HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-07-21, Page 4#1;13.E: 147 ICNOWA SENTINEIa 1...UCKNO.W,:' ONTARIO r'a a °i. }r; r Nt '•'WANT AD"RATES-.-1st ir'nsertio* 2 cents a word, subsequent insertions 1 cent, a word. Minimum charge 2,5 cents. , Replies care ,of The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 centsper count line first insertion,' 5 cents: per line subsequent insertions. HORSE FOR SALE -6 'years old. WANTED—child's play pen. Ap-' James Devereaux, R...2, Lucknow. ply t Sentinel .Office. FOR SALE -9 chunks of pigs, WANT 2-3 WEEK CHICKS? 'Or .20 head, of sma11.. cattle. Frank Brown, It, 2, 'Holyrood. F. IS1iE...__-. RIVMAN'S 'COVE 'for .good pike and ibassfishing, cab. `ins, boats Art'Breckles,' Prop,. ;112TNE$ALS.• and •Stock Tonics. Lorne • MacLennan; phone 42-23,. Lucknow. • >'g2i, SALE- Gbodiaon, threshing inriachine, sire' h1-46, on Steal. •Geo. E. Harrison, . R. 2, Ripley, .phonee 4 BARGAIN'Coleman three - burner . rangette in .good w'orl ig order Wm. ]iiiveg. & Son, CAR FOR SALI?i aatiPo m Al condition.- Wm: Kempton, R. 3, Lucknow • HOUSE FORSALE ` 5-rooxn cot• . tage, cement veneer, with s�ta}ale, on the outskirts of Lucknow-.1: Ap ply tlo,..Box•'38, Luelenaw:` • LOST—•a • black billfold on the main street in Lucknow, Finder ,please.' leave' at Sentinel : Office; .Reward, • FOR .SAFE - 30, foot windrrLill,, with'•oil' bath:, head" in Al • shape; Apply to Harvey ;Kilpatrick, R:, 2; Lucknow FOR.. SALE=ice dx,- hold's 75 lbs. of ice; Apply Mrs:' Donald I ficl innon; • Henderson' < $lock, Lucknow.. ` FOR :SALE • --�- 400 Barred • Ra ck • i " d. : Millets, 4 /a '.¢r..�oaiths, ' . also, gee :supply of sea -solid; buttermilk. ,, Ronald Stanley, Phone /6-14. Itip- day olds,,' :and started? . Mixed, pullet's,, cockerel's. Bray has them: immediate ••shipi lent. Take stock, let's have your ,ord:er: Agent R.' FIIITLA.Y,SON, Lucknow... PIANOS -4 new, 8_ `U$ed;' double dpor 60� .. ' cycle r fri erators; , good ; !g selection of dining ' town, i, .bed ' room, and �chesberfield suites Free delivery; J. F.' SCHUETT SONS, , MildnAay. • • •• PEP. S1H►INNr MElk, WOi' Gari !i to 15 lbo: paw • pep. too Try tezek,, ...Co,' ' 41",0b,leed Oar d r -"I8; snlis, ' , rrai`` heiidll ' fle*b; new vigor New sget :ac quainted" size.' iorily.60c. All drug- gists THURSDAY,, 411,"X• 21st,' 1949. A ` ed after 57 ears in. hen •., ., ■ tir y ews • �■■el,.•.aaa�a.aaan�■aaa■alte■ri■a'aa �■■�ea■■!!�R11,aa■�R111 D. 1Vtc1�ENZIE >of PaYsle .has re- paper .ibusrness, H.�s son, •Ross. M McKenzie; w,iu , continue ,as edi •. A tor ind °publisher of The Advo, !' cate; ' Pi ■ ■ • Try Our New .. . ECT 1(' H . We Also uo Alt Kinds, Of Blackrsmst ▪ EISR • _. ..• is •••. i'. R• . ' • ■ MI.' ■ ■ ■, FINN'S' HOG, .FIX. vO11"fix stiff scurfy--:hogsv-Finn's---Hog Condi; boner and •Intestinal : Cleanser ... clears .the intestines • 'and makes for good again. Finn's Hog Miner •als ;insures, good' litters of digs and good gams on 'feeders. •Finn's. S.E:S:': tablets. ' stop isucking.:'pig scours. Your local deraler. is R. 'E. Crawford, ` Lucknow.'