HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-08-04, Page 4THE LUCKNOW; SENTINEL,ESENTINEL,LUCKNOW,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO TARIO !L .s xe { •r ."WANT AI?" RATES -7 -1st insertion 2 Cents a word, 'subsequent /insertions• 1 cent a word` Minimum charge 25 cents,. Replies care of The Sentinel 10 cents extra.' Legal • advertising .1.0• .cents per count line first insertion, 5:• cents per line subsequent insertions. FO- R SALE—a quantity of good. • wood. Apply to Harvey Lindsay, GRAIN FOR SALE—Barley and oats. GeorgeWraith,, R. 3,• Luck CAR FOR SALE --Ford .coupe• g' t oc4- • running >' order.. - :Apply" 'to • Bert 'Ward, Lucknow,•• ,x . b Y1c To .•es. MINERALS . and• , sto6 . , • • Lorne .MacLennan,'. phone 42-23, Lucknow • • CARD ;OF , THANKS We •want to thank our many friends and . neighbours: ;'whose ;kindness' helped so' sniue1v to' help ease • our • heartache in 'Ray's 'un- •exxpeoted "accident and. death:. Our Yi.eaa�tfelt thanks; ' , ; ;Mr a aria ., rs. Georage.: E11iott, Una, Bryce, : Gczrdon, and Jiine, • ' I`p "a`ve ' leaaure" in 'taking this h opportunity 'of : thanking; all those Who •showed;' me kindness in my CORN . OR 'CALLOUS won't niar recent illiaess • especially the .An- . your' joy, , if 'Lloyd's Corn S y.r�alJve dersons, Alex; . Stanley and the• J. y: • you do employ..50c at Unibach's McDonaghs;•. those ' who Sent Drug .. Store'.cards, ' the ,,L.ucknow doctors and nurses' in Winghaan Hospital' and FOR SALE—new Bell City Wat- Victoria . Hospital, London;' the ' • erloo '''thresher, • Icomlplete with kindly ,I'vtisits ' of shy 'old friend, eorge Rev. Jahn Agnevcr, and lastly: of shredder . and ,drive' belt �G ' Wraith, R.• 3, 'Lucknow. ... • BRAY. PULLETS, ' Chick's; Start- • edd 'or- dayolds. They have them' • for immediatedelivery. G'e pricelist,For later delivery,•. they'll .hatch to order. Agent— ..D. gent`D. R. FINLAYSON, ' Lucknow., PERSONAL SKINNY, MEN,'WOMEN!' `Gam; 5 to 15 '-lbs: New pep, :-too �. Try. • . famous OstreX T rnic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh;, • new vigor New "get' acquaint - ,ed" size '.Only :'60c, `A11 druggists.. USE FINN'S Red Blood ,,Quickly Tablets . for : Weak pale pasty chicks' and .turkey points.. Use Fuzii's:, News .Tablets and Finn's FEED FINN'S' CATTLE -..TONIC Poultry :Conditioner and. Intes now When the pastures are .short tinal cleanser -to avoid .:: c • idi and_dr_y_an _a_void1 one_chew ng,: -coc osis. Feed. Finn's Poultry ,Tonin stiff ' cows ,..and mastitis.: Finn's' andVitarr m Builder' daily • fjr minerals �, e'ontain ;no • ,salt • Use` stror► ,.'growthy pullets `and '-tui= keys. Your'' local .dealer': is R. E. Crawford, 'Lucknow.: • that great christian- surgeon, Dr. Grace, who by •God's mercy and power affected :a complete: cure. =Alice Rem. • , RE WEED. • CUTTING .. Notice- is hereby. 'giventhat all weeds in the Village of ,Lucknow,. (with 'special attention to vacant lots) . .must" be cut within . two weeks -4y August 18th. Failure to comply. with this order,., will require steps being taken'to have, *this 'work done and charged' to the taxes. '' By, 'Order of Bruce County .Weed Inspector; APPLICATIONS TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS APPLI•CA,TIONS: -will *be receiv- ed by the undersigned ul ••to two' o'clock p.m.. August 15, 1949, for: 'operator of the ' Township main stainer , and; snowplow". J. R. -LANE,' Clerk Kip ' oss Township, : -R.. R : 2,. 'Holyroad, Ont.; TEN.DER;S TENDERS Will jbe. ,received Until August 9, • 1949 for •'caretaking of. Crewe School S.S. No, .1.6, -.Ash field, from September 1, 19'49°un til; 'January 31st, -1950. Lowest any ' tender hot...necessarily ac . cepted. R. T., Kilpatrick, Sec.-Treas.: Ashfield ' School.. Area, R . R; 7, :Luckriow, Ontario:. CARD OF THANKS: The members of the; Lucknow' Pipe Band Wish ' p thank all those wh'o contrf?btited to the Band. Fund. at, their .Saturday night concert,; Mrs. iCaxnpbell TioMpson wish- es• to most sincerely thank :all those, iWho so kindly remernber- ecid, her: during her illness, Their thou ight)fulness was ,deeply :ap- preciated. ap-preciated. , Mr. and Mrs. W. RI Hamilton wish; to' express to their 'mat?y friends, relatives „and neighbors their . heartfelt thanks,and, a n p•- -predation, for acts; of '•kindness p. and messages -„ .a :syrnlpathy. exl tended to them in their: 'recent sad bereavement in the. loss,, of. 1V1'rs,: ; Haneiltoh's mother, •,Mrs Samuel. McGuire. We wish express our • sin ,cerethanks `to • ' .relatives and; neighbors for their expression of sympathy "'and acts of kind= ness, to the, minister,' soloist and pianist, to. 'those ` Who,.sen-t flow- ers and to 'those. who • sent cards to Our. dear' -brother Frank while he . was': in- the Gerneral Hospital in' Winnipeg,. . Homer Harris "and Sisters: BOND ,FAMXL`X REUNION.' • A very, pleasant family. ae- union took place 4n London •r. e- •cently' at the`home of 'Mr, and Mrs, J. Astles, Trafalgar Street. Guests included ' : Mr, . and Mrs. Wm. ,,G, Armstrongs the latter Meeting her.•brothers, George B. and Wm, II. Bondand t ,eir:fam- flies after • an aa'bsence of eighteen years. Thirty.fot r. ; out-of-town- 'guests ,were present from'- Ham=: ilton, • -Mr., ,Elgin, ' Mt.. Brydges, Lacknow': ,ancl .Pontiac, Michigan. •HARDY . Jn Wigha.. General Hospital on :Tuesday tilt' 26th, ••an.d':1Vfrs Murray Hardy, to. Mr: , L`ucknoW, a; daughte ; - •INN'S HOG FIX will fix stiff -scurfy -hogs: Fir ms-Hog---Gendi tiloner and,;'' Intestinal Cleanser.' clears ' the intestines and • 'fakes' for good gain. Finn's•Hog?Nliner als• insures .,good litters :of pigs and good gains . on.:feeders Finn's S..E S :tablets stop sucking pig scours:, ,Your local dealer E. Crawford, a. Lucknow: Finn's :Darhnin and Dairy Con- ditioner ' for mastitis; Use -"Finn's. • S.E.S.tablets for, calf scours: ;Your loeal dealer is R. E. Craw- ford, 'Iucknow 'NOTICE• . TO CREDITORS A 11 ,persons, having ' .,claims against the estate of , Janes Ghiat� 'niers Puxdon .late, of : the •Tow,n.., slip .of ' • Wiest Wawanosh in the County, of Huron Farmer, who' died.' on' or albout. the ninth •clay'' Of May, .1949 are notified to send. to the -undersigned on or before the, 27th: day of August,: 1949, full partipuiars' of their claims in writing. • Immediately '; after the Said.. 27th day of August-• the as--• .sets. .4 the. said testator will :'; be distribtued amongst, the parties entitled thereto, , having • regard' only 'to''clainis of which the exe- cutors sliall:..then 'have notice. : Dated this 28th day.''of. July, • A,D. 1949: ...':Crawford & Hetherington,: Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for •the 'Executors: . Are; your chicks pale,"unthrifty, droopy, going lame? Do they gash,, scratch, sneeze, pull feathers or eat each other?: If so, you will • profit by calling. at RAWFORD'S Feed Store e are not' experts, but what we don't know, we find out:; WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF New Life and Lifeteria Feeds, R A'. ,]+inn ]]nerals (no.salt),. Tonics, Medicines.... ' BABY CHICKS ON. HAND YEAR AROUND. 'PHONE '• 165 LUCKNOW ' LANGSIDE:. KINGSBRIDGE Mr,. and Mrs. - Jack McConville • 1Vlhss: and. Mand Mr, Lin •Woodley: , ,• • Veronica• •Austin' were . week -end visitors with Mr and, Mrs. Cliff Austin:: - • . • , Mr: Joe Reid ,and Miss Eileen' • Wa1iace • spent the `,.holiday with, Mr'. sand IVrrs;' grin Wallace. M,r, & Mrs. Edwin King spent' Sunday'- -with. Mr: and ..Mrs. W.' Clare ;Mt. • and Mfrs G. Hill spent the The. Home Helpers' Meeting of` the 'W. M,; S. was.' held." in thechurch,. ' Mrs. Spiers of,' Brussels Jwas the - guest -speak , The ..•Mission.� picnic icnic : and' Meeting which waas to have been ` held 3this Friday; has been ,Post-,. 'poned-=Until a later dlate: Mr ,Gordon, Ba11 of the 'Econ. :,mines ',Dept., O.: A. C., Guelph, ;spent the week end with. Mr. and Mrs. Fait ish" Moffat. Mx. and "Mms:. Gerry,. $choori and daughters. Of:Galt. spent .the week -end with Mr. ; and 'Mrs. 'Robert -Donaldson.. ' `-` Mr:'-. James , Moffat ''arid '� Miss kOhristena offat of : Toronto .spent ,.the , week -end: with Mr.. i: Mrs,' Peter, G Moffat. Mr. and Mrs., J. W. Ross • and Ronald, Miss: Margaret Moffat. bf Toroito: and Mr. •axil,, Mrs Eric Wails. of :London ,'spent the Week- end act .Mr.. F Gr: • Nloffat's Miss. •!Dlolenia Orr of .Loindon and,Betty Ann Lapp of.' Wingham ! spent the 'week -end with Mr.: and' Mrs. • Wm:,Orr. • T. B. CLE1.0.4ND VETERINARIAN Havelock ; St., south o Supertest Garage' LUCI(NOW ;. Telephone 175 :Mr.:'and Mrs,' Aayond Finn' •gan 'attended the Plunkett picnic in ,Croderich one day thin week. Misses Ruth and •Sylvia Cur -1 ran are spending a , few hblidays withfriends in ILcknow, • Mrs, Edna Mic'Whinney• s. spending spending two' weeks vacation: at Echo. I ay and Sault • St:. Marie-, in company with Mr. and Mrs. John Visitors with ' Mr. • and Mrs: Jack' Curran and 'family 'on Sun- day were Mr. 'and • Mrs. Will Begley and , Mt. • and "Mrs.. Bert= ram Curran and 'Beverley of Iaahilton, -Mr' , and -Mrs. Tom., An- derson, Lucltnaw . Mr, and Mrs. Herb : Curran 'of IVIafeking.--- • Miss Ruby Sherwood has been.., assisting ' Mrs. Clifford Crozier for a .few 'days. We - hear . Violet Culbert has been on the .sick 1i t. Hope you, are feeling better by now. 'Mrs. Ervine Zinn underwent a serious 'operation in Goderich hospital last: Friday.. all, Write or 'Phone • ISR LVCKNOW • For full information on Operative" .Life'. Insurance • ox: Co▪ operantisveura•nAutomocebile I' 'Phone' • Dungannon -1074^-10 Also Sell HEALTH &, ACCIDENT ad FIRE INSURANCE ..''. THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1949.. holiday With her parents. We tend our sympathy to. Miss Annie Bowier • on the death of her brother Jim in Gederich Hospital.,'. N COWS $2.5'O each HORSES*-=-12.50,Ea HOGS —.SOc per cwt:. • ' According io : size an4 , condition Phone.collects • , R1pley ' 182 Wingham 561-j Ingersoll 2f William Stone Sons, Ltd. INGERSOLL• ONTARIO • • WESTERN FARMERS Weather Insurance Mutuai Co.. MOTTO, Prompt and Satisfactory Settlements 'For 'information, reliable - protection, satisfaction, consult; your focal: agent SAM ALTON :. LUCKNOW 'Phone .'Dungannon; r ' ARMSTRON OPTOMETRIST IN L ��-�NOWUC . FIRST: ,WEDNESDAY OF. EACH MONTH ' : . rem' 10 ; C►.m. to ' 6 p.m. - AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE Insure, In Stye • Confederation •Life. ' WD, CAR; ; , • ,,FIRE—P •referred • Rates for preferred - •riskg. ACCIDE.NT;'& SICKNESS , . Consult ; JOHN' FARRISH 'Phone :7-r=15 ;Dungannon INSURANC FIRE, CASUALTY and AUTOMOBILE - To Protect Your ' Jack. Insure With Jack Today J. A... McDONAGI=I R.R. 3 Lucknow' Ont.' • Phone ' 61-5. Dungannon W. ANDREW Barrister- said Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Offiee' in •the Joymt Block Telephone Residence' 31-J Office 135.• • P. Stuart Mac•Kenzri BARRISTER' " & SOLICITOR '.•Walkerton,, Ontario. I N .'LUCK :OW gaol, Wednesday OFFICE. IN;' • - HENDERSON‘BLOCK' .. .S,'Hetherington, K� Barrister, • Etc. ^Winghaln'and Lucknow• '.'IN 'LUCKNOW Each Monday' . & Wednesday Located • otl the , groulnd floor In. the front Of '. John Kilpatrick'e pawing ‘'Phone Wingham • ' Office 48' Residence 91,, :�'= g1rl1ai11WY.Y1�rl.rrr • _