HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-07-28, Page 3'r"ASDAY::I JUDY2atut> 19:49 • , p L Kcal THF. LUCKNOW SENTINEL; I.TJCKIITOW,' ONTARIO PAGE' iREE r • • ' E Pranks of• Hamilton Visiting her ,sister,' 1V]rs, Essie Cameron.;..... . , David, ^Thompson,son, Of M.r.. and. Mrs, 'H.:1]: Thompson; has. ' . been 'ill wth pneuancinar Mrs, :Harry Gannett and $oh:' Jim(rny of Toronto were, visitors here this week.' Mi :arid, Mrs. Sydney Decker,' Bill ;arid d . Norman,' of Kitchener diel e. c'aller s in town on Tuesday.. BOb,: Reid .of Strathroy is at- tending .stiinrner. attending,suinmer• school .at Kiritail • Piesb.yterian.:rami:;. • Mi rind Mrs LZ Letang and. daughter ofLondon, spent :a.Week .. at the; ljome•;of :her, brother, Dan T. McKinnon.: .• Mr',: and 1V,Grs Reid McKim .and ' Karen. of :Oakville have • been holidaying at the McKim cottage • at E,intail. • .Eleven Lucknow• and district employees of -the ,Lloyd• sash; and door factory in Winghairi . are• on holidays this week. Mr ;and Mrs,'Rotbert Armstrong and family' returned, last • Wed. •• nesday from . aj :tniotoar . trip . to a3oissevain,- Manitoba. r.. and Mrs Levy Eckenswil sx and . Douglas of London •were • iliday , visitors last week' with. relatives at Kinlough. .Misses Edna land Eliza Cook R P1's; pf Owen Sound,. are'spend- ing 'two week's holidays with. their. parents,.Mr. 'and .Mrs. Al- bert-Cook. lbert`Cook Mr.` and Mrs: Norrnan Taylor have returSled frlorn their wed ding :trip to.; the Laurentains,' and have taken up residence in ;,the Gammie Apartments .Mrs. J Hamilton of Dungan- non and Harold F4rrish :' spent the •week -end" with fir; •' ani Mrs J. Farrish: `• 'Mr. and 'Mr l a • . � s..Cuy er Ram ge and two daughters, 'Avril .'and Linda of Chicago, :wiio were vis- iting, With Mr:and Mrs..,Mae 4: Ramage • at St. Hele left, on • esday for, twoweeks in the Muskoka district • and' 'with lads' • sister;. ,Mrs., ..Wm.` ` O'Brien 'Wand• O'$rien, at ,.Bancoift WI'Y:rn' :WOrnefl Get Nevi/Pail,,Vigor: What a'thrlii'Bony Ilmbil All out;,. ugly• hollows 511 up• neck. no longer soraany;• body loses hall-. • starved, elokl}! "bean -pole look. Thousands of Shia, women, men, who.never oould gain'before. Ther thank the ofseectaal Vigor -building, healthy-lookingdingbu bodies. tonlo, Oetrex, Its tonlos,, stimulant. - Invigorators, • lea, vitamin Br, Calcium, enrich blood,, Improve appetite and digestion 'se . food gives you more, etrength•and nourishment• •put'Aesh onrbare bones. • Don't fear getting too tat, stop when yen',ve gained . ' the 5,. •10,.18 or 20 lbs, you need for .normal. we¢ht. COM little: New." get acquainted" elm. only 000. . Tr/ lamoue Ostrex. Tonle Tablets ' for .net, vigor d added pounds. this ary ve•d, M�axl, ste. .,•.y daml. DI COWS $2 $0. each HORSES T. $2.50 Ea :HOGS S c er cwt. • Accordlhg • to . size.,'abd condition shone Collect: Ripley :182'' Wingham: 561-j . , 'Ingersoll 21 Miss ;Isobel Russell of • ' ondon i.s, holidaying with. her parents; long 'resident of Lucknaw, pass - Mr. ..and Mrs, W. A. Russell. ed away at her home here onl Mrs. Haigh of Hainilton is vis -Friday morning, Her death' oc iting with Mr,, and Mrs. Russell carred in the residence 'in Which Robertson.;. _ she• was 'born. Although in' fail 'Me. and Mrs, : Glen ivioore• of ing health 'for 'some, time;, •Miss Hamilton Spent `last' Week with Murdoch had been 'Seriously :ill for only a week .• -• her mother, : Mrs'.• .E. N, Hodgins. ,,,, Mc• Kenzie Webb: of New West- Maud, ' as she was faMiliarly #crown, ��Vas'- a ,congenial kindly 'min,ster; WC., is visitirig'with Mr: .. 