phillips read •1about "Bee=
Keeping"' and conducted a con-:
test' ,on ;;" Old .Songs".. The `Meet-
ing then closed with the,natinal.
The first.,,drdwiiing fatality of
the, season in Walkerton and dis•-.
triot occurred on Monday even
is g, when ,fray Elliott of Luck- ,
new lost his life in. the Waters
of .the Truax race, just below the
•h'eadgates. . •
The young mean,;• accompanied
by a chum, from hiis home village
and Misses. Betty Hunsperger
and. Janet Gross of town, in' -an..
.effort t'o ' escape the oppressive,
heat, wen; to the popular swim-
ming h.. le at theheadgates for
a . sw'i;r Elliott Who .'•was a non
'swim., er, „Was, bathing in the:
sport 1:sed as ; the .idhildren,'s,•pool, '
but being 'unfamiliar• with . the
treacherous,• bottom sudden(
stn ed off :a.she]f•in`to_the deep
water sof - the=, race; • and: was.. .a
once ' in diffici1:t. The. two • Local
girls and .his 'companion made a
vlaliant.,effort to save: him, and
almost succeeded in doing' so,
but he ;slipped from their grasp.
and -disappeared in 'the..darkness.
• An:alarm was raised and the
sounding cr . the sire",' summoned
the ,fir ,amen ;wh o responded
promptly 'and -:made a fast -;trip
to, the scen:e..A .boat w(as secured.
and Fire. Chief Irwin ; L.ogsinger,
s venteen minutes later, located.
'the body with the aid of a' pike:
pole, in; nine feet of water, some •
fifty yards be1aw the spot where
the unfortunate youth had °slip-
ped into, the swirling current.
Cain ell ,Robinson, son of Dr.
• and Mrs. J T. H. R0binson, who
had removed his clbthing and:
wias diving in an effort to find
the -drowning MOP,. . w?as called to
the ;spot and'. he -succeeded in
oringing him to the surface, and
with the aid of others he was
taken ashore; '
Althqugh. it was: estimated' : that
half".an hour hard `'.elasped' -since:
the young man' had• disappeared,
efforts, at• resusit'ation were `made,
nd the I zlrnotor ' which µwas','
purchased .by , the'Walkerton Fire
Brigade, 'was`. applied foi- h'aXf" an
. it prc.
7ou'r:.buts 0
Yu1 '..
-. }. . .. ... i e
and Coronet' Dr: T. -A Si-nciair: •1 -
pronounced hiM. dead, .attributing
the death , to ' ,drowning, He de-:
cided that noinquest.; would be.
held. -,Walkerton .Herald -Times.
Night Superintendent Resigns
;The . Stratf ord General Hospital
.Trust' has . accepted the resigna
-tion of. Mrs Alexandria McKee,
night superintendent for the past
five years. Mrs. McKee;, a former.
Po'.,a�+�� �1
Lucknowite, willeave Monday
anthem and lunclfwas,served by for her home ih Toronto. Her
successor_ has,„hot.-been appointed.
the., hostesses.
u,r duty •tohave a FREE chest X-RAY
A person with tuberculosis'may. unknowingly spread the
disease. ;It' is infectious—not inherited By means of a chest
X -Ray tuberculosis can be detected 'early and if treatment is
begun immediately, the disease can be cured: You can't always..
be `sure you are free of T.B :until you have had. an X -Ray.. An
.X -Ray can detect it. Our community survey makes it possible-
for parents to protect their children. Co-operate in theX-Ray
survey. Make an appointment and Keep it!
Christmas seals paid for this survey..' >Buy more next •Christma4