HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-07-14, Page 2w
Lucknow, Ontario ,
' Authtorize l as Second ,Cass Mail, Post Office Departmentt: Ottawa
• • -Member of The C. W. N,• A, ,
Established. 1873 Published Each Thursday Morning
Subscr:iption. Rate 'Advance -To A Year 'Advance -To U.S.A. $3.00•'
L. C. Thompson, 'Publisher .and Proprietor.
THURSDAY, JULY 14th 1949:.
D TvO R I 'A
The announcement ' that the
Provincial • Government is •d is
cussing; the: "`whole ' matter of
.beverage''.' robot,• operations"is
•supplemented• by a., somewhat
bi2nilar press' .reelase by :the ,On-'
tario ` Brewers , Association and
the• Ontario _fT�ote1T , .Ac:iat.. iorr,- to
the effect that 'a.. •province -wide
• study is be ing'rnlade;Iby these two
bodies wwith a view: to .a; ' "clean
Up" campaign ,of beverage, robins.
Public: opinion, . it seems,' can
no longer be. 'ignored by ;•those.
who profit greatly ;from the drink
-business, not the; least of which
is .the provincial' treasury, and ,at
:Some semblance' of a '.clean.
bili Must be Promised:
.But it 'is ;questionable .if 'such
appeasement wallbe acceptable:
to the great majority who'loath
the •'degenerate (beverage room,
• -•: aconditions ..that_aprav+ail;
existing profit -motive system •
This d'issapproval' is (being :ex-
pressed' almost without exception
wherever •beverage room ' ple!bis
:'cites are, benne held, and `so great`
are the `mlaj , rirties' in most cases,
that this • c le • sition cannot ;be
attributed to "teniPerance .cranks
and fanatics" .1
• Th e piro{v+, ncial •authorities,
brewers. and'.hot 1' operatora have;
aaa , a . "finger in the breeze" and
#iieially have had' to recognize' the.
Way" the wind . is blot:owing. This
eleventh hour recognition .may'
nor" mian tsuffice, as, there/are e Y_
'Who favor the coniplete-:abolition
'of • the beverage,' roams, as .
only effective theans of cleaning •
tip an unsavory system.
"Money, like,many.'other .earth
ly,;'possessions,,may be a :blessing:
-or a curse, but'he has true weal th
,who is' `,rich in heart ,spirit`' and
Character -the things that money
Cannot. purchase".
The Teea' w ter, News ;:is amiazed
that with the: current •scarcity • of
rain this. 'spring : there • has been
no ` mention of. 'hydro; power be-.
ing: in shlort- supply, ' which was
the 'cause attriibuted: to last. fall's
Papers • across • the,. province
,naive been unanatmous in denoun-
cing , the breaches of• newspaper
ethics .,committed by the 'Toronto
dailies during the;; election earn -
pan `:The' Globe and ;Mail's edi.
toriel. ` policy was:outdone .only
by.the rotten journalisfli indulged
in throughout` the•• news';colunMs
Of 'the : Star: Neither paper .ld
any$thing to be proud about,. •
• Flail=flying jin' recognition. 'tof
Dominion Day has'.becortie almost
a.-thing,_of .the 'past, by .the aver
age' citizen and : few flags appear-
ed en` July :1st .to .mark Canada's
,birthday. We • laa'e r an. undemon .
stratilv±e raceand not much given
"flag=flying" but • this'... is an
occasion that calls fom rrore ;evi-
evi dence .of national .pride in :0.7:
Serving the.. anniversary, of ' `the
birth of • this Dominion : w'hich to-
day..stands foremost in, the' world'
as a. land of freecdoin,• opportunity
and. prosperity t
With" Canada's . July • 1st ' hell-.
day falling on Friday, : and the
United • States July :.4th h:oliday' On
Monday; the eek -end lbrought a
double• dose of danger to motor-
ists and those who erawded. the
beaches,~ seeking - relief from' the
• scorching heat.: The result. was,
as' always, a: shocking death :toll,:
'but"'shocking for the ; Moment,
only; as there Smits :;tto be,. no
deterrent to this reckless logs• of
.1.n. the inspectorate of ' Bruce
the total number of High School:
Entrance candidates In 1949 Was
516.' Of these 257 or 49.81 percent
were:- recomnended •on their
year's work and Were no t re-
quired to write the Departmental
exarn'ination.. Of the 259 .who took
this examination 214 were grant-
ed or pass standing and 45
failed: , .• •
Of The 259 whowrote the De-
partmental examination, the fol-.
•lowin'g . obtained the 'highest
standing,: ; 'In 'fairness 'to allw
should, be stated :that on - • the
wl ole . in :the •sohhoola'ith . ex-
perienced , teaehers; the,:,• better.
ils were not re. uired.tio"write ..
;pup o.
'However, -Some pup . ;; Who Were.recommended laSkeel pperanissian
to try . and this was granted.
Of those who wrote, -Beverly.
Lustig,' R. R. 3, Chesley, . stood,
highest .. with 350 marks for .'a
percentage ' of • 87.5, In' •-• second•
place was Anne Elizabeth Henry,
R.. 1, Ripley; of S.S. No. 11, Huron.
She 'i had 340 marks or 85 percent.
Her teacher •,is. Mrs: 1VI•, M.eC;har-
les ..;Another pupil of S.S, No:: 11.
�I3linron,; "EvelLyn ' May McTavish,
Was fifth with 335 marks...for' a
'percentage, of 83.75 Seventh
higtest`.was Muriel Keith, R.
Teeswater • of S.S., 3,
,N . o. 5 � Cuirass.:
She. received 333 Marks': for a
percentage of 83;25. Her teacher
was Annie Dixon. '
Civic.. 'indifference and the re:-
sponsibilityshirking ; attitude`, of
"let George do' 'ft", , is not .coin -
anion. to Lucknovv alone. `Every
coinfriti pity Seems' .to .have their
faiar share Last .'week The Paisley
Advocate. wras 'Critical. 'of those
formed ah an ter ; of Commerce in
who • had not' joiiied :.the newly
,that 'village.. The .Advocate said:
"Itis easy to say that you haven't.'
• tune 'tic attend a Chamber of
Commerce meeting,• or• to , serve
on its .committees, but if every
b siness iand'Tprofessiana`1:maifin-
. Paisley took , allot attitude;
wouldn't have • much' business to
look ` after;, nor woulc'• 'we have
much of a tovtm in' which' to live". •
' Ontario's:legal :agpeed`,.limit is
50' Rules per hour. Seems a bit
slow : at times, but the 'Minis'ter
of ,Highways emphasizes that, "a
driver at this speed will, if he`.
wants ; to make a sudden' stop,
travel 55 feet . before his : foot
presses: the brake pedal. Then
ore. will go another:° -111. feet t Def,
the .best of brakes step his. car.
f t . -e feet. _
That's a o al�of 16f
in the best of conditions' • good
brakes, dry roads and instant re-
action by the driver".
Anent mere man' being barred
from ems
ke a
front -
at or.
withtout a • neck tie, The
Chronicle,,cosines out With'
airy : and ,�wllinaisical remarks
the subject The " editor,
Irwin; says': "It'su
' a fnny. w`
• U
In these fancy,' hotels.' nowadays
-a woman.. will Wear .. a dinner
dress that; discloses everyt
from Alpha' :to Omega, ,and o I
,to a mere man slipping' into the
room minus a 'necktie or •a
• We •would imagine those w
who wear. outfits that ': did
'have enough material to ma
pair ;ef leggings ,,for a .meadow
lark would ' not have the of.
-�ery' . to� object 'suet .a
:thing as a .man without a co .
tie.' using . the; same. dinir>g-rconi;
but • apparently, ' we have been
wrong all the time!''. l�
Mr:-Wm.,-=Murdi°e 7 of --Dawn iaaid:
;,a visit to boyhood haunts' ; in
Tiickersmith • Township' . ' 1 a s t'
-Thursday, and of.' •all; his calls,
'found' only: two :people that he.
• knew :as , a youth in that corn-
munity sorrier six: Miles from Sea-
He visited' 'the ' old , farm, the
old, school he attended' as a lad,
and, ,of course; the old` swimaning
hole'. It` he found to be dried up,'
if to add the 'final sombre,
lonely note .te the remaniscenses
that the trip aroused.. 1Vir. Mur -
r.. graham m' MacDonald •w;as'
home ,'r o`m London ;stunner,
r .th weekend.school fo e
Miss FDel n ;Maelnt :re ,of Finn,
•Mich , was a, reek -end' guest: of
re latives .on the Fourth,
Mrs. George Ferris: Of, ,Ripley
spent, several days 'of last week
With her friend; •Mrs.- Robert MG
Cormick and also visited .'other
friends and, relatives. . .
Miss:; Grace MacKinnon spent
last ' week; visiting .with. `.relatives:
tri: Flint, Mich.
• Mr and Mrs. B. Cribbings of'.
Clinton were callers at the ;haane:
of •.Ira Dickie last • Sunday
Me ers of . South Kinloss
Church Fare leased to. hav • their
Ch . p � th ir.
new minister and family_at---tlie-
Manse. They are' very ; Welcome
.1U'RSIaAY, .34Y 14th, 1949 '•
• Sixty Years Ago
The School Board reported the
planting of . about • sixty maple•
trees, around the. school;
The sawmill. owned by' Robert
McCarrbl and -operated by Mit-
chell. Bros., was destroyedby fire;
-The '^ladies spreads .to the honie
occupied by Angus' McKay's. fam-
ily' Which wasalso razed.
Alex; L.avwson :sold his' grocery
business to .Ren '.McClure.
f is rs' of the 'Sep oy Lacrosse
Club were,; hon. pres ,;•F. Grundy,
res Alex . S, Cain bell, vice..
n ^ -�catarna, °;
"':res �� W G+ru dY.: , p
.Cali bell sec. -tress., Geo Law-.
'rence managing cognrnitteg, Jos-
eph Elliott, :James Kerr, ' .IL Mc-
Intyre, W. Wallace, Chas. Reid.
;Jahn 'Bennett' ryas advertising
his services 'as painter • and paper
hanger, .
Arrangements were being made.
for laying ` the .corner 'stone of
the new Presbyterian 'Church.:', :..
Mrs. Alex Canieron• died at her
home in West • Wawanosh ;in her
56th year.
Jake Miller, was awarded • the
contract for gravellirg• village
streets- 17 '.cents a
i r' 'hid -,visited
4i 1..edto h.
the Edwin ,G,aunt farm Kiri West
Wawanosh,'�and .i wrote `about • the
fine herd:sof purebred Durhams
arid the "Willowdale Flock" of
Leicester sheep
Forty Years Ago °•
Hefifron of Blyth pur-
chased' the meat ibusuness; :; of'
Smith' and Co and the shop fix-
tures W. Colli•
' used' 1 byns•',
James • Miller was :.building -the
foundation tor'.the new town hall
and a'.gang ,of men' Were making'
:cement', blocks r
A:''S ' ill a
t s sa w>rn t• Glenn's
Kill w•as destroyed by :fire
0.Mrs. ' limiter died at the
•.. Jame s � .
home •. of her da ' ' h ter '`Mrs: 'G.
Middleton: : hi her 91st year: A
native of • Scotland, she and '`her
husiband settled oh 'the 43th,' of
Ashfield three miles from Luck-'
now, =when the site was unbrok
en and- before' the village .-was
founded • • •
• 5, ,/tt. Roberts resigned as sec-
• etary of West 'Wawanosh Incur-
anee Co;, a position he had held
for many .years, ' , A. •
• Win. Matheson of Lochalsh left,•
for 'Winnipeg to ,conduct FY,ee
Church tniSStion for the surTer•
months.. '
Wm. Bueglas Was ling cem-
ent for his new':house,
Round trip ..on the Geyhount
excursion 't0..Detroit ,frbn C ci lei ,
•eh was $1.50..The "moonlight px� :.
cuision fee wlas 25. cents:,
MaIntesli and Cameron were
•adt;ertis+ing Men's sipring suits- at
%f ' an _'`• .10,00, to;: 12 50: ; L'a i ` ''" .r,
waists 'were priced from 50c to
'Twenty. ' Years Ago
Drennan --Went :from'.
M , . went om •
Toronto to.
. Windsor to ,accept a
Position •on the Border City Star;
Keith Collyer 'was' home' :from. -
London, where she spent seven. •
months in `'$t. Joseph's Hospital.:
undergo' a series Of operations
for double. mastoid
The death occurred in Toronto
of John Martin wiho at ,one time
conducted a hardware store.
,Lucknow. . •• ,
'offic r s w i a
Tennis .Club e s e, ,.
,;•4 W B.. Anderso
, ': n;. Gordon'
Scatters, "sec:-treas. ground's' co'm-
mittee C. W .Hodger't, .
Bryans, R• .Duthie; .membership
'committee, : Enols •Buswell . a nr d
(ather'ine McKenzie.
'aMrs WM. N. ,Johnston 'Of Ash
.field died in Toronto at the'•laome
:of, her. son, Albert' Thain..
Mclnt re of Lochalsh
nl ed "s u ,dde Y•
Fred ' - - orrip on: Was '
aVf rs.Th ps pres
ident., of Hotyrood Women's In-
stitute and; Mrs. Mi hael C-amb1e'
was secretary -treasurer."
l rood
Heriry:.Perce "died at.Ho,y
in his 92nd •� 'ear'° .and" in., L
now `Robert' Carrick:died in his
88th Year.
, barn:ca the
Melvin. Tz•wu'n s . n
Second. Concession ,was
y .'afternoon.
by: fire on Sunday .
vim .
Word'.vvtas'.i�eceved from .
couverof ' the serious•inners
C Walker; forty,
die 'spent- hit' :math . in' :Tucker
sin ith and McKillop Townships:
,He. entered. •the1'hardware
fess in Seaforth, " arid . came to '
Lucknow forty-four years ago.
GORDON WONG, . foan ierly ,af
Goderich is bark Canada r
a year and a half , in his native
China. He-purchased'•a business
in Canton, • but lost 'almost . his
entire investment ibecause of the
increasingthreat`. 4# the Coin-
mCi nests Ire flew. (roan • Hong
Kong on May 31st, leaving his
wife . and -family in. -Canton. ,He
will ^mvalie his hoa>0.e in Londen
Drive carsfull yaal ways in country and town -But
re -double your care when the sun's gone down
Official records show cin increasing' number: of Ontario's high,
way accidents owning at night. Remember—your' head-
light vision `islimited. After SUNDOWN ....SLOW ,DOWN
coo. H'. DOuCETT, M.n.iMrr
' N R T (III L'' N :Y' .• p...P . N •I atilt w, Al