HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-07-07, Page 4E • l J R. VAQE FPI.% . THE LUCK -140W. W, SEN'INED, L JCKNOW,, ONTARIO ... •. T AD" RATES -1st insertion 2 cents.a word,' subsequent care 'VAST Insertions 1 cent, .a•'word. Minimum charge 25 'sints• 10 cents•per' o The Sentinel. 10 cents extra. .Legal advertising insertions, f count. line first insertion, 5 cents per ,line subsequent--^_ . d . Stock Tonics FOR SALE Extension. table. MINERALS and incl Office, � '. ,a. ennan, phone • 42-23,,, Apply at ,Sent Lorne M.: I • Lucknow, FOR'' S•Al:•g-'goo'd Ayrshire emir, started to milkinig, 'Apply +at Sentinel Of - 4 FGaR SALE lets • •, eer1 ..minuet. bull. •c`a1f, ,1`2 m l< ,also - FOLi�TD—a 6 fogt .�' g Lu know Torrance "cis to wan, .fain.es-lor-. knife, east' of c Anderson, R .1," Lucknow.: lay,,,. '. �ra>rious: ° Iareeds,, excellent fire. e one:165. . oto - • ••., .. ' ...___oi:d, ph. • FOR .,SAL' purebred Shorthorn. o d some CARD OE THANKS Mr Graham MacDonald wishes to express his sincere, gratitude 'to ' Miss B. I4 Quillin ,and the pupils of St, Helen's School for the especially useful gifts pre-, sented h ni :at • the close of the• school ,term.' ;Mrs., Lorne Eadie wishes to sincerely thank the many friends, and neighbors, .who sent flo'wers,,. •fr it ..letters and cards while" in • u, the hospital T h e se, kindly • thoughts are deeply appreciated.. Mrs Andrew' Culbert' a n, d family wish .to sincerely, thank all. kind: neighbors :and .friends 1 el ed 'them to who iso willing y .h p, , -• Move 'to •, their .new, home. This. Pigs a y ,.. .. • j help was deeply ap'preciatea. {: stet.... . • . . �' • • --. OTTAG�E FOR RENT—at Bruce :STARTED CAPONS : 11 e a.v y `on breeds; 7 .•Weeks old, pullets, ' 6 Beach, No 112,' accommoda►b . : eight, .•hydro,. fireplace, for, weeks •old: Goldie,. Martin, Fara- July 8 ,lf, Rent. 'C.`�T: 'MacDonald: moon our ' child FREE from corn or. callous,. 1)4;44' , . TO �� ,y , you'd he... for'. Lloyd's Corn Salve !take piano lessons , this fall Buy,,, •. iano at J . 'F. your' druggist' 'you.. imu$t see. 50c a . new ., or • ,used ;,F Viano . _ � .. lots Um>naach s .Drug Store ' :. ' S U tI' •& SONS, Mildmay, targe'selection,: •FOR : SALE ,-: 193$" load deluxe sedan,., new :motor, good tires, FOR SALE 5 -'weeks -old pigs,• mod reason for selling; F`rarik • two -wheel• trailer. with racks, size •Thoanlpson,• Flolyrood, phone ;38- fres' S H:F: gas enigre► ;1x4 40"i . , r=d; '`Zieeswate ., . • - rts all pa , for.Irish Ferguson Ford- • tractor. 'Apply to; Howard FOR:SALE Village of Luck • Ford - son .inson Lticknow:': now :debentures in: the amount Rob , . of $12;500 Anyone wishing. to buy .any or all • cif 'this issue • ag ply .by . July 16th, 1949,; at The Municipal: Office, Luckn�ow. • NOTICE . TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate .`of John James MacQuaige deceased, NOTICE IS , HEREBY; .GIVEN, that all persons having : cliairins, against the estate of John. James .MacQuaig, who died at Toronto ion the: twenty-fifth day Dorf.:Nliarch, A.D. ,1949, are notified to send *Heir elaims'duly'Verified to :the undersigned , before the twenty-, fifth day' of July, • 1949, •:after, Which date thee: estate will be, :dos • tributed`' tnohgst the :parties ;en- titled thereto, having regard only • :to,, such=' claims as aTe_ 'then • re ceived. side • and oust; 1940'' Dodge poach, 'TED at Walkerton. ;this six- exoee11en't mechanical conditiion. . DA a of June A.D,•. 1949.. `:' 'terms. N:: W: tenth day }. Caesh, trade` or Agnes D. ':MacQuaig 16 •Picton TEN. London, . Ontario, Ekecu- WINTERS • ,Street, trix: P. Stuart 1VlacICenzie, .Walk • S'T. HELENS the There will be no service inthe ��Unted'�Chciit'clz`'n�ext Sunday:��' and ' Mrs. ' Al Martin. of Detroit. 'Were :visitors ' with Mr. and • Mrs. ; E: •J: •,,Thom- On their return they were accompanied by their little ,..son, Neddy, who has spent the past. few Months..here. lib.' : ail d -Ors._ _Cordon _ Miler •and Larry and Miss Doris' Taylor .of : •London and Mr:•Murray.. TaY- oT r of `wanigham'- spent' the boli,- week -end with Mr. and Mrs: etas Chester Taylor • -"Wit. Donald M�eB�ain . and Mr Russ CroxwelI', ;:of Kirkland Lake were visitors last' week• at Mr. John McQuillin's.: .1Vliss'W D 'Rutherford of Kirk-• , land Lake, Miss••Norma! Weather-- head •of Alton and Miss Grace Weatherhead• orf ,:Holyrood • are , home for the' vacation : 'Miss .,Helen' Newton of 'Ottawa„ Whose. .Marriage:. to . Mr John' Wright of :Rochester, .N.Y, takes ,place in the . United Church.. on -Satcirday-afternoon at 3--o'elock,- is, a visitor- �w ith her !parents; Rev. M G. and'Mrs. `, Newton. Mr. Gralana, : ;McDonald, who has ' :'ibeen ` principal of • ,the St. Helen's school for the past two years;. , and who: goes, to Petrolia as iprincipal� Of the '.four=room' school there in , Septei fiber, was honored, at: the recent ,meeting of the Junior : Red ' Cross..M`urray Gaunt ,read an .address:sand t on- iaa Woods --made. the 'presentation of "nn . electric ' desk 'lamp arid : an alarm 'clock. Vlrss Andre*: Oaurit is a pat- ' lent at'.fent in the 'Victoria: ' Hospital London; 'where she Underwent an operation on •Thursday; Her,,many P friends ilio ie for a speedy 'recov.= ery- PULLETS.: COCKERELS. Mixed: • .Some started: Bray, Hatchery has theme ircnmediate delilvery, stun-. mer 'prices. Order :;now:;Also: for „later delivery: Contact---;' D. L :FINLAYSON, Lucknow. THURSDAY, ' ,JUL•Y 'rth, 1949' THE"RQYAL HOTEL in Ripley ACT GUARDS BeiiCE&, :A • � • OF MIXED `FEEDS has been scold by Alvin Rutledge y_ , • to Scott Brothers who , will con- . Prepared feeds are used b' vert •it ' to. an •inn(plernent shoe Canadian farmers iz substafitial• room. amounts and they buy. about 1% ; million : tons • a' year., .• .A 'ration for any: class of liveK stock must contain ,the essential nutrients:'w'hich are proteins, car'= bohydrates, fats 'minerals and vitamins: 'Most farrn-,produced . 't utrientS'put eeds. contain :hese n the• quantities; of :each „are 'not. Pres 'in .he .most effective pro 'Present the .A properly proportioned ar' :0balariced." rat o�;n lower increases' ' uction, , , while an unbalanced ration leads,. Production,' �pd production, failure to' i ure to reproduce, and::event-.'