HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-07-07, Page 2•
E: ., . � ► KA . ig,TES
3olidav visitors included• The June meeting of
Ray and • Mary Murphy with
Myth Mrs. P. J. MuyDhy
Miss Eileen Wallace, and Rita
with their ,parents;
• Mfrs, Ella Bowler and Mr and
• 3 o. •Nace O'L• eary with Mr,,` and'
Mrs; .Main ince 'Bowler; •
;Miss Teresa .Reynolds with M.
and Mrs: Nace Marti?;
-Miss :Rase,•Marie•, Laotian.
Danny Bass, With , Mr.. and ;
W 'Lannan '
�wncil Mrs, 1VOGam and family ;and.
Tlhe. ladies, of.' 'Holyrood Wo-
Mr_ , rnenn . Institute are ,o 'he con-
gratulated on.the success, of their
garden party Last' Wednesday e'V
en" '
HHunrlreds sat down .to tables
that literally 'groaned with 'food,,
and enjoyed. a • most • deliciotis
meal, with 9walityi ; cl,. . y and
service being all -that ..anyo
and could: ask. .
-'s softball game.and an in-
'A ft
teresti,ng rogram followed the
e Kair
s the
ial evening was field: at hea, Institute was held at,
..the A social � d. Army ,
to' Miss . �s,.0P.4011:, ,. •
-as dealt v+rth. It
and Concessionrk' • ar. . 'ited . a ' ' 1 f r Children.
Mel Pe fns .
Lothian School on Tuesday haan ie is d Annie
of � e of Misses. ,ess
last week," wlhen :gifts were pre- ! McKay When, a very
Culbert. and •ro : am . Was given. , After the
sented to Mrs.. A. D. • .. . p � the business
Lo' opening exercises
I d
1'pert " .:and her son: new . "and of
Mrs. a to the Sec- ,was, decided to donate $25 to the
�Herbie, have .moved , . _ _ a, 10 to. the Un-:
of Huron Town Cancer Fund and. $
ship to the. f m N t ns Appea °
• .. the Blue- ' , e roll•.calk. was rw'ell responded
•.:about a mile' east' of Th. ; •.
in . the name' of :their
water. Highway, • : ,• to by gl!v g` , . .
o caving• Ashfield,, ,fvourite unagazine.: "'
Prior t 1, •
d 11 red tolpc
Donald Frayne -with Mr.
and `Mrs O. Frayne;
• ;s.:'Albert:- ; Sutter,
Mr. •
. and.:'Mr
supper, with
athero 1 we rek�a on New
. , ., friends arid neighbours g, ,g
1a ': wase given': by •Mrs•. L•,
a dance as the,. con , . `
•. _ _ at thian: School house t® e�-: $pund nd
Yc° t ort on
,y: - . _ event ... . �: . detailed rep
feature of the env � o� ram arid, an 1VIclvor and, a d � u
eluding . h rt reg
lVir, Fi'rie •Aokert (presided as d w�uch district annual,Was g
,,. Carrie ,,a:,. a ro raan Which
_ • Ma- : •: Clhisholixy and., . _ chairazuan. for the p • b, albeit v�ras pre5ente�d.. with H TI-Iouston Mrs: ll.
, it _ - • is _• Mrs. C . tto.
:.•.... w�m� umibg ',r . • -. : ared_ : thew '_?n.4
i ei1 n�rith •,CG'yr}1`.Austm, o s stem is the, folio , g . ...: , floor lamp,: a bed laap' Cormick. •;' prep
�.: x <. .., a . � Y ,a tnilrght ,,
• Kenny and" Lizzie:.L.;.........mus c,al se ections by Dr•• °° as a mark hla• was read„ �by..Mrs: Geer
,lyiisses .Kitt,° • and a•sum. of. money, 'w " stressed
with Frank. Dalton ; Jas. Little and.Mr: P W "H ag, in which she is. Gilchrist.' and"- which .
O Keefe d of the ; esteem
rs:. Adelman. • and w,en Stewart, duet; •Joyce , :wishes' that " n „good points on "Keeping
i and. Msolo, G 'held and. the �gwod :w' ma , y g ,
Wilfred' O'l:oughln
' ' and. and Joa'n,;'�C�n�pboll.•,� solo, Archied: her' sone •to ,thein the: family yearnings. Within the
follow her •an
th onard • O'Loughliry; . Courtney; duet, Mrs: Ken McKay • .' mei The esentat an' was family earnings''.Vocal' so qs
vn� .._ Le
Mitis. Nick Perry and new,
�, ,and. arid. 1Vf�ss ,, • Gceraldine Courtney; made • by;Allan Barger and Ar-
were rendered by 1VIrs'. Chadwick-
withMr.' and Mrs. Earl . ` Mrs. Ernest Ackert,: read-. : •
Teressa solo, thug Gilmore and Mrs. J. McTavish. A humor-
• •• i Mrs. Donald� o' forded • t+he reading was �
�Th also of ous.
Toy a s o p•.. : von' _b.
evening of.dancing, lab
x .:, 1Vlc=
TlllJiIS!I AY, 4111 itlh;,' 1949
Mrs, John, young; passed away
at his home in Goderich on Tues -
=lay 'of last week, following a
stroke. was in "his 83rd year,
A native. of 'Goderich Town- :
ship, he $w'as the son of Richard •
a Woo
Mart lne
n h r
d _
young .. . , ...
Young, both of England,. of whose .
family of sevein: sons and • seven
daughters • he was. the last ;to sur="
vive, When quite young he .moved
' wit'li '• his parents to: Colborne
township arid for thirty . years.
he conducted the general store At -•
Loya'I In;. May,. ,1948, he :,inoved ••
ith his wife and daughter Ruby
to Goder ch. It Haas:, on . be ee' e
4th;.'1889,, he 'rnarricd• Elizabeth'
.daughter�•of Mir. and:Mrs,Yaieritine
••i9 er"• of .Oolbotne' --
township : and had he lived they
would have celebrated their `dia.,
mond..wedding . anniversary • this
fall, ;Surviving' (besides 4 his wife,
.,are four �daignters; Mrs. .John
Patton (P.earl)', of 'Colborne town-,.,.
ship; Mrs•.: Frank :.Wilson '(.Mild-..:
red). of Nile,- 'arid her twin sister,
Ruby, ate hoaxes and' Mrs. 'S:Stanley ..
MoCosh• piano
• , .. .... aoccasion.:
' • ' � �• given byzst
• � 'resent ' a gift' to .. Hilton •and piano
opportunity top g G .
' Mr.•and Mrs. T. J. Lannan with
Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Lannan
Mr. and- Mrs. Gene. O'Keefe''and
family' with .Mr; and Mrs. Con
O'Keefe; _ •
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Murray 'and
family with M,r:, John ' O'Connor;
Mrs. ; NorahSennett ,and Shan,
on with Mrs::Martha O'Neil; :,
•Mike,• Griffin with Tom'
'Wallace; and
Mr. Mrs. Max ; Edny,.,Mrs:
Webster and Marion, Dal-:
ton withJohn
C. Dalton.:
• ton,
Sunday the
held a Weiner roast .at the lake.
'We 'are ad' to see the RResur='
tionist. bays' back' to • their
•'duett, Edna . Boyle and Eleanore.
Miirra -;„y> .sblot : Mrs. Harold: 'Hal=
.dexnby; solo, GarnetFarrier and,
• emarks . by Mrs Jack Ackert,
t: of the' Institute..
Thursday, June 30th, Mr and
M*s Peter Cook of 'Ashf old were
honored on their: .fifteenth: Wed:.
ding' aniiiversary.
Mrs. Cook's.
:parents' and. :her 'sisters, .brother
and ;families . and either friends
•Huronia'.y ` the: rip w
•Camlp, a
'•e' shores-, of
G+wide Camp, on the'
Lake ' Huron in 'Ashfield ' 'Town-
s'hi�ship; ratiofi' now,
? ,;
with ' �e first cointingent of
Guides' ' under canvas •
.Besides es thea., " i nanent build=
cold. �',
zags which were erected this.
sprirug,. more' than, La dozen tents
now'dot the • cam�p•,site'
• Mrs. Robert • Button and Mrs:
Rose 'Knight of . town are acting
as, catnip cooks,
Resigns As, President
Mr. Foster Moffat of Langside
has resigned ,as president of the
'Plowmen's Association, an
• •office he' has efficiently' filled for
fifteen ;years:•
held a 'surprise, party• for them: Leod .of .'Huron are enjoying
• •inthe evening' an address ! in: Haldenbys:.
Dur g. ”. , ; .... holiday the W ,; ,, .
was • read and' they were ; present- • : has. Vali In .Kincardine
Win _ C
(r ,:
wal ur
ea1. m
.bh ,•
with'as .
' with
: nt S
tures:: Mrs. Cook trade ape Y
and tw'o•.. is Wall.
P :./ ' Mr. s. `Nail.:
a 'reply;:': 'thaiikirig ' everybody:
Westford rd ;schoiol' ;'annual •,picnic
During the evening'. Lorne C(100! > decided success as. the sec=
,sang and played 'the guitar sev- . tion turned rout to renew their
eral tniaes , After : a ' bountiful t
lunch all' joined .in•singing
are 'jolly gond, 'fellows" and ex'
tended : best wishes for many
.more wedding anniversaries.
Miss Lois , Feagan who has:,re- mentals •�played'by Mrs. co
•h Todd . (Hazel) of St • Helens. Mr;;
signed as teacher at' Lothian She and. Mrs;: Donald McDonald :wile .'
resented with a.' silver were inu�ch enjoyed;
was p
cream sugar and tray. set by Mrs A. I ugliesn`then gave
Shirt. , A Giibson arid Sibyl Barger: travel ' 'talk ' on her:; trip:'' to the
coast which,was very. interesting,.'
The highlight of the'meeting
was the display of .'a, quilt made`
• 'MacKay for 'the In-
b ''MissJ Ma y
Mx and. Mrs. Dave Donaldson. ?' • sell:tickets" on,;A Gorr3-
and, family motored•to Winghany • ,stitute,to
mittee was, •ap'pointed:, to look of
Sunday to visit". vnth .,.their. uncle, . , . , , �, , .
n: who ` is not• ter, the •.same, -
Mrs David'Wharton; iViaeInt re gave •' the
• Mrs. A•., Y , , ; /
in his usual, health,' • remarks_thanking the lad -
Jean Mac- ' • closing
.".kisses • Betty.. ,and J.ho ital'ty ;.to
'. .les: for their kind ap
Which Jessie rade a very fitting
reply 'inviting • them , ,all: back
again'wl en they moved into their
new: home.'. The,National anthem.
.n' sung and . a , (bountiiful,
vwas the
was : S rved' `, and'.,.a social
lunch . Served
time spent.
youth :, h with thepupils who , were it
v' a and old• tune Repairing Building
Teally>, ha ,�'. grand ne.
! Art ; Breckles is' .repairing t
with ice' cream, candy • kisses, ,
sandwiches,...cake and.:balloons;
building just, east of the new fire
presented Gra- hall. First step in repairing the
The 'pupils prose M� the
High Seeker In Blind Tourney
• Harold ' N1'itchell, formerly. of
W•• Barri, and totally blind mean
beer of: the Hamilton team com-
peting 'in the : National Canadian
tournament': was high scorer
when he' rolled an outstanding
aine at: the Y.M.C.A' alleys, Tor
onto; Harold.: is a brother-in-laW
of Mrs. 'Morgan ,:Ilenderson • of
'young .Was active in: church and.;
Sunday:•School work: 'and' was a
lay preacher ' for Many years' iii .
Zion Methodist �churoh before :
'church. union. .Later.. =he was sup
;eriritendenaof .the ,Sunday school• •
of Smiths Hill United church
• The, funeral took place. from the ,
ani l '•'residence Thursday. _after-
fa, . t Y• residence
noon:' Rev L: I -I Turner. of Vic
toria Street, "and Rev: S.
rd or apnmiller.' conducted the
ward •
service. .Xnterntent.. was in, the
e `' owrish' certietery.
-Colborn • t up
er, with a lovely building has been to,raise
ham, :theirFaeaeh , ,,. , , .•
'structure,to p ut; in .a new founda-
ow- star P
,o],c'C'� fashioned; container for f1
Duri• . the 'hot 'spell • 91f .wea-
ther' the cool` shady •14th Concesh.
sion -has (been- a veritable mecca
.for tourists;'`etc. • who revelin
the • lush• greeny of our country.
tion Thebuilding, ,formerly be-
longing . to the Graham Estate, : `is
one of the'oldest buildings in the
REV T. C. VILKINSON`;was in=
• Let the slogan be "Spare ' ducted', last . Week. 'as minister of
laai�es. �n .,
" instead ':of the insane. Belmont United .Church.. Rev..
the trees ..
slaughter, hter .that, has. been Ile : t Wilkinson preached' at St Helens.
rated in: lovely old ;B ee• Co. at:'onetime:-
!riace IMP. elect and Wife on Job '"the . Day After".
'fie: .�a"�? :•. t `��'x2w`... �z'�:�.�x�`�% ��� `�ea.\.
' Henry (Hank) ` Irwnn ;pay ed
a'wa : Very .'suddenly at', his hone'
on Mill: Street in :Port Elgin, Oh:
Thursday:evening, June 23rd:;file,''
had::'been. iri aPparent good. health
u until an hour ;`preceding, his
'A •
death; when- he :complained :Of
feeling bit...
..tired and went :up- is • •
stairs to lie`•down.. He :Was;foiund'.
dead' about an hour 'later,' at 9.30'
.m r •
Mr.,, Irwin ,was ►wrn at -Bel-
fast Ontario, in 1875,; a..
the Yate,. William.,: •and, Elizabeth
Irwin . After *hoof at
•Nashville, . he• enter, ed - the bar
bering trade at Dungannon, and .
later 'Carried.. on tl • same, busi.-:
ness lti • PaisleY Later . he went
into farmiing:':and .horse' :3iuying,
and for aloou't 20 years 'he made
his 'home in:" Paisley sobininunity.
He • then went to the West, and;;
farmed.: until about seven years
ago,. When •h'e returned .and took•;
up residence; on: a farm' east • of
Port ELgm Tvvo ,, years, ago : he.:
mbved''into',Port Elgin: 1Th
the 'former Annie;'•Blue, 1�►'ed'
teased im a few years,ogii The e
were no- '
Mr. Irwin is •survived b>i two
brothers and• or esiste `rI ha2•nas
of ' Poxt" H.: Elgin; a:Milton; cif Vali
• . Donald ' tlue., newly -elected grocery store; wheY,e,they receiV- ! left,' -in' their white aprons, talk ':Ilipley Continuation .School. Mr.
Member. 9f "Nrliarnent.ler Bruce, I ed eoneatulatiOna on Mr. Bltie's:` with Mrs, Carl Plinsion, 11.11....•:4,• Blue_ is an,, auctioneer and'''. alSo
and ilis-"V'nfe,'Margaziet,,of Ripley, -1 election ?tl-ie pr,evioilF day. Pic -I Ripley anti 'Miss ..Margaret Mac,' 'operates a .bakery',Ibusitiess:
spent most of TUesday in' their ' tured abovef Mr,. and 'Mrs. Blue,, 1 Kenzie, Tiverton principal . of .
John •Miller 'of. 0.alifernia.
The cook hodk,
'spring. by the Women's AsSocia-
sold:/,very Well; The, number of:
limited,. and anyone \ vi,shing one,
ef these books act aConce.
Th#y can ..he obtained flion1 Mrs..
,Frank Thompsen,' of HOlYrouv
ahd, Frank MacLennan of',i441*
alsh:, received ,:delivery 'of 'new
dealer, Gordori":gontgonfr,Y,