HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-07-28, Page 6wop. Teeswater OId Boys Reunio ly' 319 Aug. 1 THFr' LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUGKNOW,. ONTARIO; .COUNCIL MINUTES 1 FOUR DAYS OF FUN July 31: Special Church Services in -ill Churches, ' ! ., 2.30 Decoration at Ceuneteries. • 4.30: Decoration .at Cenotaph. " • 9.00:. -Opening of Re -union•. by. Russell' T. Kelly, Rand and Sacred Concert. Aug'.. 1: '10.00 a.m.: Parade of Floats and Decorated Cars. 1:00 p.m Parade: Bands and Caledonian Games. Highland' Dancing, Band Compet;tion With 91st Argyle, General Motors R.C.A.F, Fergus,, Ford• Motors; `Luc.k1 q;tv, Glencoe. and St: Catharines Bands. • Aug. 2' 1;0.0,• p m.: Baseball ;Tournament, 8 . Weam.s. ' 2.00 p a..: Air.. Display by Centralis. Air School. Aug. '3 1 00 p„en. Harness Races l igR..ces'. Bands•.andb Hall Game,.,. Banti • Tattoo;, Fireworks, Grand. Finale, • BANDS=Goderich Girls'"Bu le Hanover. Brassy,Galt Kiltie Georgetown Girls' Pipe. Galt Kiltie Brass Band here 3'days• Vaudeville Show every afternoon and evening. • • No .two alike — Grandstand 3,000. " • 4 • MODERN & OLD . •.. TIME DANCING EVERY EVENINGG' JOYES MIDWAY • LISTEN TO CKNX . J.. Freeman. President, . M. A. Donahue, Sec'y. at's- a Ptcnic wzthoata o e? -dile for rt eithr Xray ..', bort, !/lr�tds-t�rarbsisiian the some thing, Authorised bottler of Coea,Cola under contract with'Coca=Cola. Ltd. ;GODERICH BOTTLING .WORKS GODERICH, ONTARIO 'PHONE 483 KINLOSS TQW?VNSHIP ;Council met in Township. Hall On' July 18th,: All members Pres.-, eat.. . • Carruthers -MacKinnon that the minutes. of the last regular frieet- in,gi of June 13,, 1949 be approved.. Carruthers-Lavis. that .the com- m nications re the •Tl$ test 'of cattle be filed. Percy -Laois -that 'the • Clerk write the W.ingliami. Rural .H, • E; ;P. C.. office• re the.. extra •street lights in 'Whitechurch. (Carruthers- •Percy. ' that the Clori 'write 'the district muni, cipral• engineer at the Sound re the sink: (hole on' the 6th Cances Sion.... :cau1rs-. Laois • that'--- the h ..for ' a plica,t ons • for, clerk" • cr�l lyF •operator of the Township main- tainer to idle in clerk's hands by 2 .an. 'August, X5,� 1.949." p .., MacKinnon -Percy 'that.•' .a 113Y - law be prepared for School :Sec- tion' NO. „I., Kinloss, granting, per- miissidn 'to' borrow , the sum of $3,500 far - repairing'' the' school, ,land to, iasue debentures for" 10 years to: provide payment of loan. Laois -Percy. that we. •do now :adjourn to. meet again on Mon- day, the 15th..day •of August '1949. Cheques issued : Wm. :Moffat;. 4piain�ting•outside of hall and paint _Supplied),1163.60; W Ross Birikq ley, insurance, ' premium, 40.00;: Dr: ,j.:: A. 1VilacDonald,.' dental elinic::work, 120,00. ` 1- •. H,i: SD'AV". JULY 28th,. 19,49. ....: ........ PLA'i1 D HEADS IT BALL ' TO EDGE, AIRMEN 8 . Lucknow Legionnaii ..es edged the Clinton Airman . Wednesday evening. at `Clintpn,, by •ani•$ to. 5 count, in ., what .was by a ggood deal 'the best game of the season: • . .It . was 'a hard slugging gan'ie with. sparkling. -fielding, produc- ing the, kind` of a• game that, thrilled .the: fans'. ' Alex^ Hackett Went the r.o'ute for Luck low with his teati spates backing him .'up Ialmost* faultlessly. George: -Ch ti. was partrcularly brilli,a'nt..on t `a' •' f, i es that wei 0 ` •eco e . v >1 adr p i • O labelled. •• The Legionnaires :spotted C1n- •ton ;three . runs by. thee. second. inning, .bait took the lead• in the 1h4yd. with; a fiive-rum.. :outburst and • scored -single • runs in the. Oh; 5th and 8th to. win it, after Clinton - got a pair - in the _ 6th. t; ';Lucknow: Andrew, . cf; M. Chin; 3rd; J. ''MacDonald, ,ss; ".G. Chip, If; A: 'Macln.tyre,. rf; J.. 'Cook,; 1st; B, Treleaven;: e; " C Greer, 2nd; A.' Hackett, p ,Clinton:.. Gloodliue; 2nd; S.tran • chap, 1$t; •Manley, ss.; ''Isienko, --cif;' McKellar., . p;; Helmer, c;. Thurkof,.lf; Coleman,: 3rd'•,. Lang, lois, rf. Scor by Innings Lucknow' 005 1.10 010=8 Clinton - 210 002 000-5 Highway, chegiuges Pay Roll No: 7, $255 '05; C':. E McTavish, fuel oil, 28.88 John McMillan, 30 . percent - wire ' fence, • 41:40;' Roofers ' Supply Co., snow' fence. and ,,culverts,, 1,018.80, C'.LL ;,Co„• her. bate ester, : 92.00;, E. R. Gaunt, trucking, 73.00; ,McArthur hard- ware,. Ripley, spikes, '11.50, Wm. • Orr, 30` percent wire fence, 22:38,. W. G. ' Percy, stamps, 4.00; .A. Coultes,catch ►basin, :35:75,' =Jr -l:-:LANE, Clerk ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs .Harry. Cavell of London, . iannounce the • •' engage-' Ment of • thgii -daughter, Mae Elizabeth, to: 'Ronald ,Cranston, son, of Mr. :and Mrs.` Earl Crani- sten, Ctf 'Lucknow, . the :marriage to _,take place .July 'N. �i- ti : MWii40 ,., Accidents demonstrate agaiti and again; --:Tire folly ofleaving ...The "cut in" driver is d'. menace to Iift, and • . property. PLAY FAIR—PLAY SAFE. ,Follow tha:, road . lines laid out for your guidance:; GEO. HgtOUCETT. Meister 1.NtA110 4t'VsA:RtM;IN't or H1.SqW,Atts TEESWM'ER•'. TRIMMED LEGIONNAIRES 7-4 On , their' home : diamond on Monday -' night .•Teeswiater:. Nine performed as they i' can . •tq trim the Legionnaires by a score of 7 • to • 4, , in is neatball , game: ,.It sweet : : ,.xevenge.for :the .Teesers,.;who Oak ...a ".bad lacing here on their ,last' appearance. The hoii e team 'took : pan •••early• lead;' and had,,the - game in -hand thrOughoirc Lucknow made a be- lated bid' to'' overtake them, scor . ing three of their, four • runs in the last two innings. 1-larold Greer and AleX ,I•tackett shared the •'mound. 'duties, ' Ltickngw: Andrew, M. Chin, '1Vfia0 orvald, G. Chin, 11..Groer,, Cook!, Treleaven,- 'C. Greer, NTac, ]ntyre;. 'Hackett,.:„ .. ` Tees'wiater., McKinnon, 1f; Scutt,. .34d; Weis, • .p; Mcl or ald, `•1 t:; . Weis, ass; .LDentinger, c;' `2nd; Litt, ,o£; :Steveran; 1f.'• Score by Innings 010 0'00'6,21– :•Te,eswter ;..,, ., 204 000 BANTAMS LOSE.OSE O 41�.N.E. . CEI. ,. TO AUBURN ON"'FRIDAY FRIDA– It' Was the- sante:.old story of one bad' inning .on Friday. wizen • .Lucknow • Bantams dropped' - ,a close game to the Auburn ,nine . by 'a score of 9 to• 8. 'Auburn'S: ' five runs • in the second pi Qi=ed' - too much. for Luuoknow` to over•- come. '.1auoknow's three-riin, rally':: in the. first `of .the :7th fell, one short. of • tying the: score, Fisher started !on'<the _mound.' for Luck- now but was. relieved 'by Lee :in • the•: 2nd.• .Patterson went .':the. whole `w�ay.:.for. Auburn; . LuokrioNv:'.A ,Baker, e; C; Chin, Itauffmarl,- af,\ Thompson, .1st;,1VfoCleneglian, '11;, W: Fisher, Clarter, rf, Lee, cf,.`'p, Niac D.onald,`•ss,, Irwin, 3rd Auiburn llodgles 3rd,' Howes, • 2nd, Stanberry, c, ,H'aggitt, '2nd, S: Hallam, ss, Patterson : p,~.Niche, olison, rf , Norgaii, : if; 'Armstrong;: <*f;:• B.. iaham, cf;. Mc Nall, 1st; Youneblut, .1st. Score by Innings Lulcknowr ' ' ' ” 100 2113' Auburn .....•..........O5& _GAME RAINED L-OIJ • Lucknow Bantams Were' lead: ing Auburn'7 to:3 : in a„ hardball • Barrie here. 'on Tuesday evening when ;rain forced 'the. Calling 'of the game, DAMAGE • EXTENSIVE • IN FRIDAY NIGHT' CRASH Extensive damage ' was done to Hector P.urdon's car and to the Dad's Cookie. , truck . wlvicb. were' in'la collision on: Friday night ' •Thee .collision occurred at Mrs 'John .Mct ouga.11's farain, on' the, Second;': ConcEission: Both •dr;i ers were .'using this Fompanative-. ly narrow road because of road which :is .underway. . [construction west. of Lucknow on Highway 8.6:: 1 Hector was'returninng,, from Point. Clark, late Friday, '.,, evening -''ac-• coMpanied by his: wife and child ren.: ,The truck was west 'bound, and; .turned ` ,.over '.after the veli•icles •sideswiped.' . T,he side : of Hector's 'car was badly crushed in, but ,th'e'car remained upright. All escaped 'injuries .but were. badly. shaken up '•by the impact and the. shock. _EDD IN G BELLS' . Y MAIZE IRWIN • , A quiet ;wedding took place, lin. the .parsonage. of North Street United, Church, Goderich, on clay,. ;filly 1- the when—Maxine 3x= daughter '.Of: Mr and • Mrs. Emerson Irwin of Lucknow, was united in marriage: to 'Harold Maize, `son ,of. Mr. an -1 Mrs -. i. Of, Dungannon �•, 'iRev. C. W Cope officiated. The ibrid0' wore^ a , gown of 'printed;.. •jersey with n atching corsage and white accessories, Miss Mae .lirwin, ;of Lucknow as bridesmaid, wore a white eyelet dress, :.with corsage of cornflowers .and white; acces- sories.. Mr. O1ih er .Glenn .pf plinff garinoil,. ,';was grooirfisman.. CY n .their ,return from a short 'tr' Mr. and Mrs. Maize Will.' resi on.:th.e groom's,.farm .at_ Dungan.. non,' • WEDDING• BELLS STIMSON-GRACE The marriage 'of Geraldine Mary, :.younger -daughter of Mrs. '.. Grace • Of Montreal and ,the' late Mr. C.'.Grace (Newfoundland) to Mr. ' Donald Mr: and Mrs. W Stimson; ' Luok- ni7w, took place at, Loyola lege Chapel,, Saturday, July The Rev.' Father Wilson; s.J:, .Of, fioiated`. ••at the ceremony.• • The ibridee•; ;wlho 'was ,:given 'away bye Mr. Harrison Call, ' a friend of the••fam.}ly `was gowned in - wihite` satin; fashioned:. with. a fitted ' .bodice"' having , a 'Peter, • Fan'. . collar .v and' long .. pointed sleeves. The fulil skirt ended,. in -u a short ,train Her ,fingertip visas of. French1tulle "illusion, held'' .by a coronet of. pearls and she` : carried •a sho+Wer, bouquet of red ' ; roses. •arid ,• baby's breath: The ` Matron -Of -honor,' .Mrs. - R,. W.: Ball,. aster of Vhe ,lei icl't.�°:cifie a'•dreas of orchid lace -o;v 1 not artd a nia�cng lace picttiirc' )sat. MissBatrbara 'Wi'11cock, as:br'acies- maid, w'aa si,nnlai 11y' dttircd:' Both attendant$- car i io�iti:�c: ,lo.n sal bouquets.. ' . 1VIr,.: Donal, ;Grace, .•ibrcithcr of tile' bride, was best man and, Mr. George= Allan . and; Mr,. John 'Foy "' were • usJers.' Following the cremonyc� , re/ - ception' was held . ° a t' the' M'on- trcal ' West" Town. Hall, .Mr. and ,Mrs. Stinson leaving ', latrr to motor to' the United States for. their Wedding' .trip For travel- ling the bride :wlore a black • flower print dress with pink.sc. '. cetissories.,. her ; corsage .ibou luet. being 'of - pink carnations, The; young ; couple. will; 1 wide in Uoderith . 4•W