. pally' to. loself,'Of livestock. ' This is. true „ofeeds. �partictiiarly' .f vi •F'bR '"$ALE • • - 1939 Plymouth; coach, :new' rings, one', owner, nice ; and clean;. '•1940 Hudson se ' - da one owner,'car like new rn- n, erton, Ontario,Her Solicitor NOTICE CREDITORS d:: Barred Rock,, Light, Sussex ,, , . TO of In The:` Estate Of. Robert Duncan jvtacponald ' STARTED : CHICKS i,at : clelive ..1 :2 ':week :.. , .. ZmRried � ry I • :All ,persons having claims .a gainst:the. estate a Robert<• Dun-• Cap .MacDonald, : late of ;the Town : Ship' of 'Ashfield, iii • the:‘Co inty i Of 'Huron; Retired Farmer de- ;ceased, who 'died on- or about he 26th'day of Aprif, :1949,- are here=•. ;1iy•i otified ;to,.send in to the'un- 'clersigxied, Administrator,. on: or. 'before the l5th.•day, of July, 1949, full particulars of. "their claims; .Immediately,a'fter the said ,15th' day of • July, '.1949, the • assets of the deceased will . be 'distributed amonirgst t'h e :'parties entitled •thereto,', having regard :only • to' claims ,of which the Adminiistra- for 'hall •then, have notice. , ` Dated at, Lucknow,' • Ontario ehhs';.16th, day of .June, 1949.: Bruce MacDonald, R . E. 7, Lucknow, 'Administrator 'R: W. Andrew, his, Solicitor herein. x. New Hanpshhir.'es, Light: Sussex x•' Barred Rock, •New.'I•Iampshire x.• Barred Rock, Barred Rock x New Hampshire non -sexed 21:95, Pullets': 30.95; Cockerels 20:95, New, Hampshire non -sexed 21.45•, Pullets' • 30:95, Cockerels 20:95. Liht Sussex -,non -sexed Pullets •. ' 32.95,• Cockerels : 20.95: White Rock non-sexed'21.9, Put= 1 is 32,95 " Cockerels 22.95.. Black ficient in minerals, it and certain• qualities of protein. often : inconvenient: or ex-- pensive;; for. the • far'n.;er .. to.0.. urchase individusil ingredients. needed -to balance = a raton. "Ana; soreppared ¢nixed feeds' are now Used . extenisively, ' either as •a •complete , ration, or as a supple- ment to '' borne grown ' grains, ••o• r'. roughages 11¢anufactuers of pre- pared feeds: are' required by The Feeding Stiffs Act to guarantee the protein,. fat and fibre levels and list, the ingredients. ..Inspect i :Products-Divis-, drrs of the -Plan ion, 'Dominion Departn ant,' of Agriculture . m a k -e periodical'' checks Of mixed; feeds and take .sanples which may be analysed to determine 'whether' the guar-. antee is, met ..or whetlher the in,. gredients • listed are •really' Pres ant FOURTH `• CONCESSIO:1! WESTERN FARMERS Weather, Insuarance. Mutual Co, MOTTO; Prompt, and Satisfactory -Settlements for , information, reia>�1e protection, satisfaction, 'consult ,your local agent SAM ,ALTON ,• I:UCKNO.W !Phone , D'ungannon •. 84 -r - Mr.' : Graham MacDonald , has. gone to London ;to.attend sum- ' er:school. 1.4r: ; and•:, Mrs Iia Dickie mot:, orad • to•. Kitchener last', Monday to attend• the`' redoing :of Mr.,Dick leas sister ' , Mrs. Russell Scott and young son and Mrs.:'Nettie ''Baird''o1f Tor onto .;° are visiting •' at• t • he 'home' .of George ; Scott. • Mrr;' andMrs: George' Gilchrist left'Monday morning. to,visitrel- atives, near Saskatoon.. Miss Christine. :Thompson is at-: tending, sunymer• '`school; in ` .Tor l. onto: ., e ' Mr.. Johne' Wright` of 'Rochester,: A t 1 � Pullets'32.95, Assort Three the home o ;Rev. lett 29.95, Cockerels' 20,75 Neweton: weep old add •5c per `chick. Also t Me cilli• other ,breeds. • Day ' old' 12 .Pure. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Q , n, Breeds. and '13 Cross Breeds none-; Sexed; Pullets,: , Cockerels"•'Older• Pullets ' 10 weeks ta laying.' Free. us ra ores .: 20.45 Pul-: N Y was a 'weekend guest at ed. Heavies . non -sexed M. G ° and Mrs 'f catalogue. Tweddle Chick' Hatcheries Ltd., Fergus,` Ontario • Are, your chicks pale, unthrifty, droopy; • going lame•, Do they' gasp, scratch; sneeze,;` pull feathers or eat each other? If'so you will, profit by' 'calling, .•at W FORD'S Feed Store• We , are, not experts, but 'what, we don't , find out:. know, . We • WE' CARRY . A • COMPLETE LINE OF ' New Lift' and Lifeteria Feeds, •, • ei;als ,;(no salt)', Topics, •Ifediciues, R. A. Finn • BABY CHICKS ON HAND YEAR. AROUND. 'PHONE 165' • N LUCKNOW George and',:Marilynof Hathilton were; .holiday : ° visitors 'with Mr:' Wm.' and. Miss • Beat'rice : McQuil ,lin: Mrs. McQuilIin' and children are remaining for a•.longer visit Sympathy is extended to.' Mrs. ;Stanley' Todd on the death of .her faather, ;•Mr: - John • Young, which • occurredJ,n Goclerirh last week, after ' a- lengthy illness.. Thursday (to -day) is Chilcirens Day' • at the Wornen'S '' Institute meeting to be ; held at the:, home • of'•,Mrs.-Haroldd Gaunt. .,.1V1r ..atid-NM -Neely..Todct.Day id and \Janet of• Stratford were visitors with' Mr and Mrs: D. Todd •for the..holiday. week -end. David is: staying,for• the week: • 'Mr. and Mrs: R J. Moore and jack . of Streetsviile, and ' Miss Mary Radcliffe of Winnipeg are, visitors with Mr., and Nix`$.: Haas, 'vey Webb. Dr1; George McGregor, •Mr, and Mas. Ktiehlhorn and three sans, ' , Chicago were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stuart. CLELAN:D VETERINARIAN' . • Have tock St, south • of Supertest Garage. LUCKNOW • Tele ?hone .175 ` • T. 'ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW ' FIRST WEDNESDAY SOF : EAC1H MONS; troll .•.l'0 a.m. to 6 p.m. , AT. WM. SCHMID'S STORE ; ,sure,. I0 ,Sure - Insurance Confederation. • Life FIRE•=Preferred Rates for :: preferred: risks:. ACCIDENT. as 'SICKNESS Consult ..• :JOHN--FARRISH , 'Phone 7-r-15' Dungannon. 4 NEW. ,IDIItECTOR of ' recreation at fiWVingharn is Ernest- Miller. He succeeds 'Sarri Burton-. -who has lore, tri Sarnia,. • Call,; Write , or • 'Phone • V LUCKNOW For full information -on „_. Co -Operative Life Insurance: . '. or ' Co-operative Automobile Insurance , ' I ' Phone Dungannon 7tl-r-10 Also Sell HEALTH &'ACCIDENT FI1tE INSURANCE RANCE_ FIRE,. CASUALTY • and . AUTOMOBILE .A . Tq Protect Your Jack • Insure. With Jack:Today - J,ONAG A.McD •:. R.R. 3 Lu.cknow;' Ont• • .Phohe'• 61=5' . pungannon'` Vii. W ANDREW . Barrister -and Solicitor , n: LUCHNOW,; ONTARIO, Office 'hi the Joynt' Block Tele,phcne Office •135 'Residence.' 314 P. StuartMacKenie BARRISTER & .SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario: . CUCK O Each . Wednesday- OFFICE IN HEN•DL1tSON swot ' S tin K!C� Hetheton, g Barrister, Etc. Winghon'and. LucknoW IN LUCKNOW Each Monday , &'. N ednesdaY tocated on the ground floor. in the front •of - • `John-L>Hilpatrick!s .:Sdi1dMK 'Phone '.Winghani . Office ;4$ Residencf^97 •