HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-06-23, Page 13• THURSDAY, JUNE 33rd, 1940: THE: LU•CIKNOW SENTINEL T 'i,7CK iOW; ONTARIO Lyceunf Theatre W I NGHA ° Two Shows: Each:.Nigh FIRS'...SHOW 'AT' .745, 11)1 40117 TH1TSSDA Y KISS. OF. DEATH • .(Adult Entertailunent) ...,.ter.=• _ > �q Er•day'and .Saturday. JUNE' .2.4, .:25: GLENN FORD; , ELLEN rM, HOLDEN utri ` MAH FROM co,LoRAD.OI w.� Matinee Saturday at. 2.00 p.m,: Monday, Tuesday,'•Wedne•sda.y •JUNE CLARK GABLE, • l�.R.i''liD`ON E i. .. .,WALT .. C� in.' .-.. IMA.N' DEC1SIO on h• h�� s: e SPECIAL,; PRICES. y 1on, o.. all sizes, • all the new shades. THE MARKET STORE. Y WON ,F.EDERA ION. F opticmo• :CONTEST-; The old time $fiddling contest was one of the few events, at the. Huron County Federation of: .grieulture Fief d .Pay,.that was -hot v ashed,i ut` by •rain. But there Was' no grumbling' at having the outing .so ri?iarred because .it broke a prolonged drought in this sec- Wm.:The rain Was. "a God's 'bless- ing" in. the words of Federation President W. R. Lobb. Alex MacDonald, :R. 3, Luck now., and ex -reeve of Ashfield Township- carried off , top.;hpnors' :in the ,-"over 60class" of. the fid dlers'; contest which is 'no new .'fete lot' this' popular ;artist 'Of • the fiddle•,and bow;.. Alex, Who. as now: 70 years of, A'ge. has `'been pi'aYmg. the'vipl>:n since: he. was' a ' lad of ten. ,The. instruinent' he uses. is° $6.50' violin: which' he •obtained from ►a' pawn.' 'shute in. Bilglax d 'In 1910 and which . he. leas 'been using ever since, Seeingthe cvtiolin 'advertis- ed, Mr MacDonald remitted the equivalent :df the $6.50 in Eng- lish currency, and' had. • it shipped to Canada. • .. F,A►MI LY' REV REUNIONS • If ARRISON PICNIC' • Tine fourteenth annual' I-arrison 'reunion was, held Saturday, June 11th,Halon Park, ' Goderrich,, with 85- attencli:ng.. Everyone en,- joyed dinner at 1.00 o'clock and a picnic' 'supper at 5,00 o'clock. The sports committee had. a busy` afternoon with.,•'rade ;" tug--of;war. and a .ball game. The oldest per- son :attending was ; Mrs, .James Harrison of .Holmesville and the youngest•,,was Bobbie Collins; son arid Mrs.. Stanley. Cb'ilins of Clinton. Bud Rant of , L.,ondon came•' the.,farthest • ;The officers for . •1950 :W'ere e1 ected: p sident, Hlarttld Willett'; sec,=:tress Anis Aikenhead:; 'dir- ectors, Mr. and Mrs,:.:Bill ;Aik4i.- head, Mr. 'aria: .Mrs °Albert err risoi ; sports; Mr; and Urn.:Allan Jdhns, Olive. Harbison. • and Stan- ley, Collins.. 'Next'year the picnic will bq held the second Saturday. in June at Harbor Park, Goder ich With :dinner .,'at .12:3O. People. were Present/Train. London, Kirk - ton, 'l psia11; Kippen,, Brucefiel,,d, Seaforth, '1'inrt>4n, • "Porter.. L,licknaw,; ` ;Goderich' .'and sur, • The Federation picrate was of- -rounding districts iciwaily. opened, '.by Lawrence A. Steinhardt, United. States atxLbas sadorto' Canada. :lie. `hadn't ' com- pleted leis ,,address when. the rain started and • continued to fall foir the • greater" part` of` the: afternoon, Mr: ''Stei�izhardt -made the trip `from . Ottawta ' y,air-' to Centralia airport, :-returning to the: capital immediately 'after his address °- Federation officials...roughly estimated loss". on the day's' oper- ations at $•1;500. `•With.. 'fair, wea- ther. it was; extpected..that '.more Ativan` 10;000 persons `would' have attended the picnic..'.: AMERICAN Till take 'orders •',for esters' 1.5.0. rain immediate o , Octobr. ' deliver" or ,rr. e : 7. r- ba • )E 'AND MASTER :MIXED .FEEDS` 'Phone 55, Dungannon cke�i' ' Special , Preirniitin:. ;Quality, Gov'eriiiment . inspected iron Selected • :Yullorum-Vested; Breeders Day. OldPullets' 22e,: .Heavy Cockerels 9c High ,Quality (A: Large: Size Eggs) Pullets 19c All 'l Popular Breeds and ,;Crosses.., bnmediate. Delivery, STARTED PULLETS , •• From 1 to 20 weeks old. Good, healthy bred to produce, carefully brooded 3-=-from-breeding farm stock. tye have .325 fou rteen�weeks-old Pullets' that Weivili sell ;for 9$c' each, •iif you have a copy, of this advertisement • COCKERELS. Started Heavy Cockerels 2 to: 6 Weeks ,.Old. OU '+Will find wortliphtle to See, what we have; Choose from about 8,000,here,• replacedby weekly sbiptrients, :iiror., a Breeding , Farm. - . "V est's Poi. itry Farm Lakeshore RoadNorth, 21 ' Miles from KIN'CARDIN"E. 'Phone, 166 ring 6 �. ,,Races pre': sch'o'ol, • Shirley, Johns, Bruce .Collins;. 8 `years &: .under,, Ralph'• Hat`rison, Betty. Harrison; 11 years and under, Ar ther Stubbirigton, Janes • ,Harri- _son-; •_14 '_years -'•-and uzirler, Ruth; Snelldn�g,, Olive Ai'kerihead single ladies, : :Audrey ',Harrison, Olive I;arrison; •,. single ' men, Bill Me-: Ilvviain, Bud Hunt; ' Marred w!o= Men, `Phyllis 14arrison, Joyce Wil- lert; . Married ' men, ` Fred Aiken - head, ikenhead,' Harald Willert, Stanley Col-:• lies; three legged race, junior, ',Ruth- Snelling and Olive' 'Aiken - head, Beverley Proctor arid. Mur-• iel Harrison.: three-legged:' race,, seniiir, •Olive Aikenhead:'an Ruth Snelling; Joyce ` Willert . and Amy Aikenheael; tie: dace, Airny Aiken - head and ••Bud Hunt, .Wm..' Castle and ';Audrey Harrispn,, , 'grateful walker, walker, 1VIrs ,. Bill Harrison; Albert Harrison, lucky, •;guesses; ld'a Harrison, Joyce Wnlleiet and Joyce TOWBserid, lucky draw for candy, Bessie' Towtrnsend - GAUNT •REUNION' The''third annual Gaunt re- union was: held inthe• form, of 4 picnic on Saturday, June 12th' in Harbor Park,' GOderich, with .ori atteri.dae of 1.04; com'pare'd with 70 last• year.::The sports ,program consisted of a softball game; races and stUntS. a` Among 'those receiviing •, prizes were Mr. and ,Mrs: Bert•How'lett'e. foie• having ;come, the; farthest• to attend: the picnic: Mr and Mrs. Howlette :;flew Bron ,their .'• hone 'at Hythe, Ailbert'a, to Oshawa in order to be here • i'ri time for 'the reunion:` This •,is,. Mrs:'' lowlette's (forrnerly: •Ruth Phillips: of St, Helens)` first :visit • ,home' in, :the Past .:27. ,years, Sara Durnin, Lucknow,:was• the loldeStJ person ,present being.' 88 years of age, -while Michael Foran 1.6. Months, was the youngest: Mr,.. and 'Mrs: Irving•lteid .and Mr, :and �.Ms's� Bussell, .Phillips were ..the. .Yatest n'ewlyWeds.. •:The".George Phillips family .of 'St.,,Helens .was. the largest •.family 'present. Mrs. J. Gaunt, St. Helens;' :'was• the old-: est•. grandmother.; :- The 'business period was con potently ,conducted :by' the presi- dent, Andrew :Gaunt, and; the'.sec- retary,, Russell G'au'nt, who were 'both re-elected for;, ,the` coming year.. The, -reunion next year will be held atthe same place on Sat- rxrday, June 17th Those present were from . Luck,- now, ' W'hitech. rch, `Ninghani, Beig'i ave, Londesboro, Loriddn, 1St.' Helens aridHythe,. Alberta'.• • ': K NGSBRIDGE' Mrs.. Martha O' ]'ei1 Mrs. A. Martin, Miss Stella, Dearn, Cyril 'Austin and Mike O'Neif motored to file Martyr's • Shrine on Suri- day. lYf s. Pete Vogt of Detroit is spending 'a few •days, here. ,Mr, and Mrs. • Mike Martin have "returned.. "from their hbriey- mtion' and live since returned to •their home iii SOney Creeks 4 PACM` _ g ..• '.too '!resents . ,. Tlnirsday, Friday, 'Saturday,. June - 23, 24,; 25 • :CECIL B; De. L-4F'.S; e.----1.-la.-ifls-2fl` Starriing. GARY ;COOPER„ JEAN ARTHUR d' F ut of action `.As•.Wz1d.;B,iiX Ia4ckock �an Y• Calantlity•Jan,e x�;o 4, • swept and 'rouiantic.:stage,•coach and covered', wagon days-=• . ;mighty„ adventure`•, film, With., frontiersmen and.' -Indians: Plus: NEWS &. SHORTS. [onday,' Tuesday, Wednesday, June 27,. 29 Edward Sma11; Presenia SHR .LEY TEMPLE as lone with Wm. Gargan, 'Guy Kibbe and ' Dickie Moore. Dancing and Romancing her way into .your ;heart. •• Added Starts --' UL ti "BEGIN THE 8EG G LIBLE CANARY & EG (7tNE Howard Harris, R 3, Hol Honor Company : Fornder , . 1 More than:. 80 berieffiuiaries ''of t;h e Silverwood `•Managemerit • Trust attended a banquet 'iici. Hotel LoYi'don': on Friday 'night to 'pay ; tribixte to A E:. Silv1er'waod, •four., der of 'the Coir parry, on ; the , oc-: casuor 'orfhas' 50th, anniversary -of•, entry into the dairy• industry .int Canada.: Froin 'April lSt;, 1939, a Management !crust .became opera tive• for executives and key, em.- pl'oyees of the ',company' in the nature of la ` profit-sharing • plan •Inattendance;, at , the • ''.banquet from Lucknow were J. C. ,McNa# and H. 'M. MacLennan. Other for mer members opt.` they. Lucknow• plant staff , •in attendance were Miss. Viola Kerry of, Elmira, Os. ear Casemjore' of 'Stratford W. •D. Seabie; St.'Catherines J.` E; Wiyittt,, St. Thomas r ` BURN EADI1!In Winghaan•Hospital oa. Tuesday, .�,It}iun, a .21st, to Mr:'' and Mrs. Liirne5Fadre, Holyrood, :(nee Doris ,Reid),' a boy, Douglais Col- in::• A, ■r11.111r 101111naa•a■r... • � ti11raaaagiaawEtaiicailasit■Etia11rits •a i'at sat e �: �. �1•At7 �., �d��� �, rt "A Complete Line of" Complete Feeds". ■ -pOU t' :. (attie.■ • OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS ■ �i. • Starting Saturday, June -. r •,■ • 18th, our Feed :Mill.: � ,n .• will :be .openi Saturday Evening to supply ■ . • a. b!'• your wants ' of P epared Feeds.`,:. No ' Chopping Please After .6 p.m,! • ▪ Treleaven MiIIin" • Day 'Phone 9. • • • m • aliiiiiimm ras■aarrlMeianaar.oartaaraar.ratr iesexar>. ri► al • Limite'' Night •'Phone 123. ♦d•\A. %,•%•ov•,%o•%%•%N.oe\\'%o\♦ iN\\a\%\%\\\•N• Groceries. Phone 27 Feeds, Fertilizers. Farm Supplies, Coal Phone 71 o op Prcducts air .yr prodtic tic s :FORANO,'THRESI-IING ''AtiACHINES If, you are in themarket for a threshing machine; drop in and'' get prices and infortnation'on'the sturdy, up-to-date all- ' steel rora�to Thresher., , ; • See us for 'immediate delivery and installation of .Ha seer, Malls, Grinders, Water. Pressure .Syste ;..ms, Milking machines and. 'Washing ' Machines; Etc: • Look Si.. Ian' the Co -Op Quaky. td • know -,District : C.o.o Brat v :. R ittO1 RT"2IGA?iw Mgr. �. yr • ,. 8 • r-- bt