1~erson• .who made• many, friends and Mts. Allister fi ug fes. during' her .lifetime e• in Lucknow. OBITUARY MAUDLt MURDOCH 'Miss Maudie Murdoch, a life Wilfred Black and :Willar'd She was a.' faithful. and devoted Thor4pson .spent -,:the first of the: mem(ber of the. Lucknow Pres- week in Toronto, •, ' •byteriai Church ' and , regular• in t*• Mrs.. A.:. Pasoal; aril .ciaugliters attendance at the church She! } ' ioved; 1n sxite, of ,fai;lang health; I 'Stella ,and=, 'Fli�aheth '•Z?asca'i r af: Maud took,a keen. interest -m her, Bi aritiord, hav,'e .' been visiting .� v - 9 r home. and `its surzoundings,� and- witlilVlzs .and .Mrs'; Bilk I'appaS '.•'-her-'den' anaw d :l n' were to be gar M Mr. and " Mrs Elmo. Lawrence admired. are • visiting here with . his • , ' ' �r : -The furldral service.: at her late encs,: Mr. and Mrs..D. N. Law-, residence , on Sunday . afternoon. rGnee. was 'conducted :;by: Rev : C.. ,11: ••Miss .,Bell Robertson left ' this•'' acDonald. Interment was in week for Pen Lake, in the Mus- 'Kinloss Cemetery, i the pallbear4. koka : district': ,where • she' will ers ,being, four••nephews, Steele spend the. ;next month. MacKenzie, ' Waterloo;' P. S.: , Mac- Kenzie; • Walkerton; Gordon' Fish and 1VIrs, Wri.' Straugh,an ! er, Jack: Fishery arid ' Wm.. 'Fisher and Joe Johnston, of ? ttbur.n. and. 'Clayton :Robert. son"of Coppereliff called .on Mr,' and 1VLrs John Farrish of Luck • n9w lir. . and : Mrs E. J . Gr.egnz Of: Lawrenceville ,,.IllinoisaiXci .Mr C. ,L.. 1VAacGregnr :of. Waterloo spenta • day- recently;;with their. cousin, 'Catherine :,‘'MaCGregor.. y P , 1Vlifs Margaret :MacFarlan" has returned 'after a ,two week's ,visit in the Efhel Community..: with her : sons :Tom and 'Walter 'and' her • .daughter, .`' ,Mrs Christine, R;aynard Mr, and Mrs. Jim :;Nixon of Lakeland, 'Florida,' where he op- erates perates'•a - trailer Camp, sand': Mr..: and Mrs.. : Sid : •Plowright of: O- • aw ,have--been:__visi- in W,,ith._ ski • a . . tr !T , •relatives ' here Mrs. Al Guse and sons Donald: and Douglas of ,Waterloo, spent a week • with her: arents .Mr.. and Mrs. P. M. ,Johnston.-, .Mr. °,Ouse • .on'; � �f' Kitchener' •and Merle. Johnst u spent ;the • week -end. here i? • Mrs.. Mary, Sanderson of `God,,, erich • returned . recently from. a six weeks' visit in St John, , N.: B., with her younges%,son,,•Mar vin: Sanderson and Mrs.; Sander-‘, on $lie flew from St. John to Toronto ' t• ` Mr.' and Mrs; Stuart' Scott 'of Miss Murdoch Was one of eight :Children born': to• the...late .Steele. C Murdoch. and. Catherine Me-• -Dona1'deSurviv ing, are three sis ters, :Mrs.' D .•C::Taylor (Mary)`, :Mrs; :R `. V. '1VIacKenzie, • (Liza); and Mrs ..Wm Fisher: (Maggie). •One sister Mrs: Jas.. Strachan (Kate), predeceased her, as Well'' as :.three ,brothers John C4-, Steele arid William, the latter prede= ceasing `'her': four years 'before on July lith.. 4 • • , p re uce om an RIPLEY ,. ighest 'rices 'a • �EKL'Y;'PICK W� UP {SEItT✓IC ;all Ripley 1.85, Collect WDDI'.GBE • N •h. E L ALLIN-MCCLOSKEY, •::. The account 'of: the followinglough and Miss, . June Lawrence. fly to -Toronto, where they will . marriage—is-- of—considerable--in=- -The oa t-he•'--brid-e-'w a . ro make- their—home:For-travelling terest in this ' Community 3" • : where pposed by Dr:: J. G ertson: the •;bride ch.dove • Rob.chose a l BrY a both . the bride and : oom' 'have '': Following a short sta in Vic- leur coin' letnented by navy blue numerousrelatives:, toria, Mr: ' and:. Mrs. Allin will , accessories. Nuiptialr mass :was .celebrated by Rev <Father.R. J. 