HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-07-07, Page 3•
• THURSDAY, JULY '7th, 1949 .
o°a , an
Mr. ' and Mrs, A G, (Andy)
Smith of Toronto were caller, on
friends here or; Saturday..
Kenneth. Webster, .of London
' and Miss Helen Webster of Wing
NM spent the 'Week -end at their
Mr, arid. .Mrs:.. W.. ,:S.. Reid of.
:,,: Strathroa' . visited with friends:
here this . week, Karen Reid 'is
attending r•girls':.ca i. at. Kintail.'
blr. ,and -:Mrs,' R. D. .Ralston:
and daughter. Elizaibeth:, of . Cal
• �gary are visiting' with Mrs. Ral
ston's sister, Mrs. 'Morgan l!err
demon 'and. Mr., I enderslon. . • .
i •,.
MacGregor` and Mr:
and, `1Vtrs, : 3ert . Kuel orn : ;and
• three 'children; al `d+f Ch`,icago;:, are:,
• visitingwwith. Miss Catherine.Mac-
Gregor and 'other relatives.
Mrs....Jack : Webster and daugh-
ter Janet of . Salmo,. BC,, who
have:been .visiting. •at herHpar-
'ental home in $t, Thomas, are
spending the week with Mr. and'
Mrs...W. G. Welbster.
Mr, `:and" • Mrs..' Harold. Agnew,.
John K , : Mary Edith ..and David
were : over' ffi: om : Detroit' for the
holiday. John' and Mary, are• re-
•mairiing for the ;summer';
Alex` Lockhart of Dresden; has.
seri `;seriously 'ill with. a heart:
Condition, and:.Pa Y . aralytic: stroke:
We understand also khat ::Mel:: Orr
of COhesley is not::enjoyi'ng. o0'04a. enjoying
Mr. 'and Mrs. Robt Armstrong
and children,' Bob,:Marjory
.Betty.leift on:. Sunday:.,by motor to'.
• visit • relatives at Deloraine "Man
• :' itoba..': Theyexp ect • to be ..gone
about two. weeks,,';
Mr and. Mrs W. P ;Wim�Ibttsh
of. London ,spent: the week -end
here:, They..:were. acro : anied by
- her mother, ;'Mrs. Tena: '`Hunter;
wlho returned; to her .home here
after SPg .. ' ending several
months, in:
'London. .
Mr arid' Mrs:W
•. Blueand
daughters Margaret
and I#sten,,
h•relatives �%n the ;c • <-
munity last week: ;;Ori their re
turn they were accompanied by
Bessie• Reavie Who will', spend : a
couple of weeks in Detroit
Skiiiny,m�� •women
5Ib gain s.•
Get New .Pep, Vim, Vigor
What a thrill! Bony' limbs' fill out; ugly. hollows
fl11 up; neck no longer scrawny body, loses halt -
Starved, elokly "bean-pole'..look. Thousands of
girls, women, men,' who never could gain before,
are now proud of shapely, healthy -looking bodies,
They thank the special vigor: bulldirvg,, flesh bulldtaa•
tonic,'Ostrex. Its .t nics,'stlmulants Invigorators
Iron, vitaniln Bt, calcium, enrich blood, improve
appetite and digestion so •tood gives you more
• strength and n0urlshment•` put flesh on bare bones. •
Don't tear getting tae tat Btop;when you've gained
the 5, 10, 16 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight.
CostaIittle.'Now':get acquainted"' only 60c. .
d !amour
ponds `thiss Tonto Tablets
tor new
i ddruugggista..
e: •
COWS $2.50 each
HORSES _._ $2.50 Ea.
HOGS 5Oc per'cwt.
According to size and
• Phone collect:
Ripley 182..::.
Wingham • 561-j
Ingersoll 21.
The • Lucknow Pipe Band .play-
play. -ed their annual 'band concert at
Port • Elgin, beach on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.. Jerry Frye of
Dallas, Texas; are visiting with
their aunt, Mrs. Sarah Collyer.,
• Mfr, and Mrs. Alvin Percy of
Detroit Were callers in town on
.11/fiss Catherine Gibson left for
•Toronto . on Sunday where she
will resume her ' Studyiri • :at
Ryerson Institute.
Mr. and •':Mrs:.:R'u'sse11 Clipper-
-ton and Lynda . of • London .spent
the holiday; with: her parents,.—W.
and •• M•rs Sa•ra Reid.
Mr. and :_Mrs.-- Merle -:;Middleton=
and familyor Hamilton are hall
daying with Mr. and Mrs.'. R
'Sell M•iddletbn:
Mr... and. Mrs. Russell' Phillip
spent ,Sunday herr,hoine-•
GGoderich Tow'nsliip and: also' Kis,
-ited her father in the hospital,
Mrs.. Isabelle: MacKenzie" is
spending July, ).and August ate the:
Girl.. Guide
� m P • at Doe:
near :Sprucedale.•:
IMi;.; and Mrs.: Jack Garn ss and.
Mr. and Mrs: ':Cecil •Garni
iss of
:Toronto -were callers tri: _town. .. -at_
the week=end:.
Friends' of Mrs.' Blitzstein 754
There were; no. failujeS. "among
Lucknow and di trust entrance
students, according to •tilt report
released by, J. M.II.P.S.
There . were .only 15 entrance
pupils in Lucknow ,,and district.
schooils4 ,a•. ,c,•ounPazatvely: small'
class, Of this inimiber eight were
required. to Write final examina-
• bons with the other' sevenbeing.
promoted, on their 'year's .Work.,
The 'fifteen students •Were as
Anderson; George (Hon),`
Armstrong, Robert
filar k, Juie
Crowston, Lois
England, Shirley'
Ferguson, Roriald .'(Hon,)•
• Gibson, Carolyn (Hon,)
Ha1:'denby, Douglas ,
Hanilton,gJoan (Hon.).
Irwin, 'Alvin
Johnston, Betty (Hon.) • ,.
s ' ' Murray, Margaret '
in , ..• Rider, ;Patricia--
Scurrah, Melvin
Smith, Donald
Dungannon dentre•
Tile. list of successful . entrance
'sti.4ents at Dungannon centre �is
as . follows:. , Leone, Christilaw,
Gordon :Cupsky, Rtith Durran,
Marjorie .Errin''gton; , winmiifred'
Fairish, J.oa�n Forster urr
Gaunt;, FedaC••Hackett,,,Delina•'Hoy,
Dorria Hoy, :