HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-07-21, Page 7THURSDAY'', JAY 21st, 1949:
o' rruffltX
Nits, JOS', A .' McINNESS'
Oil, Friday mniornigi• Julys .Bthi,
1949, :Mrs. Jos, :A. McInnes, 'nee
$nUrka 'cordon, Passect away very
suddenly lat her ,home ,near Tees-
Water.- She had (been in failing
health •since a severe heart' at-
tack of March, 1948. `
Born" in 1882 at. Thessalon•,. Qn
tario, daughter of . the late.. Mr.
and. Mrs. ,David, Gordon, she was
• ;:harried 'to Jos. A, " MIcInnes in
'October, 1905, and Moved to Kin
lass, Township. In 4914.:.. they
oved: to Culross where they
°have ;since 'resided Of ..a : kind;
znild,dispositron "and tinassurnin'g;
irrariner, , deceased- took a'.` keen
11 her fa xl .with•a
intcr�est in•a... ,e � ,RY1 Y a.
true'motherly de>inotion;°
Besides hext, husband sha leave
• �h' r•• a
ssm : 'three-. s n
_ao return , � to g o : ys,,
and • seven . daughters,: Gordon,.
Joseph gri'd'.,Jarnes and Mary ,at
home;. ',Margaret, and: Bessie ' of
London; Mrs. Morley Petteplace
`(Enna) and Mrs,: Gordon Esplen'
(Mildred),,o,4 Greenock; Mrs., Earl
bickisoii (Evelyn)' and Mrs.' Clair
;Grant (Eva) of Culross;
:She! is
alsosn rvived by t�sisters and
• two 'brothers, • Mrs. Jas.. Shaw. of
Saidt Ste.. I ariei Mrs. ':Gear F9s,
ter of: Edrn'onton,. Sam and. :Pin of
Thessa'lon. There- are `also five
The very largely attended {fun
. r _:. ,.late;r.s_.
Neral was Yield f , oqnhere es
• idence; on .' Sunday, ` July • tOth ,
Services Were conducte d . b `'Rev."
wd by
Hardwick:' During the ser
vice Mr and Mrs ',Kenneth: Mac
Donald sang
. .beautifully;s"In'..th
Sweet Bye and Bye"., a favorite
Amin of the deceased. Pallbearers
• were Foster 1VToffat, , J.: McAllis`-•
ter,'J Frederick, J; J. ' Reid, 'Alex
Grant,- C. ,Schumacher.'
%A: native of •Ashfield imi the
person of ' 1V rs. Johns.. Kelly, :pass-
• .ed'laway at her honne .at Waukon,
• Iovia, 'On June 14th, :1949, iri her
.'80th ,year. 'The former.Bridget
'Hogan, she ;Was born.in Septem-
'ber1869,, a;, daughter ;a, the late
• Mr. 'and - Mrs :Patrick' • .. Hogan..
(Mary Dalton), -of •Kin gsbridge,
ea#ty Dealer
Beatty, Deep Well. -Pumps
Beatty: 'Three=Way, Pumps
Gilson': and Dominion
Plumbing and Heating
Pump . and: Windmill'
:R. R.•3, . G oderich
'Phone 12-r-3 Dungannon
A. ,family , plot ` should be
,graced' with: the shrine like
beauty of a monument which.
• will be everl'astingly'a tribute
to those' :at rest. We have many
classic. styles to suggest, and
Will.• world .With yo}t on •• cus=
tom designs.
Exceptionally; ' low prices.
No canvassing, which elinin-
ates.' sales.` commissions,.
Inscriptions . • Repairing'
Sandblasting 'Memorials ..'
25 Years'' Experience.,
`The • latest 'in ,';;, t;tbl�
Sandblast Egtxip hemi. `�
A11 work ,personally executed.
: Brownlje Memorial
Allredi • St:, WINGHAM
'Phone 450 •
Ripley; Ontario
South Icinloso, VV,. AIL' S,
The, July . meeting' of the
South Kinloss W.M.S, was held
at the home .of Misses .Jessie 'and
Annie MacKay with a good at-
tendance. The meeting. opened •
with hymn 474 followed by the
Lord's prayer 6' in. unison., • The
business. 'I was then dealt with.
