HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-07-07, Page 5• - „.
mig ,
• '1111IRSDA.X., JVLY 7014949
!Lyceum Theatre()
Two Shows Each Night
jUllot 4i,h TO 4,10.14TY. Oth
, ,
• ' • •
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'.'•:. 4ULlt,.:43t1i,• 14th... .• : , , ,
T. :1POWER,• '''• i.l. oLoiqo. E*10'..
•••. *L. tirAILKE*1. ' ....'::,:..,
in: -=,..:',.'..''':,..'. : . -:','
glitmare lje
(Adult: .EntertainMent)
:,. • . .
, Asfirry• As PPERS::. • •..
The ,Pregbyteriam„Record piet-
',tires al<eV. l3....P.... Anicire*.of .Alli-"
',...t1...stOnand_...Rev.. W. A. 'Stitherland.
. '.: of Whitechurch.:,PhaYing :a tune
:' on the Pipes at, the ;garden party :
. , tendered: cOrrimisiionerg, and their
wiVes* dtariag :the General ' 4,:7 „,
, • Seiribl ' . at Kiteherier. Airriong the,
.:.. iriterested Opectatoral. ', a,s the
.'ininisters • < nolvect . :their ability
with, the, Pibroeh, :Were Meiniber
of the ScOti••Fusilieri Pipe, /land'.
, ,. J •• ,
. „ , . ,
. " , ,O. . , • •
, •
: -.IS UP TIPS ''.YEAR • • ' . •
, , ,
..• Butter • productrOri ' 'Iztruae
, ,County for 'the first five. Months
••••• of the Year is • UP Over. a Correg-
ponding Period a year, ago..Bitice.
output' this year totals. 1;903 942
. pounds ai compared with' 1.,846,-'
835 pounds, a year ago. 'iMay pro-
dUction • tiitilled, 033,93 .pbtinds
as against' 624,584 'in: Auy 1940: "
Biuee also prcidueed .68,166'11)i.;
-more of. cheese in .the 'first. five
months elf , this year,' than. fOr Viat
period in 1948: • . •
• • , ..' •
'Moving To London ' •
.>„ Mr.- and Mrs.. Bill •LloYd, are
Ink:ming from Kincardine to, Lori -
',don: re'side. They recently sold,
hear. grocery buSiness in the .
Lakeside town. • . • '
• , n..
ROAN In-Wingliam genera
Hospitai On..Sunday,4july t
Idr, 'and Mrs. Alex 'Iobertso
(nee Jean Forsfer). of past '„Vira
~wartosh, a son. pongratrilatiOns.
Qriite a nuirnlber atteiided the
field day at 4angside.on
Sports and races Nii>ere run „off
as Well as softball gazn tietWPn
Larigside and' WhitechUrch 'and
Whitecliureh a, n d Kin.lough..
1.4..ntileoliurch. team *ori,,the firgt
and Kinlough the. second
game. .
Mr. and .A/Irs. Albin Griffin and
grandson Johnny,'Mr. and, 1V1rs.'
puncan A/MacMillan:and tWo
• , •
ghters and .Lavergne
:all of • betroit,„ and Miss .Y,vonne
alacMillart of '.14oridon. visited, /at.
'Jblin..,MacMillan's . Over the
week-enci. • .
Mr. Jack Mullen of-, Detroit,
formerly of ScOlgUarcl, Saskatch-
: .
ewan,•._,n,t, :the 'week:Lend with.:
Mr. and . Mrs. Miles lVfacMillan,
who Used tO be rieitghbors in:Sask.
:Gordon Fisher returned home
On Sunday' after spendirig the
past:week with his, aunt in Mil7:
Verton, . ' . • .
croWd. attended the plc,
nip at.. S.S. 'No.. 9 school. 'A ball
garne, waS Played tbetWeen ,No. 9
a/xi' No. 10 schools with No.. 9
•and Mts. • Phans Mathers,
and CarOlyn',arid Mr. and' *s,
Vernon,' Hunter and ,:fanitly,..
tended the Hackett picnic' at. the,
lake on Stinday.. •
_ . ,
:Aar. and .• ,
'1-4 "I Forster -and
faaniilY of. Palmerston and Mr
'and,' Mrs: .1.3orial4...FOrster and;
. • •
family _spent Sunday at 'William
Mr. and Mrs. ,Henry ,Kretiger
and ,poit:MrS: Goldie 9)0E7,
.oct DetrOit :visited:With Jack. •
:Galles over tlie-week.-erid.- . :
. , -CREW 'E.
..„ • • .
. .
