HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-07-07, Page 1$2.50 Yearly In Advance --• '50c Extra to U.S.A, ' :RECEIVES" ',SERVICJ PIN The Canadian Red Cross has recognized the services, of Miss Beatrice •McQuillin who, for, 15 yeah; •has' been in charge of Jun-- ior 'Red Crossactivities at. St. "Helen's school.. Miss MpQuillin has been presented with a• service ,pin:• in recognition of, her efforts... The `presentation was made' last Week .:on behalf' of 'the Can adian Red Cross, by Mr J R..McNab and Mr'•T. W. Smith,:' pres;ident• -„and.past ?resident resPectivel , the Li eknow ' and,.` District' Branch 'of ,the .'Red Cross. • NEWLYWEDS . HONORED • _ ' . _.tea �: : NIL : and Mrs,. R.ussseh Phillips ,of Fordyce were honored, on Thursday night at . a dance -re caption in. St Helens ,'hall with 1 a large crowd attending. Farriers' orchestra: Supplied' the music for dancing. . Mr., •'Geo; Webster ' read `an address of good wishes and Angus : McDonald presented young couple ' with a purse of• L;UCINOW, .ONTARIO, '�THUR.6DAY, JULY 7th, 1949 DUST .PEA PROM' THE AI,R Dustin ; -�— .....g,ocf field, crops from the air was 'carried out in this dig-. trice for the first: thine last Thurs- day, A `:plane' of the. Leavens Bros. Air Services .• Limited, Worked from'a Ilandi n , field on Ra' gyrx'ar,l Ackert's, ; farm:''`and ,dusted, pea. fields •1 s i7], '°tihe Holyrood " Bervie,° Glamis ' d'istriet tatallin ab' ut.. g R ,one hundred .acres `$ ' •'Mr: Oreo e, 'Walk ''r . e , London district manager of Leaven Bros. supervised last Thursday's open ation, fie pointed out that,' they 'generally require more pcomgiact • areas to work, abut this job would prove to thisdistrict that air dusting /was the •modern. and. economical' method •of ::coarbating insects arid blight, Dusting operations are' gener- allycarried' Out '• ' .. Yin the . early morning and ir'`•the evening. tb the take • advantage of :the ..calmest. ADD ; M;EMBERS .TO ,FIRE COMPANY: Eight new' me g .,:nalbers-lriiave been. `,added to the strength; ::of `' the • Lucknow •Fire° 'Company, with' : seven, of •!the' eight inattend . :dance. at • the '.regular meeting on , on day 'night.. The • new m e �' emib rs are �-: Harold Treleaven; •wihoevious pr ly,.was. on the Brigade,; ' v_ Boy ��a . ens; Bud Thom" Wall pion, yBieck;• les Jin 1•Tende _ o Mery x . i4nu:So1� oihon' J,ac IC Yc�onalc�` and �F'loyd ;Milne. This 'brings the availabble. active rnein!bership of the Com- pany: wp ' to 18 Members Pull strength previously Was regard- . ed as :12 mercers,.; An'' specdo n of the; hose Was Wade_ade, on Monday night and all : ers nu s4s the: #4�>,r>,g", so,•accurate . but gone 50 -foot length are : the • ilots was; found , to • 'ince i be in ood',condittao , field -is, .dusted in 50 �-foot there g condition. : swaths • � i•th is:d': r:. the 'dust s ea o•nly, yvl nl a- , 'totP a1 :dig Yad 850 ` .. feet of hose and>n the Cem!pany • is �: �= , questing Council o ._ ' to . urahase: an additional .'.200 feet of 21 inch 'hours: of the day. .: , eld�•.�of-.=peas- qr: Ernie Ackert's farm, Was the first, job p last Thursday - morning.: 'It was ' exipected ,: '.:start would be. anad :` about five arm. but - ther;C n i con dti ons' del a Y. ed the. • take-, EIGHT PAGES. ' HAS BEEN FORTY 'YEARS. IN• BUTCHER BUSINESS 'Ori Thursday,. June 30th, Ro'b- ert Button miarked4 forty years n the .butcher business in Luck - snow.. He Caine.to• Lucknow from -Teeswater and has continued. to reside here for two score; years. '"Bobs; also. operates a ;farm just west of the• w'illage 'and all his h life has -:(been 'a• fireless ' ..- ,� worker `between.. the . two husines es s e" �. recalls' • Crowds': crowds,: that ;flc ped this .coin .: o,•d , n,ity,r for: the •W -4k of the 1910' .reunion slur- which ' tiune he :' butchered‘ arid, sold aver 'the counter a car- load of twenty-two fat steers. 'to _help, feet the . throngs. One of 'the rare occurrences that • ,he hags been off the ' job was.; following the reunion - when he, was laid lip:, for three. months with typhoid fever Bab opened ..a shop ::here . in '1909 and in 1910, bought out Wm.': off until• seven' o'clock. Speaking . to Mr..' Walker 'on. Wednesday ; ...to ' :.he. told Y The :Sentinel'':th at it��wduld take- only about ".10'Mi 'Minutes acre field: :They used a, rotenone dust': to illNan , .� aphid grub which was attacking the, peas. 1� e, p as. Trained and experienced Pilots do' this job,. . and i an skim. the,.: field at' a.._he'g h!t' of � a!borit �� three 'and nd at �' feet.. a a a 'Speed Of 'about 80'Miles an' hour and ..not less than .60. They work might. up to the, fences,. and:.t en` put their - h , .rnac'hine�' into a .- hair-raising ' clini'b to clear' whatever obstacles are in' their Path.: Not.even the , fence' -corn The new fire . hall:is '.Well • ad vaned.: Water , is -to he installed the •11 u11drrig wired, eavetrough- ing . put on:; and a cement floor laid before it` .is fully.comypleted X61 s H 0 P. MS C '. N IR ., CLASS . :QF 'TEN Rev G. N. Luxton, Bishop .of .Huron:- ' . ,conferred ,the rite•• of con- •.. firniation ,on a class' of ten sand• - • idates irr :r St. Peter'sCh-. urch, 'Lucknow, ', on' •;.Tuesda' evening .. The '••y g. rn!bers of ,the class . were from the 'thre. a arishes.. of L - .,na_.�:.. vv :. p Luck , ,Ripley ; and Dungannon. • •Those presented .for',. ,conifirma- •tion; b - th Y e .rector •Bev..'• A. .. -Tawe .. . , �` nes, were: Lucknow; Arthur Frederick Bake, Oscar 'Clayton' : . dgins, •-Edi .th .. Kathleen , Rom Marshall,'Carolyn Della Tav - .:er, Ma �,. en • , ngaret. Winnifre . Gollan, ry `'Rebecca • Baker.,. ...Dungan- , non=ce UlY. Marie , Rivett, Glady Phoebes s . y Rivett, Thomas Henry. out :in an ., invisible blanket that hangs „over `the ''field' and ;slowly settles. The r'esult's appear r to have :'been' quite satisfactory. Eye, -'witnessest g opersations.•said-•the plane flew so low that. the •• wheels actually app•' areto pe tc to uch, the ':peas: Leav- ens Brothers hav fleet of nine' planes operating. this dusting ser7. nice, which -"includes spraying for black flies' and mosquitoes.' '.They state that the uge of helicopters would';make the cost'prohibitive. to the aver.•age farmer. Pilot of.the plane At Holyrood was John:: Gerard;; who is study, in for the Anglican Ministry: g , Als•. college Career was interrup g ted: by. the' war, when he joined 'the 'air •force; He - is a `native: sof New Zealand . and, his' `wartime Operational`—flyingwas 'ch'iefly iii- the: pacific theatre,. Since his dis- cha,rge ' he ;resurried :ministerial, studies, and' is,se'. nding the '.4.kirri-' :mer as a "dusting . pilot" to ' pick up--m"pin: money". _:.pinmoney Itis - th.".. first. time he .has done ; any fly - .ink in four y' years. He took ;'a' week's training course atToronto. for ,this job and his .first actual. iu sting.• operation was at the mWler;, R� le • Ackert farm last Thursday, Other :. p Y vyn Willaazn ;'Cu]bert, fields that; wer dusted. • nc1uded; Rev, ;t e - Fair's at' Bervieerrier s at:Ber= lr. O. 7�a • er of Wins � awn: acted ; as ch , ` • andg vie, Needhan's at: Kingarf and . aplain • read • the r pture.' w :.. • . • Geddes' atr' Blackhorse. Mr.•`Walk Dri isis.„.•.i isstri fields the service M er in.•�pecteid: other' d ct .i 0 n , i5S Nrar- , MacDonald : . no •af a fund. the, aphid was t cDo but o ri p. : exon d lVirs. Cam- " • , �:�auld � p^p� fecti.ng` the crop: to 'a d ee that Norarp a • •cruet. .� , � Toler presided ;at the wsarranted dusting. organ. , • • option. •Was.' field for the MBi •NAND. . D. BOYS' work cloth- ►hbp in . the the . _' Legion''` IRoonis rrilgf. underwear, s • after ocks Species eracjvace:., prises. THE MAB tET STOIC. Heffron •TAX- RATE OVER. LAST YEAR The ' Village, Council at them., regular •meeting on Tuesday night set the '1949 tax rate at 48 mills, an increase ,of' .2:8 :Mills • lover. 1948. This increase is much lower than had been forecast , and onlybycareful � i Y bgeting can' •Couiicii; keepthe rate at this • figure: Last e: a the villar�le rate ,was ,t. reduced, ne mill by. The - Pro=' ,vincial subsidy which has.. been discontinued,. and . as< wellthe' • auditors' :report slid"wa deficit the 'past t"r�ro. years which. has adverselyn . financing.' Relief ` c mill, • with . a 'half mill This year's. rate- in comparison, with ; the 1948 *scale is as follows.. PRESENT. GIFT TO ,ORGANIST Members of , the: congregation. of St. ;'Peter's Anglican Church , : the ,,:wardens: and► . the rector, Rev.' A. -E; 'avex er, paid a sur- prise visit to choir practise . on Monday evening., to ake, resentaion: to�'r. presentation .the .organis Norman' Taylor, whose marriage will take place in :Toronto . next. .: Monda . Y= ' A :can pr; entary'_ address :read, Y d•r' was ad �an, . 1V o• _rmiax.-was present , : ed; with:' 'a ' lovely, tril' t ' floor .' lamp and . *all • anirror. .Be has been• ,.granted a leaveo : absence for. July and August and will resume. his duties as organist in September. affected this year's:. ti MEA SEARIING. GRAIN e• : .CROPS �-- A:: ten-day; bl'isterin heat' ave was 'climaxed on Sunday when :•,: the mercury soared locally to' an official. 95 degrees. On, Monday it dropped iback to a high of 88 de grees but high humidity Made • the day.'extremely oppressive • The month_, Of .June visas' .un - u soon 1•h y of and .for, 22 days out of the thirty, the ;teuntperature was 80 -degrees or over .Hi h or g f the month 'was. 89: degrees.—"on' 'Thursday. The low was on ..the'. 8th .of. June ,'when` a 26 .d ee temperaforeresulted diaTn: aging frost ,Rainfall'. was a;., 1. -- skinn!P 71. inches' in contrast , With, , the ex `treme heat., This moisture came-. .: in. ; °•bice locally to help : out the. hY crap ... y considerai oP .; and wlii:ch• is regarded as:a. two-thirds , crop _ : :or better. The prolonged heat is •', "l now searing ;.grain . crops; whicht are suffering badly'. grain•' is g- en erally short, is filling .poorly ,and ripening premiaturely. . This ray. Fbe , checked' sornewf'iat by a. osts are : up, almost a the school. 'levy down r ila e Co'unty' REV.' BATJLCH' INI3UCTED School. THURSDAY EVENING Rev. .Gordon S. Baulch•was in•. - ducted as ast p of •'Kinloss P ox South snloss. and . K i n l o U g h :' Presbyterian Churches; last,rThursday, evenipg, and'on Sunday occupied the pu1"- pit of 'both churches 'tor they first. tune: •; This pastorate has been va- • cant -‘ since, •lastfall,. when Rev.. Angus Smith.. went to.._.Ohio. Rev:::Baulch :comes ; here from Teeterville,` Rev. -a n d •Mrs,: Baulch and four children have taken. n up ; residence ;" ,in: 'South. b Kinloss Manse. COMING :. EVENTS SUNDAY • SCH OOL' ,PICNIC.. • ` , The Lucknow. urch United .Ch • Sund'' ay :School ` picnic will be . held. . Point., 1. , : . . at, C ark on. Thursday.. aftennoon,:. July .14th. - BAND CON��CRT:AT E FORMOSA` The Moltke Band will hold musi' '1 `cori'ert: at' the P... a . , c'?V yc ;glace; ; Garden,' Formosa, 'Sunday after noon •Jul 1'Oth. PRESBYTERIAN, PICNIC T h Lucknow , Presbyterian • .Church Congregational and.:Sun- diay.: School picnic: will be -held. at •Goderich , on. Thursday, after- noon, July -7th. ayljemi'bers f'Dun:: Igannon ' Church` ; a:n•d Sunday School are cordiall invited.` Y DANCE, In the:.'Coma unit . ,Meinori' Y a1 Hall. Whitechurch, on. Friday, July 8th.,Gaarnet•Farrier's 5 iece' orchestra. Admission ' 50c. Lunch counter. , SOFTBALL • FRIDAi Scheduled. VET: O.. A. Afastba`}l: game in Caledonian, Park, Luck - •now,. Friday, .July :11th at 8.30 'sharp between„ Teeswater " and. Lucknow. ' Dote ' Starting time. Here's . good entetainment—don t-- miss it! ORANGE SERYTIGE An 'OrangeService will .be held at .Zion United Church, Sunday, July 10th 'at 7:30 p.m..Members and vis it,drs'are requested to' meet at the Lodge Room at" 7 00•+p m.• W, Hefin,' E. Ritchie, Trees, Sec. SATURDAY NIGHT. DANCE, Jitney. dancing in, the Luck- rioW 'Arena. on Saturday, July, 9th Roan 9 to 11,45,, Auspices. Lucky, now Agricultural Society. rier's orchestra. Tickets 4 ,,for 25c Dances . ' will; be, :held weekly if siiceeftiL• ' ; • r s 1949 ^'1948, 17:1 •14:7 10` 10. 1.3 . -.13 5' • Street ' Lightifiig ° 3.1 • 3,1 Debentures 1.9 1.9' Relief P . •°2.: 11 Library -a r 48. 45.2 Offer, Debenture issue Council , is `'issuing: debentures. the amount of $12;500 to cover tlie;• cost .. os of he' new .fire truck and repairs to. the Water- ' works System. ` T;his issue :is be- ing. ;offered for.: sale ,locally un= til :July 16th':.. • Two hundred feet of '21(2. inch hose Were 'ordered purchase • for the lire :'company:: . Harry` Nixon .and Catheron. MacDonald, ,representing" t h e Fire Company, attended the meeting to request ,that The Council to 'n a' th •Company the old fire truck, 'so that the :.receipts froth. ,. the sale of .it could -be applied on the cost ';thie� new halL Council 1 deferred a decision in' the, . mat.- iter, 'as nothing .will: be' done with, -the present equipment until• the new' truck''.is delivered. Stuart Robertson a n d :' Roy Culbert waited '':on Council re- garding , a' , drain on Rose : Street. The matter, was referred. ;to, the RoadCommittee. ;. FOUR LOCAL BOYS. LEAVE FOR CADET .CAMP TODAY • Four.(bo s of the•Luckno:w High y g School Cadet ' Corpse leave 'today (Thursday) for Carpi):I'l rwash. where they win]; " .begin • a Six - weeks' 'course•..in Cadet training; The 'boys, are Clayton 'Hodgins,, Donald Agnew,' Donald Stewart -and Bruce John—stop,. Various courses are available for the boys incltuding': signal] mg and°•'mesh anics KENNY ,WEBSTER AVON KELVIN'ATOIt IN LONDON, --1 elm etli—W=ebster ,son-T-of—Mr arid Mrs:, ;W:"G. • (Bill) 'Webster of Lucknow Was the lucky win- ner of a ,large- size Kelvinator in. :a"door, prize draw at Wonderland dance last week , Kenny .is eii>pl:oyed. et . Silver- woods• plant• in •London, He-: had left for .home, before`the .draw: vvsas. made 'and. Was elated•when a phone" call t his bearding house informed: hire' of 'skis good fortune. Luckily ,Denny still had his number stub to. check' With' ,the 'winning ticket and iie 'zi ze ),3ras his: 'But, he cdidn't keep it. 'long A Couple plc Oct days lateri t arrived .in. •L,uckniaw as.a•'g tt for his !mother.• and.. dad. heavy w utain' n Tuesday ` night,_, followed:,b y , cooler ,' weatQner.., lrl• in some caSeS-•was conk,= pt.eted in June and r'low, it appears , that harvest will' be :over on. '. many farms 'by mid-July , : whiioli~° adds' another touch ofthe- • unusual to • this ' unusual season. R T UO` . S ORE, CHANGES HAND Larry, Downs has . disposed ' of .his drug business, 'to.`Elrner"Um-. bash of Kitchener. The traps -- action was con feted the 'latter• •part. .the week and oil: Srday rn�ornnlig of the new• proprietatuor was iii- charge, The: pendi g ' change; o awifership'•had been known', of for ' a: few weeks,' :but no' an- nouncement was' made until, the. deal Was' .00mjpleted: Larry botrgit the business from Mrs `.Gordons Taylor a:bouta.:;t_wo and, a half years :ago.:: During his comparatively • short; residence- .' here Larry : has been; active in Sportand. civic 'activities., He: is.. a member n of the Legion Clansmen°�Clufb, as vw.e11 .is`:of tf e United Church', choir, : and ••is cur- rently' a. `member oaf<the Village'. Counci'l: • •M- rand Mrs..::Downs and son., Johmnny and Mr. Downs' mother ':.. have; been' occupying the' Murdie~ apartment;` wihich will Abe:occti-. pied by Mr,: •Urnibeeh and , his:: ' mother, Mrs. Lydia. Ansi Unibacli, When the Downs faansly. vacates., Mr.' Um.bacl ' . 'graduated' 'from pharmacy in 1942. He has been, in the `drug bi,is ness for ten .years'.. Sana .C�i�iri, who.was employed by' Mr, towns, .is eoan'tinth4t with Mx. ilmbach dor the 'time being at least. Sabi, wool sown Abe read to 'attend : pha:i Imacy. • • • • 4 a • F' 44 ; A • r',h, 1.v • • n • i i