• • 1ey :UPHOLSTERING Antiques,. chesterfields and chairs;' recover- •`:, ed • .also truck seats. Articles call 'ed� fur 'and''delivered { P.. Gilbson, repair hop phone 260, Wingtiamn Ontario: STARTED.CHICK S up tot' six months, Our-. stock iMaintained , by sliipnients from unexcelled gavernnnent: ap I roved poli1t' y breeding' farms, g •rio usinY „best' ' 'breeders. �w ,only Our suppliers do not sell pub lwly-do 'not advertise nor pass on (iltianately. to you the poultry keeper) those .costs. •' We can :therefore, offer to quality below' list 'prices.. For examople,, 5 weeks old: ',pullets .35c,.. heavy cockerels 29e .Del'iv'ery facilities: Lisp+ ion invited. •,Tworniles • from cardine, r:akestiore .Road, , Phone 166• ring; 6, Wesl s, Poultry Brood Farm , , , quote replace thoseworn .you a price to . out tires or to Let us Y■. I b.erize your farm machinery.' ... i • i •i ::• • •a ` r tractors, . ° ■ ro • ii ri - ;t . res . for for the . •ne�v", g ampierne is, , true san . cars. *e Have The ST0NE' LAWN MOWERS; WE .SHARPEN _,. W •R KNIVES, LOW O E P SHARES; ETC,.:. Your,. Patronage Will Ali. Apptecuited. er i ■ Lucknow, East End Phone 87=r 4 'taaeaa••s■■sae■epp■tis ■■•e•■6eeasysima■puois■esep 'NOTICE ' • __:CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIR POSTING OF vOTERS LIST Voters'. . Lists;; ' 1949 Municipality; of the Township of Kinloss; • County of Bruce: Notice :is . hereby 'given that I• have complied with Section -8; of the. Voters' List 'Act and :that I. Posted upat' my'office at ''Have p .RRR. 2,':Holyrood; on the 9th day of, , Jul -y 1949, the list 'orf all per 'sons'' entitled to vote' "in . the .said' Municipality 'at Murucipal.,.Elect ions and. 'that Such list remains therep. for ins ection. ; ...... And I• ;hereby call ..upon. all. voters • to take ;immediate pro •• ceedings to .,have any errors=,or: omissions :corrected according•!"to law, the .last day for. appeal being-: the .30th dar of ;July, ;1949. Dated this 9th 'clay of July,' 1949 •• ,. J..,R.: LANE, Clerk of Twp.:of Kinloss. U1SE FINN'S Red Blood.. Quickly Tablets ` for,. weak, •pale pasty chicks' and; : turkey poults Use Finn's News, Tablets and 'Finn's Poultry Conditioner . and. '.intes- tinal;. Cleanser . to -.avoid:. coccid osis. Feed Finn's. Poultry Tonic and. Vitamin" guilder; daily; for., strong;' igr'a thy.: pulletso.and turd. keys. 17our local dealer: is R. E Crawford, Lucknow TONIC FEED ..FINN'S. .. CA,TTLE ,now' when.`�the pastures are short and: dry ancl' avoid:Ibone chewing,. ;stiff . caw*, . and" xiastitis Faun's;; minerals contain no : salt Use Finn's •:Darimin and D(a�iry. Con= ditiorer lfor masttis.; .Use Finn's SE S. " tablets for ;. ;calf scours Your local `dealer is R. •E Craw- ford, Lucknow :PURPLE GROVE Mr. Ray?xiand Emerson cif they. Toronto spent' week -end with, his parents;:: Mr. and``•1VIrs. Sam . Einersori: Mr. George Thompson g is: ,visit-; in . •his daughter, M. Trafford, at Durham • NI,°r.:and; SVIrs. •Wilson Irvin of Belfast visited at Mr.: Jack Em- erson's on Sunday • • Mrs. Harold'. Bannerrnan Larry : visaed w ith her parents, Mr: and : Mrs. Will Walsh: this Week. ,Mr. and ;Mrs. Alwin Trounce: and Mr and. Mrs.=Oriv'i!lte' ' Trounce and. family of .Tiverton, r.' and Mrs.,'' Fred Craigie and; daughter` ,land: Mr. John..: McCreight,..Mr. n, • Will' S: Graha of Bethel were' -viistors ''lith Mr' Victor G!awley. _,_.. onI:Sunday..�.:j Mary and Dicke.MMCosh` are spending' their, 'holidays at Mr. Walter Forster's: Mr. ands Mrs.' , Wilfred . Trarer and two- children of .Landon are visitilig._.at Mr.. Milton Stanley's.. M• r. Harry Needham of Armow, is !assisting Mr.. John Fair at:the haying. •• Mr: and . Mrs. Don :McCosh and. family '.v'�isited� 'at Wroxeter, • re-' cently. R< Mr: Geo: • Armstrong and. boys,. Gary and Bob of Detroit; :Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell and Billie, of Detroit and Mr: and Mrs: `Salmi - v Wisner and.. Margaret of Wate. loo visited last eek at the home of Mr. George•-Eni.etsoh; Si, Mr . and ,Mrs. Kenneth Rob- ertson and. Mr. and Mrs, Russell: Collins are spending a Pew days" at. betroit, a ASHFIELD • WESTERN. FARMERS Weather •Insurance . Mutual' Co.. MOTTO; Prompt. "and Satisfactory ' • Settlements, 'For information; reliable' 'Protection, satisfaction,, consult your locat,agent. SAM ,ALTON LUCKNOW . 'Phone .Dungannon 84. `I': Ai $TRONi OPTOMETRIST ' 1N L . CKNOW :IMO? 'WEDNESDAY OF 1I oa • t 6 pars. AT.. W M. •,SCiI1VIID'S.'STORE Anal ertlia MacKendricle::of' �.rMisB _ Toronto: called on friends -here; this Week:. •� Victor. Hughes 'of 'Larder: Mr. g: Lake 'visited with friends ,'here w last...eek It is '•13 •years. 'since he, left this community. During the war I. -;e served, in the air .force. Mrs: • A. E. -Munro of . Detroit has' : returned to 'Detroit after spending ' part of ` • her ,,,vacation here and.ixi`Ripley where she' was' a guest at ,the Scott -Blue wed-' ding; The . Kintail Branch •' of W. I. held `their' • July meeting. in Kin_ tail - hall ' Mrs.` Bissett was charge. : After .the. business had; 'been 'taker'. care ,of , two, papers were. read, �, n :o "The Ideal by Mrs: •:Moncrief, the, other on "Canning" by Mrs.: Jack. Col- linson. Plans were made for their visit to'Parainount W.I. The roll call' ,was answered iby 'each' one; telling :where they were, 'baptized:, andby. whom. . The meeting `tilos'-. ed in the usual way:: Linch:'was :served by : the committee in charge. • .; CARD OF THANKS• Mr: Jack •Campbell and daugh- ters ; "wish: to • acknowledge . With ,heartfelt 'gratitude the many.kind acts rand expressions of sympathy. extended' 'then in their ' .sudden loss of a ,'dearwife;and Mother~ Especially'' would'they ' thank 'Mrs. Joynt, Miss Robertson and Mrs.' Hall,. 'who so ' kindly, assisted at' the funeral service.:All these, kind .acts will'°long beideeply cherish-. 'Are your. chicks .pale, unthrifty; droopy, going lame? : othey gPas, scratch, sneeze, pull feathers or eat,each other? p If so, you will profit by. calling a ,�. r„ • v. AWFORD .. S Feed: Stor We are not experts,, but what we don't know,.we find out. WE CARRY • A"COMPLETE, LINE F :New Life and: Liieteria, Feeds,' R. A Finn "Minerals (no.salt),, Tonics, Medicines ) 'BMW CHICKS ON HAND YEAR AROIJND. ,*'PHONE 165. LttCKNOW • r - B:, CLE'LAN. VETERINARIAN Havelock. 'St 'south .of •Supert eat Garage. .Luc ow Telephone -175 , •Wil, • Call, ., Write or ' 'Phone ; LUCKNOW For ,full information` on:. ' , Insure, Tn Sure Insurance 1 Confederation- :Life,,' WIND; CAR, FIRE Preferred . Rates for preferred risks, ACCIDENT':&' SICKNESS Consult 'JOHN FARRISH.. '.Phone 7 4-15 Dungannon'•: Cb -Operative Life Insurance:. ti or . Co-dperative Automobile Insurance 4 'Phone : Dungannon 70-r-10 Y '. • Also Sell HEALTH & ACCIDENT and r FIRE. INSURANCE 'NSU RSA • .FIRE; `CASUALTY and`' AUTOIVIOBILE To Protect' Your .sJack Insure 'With 'Jack:,Today A.' McDONAC• H R.R.• 3 Lucknow, Ont.. 'Phone 61-5.pugaiinon.. ANDREW .: Barrister and. Solicitor : ' LUCKNOW 'ONTARIO': Office in the Joynt Block': Telephone Office 135 „' Residence 31-3 p. Stuart MacKenzie.; BARRISTER & :souping{ .'Walkerton, Ontario CUCKNO Each WedliesdaY. , 'OFFICE IN. HENDERSS ON.BLOCK': .4. ,R S. Hetherington,.K.C. .Barrister;' Etc.' • Winghum and Lucknow IN: LUCKNOW Each, • :Monday & Wednesday :Located' nn the ground floor in the front of Jolhn 'Kilpatrick's Bullain% 'Phone .Wingham Office 48 ..Residence 97