..*.• Otibson. of Wirigh.arn is
visiting With ,hig granddaughter,
Mrs... Ll9y4 Saunders;,' for° a !„fer.s.V.
daYS ' • 'T'• •
M'r..and.Mrs. Aaron 'Rook spent
:•Thuig.day in. tOncool-viii. ,
` :and. Mrs, Jack Curran at-
tericled;6the IlaCkeit reilin...'on at the
tieW AShfield •plaY grOtaridg: bn
Mr. and Mrs'. Rayinond
.gan visited' -at, Weston at • the
',week -end ,and 'attended.. the Fi.ri-
nigan'-BoddingtOn Wedding,. •
Mr: . •SherwOOd 'sperit Sun -
Oak in' London With' his sister,
MrS. Andrew Gaunt, WhO.underc
Went an . operation there lait
.Mr: and Mrs. Aaron' Beak: left
FridaY, with their ',trailer' cabin
fOi 'North Bay where . Aaron -
taking a .surnirrier •coarge... . •
.MisS ltuby :Sherwood hai been.
visiting at 'the home. of •Mr. and
Mr& „RaYmOnd Finnigan. ;
. ,
I „
AMERICAN. $1.56 per bag
WilFtake orders' for .
estern Grain
for iminediate or October delivery.
. •
•. .• • .
• Miss .Winnie Percy, R.N., Of
Woodstock spent a few days .with
her mother, Mrs. WM, Percy. °
• The Girls' Auxiliary 'met' on
Satutday afternoon at the hem?.
of Mrs. Harold. Haideriby. The
president, Mo. "Bert • NicholSon;
Presided. The hyirrit "Jesus .bids
us. shine" and prayers opmed .the
meeting. Miss :Helen lialdenby
read the. sdripittre lessOn..The
Call wag answered with •the Word.
Thanks. Mrs. .Howard Thompson
read' the 'thought for the day. Mrs.
Charlie ,Hodgits inmited the girls
to meet at her Carrie in' the near
future in Winghain. As. this, Wa:i'
work meetirig the afternoon-
on':artjkleS.- fow
bazaar -which be• held °the'
early :. fall. The. ;Meeting close&
. with • a:•43rInn: and Pi:airer. •hy the.
president; after. Which a -dainty
ltmch was served. Thq nat. meet-
.ing ;be,held -at:the hOine
Misses Helen 'and Lois Haldenbr
The thoUght for the day will be
given, Ilay• aVIrs. Hodgins; 16f
scriPttire:by Mrs. Karl .Boyle:41'he
word for the roll call is Repent:..
Lunch iconunittee, MiSses Mari-.
lyn Boyle and Donna Nicholson.
• CoPgratulationS:. 'to the ' Rev.
11.alPh' Blight . and *. Mrs. ,
--Wh --werereeently ed;-3.rez-
turning to the, yillage..on Satur-
..The •Weeneres Institute had 'a
'-nost..,SuCcessful garden party ori
Wednesday.. evening :last: •
• Mr& ,Pdrothy 'Thompson of
Stratford is holidayirig at the
.itaidee!;obfy, Ay: :4:. „
and Mr&:'•• jaines
aceprripa,nied her siSter,. MTS.: La:,
Flarn and her datighter; •. Miss:
Shirley..LaFlann mi. a 'motor trip
tO ;S:ault Ste, , Marie.. where they.
had a.,/mOst tnioyable Visit
relatives and friends:
and Mrs.„ Rudy •Sieloff,,
roY; :Caiiin and- Mri.
Hoclgins of Detroit spent the
WeekLend With • Mr. and" -MrS•.
' Mr. and Mrs. Pete ShoebOttorn
Sheila ;:and.• Peter, Mri,--Thartias.
Elliott 'of LOndori • SPent: the', week.
erid with; Mr. arid'. Mrs: 'Karl
arbnd arid•Dianne WhO sperit
previous., w•eek 'here returned; to
. Qt)-• .,.: • • : ,• "
'key. Oenspn apc Of ,Valely.
Stream.; LOng ISland, •visit -
ea here during the,' Week -ivith
his'..mOther, Mr.s. John Cox and
With Mr: arid Mra. Writ Cox. .
,Ori 'Sunday npit„ JUly 10, there
Will be :a' ,Special service for .the
Ocal .and distriet Orangerrieri'• at
the • Presfbyterian. church -at 3,09
o'Clock. 'Will, all:merribers •Ipt the
L.O.L. Meet.. at:the 'Orange
A, •
t ?.31°) •.•
Mr: aiui.Mrs: I..loyd and
• • •
DoriS Xiricardiine, an&Mrs.
lCarl Boyle, • Marilyn; and :,CarOl,
Mrs. Ada.flodgins; IVIr. and •Mts.
Rudy., Sietpffi Elroy. arid , CalVin
visited :..StMday. MiSseS Edna
.04 .•
m.T.S. 'Maude, no-dgkinsim 0 f
lintori visited over the week -end.
