HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-06-23, Page 12i;
. , �„•
..MINUTESa e i a aaaa A■imsasa awss a arseisrfinsss■■a s■ si■rsss ssss■, HURO AND. ItPLEY '
i CONSIDER. . ..sulT Iv S Snip
i xnspeCorJ: M, .0=4 '010- last founci- 01 In e.l1Ju
•10 st
THUT DAY,- JUNE 23rd, ,.19440:
lath as Per adjournment,' A11
mean''bers present, a `
The minutes. Of the lastregu-
lar meeting as read,where approv-
ed ,and signed.The clerk .was a,!--
d to write the Druery. Construe:
then Co, of Arthur re the tile for
the Ackert Drain • and also. welt,
the Health of Animals '=Branch,
Dept of Agriculture, Ottawa, re,
garding the TB test ,in Iinlessa .
The claire o
'f Archie McK.iixrr. ,n
.for a cow killer , by .dogs. was.
• ordered. paid, -...a$ aa1so the acCant•
of.. George • Lockhart for inspect--
.ing the 'claim, • -
w.The -balance of th•e in. peetoz',s
s llary ' f e the. Warble FFly, Spray,
and than of 1* ThompsoD fQr the
spraying, ii.vas 'Ordered,paid
The . goadwas . ,atith or teed
to. , secure .same spray. material
to 'spray .some ..cif the roadsides
'for tiVeeels and br..uh.
;Thee tender of Wm," Moffat 'for
painting the outside, of the Town.
ship Hall was accepted.
By-law No. 10, ,, 1931,, was ` a
mended providing free use of the.
hall to schools.for entertainment
+purposes,. put ..on ' .either by . the.'
teachers •i r the, school 'boards;.
also to the. Woanen's Institute, re
ligipus' or charitable. . meetings,
but' all • ,tea pay the caretaker's '
•fee.:. " •
Council adjourned' to meet
again' ion" : VIOnda: -441 46.4170112/•••
of July ` 1949; '
a,:lGhegiuea issu:ed` J. •R ' Lane,
'$4:0$°; 'Archie 1VIcKfnnon,• cattle.
claim°, 125.00; George '•Lockhart,
insp., above:' claim, .:2.20 J, R.
Lane,. one. 'old age pension, ''2:50; '..
:Donald '•MlacIntyre, ' :balancegrin
.spector..::W.arble fly, . 47.25; . 'A. CG..` '
week with Ifurori Township
Council and representativea'from
Ripley to exiplain the matter of
aMTownship School Area for Pub-.
li'c ;and ' lContinuati'on. School pur-
poses in the. Township , and. the
Village. Institution' ,.of .the ,area
would mean a one mill subsidy of
over, $2;500 .a year. , . ` '
Under the Township Area`plan
school iilatters, are under the dir
ectton. of an ' elected 'board of five
trustees and 'one County 'Council
appointee.; This Board supersedes
individual trustee ,boards,
No action `was -taken ,at this
rneetrng' until. some expression
frim'the :ratepayers.can, be heard.
• '
O .
■ ..
i• '
By insuring the. retention of overseas markets for. •alt sur
plus -firm tiroduction and application of the Farm Prices.
SuPPorg Ad to guarantee a floor price well above the. cost.'
►f production:
In to -operation ''.with the Provincial. ''Governments to fur
ther collective . bargaining by, setting i p all' the recjnired
procedure necessary and a recognition 'by the Government
that the worker owns
the job and ent><tl to ' a fair share
i from industry.
of the. Profits y , .
i research to assist' . in redis'Con-
structionpreventing of.. greatly increased .':hospital facilities, followed
b ' a comprehensive National Health . Insurance Plan.
An All:, out effort, to produce -'Low Cost :Housing':' for .alt
who ` need homes. Contin _ed' 'end increased allowance :'for, .
the old, infirm' and childr*n anal' all those who, through no
faLltfwarenableto obtainadecent stard
arho• .
of. living:
HEAR'TI-IE;CANDIDATE' at, 10.10 to .10':25 p.m.
FRIDAY, JUNE 24th ▪ C K N:X 9Z0
McNay=Kilpatrick Group:
The McNay.,1patriek.. Group
;of ,the, W.. A: met' at the home
af' AV11Jrs• J. W. Joyr t , with forty
ladies.:present. ., Mrs, Kilpatrick.
iprekided ' and the meeting opened
.with hyann . end prayer by. Mrs. W.
'Andeison.' Mrs, Roy Culbert
read 'the . scripture :lesson After
the. 'business. '!period Miss: Welsh
'had charge • af' the -program..' Mrs.
Ernie 'Crawford `gave a;' reading
Mrs»'Boag gave a very,'interesting,
`'sketch' of the life, of: Stephen Fos-
ster. F. the Group 'sintg song
his. popular song w.. a :sung;. rs..
Harold Treleaven' :and 'Miss Mar-
gareet.'.Rae each sang a solo Com-
posed and.wOitten by him, acoomri-
,paniea by , Ntiss 'Welsh: 'at the
piano. - .A. hearty '' vote 'of 'thanks,
was given to those taking part 'by'.
the 'hostesses, Mrs: ,'J. W. Joynt,,
Thom son,' balance "s
l�.indrew: Lunch was served -, and ., . � . P . pray warble .�.
' I £1 ;117.90;..', •; ; " . ,;..
•Mrs Ewart Taylor sand Mrs. Geo... Y,
ti closed.: Highway cheques .Pad List No.,' nice ng'
$302;90; :Montgomery Motors,
use 9f 'hoist,' 1,00;;8: Forster:;: oil
1;0.50; C 'E: ;McTavish;' fuel:..oil,
'63.$8;- ,'Pedlar People,- one eu1:
,weft, +199 42, Dominion, Road Cot,.
repairs;:: 5234- Kii* Bros., bull
dozing,, 1.894.00•; ` Win: •Ori; Per.'
-oentagel wire fence 22.38;' 'Joe.
Scott, ditching 12th fence,
t, 195.:00
J. R..LANE. Clerk
• Mr and Mrs George.' Kennedy
■ and two 'sons- attended` the' •an
renal Hereford 'oicnic at . Owen
■ Sound . a'week .ago;
■ Mi:s` Yvonne MacMillan of.
- I:L:,ndon' spent the week end at her
home a week' ago '
The ,annual Gaunt picnic was -
held at Gaderi�ch : on ',Sia'-
' --ay
with A •drew.•Gaunt president
and Russell' Gaurit 'as secretary
v A aehool•'picnic • will be held
atSS: No:', 9,' .Kinloss ori Wed•
nesday p gr., :June ;29th: tieryone
in the ,section . is welcome: Basket
lunch:. ; `
Nature is. wonderful A' million
years ago she didt't know ,we.
1.. mere going to .wear' spectales, yet
:her; :North, . Huron: Liberal'' Association look :at the way ` she. placed our'
iMillia■si■aa im■■■■ias.I ii■■■■■■■■eel■e.U■■■•■■■S■■ei■asa■■ss■■ear •■ ears.
AT'. ' ST. - AUGU$TINE -,
%The Reverend Lours 'J: Phelan
who- has' been in charge' of ."the
Parish `:of St Augustine for the.
-past four years.- has' -been' traps-:
ferred by Abe Most fteVer end' J.
T. Kidd, D D:, Bishop of'London.
Father.,,Phelan has;,been appointed
castor: of ;the Parish; of Logan
and Mitchell: 'The. Reverend` Wil
•liaan G. 'Smith has been appinted..
to succeed' Flather ;Phelan, Father:
• Smith comes: With much experi
ence ;in`parish Work, • having ser '
ve:d ;:as 'assistant 'at : St:• Peter's '.
Cathedral, .:.St. Martin's, 'London
and $t. Mary's, Simcoe..
DISSA'1SFAICTION with the dis-
•tribution '• .of costs, : has. , caused
Wellesley Township to seek ,with
drawal ' from . the Elrnn a ,,High
School district, and to petition to
have set up. a. Wellesley High,
School district'. '
Mr and Mrs. •Henry Carter
Honored By Newton' Friends
'•Mr . and Mrs: Henry C'';;i'ier of
Newton, were,pleas:aiitly irrpris
ed at `the home . of Mr.• Find
Vernal -'Scott On Monday :".0-vor1ting
when ,friends -from N6vt1,m'gz ihy
Bred to,hoh:,or therti.brio!' to mo -v.-
Ing t� �',Brucefield whe c'. 1 . Car-
ter•,,W"il l ,be' the - CNR a6`11l, The
evening' was'spen't.?n prngrrasive•,
euchre,- the 'winners being lrcirc
'.Edwards' and The
consolation prizes want': to. -Mrs.
henry Cartel' and. Mr. William'
Jack. gr., ;Miliarn. Jack ftad 'the
address 'aria :the ',presentation• of •
coffee'table and 'table ]amp v10.
made . to Mr. and `Mrs 'Car.ter '.by .
Misses, 'Velma ,Broughton
Marguerite Scott..Bd'th made, re'
piles, thanking'•thein tor the Ione
'ly , gifts: '1iefreshmnents, wry o $e1`'
vri. britig:in;g• an en jo,y aisle; ower-
ir1,w clbse, :•-Milvcrton ;Sun. ;;,