The, roll call Was arswer.ed by
'•'Pres(byterials Of Oritaria",. "A
duet by Mrs.. Harry Levi's ;and
Miss Annie MacKay was. much.
enjoyed, The scripture and'nied'-
itation. was; given. by Miss Annie
MacKay followed by' `a `reading;
ley Mrs.. L. C, Maclyer' Miss -Dean
MacLeod .told a:.very • interesting
story based op the 13th chaptex•.
of, Heb ews. Mrs:`°Arehie.MacA
tyre .gave' the ' topue on 'The:be-
ginning`'' of the work in Fornos.'a.
by Di..MacKay', A reading auras:
given. by. Mrs Tiia`i�ick e:�A r uMi
ber of the, ladies took part in the
prayer circle..Mrs. Darold Camp. -
bell gave . the closing' . renilarks
:Hymn 464' W,as 'sung < and 'Mrs..1
W. F . MacDonald closed' the'
meeting, with prayer.
°Mr. tand'- Mfrs. Wilbert. 'Durnin
and Janet of ' London were . re-
cent visitors with Mr. and ,Mrs.'
Jim Durnin Janet remained, for
a longer visit. •
Dr, and °Mrs. P, J. MacGregor
of Lawrenceville, Illinois,. were
recent guests of Mr. and. • Mrs.
George Stuart '
Mr.. Robert McGuire . 12f' 'Lon^
don r and,. Mr Stuart McGuire of
Prince Albert, . Sask., renewed
old :la,ec uairitan es. here over the
w,e.men..•e.' d'
Mr,, and.; MTS..' ,Tames Douglas
and Malcolm of Mitchell •. Were
recent ,visitors: with M,r,'and:Mrs;
John Cameron. • .Q ,
Diss . Margaret :' cPherson,. stu-
. ent nurse. at St, Josephs Hospi_
Londdp, visas home. fox the
• :Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto
IS holidaying with 'Mr. and, Mrs,.
George Stuart. :
" Mrs.. Gordon McIntyre and
lIR■*1I■*URR�URI*I.■i■ *■■■*hu 111.01 .Ip1*111.11. ,
. Stu-
*. ,
. -•
• ....., •
. .
•,..• ,-
• L.:, 3outof
..:.- ,
..,...... ....,
Switched.. To
i' ��4r �:. 1 •. E •! ate .••••:. •
m _ r
■ ;.:•,0:
., f ro'gn .some• other. brand. • ' ,
I?ona1& o '..LOttawa •-are—•hal clay-. •-°1
visitors, 'with her •.parents,, ;Mr. &
Mrs. ; W. I. ,Miller: '.
1735;.. '
Nation:�wide survey shows 3: out.
of 5 R.,, F..,Good'rach tire.owners ix+
switched from sin other brand.
' LONGER 1!I'I`LEAGE r . •
• This
r4 �.1
Join the swing to B. F. Goodrich
get all the adva a of
tro 1 -fie ..motoring.•
t ub e e , Only B. F.
Goodrich , gives. freedom . -from
punetures, .
▪ •
y. was start :1. Mr.. and ' Mms: ' Gordon. n. Miller ' r a :. �:' .
The Sunda School'
ed .inG o 1•.
ucester England, � '
... ngi
and, n .and, Larry and Miss . Doris _Taylor.. ■' - �� • • !i"i . /;',
N .
of, London and Mr. Murray. Tay ■:,' .
'Phone •l4$' Luckfow.
los, ;off. Wingham were `home 'for:
and was a niece of the late;Mor- the.' Week -end. .. .. ' •:. t•��■■■>•��*■■���R�■R`*t■�.�'■�■■l�■�■RR��.u��, ..
gan Dalton, w{ell.: known Ashfield:
citizen. She .resided' ',•for some
years in Goderich where in June
1907,: she was "married„
to„ John
'Kelly. in, :St. Peter's •' Church'.'by
:the 'late Rev. M. D.'. O'Neill, 'a:
:cousin of ,Mr. Kelly. They'. went
to Harper''s ,Ferry, ITwa, to' (Make,.,
their.: home. 1VIr Kelly:": passed
away •in' 1932 Sury vin;g are.•one•,
son, John Joseph:K,e11y ofpima-
Mr., ,and Mrs: ,'Cuyler Ramage
and children '.of. Chicago are
itors with Mr and Mrs. Mac Rani
Mr: and Mrs. Fred <McQuillin,;`
Ivan and "B-arr and 'Mrs:. John,
Miller visited ]ass week with Mr.
and ,Mrs.' Alvin Muller. of. Strath-:
royand • 'N9r..'•and.':Mrs:: John
Sparkes at . London..
