HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-06-30, Page 4;. • •t L�. f• , w • 1'AGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW, •CLEARING ' AUCTION SALE_. Of household effects, rnachih= ery, and lake, property. .of George Jardine, at Point Clark, on Thurs- day, June 30th, .at .1.30 o'clock. Property consists • of 45 'acres, 15 acrescleared for tourist camp or Summer cottages; good 8 -room ,house barn. 36, x .50, work sh . 15 x 34, wood house 15 x. 30..P perty.,sold subject to reserved Terms .i wade known day of Por further information ap George .,Jardine, iLiickho .:• Henderson, auctioneer, good cottage with two v✓ill .be ` ;offer.ed for • su sane day, subject to'r T AD" • RATES--•4:st. insertion cents a', .word, subsequent 'WANT insertions, 1 "cent a :word. Minimum charge 25• cents. Replies .care • The Sentinel 10 cents, extra. Legal. advertising 10 .cents pet of count; line first' insertion,,,5 cents ser line subsequent insertions. FOR SALE=staxidirig lay,'. AP- :CARD., OF THANKS . . to Dave Todd,.St.:'Helenas.. s., `ply arid 1�f .s.. C?harles:,, Hallam Mr. a _,. x E R RE • , -r-cottage wish to .sincerely thank. all those r QR., SAL • O .. }� , at Point Clark •'hydro, ;Rooert :who. so,•kndly rernembered their, -2. 'VV•in ham.:; d.aughter:Dorbttl y • Wi$h toys, fruit, iMofPat;, phone 632 J _ g 1 ' h. .•. awhile :... cards nd : „• o er gifts ,,se acres of. .. �e hos ital These:kind : 3�A:X � FOR SAI�E�,-h , p 22 was. in*. t. nesses'ar eP1Y.apP standinlg shay • Fred : Webb, R.' .1 a reciated e dj,. Lticknow, phone 87-r4.-: n • Mrs G. •���, eorge Lockhart .:swishes. to '.;sincerely thank her , .many friends • and �neig`hbors, "who sent •her. flowers,.„ fruit; letters and `cards while .in the•.hospitai:. They -were •greatly appreciated.= . FOR* SALE -100 News Hampshire g U1rets, 9 weeks old Apply at. Sentinel' Office. • OAR: FOR SALE -1933 Plymouth coupe with •rumble seat, in . good repair. Apply, :to Leonard Mac- Donald, Lucknow. FOR; SALE= -1930' Model A sedan; No :`` 7 Massey -Harris hay, loader. lOecil Gardner,'. R. 3, Lucknow, Phone . 69-17 Dungannon. EE? FOOT. -HAPPY with Ice- Mint.• , Relieve - aching . burning feet. 50c: and, $1.00 'at Downs' Drug• °Store , FOR SALE ' new:. combin .tion. FO 'and s ock'- rack; also' a, ,hay. , t mower in excellent shape,. Buckie ghaai Belfast: • FOR SALE -cabin trailer; metal covered, • cedar., finish, sleeps' • 4, • :insulated and' wired, ;sacrifice. :insulated.. Dave Anderson, R..3, LucknoW, I?av , phone Dungannon '68 r-13. PLAN TO .HAVE' your: child take piano lessons � this fall. Buy. a fie*. or '•ted piano::at J :• F. SC HIIETT & SONS, Mildmay, . Lange selection. , Miss ' Mary Alton, Mrs. David Little ,and Mr. and Mrs. William Wareing' and, family •wish to ex- press ess ;their, sincere thanks ; to friends and. • 'neighbors for ' their kindness, �.syriipathy '. and. floral tributes at the time of the death a Joseph' Alton. pp b d. sale.' ply tq vr Well, Also a bedrooms. le .;on,. the eserved bid. We are pleased her condition is ,.r _ .prOying ra.:.Stanley Rob rt`Dunean •.were;". guests, at the Strathdee e ildred wedding at Bervie on wing claims: a. aturda� x` Of Robert, • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haldenby. to of the : ed the Anglican. Young in. the County entertain..:. d Farmer,; 'de- People on their lawn on Monday.,, evening: 1949 . are here- by. ere , A nuznben' > from'' her e attended, red. to Send 'in to'the, un- the induction service of Rev:" L.. d ' Adninistrat, on, ;or W Owen ' at Southampton on o1 -e' the 15rth day' of :July ,1949,. 'Wednesday p.m' ll. particulars. of their claims. sda .logy `. ?>� the tel after the said:15th On Thur y,. Irri¢Yi,e�d�ia y of '1949, the :assets: Of Women's .Institute Will •. Meet. at. ay July, e -deceased will be distributed ` the tome .of . 'Miss • Edna; .Boyle.. amongst . the parties: '...entitled Mils - James Hodgins andW;MTS. STARTED CHICI; Twfo week-old .non -sexed red :'•Rocks, Light Sussex x Ha rnpsh res, 'White ;Rocks Ne!w''Harnpshires 21.45; Li sex 22.9.5. Assorted'Hea Pullets: Barred •Rocks, .lsl(antp Ilamips hires 30 95. Light 'Sussex 32 Heavies . '29.95. Rocks,:,:Light' • Riampshires, Light Susse 22:95, rt ed We Also .o... Pure Br '5 -weeks' -old pigs;., none .FOR SALE `-- ks size Cock with gids , two -wheel trailer e engine;., key ries - <b H:P,.•gfas n ,_ 21-x4:40 tires; ..1a .: • � ewe ' all :parts f • ish :Fergusontract- .�Ro+b s Mrd, • owe m , or .Apply 0 H .- P'P' Lucknow. Bar- New :$21,95;' ght Sus vies 20.45•.. Light pus, - . New ONTARIO Puri. were INGSBRIDGE Mrs ' Dennis. Dalton inidland on Sunday. Mils, Alice Dalton spent a few ys with Mrs.' Mary Austin.. Mr. T. J. Lannan` wias.. a week-. end visitor •with'. ;and Mrs; Lya1 Lanrian. '• Mr. John O'Connor ...enjoyed a.. motor trip to St. Anne -de Beau -..pre• • • . • THURSpAZ JUNE 30th, da • • INLOUGH Mrsy William :Cox suftered� a stroke on Monday of .last week. NOTICE. TO CRE In The Eestate -Of MacDonald} ha gainst the estate ' Dun- can MacDpnald,'la Town- ship of Ashfield, Of Huron, Retir,'e ceased, who died on or about the :26th day Of April, , b : notif dersigne bef fu a th • `All`: persons Willipain. Wall 'are ' having,. regard :only', to are conveners This claims of which the Adnsnistra- is: the annual Grandmother's. tor, shall them' have notice•_ _ ' a�__ meetiri The , _ is is, Joys shhar- Dated• at': Lucknow, On�;lo,, ed :With Others .are the' 'more; n `'o ed '. :With the Motto, Ann when you •grow old :to, ibe called •a. dears. old ''soul, 'not �a •horrid` old thing.'. Roll • call is Memories of visits: to lgprandm�other's:+ Contest, Potato•' salad ;Lunch, .Mrs. Bert McLean, Mrs. ;Raynard Ackert, sandwich- es; ' Mrs ;:Needtaxn., Mrs: ; S• � ,. cake.. by tuxe, the ro mittee Ronald Thacker;. ser1 *, rs Karl Boyle; word for,. • call, Thanks; lunch con, isses 'Edna Boyle and' Ldis jaldentby, sandwiches. thlis ` 16th day, of June, .1949`; • 'Bruce' MacDonald,' .. R. R. Lucknow,. 'Administrator; R. ,' W Andrew h•is Solicitor .herein. LENS: White •.Rocks,• and'. Dr. and Mrs Alvin Woods .J5, Assorted children' of Dundas and .Mr. and Cockerels: Barred •' Doo hent of: GuelPh • Mrs Wm. g Y, were visitors recently-'` with Mrs R. 'J. 'Woods. Sussex '' x New. New Hamnpshires,' x20.95,' Wiirte Rocks Heavies 20.75 Wee "add 5c per. chick the'r :(breeds. Day olds 12 eeds and .13 Cross: Breeds, xed; Pullets and " Heavy erects. •Prompt delivery. Tura ;poults. ` Orden'' Pullets • eight eks to laying Tweddle Chick Hatche ries L td , Fergus, Ontario. :STRAIGHT..; FROM . the showroiom .. • . i5.low your car wtill.,•look' if ;you ,give it . - a dry-clean • with "TARN.OFF". SimPle easy, td use.. 16 oz. tin 60c; 36 az. tin •.$1.00.' RAE •& • PORTEOUS; Hardware. 'HOUSE` FOR'•SALE--4 °upstairs, . ving,room dining room, kitchen; 4 -piece bath down- stairs, henhouse' for 500, new brooder house,' new garage, good' garden, 1• acre 'Albert ; Wr glht,. --Havelock ' St. Lucknow. bedrooms BRAY CHICKS immediate. de-. .;lieyery,... Mixed, pullets; • cockerels. Started also., Special prices. :Or- cher now,.• also for later 'delivery. /Agent_ • trix. P. Stuart.112acKenzie,. Walk• •. D, R; . FINLAYSON, .Lucknow.' ' erten; Ontario, Her Solacitor Mr.•. and .Mrs ; Jack ' Berndt of Detroit were,.' guests of Mr. 'and • Mrs m:, Gordon•McPherson last •week; _ NOTICE ,TOCREDITORS In the Matter.:of the. Estate' Of John James: MacQuaig, deceased NOTICE IS ' HERBY GIVEN that all 'persons haven cliai ns against.the ;estate: of 'John James MacQuaig, who died at Toronto .on: the 'twent .y 'fifth day,•,!of March,. 'A D 1949 •are notified to 'wird Mrs., Arthur.. W netnam of Galt' ' other Mrs.' 'is.a. visitor, with her err , t cPherson has Miss; NLa,'xgare her uties. ,as asstudent`. ` u rn . to ret• muse 'at :St. • Joseph's,'; Hospital, London, after ••spending • her .holi- days holi ;d h home here Y's • 'Miss Iona' Terry is holidaya:•n�g, s with; her Patents,. for. ;trw.o .week . , IQ r, and Mrs W. •: K. -Terry, • near: Bellevi e Slater, Dr Alice Slat • and`' their • son:.Peter- . of London • Spent the `. w+ee -end here: Dr.' Slater. conducted. the .services in arish • on •Sunday . in the ab. thhsp. .sense; "of the Rev: R �: Bright. Mr:, and: Mrs: Wm . Lloyd and':, Doris' of Kincardine '.visited =;Sun- all. W Mrs. Wm. Ms day with Mr. and_ Mr:••arid Mrs, Roy Sweeney and: family of ' London (visited Sitnd ay WESTER$ FARMERS Weather Insurance Mutual Co: MOTTO. Prompt and ' Satisfactory Settlements: For information, reliable; protection, satisfaction,. •: consult .?"noir local agent.' • • cons Y . SAM •.•':ALTQN LJICKNOW : C ' u ` annon : 84'=r= v� • 'hone" A aag • T. ARMSTRONG • ' OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW;; : FIRST WEDNESDAY'. :OF EACH :MONTH from 10 a.nt to . 6. ' p -m : AT WM. SCR'1'MID'S 'STORE a at. her with Mr, and Mrs. Karl Boyle ,The anntta1' Children s Day will" e The. Girls W. A. , will meet on. 'be .observed: at the •meeting of the, t the home' " '' itute to be held; at `Saturday,afternoon a Women s institute... unt of Mrs.: Harold. Haldenby. The ;the ',home of Mrs: Harold.Ca t for the' day,will be'given.. on'Thursda...afterri�oop, July 7th though Y ..� at 2:20 Roll call,: "What to` serve unexpected guests" ; The. program i, • dulyverified 'to .the will` i e• given' by tie 'young: peo- • then' claims � . ple and will include a.'dem'onstra-' tion:bY ;8 : the iris on their :project "Sleeping Garments Hostesses,; 'iM:rs: Chester • Taylor. Mrs. D. undersi+gzned before the, twenty- ' ;qday of .July, 1949, after 'w!hich' date the estate wall •be • dis-. trii uted -amongst the parties en- titled. thereto n-titled..thereto.having .regard .'only. Aitchison: Martin and Mrs. Jas to ,such claims as are then • re- ,_: ceiv+ed, . 'Mrs. ,Stanley- Todd'`'`spent the D tat. Walkerton this six week -end with :DATE her ;parents, Mr.: teenth day` of June' AP., 1949. • aryl' ' Mrs. Young in Goder'i h: Mr.' . .Agnes D. ; MacQuaig,-',16 Piston young is ser ous1y 111: Street, London, Ontario, 'Execu ,. Mr..Joe `Stuart' is a patient in Westminster, ".Hospital, • 'London. His many friends • hope for "a speedy :,recc ery. • t• ' . : Yo& are under no obligation 'to' buy.. When , iyou call. 'a e afore Drops • in sand see 'our 'stock, ' • New Life' Hog .;Grower, Dairy Ration, (Etc. i .. • Lifeteria Cluck •. Starter, Gro. litg ' ,Mash, Laying Naafi,' •W.otm Powder , and 'Tonics 'mixed free' of Charge A. Finn Conditioners, ,.Tonics, Minerals (no salt)' 9 Dr, ' Hess Poultry 'and:' Stock Tonics• Janaesway Poultry Equipinent NOE-No deliveries July 1st to 9th ('inclusive • WHITECH' ►R' Y B.^CLELA4 ' VETERINARIAN, Havelock St., south o Supertest Garage • LVCIENOW Telephone .115 • Insure,' InSure _Insurance'.. cleration Life Conte WIND,.; CAR, • . FIRE=Preferred Rates for :preferred risks. ACCIDENT & • SICSNI Consult :. R:ISH: JOHN ''I~'AR Thorie 7 r ',15, Dungannon'. SS., • We, are.., glad to reportMr Lorne Johnston is dome from.. ;Westminster Hospital; 'London.. We hope his health will be much in i oved.' Also 11/Ir Lair., iffin is. , home, .'from : `Wingh'arri • hospital: Y. We hope he is andel improved Paul andKaren G.roskorth' had their tonsils' removed on 'Satur.- :da)i in Wingham. They ;are nak- ing.. a good'recovery. • . • Mrs. Ben Naylor is 'spending two. weeks yin. London with, her. daughter, ,Mrs. Ch, dWick, and • Mr. Chadwick. • Mr. and, Mrs. R Ross and son Stewart have moved to their new hoarse in Seaforth.. We 'wish them; every°st icbess .in their .new home. 1Vlrsw, A. 'ox and daughter Isa- bel' visited on 1Vlortday .with'relr ti.tit'e's at Attb'urrt. all : •Write Or 'Phone • AIM r Lueitwo W , • roe 1011 `information' tti Co -Operative Li .e Insurance . or o -operative Automobile Insurance 'Phone' •Dungannon 704-10 Also Sell ' . IiEAL,T>h & ACCIDENT , • and t. *IRE INSURANCE AN CE .. FIRE,CAS ALTY and AUTOMOBILE To Protect 'Year Jack .nsure `With Jack Today:' . • J. A. 'McDONAGI-I R.R. 3 ; Lucknow, Ont. Phone 61-5. 'Dungannon• • R ANDREW . W.: Barrister. and Solicitor LUCHNOW, ONTARIO `• .Officethe .Joynt .Block Telephone Residence 31-J Office .135 • P. Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR '•`Walkerton, Ontario: IN. LUCKNOW 'Each ' Wednesday • OFFICE IN HNDERSON BLOCS Hetherington, ice Barrister, Etc. • Wingham and; Lucknow IN LUCKNOW • �: Each Monday •& Wednesdaq. Located on the •groinrd'. floor in the front of �'Mtn • Kllpatrick'a Building 'Phone Wingham . Office 4$ Residence97„ . f. ,A ' 3:' .,: 'B A. B 12B