HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-08-04, Page 3e
rT th, 1949
.: Local ai t
Miss Elva Johnston of Toronto,
hss_been visiting friends: here
Berkley, Bohnert ' of Hamilt.
called. -'in town' last week,•
Gordon Moore of Acton visited
last' week with J4.1..xnotheir,- -Mrs.
:Vary Moore. .. d •
Bill Chin of Toronto is, spend
ia,g two `�we�eks' vacation Dat his
home here.
Mrs, Elizalbeth Pappas o f
Brantford is'. visiting at the -hoq e
of .her seri, ,.Bi11 Pappas., .
.:Karen Reid,; of : Strat roy . has
beee •guest of . N'anicy John .
stone' H`+
Mi s. Lavinia. Percy of 1petroit.
is visiting • with 'relatives."and.
friends; in: •t;he . community
'Mr., and Mrs. Doug Coombs and
two , children' of Toronto spent
the, week -end . at the Hornell cot-
tage a. t • Arnberley Beach.
Mr, and Mirs. Wilfred ; :'John-
atm and children, Brueer Paul
and •.Mirian' of 'Hespeler Were:
,holiday visitors here with �er
' . father' • M»; .:W,: S.' MceLod
Mr, sand M•rs, • Lloyd Ackert,
been wh
had on their ' wedding
trip; left On Friday, for Toronto:
*here they will reside and where'
'Lloyd is engaged ,in ':the real
es ie 'business.
Chesterfl<elds . And
.:Occaon . Chairs, .
e arred anRecovered
Factory Guarantee •.
Free :.Pick -U .' and Delivery
TR .
..42, Brunswick 'St.. Stratford
For further information'
enquire at.
Furniture Store
'Phone16' Lucknow
Mr. ' and 'Mrs. .James Dean of`
Ogden spent Sunday with Mrs,
James Webster and Wellington.°
Mrs. . Irene Stewart- of Detroit
is.lvisitin'g with Mr. and Mrs. H.
J. Lindsay,
All". . Elsner ' Un ibach. ,and, his
mother, Mrs. Lydia :Ann. Urn.-
bach, took up residence recently
in the Murdie Apartment,
":1VIr, and 'Mrs, Donald Low and.
Ian of :Union., New Jersey, :visit-
ed last' week With r.`: and Mrs.
Allister.: Hughes:
Misses..', .Irene . ' a rl d • l eckey
•Carsot ••.of I'hurso; Quebe,c," are'
visiting with Mrs. :'Sarah Colyer
and 'family;
,Mr.. arid. Mrs,, Btewar,.f,;Burns •Qf
Detroi't' land Mr. `arid :Mrs, `ffarold"
Burns : and ,'son 'David . sof ' Fort.
William spent. ithe Week -end 'with
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas B.urns..
While his boat,, the; S.S. Scott
lviisener,, docked at Goderi.ch,' Tom
A.. • MacDoriaild spent Civic holi-
day' ,with his, r (other, Mrs. T. A.
Donald Stewar't, Brice John;-;
stow and Donald. Agnew, who are,
attending cadet ' cain•p at Ippe �
"wash," sperit" a 48. -hour week -end
leave -at their;,'homes
Mrs: (Henry- Mullin was...in- Lis-
• towel on Satiir'day. attending:'the
Button Mullin: ::wedding'.; • The
pride, , Miss ' Mary Mithin,.••• is: a'
granddaughter of Mrs.', NJullin.
Mrs: Martha -Bender ; and:' Mt..,
.n.d• Mrs. W. B. McCann. .a and 'sons.
Billy:,. and Neil .of' Chie.a o' were
The• sale of ,Shares in a new
1949 Ford Coach, was larxnched
• by . members • of ' the Lu'eknow
Branch of the Ca adlan . Legion.
over the •week -end, •
The "shares" are priced at $5".00
each and the : numbr• to be . solei
lirnit6d to 800; The. ynner of the.
