HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-07-21, Page 8• PAGE EIGHT. TUE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .LUCKNQW, ONTARIO IIIIIpIIlu101011111111(luluul►llillillllllllplllplllllllllllUlilllllllllllulll ii,jlgilllll(iollIIIIUgIII oolldU►IMillll IIIspuilliUiuWIuppIU lionil ounIIIIUIIIIIju.IIIIIY Blouses, flip IEI Pyjamas . - Washable Practical,. Wearable:, arid i _ R These 'are : sinartly designed, beautifully eut, and they take to laundry tubs without loss of ;glamour.: COTTON PYJAMAS --Sleep m crisp cotton •pyjamas e ' broidery trimmed, small,, medium and large. L U$ITE . SLIP$-- 4ii white ori black taffeta, adjustible straps, sizes 32-44. ' strajght;, eut CRISr WHITE OR PINK BLOUSES -6 -Delicately -,,embroider- ed or lace trim 4, ..RF3CENTr VISITOR, with r>k r. and Mrs. Bruce ,Matheson' at Ripley. was. Squadron Leader ' H. F . Sr/flea-ton ' of 'Montreal, • the padre' who ; officiated at their 7 wedding iii. Perugia, =:Italy ' .. in 1945. • '-NEW •k ' ' hi""•"p li0W . _cottons, 7iiv'as ” to -'ha4e been "held at Point blankets;. ' The Store with i he Clark, !but ` the sudden •,death: of Stock.. THE MARKET STORE 'Mrs.. Jack ,'Campbell 'naturally • changed- these plans, 'and • as • the CHURCH' .PIC *IIC H EL.D i N. ARENA'. ON B..R 'HUNTER---In Wingham Hospital.. on Thursday, July 7th, 1949, to Mr. .,and Mts. Lloyd Hunter,: a daughter, . Marybelle Louise, a little sister for Herbie. iNi1LI�ER--In Winghamnl General Hospital on Friday;, July. 8th ,to. Mr. • and , Mrs. DeWitt . Miller„ Wingham, .a son. HALLA1Vt—In Ashfield Township. on Wednesday, July_,13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chards Hallam,; a` son. :The United Church Sunday School ' picnic was held in the •a3,ena` last :Thursday afternoon, nd under the circumstances was qui°te•. sucesscful.• The event 1 .s; • ._ • eek -En`d uggestions Crosse & Blackwell ' Date; and. Nut Bread'. ' 8 oz: tin . 22d Ideal'' for lunches, teas, even ing snacks, parties & +picnics. Horsey Citrus Juices (Sugar added) Grapefruit and .O Orange 20 oz.: 'tin 2 for. 45c.. Grapefruit 20oz; tin 2; f Monarch Reidy Mix Chocolate Cake, White Cake 16 ora. `ipckg 38 For cakes uii Urpassed in Yigh+tness and :deliciousness.: Royal Gelatine' Dessert • ' lc SALE: • Get 4 for the' price' of ; 3 + lc.• 'Assorted f favors,: 4 pckgs 30c Crosse & Blackwell Cooked Spaghetti 15 . oz. tin -'' 2 for; 29c BUY '`OF: 'THE ' WEEK FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE i 20 oz.' tins EACH 9c ficin, Stokeley's, Libby's, Clark's, Tip Top PSON'S. 'The Store of Friendly Service'• weather, Was ;inclement early 'in, the afternoon; anid with plans' eonilpiete for' : the • picnic,, it , was decided to hold the; ,event + under cover . in the arena, where' the sports: eventsWere' run :.of and a''bountif ul ,picric siupper' served.: Girls' under, 5,, .Lynda: Button, Dawn Stewart; Sheryl' Lein, boys, Gary .Johnston, , `Bobby : hunter; girls 5 to 7, Nancy . Webster, Joan Hunter, :Leona Collins; boys, Geo. Humphrey, Murray Bunter, Bolt•I by Andrew; girls 8 to 10, Dona. Johnston, Karen Reid, Marilyn Kilpatrick; boys, :Roy ,•Emberlin, Billy Robinson,. •-Eldon Wraith; girls -11 to 14, Auudrey. Ross, Caro lyn, , Gibson, Gtladys Kilpatrick, boys, Billy Mothers; • Bob. Hewat; Alvin Baker;' young . men's. race, • Donald T io i pson; Dorita'ld Mc . .Nay; clothes pin race, Mrs Cain- • eron and Gladys Kilpatrick;' Mrs; Humphrey and Ruth 'Treleaven, Mrs. Hunter and Marjory. Brownh sword; wheelbarrow race, Donald McNay : and •.Joe • Howald, .Donald'; Thompson and Bob Hewat, jock-. ,ey 'race, Donald Thoiiipson ; and Bob.Hewat, ' Joe How�ald : and Bill1 athers;' softball' throve; Carolyn. .Gibson, Marlene •:Mac- Lennan; under 1"0,'. Donna John- ston, Karen,Reid; . pie :plate :race, Donald, McNay, Bob Hevvat; der n-- der 10 Eldon Wraith, Billy Rob insone 3 ring 5. Ripley. ;.ENGAGEMENTS The engagement' is • announced of',A'udrey Beulah C'arter,,•daugh-,' ter ,•of 'Mrs.TIarry: C: Carter and the late Mr. Carter of Woodstock; Tew, Brunswkk,' to. Gordon,Evac MacPherson off" •Milverton, son:. of Mr. and. Mrs.. W. . J MacPherson, formerly oif Holyrood. The mar- riage to: take' place on July` 27th. in Wood'stock, New Bruns+wick,:at. the. Baptist. Church, Chapel St.. Mr; and Mrs.. Louis : Weather- head' wish to_' announce ',the en= gagexnent of t h •e i t daughter; Grace' 'Margaret,' to ..Eric Harold Walden, :sow • of ' Mr and Mrs. Harold ,Walden, Kincardine. The wedding: to take place Saturday,:: J'u'ly 30th at .3 gait,: in St. Helen's United Church. Mr. ;and. Mrs: R. E. Gxliitzbre,; .R; 3, .4teknow„, announce • the engagement• ` of their: ' youngest. 