'Carroll;, in. St Peter's church, New West- minster, B C., on July.. 2nd,: when vows Were exchanged• by Rita Agnes,, daughter' of Mr.; .and'•Mrs. Thos: J. McCloskeyPort Moody, .Y� � Y, formerly_ Of: New Westrninster,, •and Mr. Leonard Harold Allin, younger son off Mr.. an Mrs. W. J. Allin of Chatham, .Ont .;Organ- ist was Miss Lorraine Lacasse:' A portrait gown of ivory;' satin ,•Peterborough have been visiting•I brocade was worn bythe bride, with Mr andMrs: Harold John who was gitven . ,in marriage by. stop: Their two 'children,Crai (herfather:Valencienne:lace dt-.. and 'Helen, r ares ending': the suns ted ' seed pearls. fashioned , the mer, .with relatives here . and at' deep Bertha. collar ` outlining • the Lang .Side: net; yoke arid 'tile •lace was.. re- ,. peated 'in the ruffled kpetticoat Mr's. Wm ;St rrlson has return peeping from beneath the hooped ed :borne after spending a :Vaca tion in' Toronto w'itl •'her daugh- ter. Bertha .before going ' on ; to 1Vlontreal;4 where ' they •both ' at-, tended' the .wedding., .of her... on Donald: , Mrs,. 'Alex, McNay' and' Gordo;, spent a••'cou:ple 'of :weeks at •Wind, sir, and at Amhetotburg. with .her' rtdTTrotlier; N1rs. c hn Howe-- Mrs: Howe; "who ;was 86 on June continues to enjoy°,excels lent health, • 'and Mrs:, David .Stobie and =daughter, -Miss . Mai^, � rObie:l of St..;Catlterines visited'. with • Mr. and Mrs. j,1W'', Joynt; and called on friends here the first :of, the ,week. Mr.' Scabie vas.at one' time accountant' at, the .• Lucknow 'branch, • o£; Silverw,odd• Dairies. He...left here abo ittwenty years ago and. is stili with ,Silverwoods at their, St. Oatheines ' branch. 1Vrr. and, Mrs'. .Stobie have one ,son Bill who is now married, and. has two 'children. GODERICH IS HAVING cons•id- erable trouble • raising stiffitient funds, or getting offers of vain:, -tory 1a'bbr :' 'to ;~meet • the • cost of, ,the proposed new arena.. - • iii irrr•r•r•�■■lrN■■■li•■l�r.aurr•ts.■i■air.0r•.r.•••.■• r • ■ • E: ■•/ • al -, :ro• a. a l . ■ Ai•■ Jlit t , •. 'IRequest f The • • Atus us:` Luckniw Buhe siness • Men's Associat on ■ ,■ . ■. hereby Pro clair ■ l1111IVIondtyAugust • • II II ■ ■ . A:. CIVIC' I-IOLIDAY: ■ IE ;, F THE VILLAGE.' OF '''LUCKNOW. as sr skirt where it ;Was held by tiny.,. r, And .Ca11`.On'Alt Citizens.. To. Observe it/as Such. M. .; lovers? knots. :.The fingertip :veil ■ �: • r was held 'by •„a --coronet of ,seed' it __- n pearls. and bugle beads. Orchids' ` ■ a and stephaiotls:.topped the white ■ sayer: book carried. by the bride ■�■■■���■■ : Who; .for sornething•old,'.wore a gold; ci•oss,. a ,fancily:.:heirloorri. • From her home' in. Guelph• came the bride's 'cousin; Miss Margaret: McCloskey; wino' was seniei bridal . attendant a n• d ju'nio bridesma.id'. Was, Boi. nadette Mc, Closkey, sitter of. the' bride. • Both SOLOMON, Reeve.:::: Weare • gowned in ice . blue" satin with lua.tc•.iing glace mittens and carried wi ,ite• prayer books.` 6-5;7 :ped •by sprays' of red r'oses • and. swiirison ia,.• The 'bride's brother, Mr.' Fran- cis McCloskey .was ` trocimsinari and} Mr. •Patrick McCloskey and Mr. ThomasMcCloskey,also bro- thers .of 'the bride, were ushers.. Balla Machree, Alderside Beach read, :home of the bride's parents, w aS the ,,$eerie• of the . reception, *hen paren:ts. of the bride receiv- ed the' guests, Presiding at. the ugns were Miss• Helen' MacIntosh and -Miss Mlarion Thompson and serviteurs • were 'Mts. 'Don Col. - skins;. Miss :Beverley 11we11, •Miss, Isabel. Barr, Miss Grace McCi ly • 'Y papers when protie .tion behind thesteel doors oof' our vaults costs so little. 'Tlipnsaiads• • ` of B of M . customers have found. a , A,rk for our isatin rsonal ' Safet' Deposit Box the • P. ways - -,, % a Million Canada** answer to their safekeeping needs -at , use the B of M a cost of but•a cent ,or two a`day. �r. safequarding valuables BR 70 A NIIIION CANADIANS. Bureau•dravvers and cupboards are no' place' for governiiient:bonds and other valuable' • ANIS OF MONTREAL. ... WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN' EVER Y"WALK 'Orilk SINCE 111t7 i. • •a� F*. t,. • 1