,car, which will ne' 'der°have been,
driven;' will be ,decided by lot at.
the' Legion's'• Annual Remexi-'
prance Night dance • on Novem-
ber lltli, Tile holder: of the
•lticky • ticket Will. receive the 'car'
for $2,00
wf•• 'The campaign, ;is be ng., con_
•ducted to wipe :off the 'debt: m,
curred, by, ,The Legion rid• install-:'
rn' the 'park' 'floodlights last:
Year. This :'is a major .civic
provement that way • Undertaken.
without ia` public subscription axed
rather. than rnake,such an appeal
The , egion. decided upon' the 'car ,
drag'v- idea. The odds 'on the, :$5:00
ticket are' a . good ,deal:, better than
'the -usual' 25 cehts:•draw.
• The selling-• of 800. ;tickets at
this • price Will entail a ,good decal
of 'work and salesmanship, en the
part of the Legion :Members •but'
it •tys , anticipa'ted that` the 'venture
Will receive a hearty.:response
the district as the • floodlights,
and furtherp ark. improvements.
wihioh the Legion :plans; pare' rec=
ognized; as . a very : worthy: p'ro
'1,70FRAGTIJRF inn1ittle more
than a:: month has been the lot
of Mrs.. Graharri ' Motfifait of 'Cti1,=
MSS. Early .in.,Juce 'she srff,ered
a `.,broken bone in .her ::ieg,.:upon
pp g r to• a h°1'The cast
recent ; visitors in Ashfield, with
. 'had, ,been removed and she wvas
Mr. ;and Mrs: Lloyd Robb ettin" ab With the id . of
, getting Quit ;.a
1Vir' 'and Mrs 1VI :.Kosmyna and:
' Jinirny.> of,. Toledo, and : Mr • . and
Mrs.,.Frank King and ';Billy'., .of
Toroto have'!bieen visiting.. with
Mrs James MacDonald
Mrs, Joseph . Helm ' and Mrs:
George's : Andrew . visited ::a'. fe• w''
days with. their 'niece,. Miss Olive
Webster and. her friend, MISS B:
Parker'. at Fine. River' • cottage
where :.they • were 'spending two
weeks holidays. '('hey returned,
to.: their homes in Toronto' on
)ilk Rea
Pi 1,e
Lithographed : in Five Colors
'b<tss :aso
Just . -
. nublisied a
omjtlete, new int "cf
Grey, and. Bruce, . size'
■ . .28x inches, litho-
B . gra,\ ped in five colors;;
ayaitoole, tt subscrib
ers (aril itti 1 nervi~ t
. The S :tt '.i lines
nt do t.t:al cost,' It ',is
,canipilvd from tate. t,
th,verrtunetit sources
and .as all in:;lusivc.,
Every home, school and
butiirri s iec a�2cru d.
italic one ..
crutches when she fell and 'broke
her left arm:
'SPECIAL•SALE-Wool': blankets,
rug,bed.'throws Etc. 'You :` h
be •amazed at; the new low :prices,
The Store'
with the Stock. THE
Mr.,' and Mrs. Robert, Fisher of
Hamilton. and; Mr....arid. Mrs:' :Geo:
'Newbold of Toronto ,were recent
'visitors with. •Mrs.'. David Huston.
Mr. and Mrs . Harold. Rivers
Wand on Donald of .Goderich, Mrs;
Jennie Rivers of 'Seaforth',were
week -end" :visitors :with• Mr:. and
'Mrs. Robert Rae. •
My.: -:and :Mrs. Rarton Roach.
• accompanied by ;Mr'. and Mrs..
. H:arry • Anderson, spent '..•.the
week -end holiday• at. . WaS.alga
1VIr.. and Mrs,. George Huston
and.David:of 'Walton' and Mr, and:
Mi s. Wes Huston . and Grace of
Kitchenner. were ..'Sunday- ;callers;
on Mrs.' David Huston
Mr. ,and ' Mrs.., Elliott Fells Of
Smooth Rock Falls, are holiday -
in here . with Mrs. ,.James Web
ster arid.' Welington:., 'Mr.. F'ells
recently completed .a two weeks'
principal's' course ,in :'Toronto' ,,,
Visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs:
• John rar•rish". were:` Mr.. and. • Mrs.