Mr.. and Mrs. 'A . J: Ronson .of mensin . Wingham ,hast Wednes-
St. Thoaa were' . guests •of , Rev"; d y, ' with'
m, • ` uro f rinks 'finishing
G 'Newto for the' ' .; M e well.-
`and 'Mrs.. at the'' sout'` of fo r •
n op, sty ou ,
week end. rinks.
e didat
Lu know bawl rs , „Well ll
the John 'H.anna..doubles tourna•=
Hugh • Cuxnaing -a in d Gordon
Fisher placed 'They -,.won..
laced second.
blanketls "'.Tn 'sixth Place. `, were
Wellington ton. McCo a n' d Isaac..
gt ,..
Miller, :who.won grocery. p,sizes.
Linda, .' :California; two Sisters,;
Mrs. Hannah Springer of Detroit`
'and ;Mrs. Nelle ;Bulger of Tor- IST
onto; and to brothers, Irras•w
Hogan of •Edmonton;
Alta:,, ,.and:
Maurice Hogan of Calgary..Alta.'
Mrs.'; Kelly; had been in failing
health, for the past' six months;
the ;past°®three ,: months • cori,fined'
to her bed: She was, a faithful-'
memlber of her church and a reg-
ular comm-iuni•cant The funeral•
•service was held on June 17th
at St. Patrick's C.h'urch; where
requiem high mass was sung by
Rev. E:. J McDonald, '4=...13, The
.,i ern.ains' were interred in ;Paint
Rock ,,cemetery, • beside those of
her husban , The• .pallbearers
•were six • nephews, Emmett
levan,,'. Joseph• felly, . William' and
James Larkin,. William and'! Law
rence Slattery
The '.dc.atli •of Mr.''Finlay Mal-
colm occurred ' •suddenly a tilf
Stou.ffville last 'Tuesday ::at' rhe'
private hospital: operated :by his
son, • Mr. Lyman Mr."
MalcolM .had spent • ,. the -winter
.ther°e. and •recently visited,, in
Lucknow,• returning to S.touffviile
about .three•' weeks .!before his
death, ; ,•
He was. 85, years of age, :and
Was "'born on the present -.George.
Kennedy farm at Dickie's Hill.
,He' Moved' with:. his . parents
Ailsa.Craig', but as a.youngg man'
re'ttirned 'to this ooi:nmunity
again and for over .fifty Years
was a resident of Lticktiow. Here
he engaged in ;the teainste—buss
nest . u.n'til a :heart condition
.forced hirn.to give up 'that•atren
' uous•occtitpatioi afew. years ago:'
•"Fin''; ' as he was 'popularly C •
lenown,°. Was a • friendly, sociable.
`�gentle�nan �ayrr�- '•sr°i�de -rrrany-
The funeral service was held
On Friday ', at the. ,hom'e' 'of., Mr.
sand' Mrs. R V. Doifglas, coridiict-•
ed; 'by'.ev: C+ H MM{cDonald. In=
tetme"nt was ''in South. Kinloss
Cemetery,, the pallbearers being.
S.' E. R.ob`ertson; W. W.
Thomas 13txrns, James Pickering,',
John MacDonald and Joseph
Johnston. ' ' ' . .
Mrs. Malcolm predeceased' her•
husband. two years' ,agog last May.
Surviving are a 'son, .Lynari; o£'
Stouffville; a brother,' Alexander
of Ailsa Craig , and a sister, Mrs.
John ,Soott of Chicago. .
E: O.M(L:if :'R.A•.11••‘..,,w,:./kit
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