With 'her sOrt, 1Gordori, at'.
onie of' Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wall.
'CongratUlatiOnS My- kiVirt.
Harold Percy' on the" gift ,Of
baby girl,. in : Wingham, HogPital
SunciaYs july .
i• Mr. • and . Mrs., pprt NfOholson
and their little girls' y-isiteck.Suo;
'day . With ' Mr. and Mrs. Glen.
Cam,pbell and: familY' at Amiber-
• Miss :Marie` Thompsint , visited'
during the week with.,MisS Naney
,Needham. •• , •
Miss Stewart 'and her
tatfter, Mr. R: Stewart of,,Millar-
toil visited Sunday , evening.:with,
Mr., arid Nfrs.,, Bert Nfebbl9Ork. •
, 'Mr. and. Mrs; Jack -Scott, Billy
'Phone 5.5, Dutigannon. • and lobby viiited Sunday with
• ' Mr; iivid Mrs, Mit-trice
' 3riss Malecilin of Tor-
• . r ,
. 4 •
Presents.. . .
i'hur'sday, Friday, Sattirdiy, . July 7, 8, 9
We thrilled you, with Jesse James and- more vivid,
,,more colorful, more thrilling Oa= ever
„The'. Ftetutn .of frank James -
. . , Si
. • . .. ,,
:, ' -.8tarring tlenty..Fonda, Gene Tierney
... . .,• , . • . • - .
. , ... r` „ •
:--. ' ,. '. PLUS 1%,1!WS pr l'os -woR.L.*:!, :: ,.. .. i , •--:.
. • ..
''''-. •No.•Satuitlay 14atinee.During••:JUly atid AugUret.
.. ., • . • .....• s .. . . , : .•••: .
. MOnday,'Tuesday,.We'dnesdai, July 11; 12, '13'
iinn7y Stewart land Jane IV3fnuul, in
e Magic Iroftv0.9.
This is the perfect Pair the perfect picture: Every mom-
eat .a tank. moment: A thri eaPerienee of a young
eouline that tried 'to chatute the (inlet life a *au While,
and what- haPPeha indeed a treat te am.. • • • •."
• ''.PLOS; "DOGGONE 'CLEVER'', " • . • .• ,
• . „,
WATCH 'FOR a brand new idea Irvin .The playhouse
. • '
r . • ,
••• Stewart, Lucknow
. 1 I • •
,Onto , is holidaying at the home Miss . Isabel .Orr .is spending' a.
of, Misset, ,Nellie ' and:. Margaret
Malcolm. , , .
. Members of the Prcsbyterian.
cOngregation 'attealded the
lion 'of , their minister, the Rev.
Rauleh at Seuth .Kirilegg
Church on .Thtu-sday evening last.
Mr. arid wir. Art. Phillips' and
Peggy Of Forithill are holidaYing.
at t honie of Mr. and Arzs:, blackgrnithing-and electric" weld4..
Frank iMaulden and Mr. and Mrs. jaw Shop. at his' residence eait
J. R; Lane. ' the Village. • .• - •-•
, • • ,, •
'6 •
' ,* . • '• .4
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"r• ' •
. • • • -*
,while with her sister, . Mrs.. Her-
old Percy, Mrs John Prirrie and
family. Alm. W. Lapp and family, .• •
of Wingham visited' also with,
their sis,ter during the week_ • ,
. • . ' •.•
• , , . • •
Opens New Business • ' :
Albert Porter llas °Perked et
. , . . „ . . . ,
. •
• ' `-`A Complete Line .of ComPlete'Feeds7•.. .`•
, . , • " ,111 • • 4 •
oultr ogs attl
..• . ' .. • .
- • • . •
' •
.11 Treleaven idling e
'1 1.'.44, 5'
, "4 ‘#'",
ti •
A f
d. ,I"k
h ,11
, ,
, • -0 ••i• • ';'••
, .
.11111, . ' . • , • • - ' ' 4.4. • 4",
• • .
, • • • 1;... • ,
Pay Phone 9. Night 'Phone 123. '
" •
%‘N. ••‘•• NS.•••••NN‘%‘••••• N%••••.\\N•N\\•\
Phone 27
" Feeds, Fertilizers
Farm Siipplies; Coal
Phone 71
ou will eliminate. jnost.of your minorl
knot,ter troubles by using excellent •.'
quallty.Co-Op Binder Twine.
You can dePend dn the-C9-Op•Ouality Sign.
• 'y
UCknOW 'Dist itict Co -Operably
in. r
• 1 „
/ •
, •
„ :
. • '
. "
." 4
• •
• 3 '
' .'411
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4 1
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