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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-06-23, Page 11
THTJItSDAY, JUNE. 23rd, 1949 8 THE thCIINOW SENTINE4 I;,l'J'CgKNOW*. O tTAiIQ. Decide And �.1VIa,cKay4 Memorial Hospital, Taipeh,' TaiWan, China. May a1st, 1949. Dear Cabell • It„ 5eerimts a long tine since I' wrote last,' .through• your 'Food vuspices, to.'Lucknaw..Qld friends and :neighlbors But readera can lie assured that they are not • fort tottezi. The rolling' hills • +a round, the quiet 'Uuci iiow ;.village' are rot, l ,ost slight:of .even ,amidst'I'ai `-Wail's,.;',towering'rookies, ' neither; are. the folk:who ,gatheron Camp'. bel 'l .Street". 'overlooked, ^ ferov�; tho' be in comparison watt; out:: Taipeh throngs: ,;(Our city has snore • than doUble'd pits ,popµlation 'since day and iss.snow. about as Opulous at ' Toronto). Scenes of ;past :day$ do• not fade, quickly from'. anyone's mind nor 'AO form- er ' friends' disappear: . even when far, away. ' Spending a few days last Christ- Inas, hrist nna•s • in Hong . Kong and „around • Canton on •Casa`dnan Aid to China :business• 'I had theintention Of :ivriting••a Nov Year's letter', but. "more'' urgent, .though less pleas- ;a�1t -^duties,": crowded :It- bit: On: . three occasions' since then,' madpe motes on, the back df , an envelope: in my pocket for' Iiicknow friends but these never :got written. into legibl form: It occurs to mie. now` that tiilese notes might still be of more` interest .than" anything .1 could write at the moment,. hence, T shall ,copy them' and send' thein • ,, along: • ;South Chin t`r'ain, Hong `Konig -Clanton,: Der. _comber 1948::, Quite nice . train;• but needs' soap ' and water. ' ' Water alone would do • it a lot oif..good, if soap is 'too ..expensive.; This sec- ond class coach may have ;been' :swept and "whisked" (Chinese style) but 'there is a • greasiness over everything'. Coming out 'of Hong 'tong it ahiouid show • signs 'of'.fresh attention sat ,itae serol : :level: far :Hong,' Kong;' is a *del of orderliness and cleanliness•' ri present day China: ;Noce :coon • t around :here : First 'hilly,: then a plain, like a trip from hilly Kinloss' east to the plains of, Hur- on A' land' `.of etrenvendous • :potential, ``lout undeveloped. '• These 'delta •Tamil are •arrion8' •the,:.richest in the "whole. word '... Hills bare. . and .treeless. They tell a'; story -ofh'uman'' 'e • • loitation .lack. ••of long-range ; planning and • a strug- gle for eitistence: But 'anariy rni1= •.lior>s of Canadian acres of burn•' ed forests tell the 'samlestory . . Now we runt iito some. towns War scars. ' everywhere.• Sepres of pllaees Waith ', roofless, ' shattered and scorched 'walls. This part ' of `Chia must have taken 'an 'awful pounding in the early,days of the War ; ; Crowds of : people crush 'into the train; ,rnostly, soldiers in. a frnotely assortment of uniforms and loads' of impedimenta. ' The laws of, many- Seen): 111 de up o f odds and ends ..orf' personal 'poss= essions, like a ;.iikrig' .tramp : in Cain;ada, would carry .itiggest itenri 'df all, is their. a ,nament, .to • 4ich ;each ,,pays ;demonstrative attention batt little care '-'• old `pistols; 'outof-date.: rifles 'and heavy pouches of iafnm'unition . Look ,,rniore'like a..gahg of''school boys 'off ion • a..igroundhog 'Bunt than, soldiers 'of' ;the Nationalist Amryy• • All. very . l uirati and frrendly,'a happy-go=lucky group.. They geem to .•10;ek' nothing• but • rain .tickets! • 4 Off' .the. 'Station'platforrri; 'other '(nights ' ".. $hotttirig peasants holding trays • of 'food above the ks ,of the., crowd, for sale 'through the opera, • tarain , windows: What. food!. Chicken: legs,: wings* giblets, y ; tri. pef sausa,ges, eggs -4- ly'd�kxiiled, . br browsed white • �A, , 1''cyod enough to *.ed every dy • w'it}tin /sr. 'gh t . , taut.. ',oat 1AQ:E' riz..EvgN.•, , 04.11104MN1.0111* 7*■5M1111 4rM11A /atoll.1111110/01011A1I11A 011101 /1 i/telliParil Calgi*li■)' , xi `ills TI1'VIE FOR A CHANE OF GOVERNMEN` ! It "' ■. for eating; ; bn1j to attract .cash for buying the; staff. of 'life --rice • Scores, of :beggars, mien. wo ?nen acrid little children.. A Chin ese !gentleman, in .the' seat .facing ■ me 'took a Package frroni hislbri+ef ■ case' and with quietceremony: ■ handled, an old lady, a bebgar,, , BECAUSE: ,aboutten• crisp,` new $10,00fY Nat-. r ionai: • currency ,' notes. (about : a t penny's :worth)': incl thou went. ',`' ion reading, Trine anagazine: ,.. ■ • Grape FShn grid Glass river boat ovt e East": ■ WE NEED River from'•Canton .: Pu110out, ■ just - after -noon.•.,---7.-,': Gots, ulle'd•. w•p' out,'.; it sh uid; he,. for this flat- bottomed,-_, swrnrner .- hotel .- like, • 'float is pulled by ::a. tug with a N lamg :tow 'line ., • Ideal voylage; ■;. ,7iooth, winding rive ,,scenery,. Under norrn,al " conditions it could -101 •. be .' like :the ; fairy land .of .novels ■• A squad ; of :about twenty 'ft aired: soldiers male' :,themselves Comfortable, on the.•top. deck. It is; r :a nice..'Miediterraneari 'cruise" , for ' them. They are. hired by the ship 1 as guards. Two of them are ,load- ■ pig up about a score of two-mch a muzzle letadin,gRg r s.,:Nwith,' grape, :, 'shot and: glass. "What'. 'do .y'ou `do ■ with these"-, I: • asked; • "Oh' this. i': :trip':,is through`::the,most:;dan er- 'Os gangster area in ,this, part of . • the:.:c'ountry, ' and.' raiders: -."...fear: ■ these ' things more than they do :modern 'weapons". Maybe 'So • I r • :thought, but I began to hope his Confidence•, would not have to be a put to the •test on 'this.•.particula jottrriey '. We are entering•the ■ area,frorn ;which' at •_least' 90. rper=: •i cent of the Chinese ' laundrymen i and 'restaurant. keepers: rn Ca►n'ada. 1■1 'and the":Stafies'.comne from :Froth. is . what 1 ,:bear, , reported, this is a : land' of ' = "remittaiiee men", with 1 all the problems: that. remittances ■ tbreed, irresponsibility. for local: i affairs and resultant" lack of ole• 'r : velopanent materially;: or ,spirit=; ■ . '; Bally A roan hras:lust stuck r his : head:aut of •a port -hole, andt .: called to Me 'cello,: you from the' • States?" •'`No, .f'in from Ca'nadar'.: I■i . "Oh, ;so am I from Canada. I live m in •Ottawa; but: after ;T have seen,:1 : xriy . Wile `'and kids: out 'here I'ri ■', going back to .the Maritrines this :I.:. tiara"' ■ Shanghai, April ■ •April °in`Shanghai is'.VOry daf�' ■ rferent from •the city of December ■ last: Decerriber was most decided : , ly'jiittery.' Now i't's', calm; •Then, it fou ' was•a• city, of .fleeing folk:`Every ■ ;boat and: plane : out :of. the ,place 'S.' was +giver- booked far, weeks anti wee..4:0614.-booked s ' Foreigners, c hi .e f .l y is; ,; U.S.'ers, scurrying home. ' (The. British .intending to `•`stick• it" out. and "muddle : through") Chinese. ' '; 'fleeing east anid„vies' arid'' sou■th, • ``first' class. wealthy,. to Amer- :1:: ica, ser�ond. Plass rwiealthy, .to...1121 Hong Kong, , third class wealthy. ■• to Taiwtan” as. a Chinese saying ii httniiouwrOUs y put it That. was ,1 December' 1948°'. What' a' contrast r' . 'to December 1947 when we 'rayl.— ed in. 'Shanghai from •'Cnada At : r' tlrat' time: ,:Vire couldn't ;get an '• • apartment ; or 'even ,aw roon'i for 1. .love:rsr money., But in December,:: 1948; on three occasidti:s .1 was ,i offered wihole houses, furniture, a • ears, flock of servants — every. -1 thing and for ' nothing, , not every 1 ' • love but just a bit ryf responsible'. it care till such : times `as the jitters, 1 , would , ' blow over.' "Naw three , . months later a 'bug, ..change. 'has . ;eortie.•' Those who, didn't flee .re ■ resolved 'tto stake what comes and • . • to .try to . 'make' the (best :of it, w Now ' they''think 'that ,:the - sooner ■', "it": comes, the !better*, ■ • I pass on these brief ' telegra-' phiq 'rioter, hoping they may be ■ ` of itteorest to home folk and that M the. Better itself ,may sere 'as -a nr RETURN TO RESPON IBLE. GUvER rdEN' ''' The Lil'al Government is' now: spending .$'3 for every:; a$ pent: in 1.943, on orclinary. . administration . costs .alone • T a . i,.y d c TlY•eM1. �1b_..r'. a�',Government xsnow,emp�©ya ngW 26 o00 more, civil servants than at the close -:of the War; The Liberal Government 'ha`s: passed' 20,000 °Orders•in'_' Council since the end of the war, thus flouting g the _wishes of . the • eo:. les elected re pF resentatives - -. P P out: cannot - expectVi' lower t a ion ;with.the Liberal .._ lower -.. ., .. Government in power.. aye always appreciated `the -:su 'port ,received North P. 'Huron and : have' faithfullydone. My best.' to - PPiD deserve.' that` support.. rt. • e " Pro` ` ressive • secure CSC q•: OflSerIativ enef its: r.. . 'LOWER TAXATION BY REDUCING ALES TAX ABOLITION'OF' NUISANCE TAX ON RADI S • SECURITY IN OLD AGE -.BY. PROVIDING, PENSIONS : AT' 65 WITHOUT A . MEANS.TEST; ESTORATION OF LOST MARKETS FOR CAN- AOA S AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. JUNE 2.7,' RE=ELECT: f HEAR': ELSTON CARDIFF ~OVER "C' N X ,THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd -- 5.55 p.m. to -.6.00' p.m• •FRIDA'Y, JUNE 24t1 , 1.45--p.ni..to 8:00. p.m "• POLLS .OPEN a.m•to7p.n. o:e word of greeting. &torn, .this part r NORTH' HURON PRQGRESSIVE- CINSEiVATi`E ASSOC IATIONofh • 1Ours s►n�ely, • I ugii M1ac il%ax1i., j a1 M� �1M�■MI■� �1 M�11 i■ i1�11 �� T1s r /IM■MMS% rM�� ra r�I��E�.ri�w�rl�/��• �'.:.•. 111 ■ • • ■ ■ ■ ■ :ex• • rte •• ,. a MV 1111 ■ .. ■ • u ■ ' ■ M. u ■. 1 •■ ■ ■ i. • • ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■:. r ■ int �■:..• ' i ■ • ■ r■i • ■ ▪ 7 i w • ' • no ■ •i• i• a• IN; • 1 i - In▪ • a ■ ■ ■ ■ • • • ■ ■ i i• a ■ ''■ ■• la.. • • o • u. • • ;h It et