HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-06-23, Page 51,0 Jun - 230, 1949 �Jr T. T:�r ..d .. •: •p THE.L,UC ONL KNQ''VV' .SF NT111iF:1, LU�CKIV GWS O , (.?�1'TAE]CQ . Mr, • .Harry < Haldenby :and s n ,Jimmy of Echo . Bay. visited over ;the 'week -end with Air. A. E. Haldenby and other :relatives here,' R,elatiivtes ,•from -here attended. the, Scott reunion at the home of. mir, and Mrs.. Biorwlard Thompson on Saturday dafternoon.. . Mrs. D. Thompson of StraitfoMd. Spent the ,Week -end with Mr and Mrs. Art Graham • lVlr. and Mrs. Jack Graham. re 'turned' to their home ' ati Ann At- bor. after pending :,their :vaio: here . M'p.ster 'Bobby ' Scott ,o f Huron spent the !past Week With his • graridparen!ts; • Mr and 1V&'s. • Wm.: •Cox., ; w+hile' his parents' Mr.. anci Mrs; .John,,4.Scott and Mr and Mrs: Wm.:.L16y°d were:Co • a'• motor trip to •visit with Rev. G. ,Benson Cox• -at, New .Yor k '' Dr.:'Charles Donovan, Miss Fhz abeth Donovan,. Charles, T•and • Jim, all , at Chicago, spent the ,week -end with Mr. and Mrs, P. . Murray.. • Dr.. Slater ,of London, will Be guest speaker in the. Anglican :0hurch • next unday-morning in the absence of Iiev. Ralph -Blight; ,whose 'marriage• takes' place on ' Saturday,: .Miss .Doris, Lloyd .spent. the week -end with ,Mr. and "WS: Karl The 'Girls' Auxiliary' will .be ' 'held; a week from Saturday (in `' stead"..•af^.:tiext_.�Saturday)�t th;e- . home..of Mrs:. Harold Haldenby. Mrs, James .bodge visited last • ' week : with' friends in J iiton: ' We •are', pleaseid . toam'report that :Mr.• Fred Quest: is in proving after'. pan attack of !pneumonia. • The.. Horne Helpers:. meeting was:held June 1.5th at the . home oif •Mrs Wim: -Burt with air. attend'- :ante 'of 22 :The '=scripture lesson, was read' .iby Miargaret Robertson • .The prayer vitas :'take'h • 'by Mrs, Mark Johnston:; The roll .call .was +answered by the word: faith,; The election of officers resulted as. fol '•lows. ';ores:( Mrs.. : Frank Thomp- son,.'sec., • Mrs Clifford.., Johnston las A ;poem wread';by> Mrs.:'Edbert $ushell, a solo Iby:Mrs... John Em •merson and.a . readi ;;•by .Mrs. Frank• Mau1den. Our guest 'speak, er 'vias Mrs. McAuley .from-. Rip- ley, speaking on the 'S'ynoclrcal • -.and 'Presbyterial, A ' vote •of. thanks was :igl}van to t'lie'.speaker by Mrs.:'Frank iMa_ulden.' second- ed by.'Mrs.' Per•y.Hodgins. .McAuley. then ,closed the meeting Lunch, was. then served by the Hostess I., LOCAL; PUPILS 'DI1Dfv FARE WELL AT 'FIELD . DAY, did ucknow and of Iain;- loss and ii(uron .Tdvvnship s0,aols, didn't fare very' Well at . the Bruce. County field day:eld in•Walket..- ton ldst Wedinesday with, pupils. •P. . from 17 munictpalities 'competing. Farrell ot No: 2, ' Huron, • won "second'• hi the ' junior' ,. y's' running„broad jt n p: Johan Carter, No. 7, Kinloss, ' was , third . in the boys''saftb+all t pow. ,PatsrBrown of No: 1, Ruron wassecond' m :►the 'lace for: .8 -year-old girls,' ;and iii the> 14 ,'years and over.class. ois 13'ey-of-11 Hluuon, Was' . first. Lois Hiutmphrey .: and Kathryn Robb were' third in tike senior.girls' three-legged a•ace. and Anne. Henry ,aind `En McTav- • ish,. of No. 11.velyY , Huron were third In the .junior girls' +three legged race, : Trimble, Baillie of Cargill do natect-$5Q for,,tile soap box' derby and best` fbui'.lt vehicle First prize ;in-th-e derby went to 'Claire Grubb of Teeswater, . David Don,ahu.e of Teeswater won the George H,. Smilers Trophy 'and. '.June' Hedley, • No. 4, Greenock, won the Teach ,ers institute. trophy.'' FAY`TI%G17L iN'•A'PEW T;iJINGS • Every ` child needs to- be. given small responsibilities at an early' age. These will help hii•r1;, develx a „sense of responsibility .which will make' it more easy for him. to 'Co-operate in rribre. ,importdnt duties as ,he growls' older. ::Con sistent training* without continu- al naggig is essential in develop- ing a hoelthy mental •attitud:e in A growing child. • PAG :FIV;L . • in the • .o+ , •4.' • t EORG'E DREW Alderman, Mayor, ' Provincial: Party Leader, ' Three Times PREMIER OF .r_ ONTARIO . Then LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION in The House• ..of Commons, Ottawa..' No other national leader '.can match this record” of public'. service.. on., 'ALL LEVELS •:.OP GOVERNMENTAL 'ACTIVIT .... George Drew,'. more' than:•a ' . g -any other nation 11 ader.; knows that government to remain DEMOCR' —must remain in .the ' hands,. of the people:--As---an al.d ernian he. concerned. himself with the'Problems : of his ward = :As mayor, he worked for 'a better community. !As prcivincial legislator, he worked in the interests of the people of his constituency. As, Premier of Ontario : he gave his native province; the . finest administration in its: history George,Drew'.' has succeeded as anadministrator because he b lie' e es in TEAMWORK and CO-OPERATION*oni alhlevels; • •of .gs e , .at. and a renewed respect for the principle of Parlia.. mentary. Government Y" ROGRESSJVE. COISERVATI`'E CANDIDATES. give wholehearted support to George Drew _because they will be Members of .Parliament in FACT as welly as ,' in • NAME No longer will members be forced: to yield all', power to bureaucratic ;.cabinet ministers and centralizers and !fail to$Yve 'representation TO THEIR CONSTITUENCIES ..' Compare the• records of Geor g. e' Drewand YOUR •. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVJ'' candidate with; tips 'ohther party' leaders and 'candidates As `PREMIER OF ONTARIO ..he held more cabinet`, meetin.s and, with reater frequency,tha • ' . g g n, government in, Ontario's histor : ' As' leader of Y the,''ofliicial 'opposition at..Ottawa, he: brought hew life , and energy, into the.. House of Commobs ' Yovr vote on! June. 27.(1`, for' your PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ''CANDIDATE ,-wilt '.;Mean' that you will ,be. represented in. Parliament by a; supporter . of'A PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE GOVERN-. MENT under the leadership. of George Drew. , a • w !11 • uron NSER , Publts'hed by the `Progressive Comeriiotive Party of Canada, 141