'daughter, `Helen 'Theresa, to. Mr. Wray Pearson,. son of. Mr.. 'and,. ' *s. Robert- Pearson, ,>Ham lton The Wedding ' , will. take., ., place. in' $t., .Patrick's Church,. Hainilton? an -July 30th. . •'WEDD.ING 'BELLS.'• TAYLOR-HURLBURT • • r • White gladioli,' pink. carnations and •delphiniums banked 'with palntis; formed the 'setting ' in; Castlefield Baptist Church,Tor.- 'onto, for,' the .marriage:: of Grace, laughter: of ,,.Mrs. Eurlburt: •of Torolita and the late Rev:; George.. •Hlurliburt, . to • Mr. Norman Tay- lor, son of Mr, George Taylor of Lticknovr and •tbe;,late Nis. Tay- lor, with Rev '11. . E. N, ordlund officiating Gilvenin marriage by her eld est brother, 1VIr Clayton Huri-. bort, ' the .'bride wore a gown of pointe::d'esprit over slipper ; satin and 'afingertip:: veil •of tulle lusion held in ,place with a ' 'Coro- net. ` ;St e' carried' n cascade of sw'eettheart,•`roses ,bouvardia .and: stephanotis. Mrs. Bernard. Bond of llamilton;` cousin o f • the bride, • was. matron of honor wearing pink lace over taffeta with mat Ching halo. ;Her flowers:` were a' cascade of fuschia gladioli and pink carnations. Miss Pafricia Llur]Iburt, niece . of the :bride,, was flower: girl in embroidered white organdie ' with. .bandeau'' bf pink and blue flowesr, carrying a nmlat- ch'in,g. nosegay. Mr. George 'Tay_ tor,_ Jr., Bueknow, was grooms-' xraan and •the ushers ::were'1VIr. Georgeur1burt and:. Mr. 1Vur-.: ray bunt. . H rl ur •. •During' the signing of the • reg-. _ister t : ,_Miss , Dor o by .Ratttle:niece- ttf. the ,bride, sang, accompanied by Mr. Arthur Wilkins at the The console of the organ. The reception,was at the 'home Do You Really Want Success? A brilliant student kills. her- self a famous author commits suicide. Why? To find out what psychiatrists say about , people who. driv e themselves to a • suc- cess they don't, want: Re a d "Crushed by Success"_ones many informative features ; in The American Weekly, with next' Sunday's. •(July; 24) issue : of Detroit Sunday Times: THUI?SiDAY, jULY 21st,' 1949' mer Sale of ies' Cotton Dresses • GINGHAMS, CHAMBRAYS, •SPUNS • Sizes 12-20, 38744..: Also Sun. Dresses Some with boleros; PLAY SUITS Consisting of Shorts, Halter and Skirt. R. •. BATHING: SUITS ,RHe •. ` Styled.: by.: ��se 'Marie Reid.. S.. TOT=TO-TEEN .1c LADIES' WEAR _ Phone: $9-w °.• 'Lucknow , Ont. IUIIIIIIIpIIIIIIIIIIIIpIII1111111111111111 miliN11111@IIIIIIIII►IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII osIIIINIu(IIfIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIII IIIINIIuInliplIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIioi llllt :s; COTTON ' DRESSES ' And ` ATHING SUITS Greatly Reduced y A Few Left.' BRAS-Justwhat you want to wear: LAGNON STRAPLESS. y with your Sun .Dresses. LAGNON . PANTIE. GIRDLE Nylon, •• •LAGNON GARTER BELT—two ; different kinds { from. ' to' ' choose. FOR THE.LADY 'OF' THE HOUSE OR THE BRIDE TO BE;., Now is the time to • buy those Cotton .Sheets, •Flannellette: ,Sheets,''Blankets ', and Bedspreads, Come in ;and talk this plan�;over with us. a` EVERYTHING:. IN ' READY -TO -'AVE; FOR. BOTH ;MEN : AND BOYS. BST [ID - SEASON • �.1 ntire Stock of en's Women's;. Children's usnin is Sale also includes` big bargains ins broken sizes and discontinued lines from"regular g stock of Women's Dress Shoes,. Men's,,;. Oxfords and . Work :Shoes. atwell • of Mr. and .Mrs. Clayton Hurl- . iart....;The b ide'sLinother._.r_eceiv- ed in ' flowered silk'With black 'redingote and : matc1 ing ' atCes= sories. Her corsage Johanna ,hill roses. She• 'was assisted'by: Mrs .George. Tayllor, Si, wearing grey-crepe;_h_ite.accessor•ies and corsage of pink carnations .` ; After a ;.trip` to the Lauren - tains' the happy', couple will' re.- side in Lucknow, f 500 PAIR" FIRST QUALITY NYLON newReduced t colors, all. sizes, 42 and 45 gauge, , o- . ----� ---- -_- _ HOSE, ... $1.49 50 Ladies'. ° New Nylon Slips, reduced to __. _ $2.95:. SPECIALS in Children's . Sockerds, ' 1:toys' :and Women's Half Hose and Socks. Priced _-_-- -- _ _-- 25c, .39c and 49c • SPECIALS in Women ..and 'Children's Sumner Under. Garments, fd • f