HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-06-16, Page 7• TBURSO. At ,DUNE 16th 1949. THF: 1.1,TCKNQW . SEIVaTINI ,, Z,Uc NQW} ,(NTAIUc PAGE ;SE N (euro .Theatre WINGHA Two Shows Each Night ,,P. FIRST`: SHOW AT: 745 . h rsday,, Frida , Saturday JUNE 16,; 'II, 18. DAN 'DAILEZ EIESTE: HOlM, tr ' w.,+, a •..�w� i'ren EverySunday • at. 04' 'P n. Matinee' Saturday :MandaY. .and ;Tuesday. JUNE 20, 21; ANNA NEAGLE, • MICHAEL WEWPING :ad liIncident P,c y 1 ednesday, and Thut Oday • ' • ' JIJNE 2Z, 23 • 'VICTOR' MATURE,'.' BRIAN DONLEVY KJ..SSOf:.i...EA,TH Adult Entertainment. DISTIpCT. MEETING TIN li `AS AT ST. tie4 11! The' anal Meeting of ' West, Huron' *omen's Institutes. Was 'held in, the United church at St.. Helens on Thursday, June s. . .. wcl fi art, district. v+t'Rh . , president in the +'eliair.: After the :reading •of rn:ijnµts by Mrs: O. Popo, the conveners of the various standing' "committees gave reports of', the iwtprk ,accom- plished 'by'' t'he: •.txran,ches. during the- year. Mrs. 'Rutherf o .d, St, Helenas sed 'int co munity ,sing ng, `,A. jnew feature !was the bony= piling of the- financial. state'm,ents `of ,tI e,•'branches and having ,them printed • and distributed among the delegates, Ship Seven :Carloads . �' •.Cattle shipments fr.o m the 10011 depot were heavy en'Sat- urday, :with a total of seven oars loaded here. • THE TAX `RATE in,: Ripley 'dill : be '60 mills. this year~, a' `alight ;increase over, last year. .poi ■tM: im■ii■■iiKaieiar.iap.uu`uaa.■■aa .aami Mrs;: Sinvpsan; Byron; federated boanc.•representative, they sheat; sp kers ' tg►ave a° sham, :synopsis o,f the ' 1*'Ok, °•"`Fitty years of AchieveMent".• She also reviewed tthe-char igen in the new handbook just off•rthe.,press,, and madern�en. tion of.the bulletin ori .farin Ioans' and `:the flan, "Let There Be Light", wthkh ate :available for. use .by '1nstitutes. - .• M Simpson son _ al►S.a. reported on' the :resolutions passed a tle•:Lon' don area convention last fall and which were 'sent to the Provincial beard, . which recommended, them- to the G`avlernment of •Ganiada One .resolution asked : •that "a method beestablished by the ,Government f o tr • inforrniative labelling Of yard goods and'ready- to-wear, garments, such, infomi‘a tion •to•cover fibre content, giving `nameof :fibres used wit i'the • per centage of each;:color fastness to ,light, laundering, and• pe.rspira :•titch;, whether i.t'will ; shrink; and the proportion ' .of shrinkage • "to expect"•, Thal ;resolution •was pre- sente.d.!toDthe 'Federal 'DePar.tment: Of ,Trade:. and' 'Commerce, 'which • kE W E Cevre United Church anniver. sary ,seryiees wfll be held, ori :Sun= clay, June 19th tat. 2.30 and 7.30. Rev. C. W. -Downs, ofExeter will be 'gue&'t' 'speal.er: .Special music 'by liorrria and ;Shirley Sherwood in the afteerneen and by .Blyth quartette in the evtening. ' . ;1Vir, and Mrs.; Paul.. Pick and. Fatrioia ,of Peu br'eke visited'with' Mr.. and lvlrs. Clifford Crozier on Saturday evening. Mr. Roy•Maize spending a:' .;few days in Montreal.: and attend- :ing ,the 'wcdding cif Yis nephew, Billie Mlaize : . *4• Mrs .Charles Shaddick of Luck - now -.Visited ube-now'':visited tie afternoon with her: daughter, ;M•rsh Aaa•on iak 'and; Mr. Bak ,. ' Mi:s$ ]Li lh. Curran' spent Satur- 'day ,in ,errdon.: r - • Mr.` slid 1VIrs. S� J., Kilpatrick, •Mr.' and, Mrs.. Cecil Blake and fannI y spent the • Week -end at East Taws with Mr. • Kikpatric}'s sister, M , and Mrs _.Ewgenle, Han. • rm.. son • a. ■:: ■. N.. ■ ■. ■ ■ • 1. • i. ",■: �■ . Starting. SaurdaY� . J+tre1'8h`our Feed Mill ■ be open t da Evenin to'supply `Sa�ur Y . � . ,. ■ ed Feeds. :: our wvants; of Prepar . Complete ;Feeds• �Luie • of Comp Complete Poaltr� ;at FEN` SATURDAY 'EVENINGS ■ • replied; "The . ^ . depa;rtmerit has been, 'considering, this and legis latikn is spending". The morning ` session Was' ad- journed'ar..a dz'nner' ,served .by the' St. I-felen's'fbranch:. .school room of ; the•' church, Rev.. M. G. Newton, nasus sten o ...:.the. 'churoht' gave an address come to the one' -hundred• -or more deleoates' d nietmlbers'.. Mrs.:. R. DuV`al, Wsaningharn, .replied. �`. . At: the afternoon session, MTs: $, Lockhart saluted ;the., .new:Prov-. ince, Newfoundland :and Mrs., William;`, Ford:', of .Wi'ngham, ac- • ao parried' by r4rs. Walpole, also of Winkhani,' sang the N wfound-. land: l ymrin» -torts 1-deck:hart re- ported en :the •Guelph conference: resents s i • ,•` Thursday, Friday.., Saturday); ., June 10, ,, lip 18 When we :say 'this picture Is good, its more' than' a willo ui two.' uouthsful. •--- that. of _., ' : JUDY CANOVA and JQE.. `E. MOWN in• T.. in a, Ah .hilarious coritedy--the.• screen's diXiiect`pair show: _ that speaks for itself. r. P US —. Sd -. L s "'kiip:-the-•1VZaiou", a „Charlie: Chase�comedy and Newsreels. . MondaY;, ,' weeds ri esday 11 W e 11' .The •screen's prise motion picture "ALLSONS" � MY� t'! h. storytells' how an ex -ox gradually Xe inns ....,The post-war �:., that his father, whom he loves, • knowingly delivered detect- ive :airplane equipment during the.wait., causing the death of 21 airmen. It's a tense • drama that brings hate between father and son , OB 'Starring EDWARD G R • 'starring ROBINSON &• 'BURT LANCASTER' •PLUS --"Men, .Women and Motion': George Saunders, R. '7, Lueknow► r ! Chopping ,Please -:_ After . Tre eaver :: Day 'Phone 9." timitedJ Night 'Phone 123. maim■■o lists■aaaaassioiimum iningiiiaai■aoi■a \\,.\••• \‘‘N...`••••00.•‘o‘‘‘o;sNe1. e♦ a‘04%10�.S •NN.• / / / / / s / / / / / / / / s / / 9 / / / / / / / / / / / s / Q" roCer ie ?hofle 27 ,:: Feeds, Fertilizers Farm ,Supplies,:'.Coat 'horse;:7I • oiop Produc#5 ire your products - e can give prompt: installation and :service on all farin supply products:' • `and. Shorn Tube . Mil.lters Co -Op Unii�•eirsal� Lo»,g • Deep and Shallow:. Weil 'Pressure Systems Electric and Tractor Rollers• and Hariiiner Mills • Parnit Tractors, Threshers'' and Wagons'. Silo Fillers and Forage irlirvesters. • Electric arid, Gas. Washing . Machines •Viie Believe In :*Quality' And $er'viee.• ..ODK ' FOR THE. CO.OP LABEL SHOP AT THIE / . / Lucknow trict (oOperatiVe. i i i i • s s • s •• •i i 0 r i i s d • • i •0 s s • •/ •/ •i i Election :;of. Officers - • Mrs'-�Sirnpson conducted the: el- ectipn, "ofofiii. c er : •which resulted .•. s,. as•follow;a: past .;president, ••Mrs.: C. Lockhart, 7Godeit ch;'.p'r"es.; lVi`xs., L 1VI ' 'Sgrimgequr; . Blyth; tvtice ,presidents 1VLrs., R ;,Du tial; Wing- h afn, Mrs:: Aubert Camp'tell, ' Au- 'bar's►,. see.=treas., Mrs: Otto Popp, ]Dungarnnon•; auditors; WS. •Lorne Iv rs, .:Mrs tN: Browto, Dungan federated, representative; Dungan - n, '' Mrs: N'. Keating, Wmgha"m.; alter- nate :;Mrs G '.Lockhart;;• district delegate, Mrs. Scripigeour; 'alter- nate,./ Mrs Tait ,Clark, R,. 5, Giod Crich, ,coiiveners,•, of standing com in.ittees-- agriculture ' and Canal- tan, . iidusbries'; Mr's. Ginn;: 'R. 2, .Clinton; :.: citizenship and educa- tion, Mrs: 'E.' Anderson, Belgrave; commtmity 'activities and. public relations, Mss. F. 'Toll, ..:Aourn, hstorical :researchand current •.events, Mrs A.; Wilkin, Goderich,• hherne.eeonoinics and.health, 1VIiller, : St:. