HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-07-21, Page 1X2.50 Yearly Ilt Advance -- 50c .Extara. •to TJ:S„Ai BLACKSMITH SHOP LFIRST TIME BACK • IN, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS LEVELLED BY FIRE Mr. Kenneth MacLean of .Win- . Purves', blacksmith shop ni eg• has. been • 'enewin old .Ali . P _ r t t ,S t. Helens Was destroyed by. friendships; in the '• community, It' • : .an early leveningis his .first visit back • here in . fire' • gni Tties- day.Origin .of the blaze was' un- twenty-five years. Mr. MacLean - certain. Alex , had been'' working' was born on the farm now l.own at shop in the inorning,:.but 'ed” by, `Pat, MacMV illan, Boundary h , .had �P 's ent• the afternoon haying ; East;,;` Before coning . to. Lucknow at his farm east of St, ;Helens 'Mr. MacLean visited . in Montreal" The . outbreak was discovered. -with. his/sister,, Mrs. Archie' Ari ` Mac Rauna .e 'Who', lives near-.1Berson.., ;Mrs:. • MacLean has been `.by g e '' residents visitiri .with vela b '�tihe:.> shop.. Several ral res dents �' ;• , fives{ at Brus= of `,the • hamlet . were quickly on sets hand,!but laxres`spread.' rep,, idly _ idly. ,and • the heat drove them, :'CAUGHT ,HORNED OWL, HAD back • before they removed :any- BEEN FEASTING ON POULTRY thing : of value from th e shop. • Alex had... a valuable , assort- ,. A horned owl, which had been t. of `tools and machin .- y� m.. amen_.-_ - - e1"Y ..gorging �on._--�Ernie� :-Crawford 5 ,this % wwell , equipped little . shop. chickens, had 'its last. feast at. the 'understand.. there was n Week - end. o in j Week end. The' big bird was trap- . L UCKNOW, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; JULY . 21st, .:1949 • EIGHT PAGES Surance. The ��cro'wd :that. soon gathered, • le to: • do anything thin vu'�exe '' helpless ssy g other than to' 'Watch nearby build ings; Fortunately it :.Was: ;'very: ' calm or several 'buildings 'Would have been lost The shop,at one time'', owned andTo eraated b. ;thee .,late; �hornas'• • Phillips, sat. near.' the re adside on the Phillips' property.. Immedi ately, to the ; East is Frank Wea- '. therhead's . ;house, the roof of :which caught 'fire, but' a :bucl et. brigade nipped. that • outbreak. Across the road to the` north-east is ` Mac •Ramage's home, ` Roof watchers guarded . this. home. To, the north and • not' cut • of the danger ' area ' was Mid . Huai phrey's . residence, where he has been living since 'tire razed .his home 'east of St.`, Helens, a 'few months ago. Iirnmediately west of `the b1aze? -Was the `unoccupied Phillips' ,residence, but • :which; was :not endangered at the time as the wind drift was :away -from St. Helens,.. ,' which once :had , � . Mrs. R. Lane of. Kinlou,gh. two . blacksmith Shops,' has seen received word on Sattirda of theme both destroyed by fire, ; the c y smithyof` 'the r the death of her- • sister,'' Mrs.. ,late James Hyde havingmeta similar -fate. Percy Purves, Which occurred; at• . a I:her home an Ontario;. Oregon . Mfrs. Purves ;was in here 83rd year:. She was •: formerly • Susan Malcolm"; a daughter of the late•. Mr:: and, Mrs.. Wm. W. 'Ma colrcn, and was:born. on • the ; 12th..: Con • cession of '' Kinross. In .1884' she went to British • Columbia with her brother, Joe Malcolm': ' She was rnarried in the West;. her husband,' , Percy .Purves, who . sur': vives her; also . being a native of Kinloss Township, and a brother of Mrs :Joseph Hanna. Mrs. aped by .�a; couple' of young'lads, George. _Webster .'and Dale' tden'by, •who :were proudly dis 'playirig their "catch'',-` at the ;first: of the week. The'.owl had 'a .:wing' spread of ,'4 'feet, .2 inches, arid .a Iv'icious looking beak that had rippedthe. life out 'of •about. one: 'hundred 'of N Ernie's: chickens, which he is. raising. in 'a ,field' just east of town, -owned by Dave Miln.e. ;On Saturday George and Dale.. set. a muskrat trap ` for the Un- known marauder. They, 'Surround- ed' . it:,with ::enticing:a bits ,of' pout= .try flesh and hid : the .trap ,with a sprinkling, of • feathers' ,On Sun- day Morning they discovered the owl firmly olight by the leg but: 'still` very rr uch•alive and .full 'of fight.:, Bill': Lyons,, Who 'Was ..with. •the, lads, 'administered. the ::coupe de grace with .a few lusty clouts with a' stick. NATIVE OF• KINLOUGH DIES` IN OREGON BOWLING CLUB TO. HOLD ; LABOR DAY • PRIZE DRAW ; lie Lucknow• Bowli.C1' is •• to hold '.a>prize draw :foe„ trwo; watches- .a mla n' • s and •a* lady s-- each with a Ivaakie, of 442.50. Tick- ets are n ick-etsaren oMr on Salle. • , The draw is to bem, ade ;on ',Labor bay;: Monday, September • 5th at the ''Club's .annual Luck .now ,Merchan is pou'bles Tourrna- . menta TARD GOODS•'BARGAJNS 10 �rcent`di Pe saovtit on 411' yard goods 'for t o wee . Jul t .h.. 1�s,: Y 15 10..141Y. 29th, THE 'i RPOY STORE LEGION N TOHOLD MOTORT C R� CAR .00 RAW Ludknow Branch of : the Can- adian Legion is to shortly launch a ,campaign ' for their floodlight. �und, :'w h:e r.e bay -,:some --lucky. "shareholder” ' Will receive 'a brand new Ford coach: The car, Iva -Lich will not ' have a ile: on is being it', •. , . 'mile purchased: from 'Mont- gomery Motors; 'Lucknow. The• Legion's 'plans: is to' sell 800' shares >, . � cares, in . this ear at $5.00. each. That is the limit of the shares sold.:. Each, sharehold'er'. agrees that the car may be Purves' last trip back . East ' was, in 1929. CHEST 'CLI:NIC D M,UGAUST ISAAC PI N.N.ELL, KILLED BY, CAR. Mr Isaac .Pinrnel%'. an aged Kim - •lough resident, Was killed about eleven • o'clock Tuesday ' night when struck by a car driven:0V Weir Sheave, son of Mr, and Mrs Wib Sheaa e of. Bervie..: Mr.:: Pinnell : was Walking. on . .• theh'g y, i ghvva • ' on his way. home, from the store y �.. to his'home n ea.'r oy ; The • accident, oceurr d m . front, of Harold H aldenby's ser- vice •station.' • jIr e u der '. '`n'. , n sta that .'the:aged•° man stepped in:front','of the ap- proaching ' . -proaching' car. Dr. Tyndall was. called from Ripley, !but Mr: Pin - hell was dead before he arrived., .PLAYH O •.T USE O START 'PRIZE ..PLAN' • A :chest xc ray. clinic is to be held in Luckno'w on Monday,. 'Tuesday and Wednesday;, August •-:15th, 16tH, :.,17tYi' it is, of coarse, :• freee'and is. available toall those. in . the. distribt 'wishing to take ad vianttage of this service, • de- signed. , to eventually wipe' out tuberculosis. The�c�liin a ts�sponsored;by Clansmen Club," and is ' made a possible, by :the community's lubry eral support of.'tle annual Christ- mas seal : fund Campaign. At a later - date ;it' is . planned rto make a personal canvass of the cromiinuinty, , inviting ' attend-' ance at this clinic. At the previous clinic held,here overtwlo years 'ago upwards of :Posed of 'for $2.00 ;to son 2,500 persons'were x-rayed ' in .. . any person °'Wm a similar share or shares, I two days and nights. The August Y selecting the , clinic . continue for thre , .. �' a nairie !bx lot at clinic . will c , Leg1on's ,,Annual -. . . .. � . Rememcilbrance � :days,: and appointment times will'. Night, dance.. on 'November 1 th. not be ,set, > so 'that anyone may Shares+ convenience . in • this new Car wall. •,go; ,come at :his or her coil ;only sale within a 'few days.: f"duaing• the 'three days.•' Rei,.. } x. ' •0e WIND DAMAGE CLAIMS RAN • TO OVER $200,000 John Faarrish Was in Wood-:. stock Jast week.: attending: a Bir- ectors n}eeting • of the, Western Farmers Mutual Weather Insur ance Company. At. this meetinag, it was rorwam age ciainme vs.? resultintedthatg:. fromindd'the January 18tih storm, had, now practically been dealt with •and disposed of total',Claims. num- ,tiered in the , neighborhood ' of 20,000, . With ° total' ;compensation, ,Paid .... a Xceedi ' ng.-$208,000�._' The damage done :in: this storm was .regarded • as the.. most. exten 'sive :ever'to strike Western On- tario, .and, the claims:, on` tis; articular • an • were v r p P Y Y heavy, depleting the company's ,reesrves to a .point where., it was considered adlvisable to increase the, :rates. (Contributed), REV:' FiOWSE' 'CONCLUDES, The maria e¢nent Of The 'Y - G 'Pla PASTORATE AT ORRIE lionise Theatre feels •,that. those who patronize the .theatre should. be ; rewarded • and so ;a• monthly' Y. prize; : award system is . to be -ado• t - ted--and'Rwl- -�._ • '� 1 be- star-tedM-on- P `Monday,','August •lst • - •The plan is- simple. On ands after August. 1st, each : ,theatre 'at ron ei wliil re A ,. , ce ve a nun>bered cou' ori,. with, his or. her ' ' Pticket, at each and e very show.'t heyat tend. • bu ha tenumbers will -be- :: held at. The Playhouse'. ' and on aY . the 1 as•t Thursday rsdaY of the' month,. the. . the . ri e in n m` gticket will dranfor :t•he month.. . 'The Aut - rizeWill :P _ l : ,be a beautiful ut fol et of . .dishes: There'are two requirements to win the, hesize. The winner must, P , be at the theatre the night of the draw and must be :able to' pro_. duce .:the .corresponding :stub af`. the winning ticket. ' • If : • the winner is'• not present when < the draw is made, , ,. success- ive draws.. will .Ibe. made : until someone: in attendance claims the prize. In .order to avoid •confusion,' only tickets sold up' to the day before the draw will .,be in the barrel. Tickets sold the, night of.: .the '' draw, will be included in the', 'following .Month's 'draw '• These ,monthly. draws ;:will .be made' the last Thursday of :each' month and'will be made between the.. :first and second . show. ' In addition to 'this monthly. award The Playhouse -„will con- tinue ;' its practise of: issuing two passes weekly- to thetheatre bye moans of' the."hidden names” system which has ,proved so• pop- ular. s :. ESCAPE INJURIES, Elmer Umbach .' and 'Gilbert Hobrough ; escaped . injuries on Tuesday; when, Mr. Umbach's car Was . in collision: with a gravel. truck at the Milverton-Brwsels, highway intersection.' Mr. Ho=. _brough:._.was •at the wheel.- at • the .time.' The . car wasconsiderably damaged,, :COMING : EVENTS MISSIONARY SERVICE . Hackett United Church will be holding' ' Missionary' ::Service at Hackett Church on Sunday,. July 24th •' at; .11. 4,m. Zion' and Blake: kongregations cordiallyinvited to attend: Rev. A. P.. Wilson will be the guest speaker. . BAND CONCERT SUNDAY • Walkerton Band, "40 strong, will , present a band concert in the Caledonian Park, Liroknow, on' Sunday evening, -July 24th at ' 8.30 sharp.: 'Silver collection; 'Pro; ceedd for 'the band. Concert sponsored iby 'Lucknow and Dis- trict Chardber of Comm erce. • Rea.. and Mrs G. ' G Howse .and' 'Gilbert left yesterday • for; Alvitston::•where Rev. ,Howse Will. be .•inducted on August, 5th and the follwing Sunday, will as- sun -ie' . the. .d4ties of• his new charge: . F ror'. the• past four years Rev. Howse •has been • •at``•`Gorrie and the :lash year of his . pastorate': there has been a record:year ::in the history • of: the •,church.: Prior. ,to going to Gorrie, , Rev,,. • Howse ministered • for four ' years on 'the. •Ashfield Circuit, coming.: to, that charge from Newfoundland. Besides their: son Gilbert, Rev. and' Mrs:: Howse have two ,dau- ghters, .Rose,. who is, an .exive secretary. „e..rtoryre •of . 'the:kshu: Co c tt��Corcn- "pang: in ` .Brantford, and Betty, Who. is in 'training • in ' Brantford General Hospital. 'Rev. Howse received a call to Alavinston last April;=.and as the family "'. departs for their new 'home they, have .Many friends here who wishthem well: • BEAUTY SALON SOLD • Stewart's. Salon has been sold`' andY,. will .change Shands. August 1st. Mrs Lorraine .Stewart will 'continue• in.`'c, charge' until " at Aline. t 1-tri ILL WITH P•OLIO,` .RECOVERY RAPID AP1 Mrs..: Campbell: Thompson is. making a: "splendid recoVery,; from an illness . that ;vias definitely Pronounced on' Tuesday night to, be poliomyelitis.. It is the only known case in the Luckno st district: " '.. There has. -=been nro indication' sof paralysis, and . it is believed that the danger of .such a velopanaent'`:ia past: Mrs;; :..Thompaon, 35. -year-old. 'wife : of :" The Sentinel Publisher, wins" taken '° ill.a week' ago,: Sun- day, but her condition did not cause any concern at the time. A soreness in. the 'back 'develop a. and medic 1. attention was ,,received • on Satin,: day; Over : 'the weektend ' a 'very close check • ' was, kept by the P. y doctors, as the syan`iptom.s, pointted to polio. On Sunday • a •1 mbar puncture was ,performed and a spinal. fluid specimen sent to • Toronto for a laboratory. . cell count , which affirmatively s" ported the diagnosis'. • , Margaret was quite i11: over the :.week -end but '° a marked 'change was . noted in her con- dition on 'Tuesdaay afternoon, and in the succeeding hours' the ,im- provement has:. contintied quite 'steadily. ARMY .WORMS . 'HIT ASH," ELD GRA' N. About 100 acres of grain on the adjoining .farms as.L. Charles • Robb• • and Joseph. J., Martin, in ,,. the vicinity of Ashfield Presby- terian Church, .are infested with army worms., Considerable dawn -P age-has.:been done, but. the ripen ing' of the ;,grain appears. to re- "tard'the devastation 'done bythe. worms, Vy;,h.en the worms ° were discov- ered•• they; wiere''spread . ,through ✓. , both these crops,' so thatthere was little purpose . in'' plowing' furrow around the field and using' poison bait. • There is 'albout sixty acres' of.:. Oats ' infested on the Martin fariri, Ownership of this croab is -shared. by Mr. Martin* 'and. :Arthur Simp- son, On, the Robb farm the in- vaders are • found', in ten acres of bats and about 30 -acres of barley. T,tie' oat crop is • Suffering the mosrt••darri,age.. The ,infestation;• however does not seem to be so: extensive as ' in some districts and : seems ' to be `pretty well isolated -to thus.:10 0 acres; • Strike•'Near : Formosa On TuesdaY Tuesdayevening . Mr. Bushell has a:: few''spec'ianens: of these, ;dest•r•uctive. crawlers 'which were ravaging a field. near For . g ,g mos".. ' M so . r, ,B,ushell...states. that theylie undercover durin the day and in late afternoon tom- , 'thence :their ;destruotive advance.. f wlhich continues throughout thenig lilt: They• ,travel • in a straight line;, he ,*gays, : and; 'deviate' their.: course for no obstacle,- . simply crawling .UP and over it in their . . forwaard'march. They Climb :the •grain stocks, ' cut the'. grain ; gaff and.:go on .to the 'next one PASTOR: AND FAMILY` AT, SOUTH KINLOSS MANSE. Rev : ; and •'Mrs G S. Baulch end favi ily recently took, up res dente in South Kinloss Manse, and . are Ibeing welcomed to the community.by menders of their congregations and residents in. general Rey.,Baulcli : was ' inducted : as Minister: of 'South Kinloss azuy,, Kirilough churches; on June 30th.. Rev and ,Mrs. Baulch,have a :,• family of Tour Children, Joyce and $11 of high school age,, Mar-' garet who will. • be in 'public .• school, and Anne:.whois of pre- school age. BOUGHT LINDSAY HOME Mir and Mrs, "Jack MacMillan,., Boundary East', Naive purchased the village ,.residence. of .Mr. and Mrs. H. J.' Lindsay: Mr and .Mrs. Lindsaywall continue `to .occti ' PY the home until 'September lst. ,IS MANAGER OF STRA T O-ISD---STOR E .Lloyd •Stew'art,'son of =Mr, and'.. Mrg. 'Philip Stewart Of town; has been appointed manager, of Lob lar's Stratford store ' and too ;y over.his_new_ assi ent on Mon-' day of ' last : week' Lloyd, who will not be .25 until ,September, has, been with' "Lob laws for , 8 years; He started , the •Stratford. branch, ndlater' served at Kitchener and Bramp- ton. He,,returned to Kitchener 'aa assistant manager,, a position. he ' has held until .reveiving his lat= est promotion to • the •Straiiford store which :is', currently .being ..: Enlarged by the incorporation• of .. pan adjoining building. ' Lloyd is to he congratulated on . his promotion, and 'many friends 'here extend. best . wishes .for, success in his new position. • • p ,.:,r,.•