Elinor Far rish land Millie of Gor
'rie, 1Vlr. and Mrs: Albert Thain
!)f.. Toronto, Davie Granbt ,of .Chi,.
ca..to and Grace, Allan and Kath -
hen M:cDtarrnid Of. Nile. '•'
uality Delicious 7lav iur
• • Having disposed . of. our : business . `here, we wish: to
i •cknowledge with sincere' thanks 'and • appreciation the
pleasant businessand socialrelations: ;we have enjoyed? in
Our. successor is Miss Audrey Smyth, and 'for her we
hespeak .a continuance i of . yourgood' will and,patronage..
Mel and'' Lorraine e' `
St warn:
On y: Tuesday; April 26th, ::1949,
there Passed .awa ' • at the .home
of her daughter, Mrs ;w. R. Harn=.,
<ilton,'.'• \Second Concession, 'Huron'
Township, ,,a former' resident of:
Lucknow, : r
1V� s. Samuel: McGuire:
Born . Martha 'Ann ' MlcDougall
the year 1861, she spent' the' early
part : of her • life . in.j'` Colborne'
Township where she nr,arried .Mr:
Edward • Million, in the year;1881.
To this union was borne two' au
hterand four soais : Rae r' (
g s .. (1Vl�s.
Alex.: Mealarred),: who assed`.
away in. 1919; David. of ` Elnor .,
: ',Alberta, John .of Goderich; 'Mae
:(:Mrs `.'W.•- R. .Hamilton), ,Alex`
whO`W'died at the :,age• of 8 years..
and, Ralfah'-of 'Straffordville.. SOT-
,•. enteengrand children and 12
great grandchildren survive. Mr,.
Million died In. 1915 in 'Maple
all coral routes. and in,' towps and villager where, there Is nal
knew or renewal Mail subscriptjou fot thret, months, Or iiiore, forwardedi
tion 'rates $2. fol. three nionths; :$3.15 for• 57, for a year.1
oily sSuniTimes
,„ d
Mr. and Mrs Wesley Barr (nee
Ruth. Lillico), of . Des :Moines,
Iowa, Miss 'Catherine .:•L,illico of.:
:-Rochester, Minn.•; and -,..Mr, IP'au1-
,Freem an' of,,Woodstock,;'cornhn'ien-
•tato.r on CKOX W:od f stock, were,
recent visitors., at,, the home :of,
their , uncle; • gr. S'. ' W. Joynt.
• • `Holiday visitors with Mr and
Wm;' G. Armstrong• wre: Mr. &
Mrs. Percy .Welch 'sand son. Hrian,
Mr, & 11VIts. Fred Welchand clad
,gh'ter ,B§rb,ara, may. and . Mrs.' Alf
Armstronig,' 'Mr. and Mrs Wire.
Bond, ,all of London; Mtr."Russell
Armstrong, Mr, and:Mit: Alfred:
• Armstrong and daughter , Judy,
Mr,,,and 'Mrs. Cecil Bowman. and
Mis.,Wilfred Maives of Port Col-:
Creek; ,Sask., Where they, `lived'
at that 'ionic In 1920 she. married:
Mr.. Samuel • McGuire •and McGuire
resided 'in Lueknow' until his
\death in 1941,' after, which 'she..
went to lilv'e with ;her •daughter;;
where she resided until: the time:
of her death , 'at the age '• ,'of •88
'The funeral service, conducted. •
by • Rev: •Bryden, of Olivet: church:
was held on Thursday, July' 28th
from the home of 'Mr: and Mrs.:
,Hamilton,:. buial 'taking .•:-
place : in colbtirne .. Cemetery:.
The , pallbearers were: Austin..,
'Solomon; Will McGuire, Will
R� ton `.H
cols , Herb oustoz>V, ' Andrew •'.
Hamilton and . 'Robert Barkwell_ •
: Ari Omaha woman has crernated
he*: t urtl ': husband. '. '_.
r o„ husb�a Some Can't,
get : •a; mate . and .dhers.' get` pus'
barrds' to :burn.
n The New
PRICE '$5:06 A;
pares a 0
Draw' November'. 11th, 1.949
.Be. The Lucky
ou m
p D
-.Proceeds' In 'Aid of The..Luckno* Branch.'of,
the Canadian Legion.. Floodlight and Park,
Don't lite DisappOinted Get A Share Thday: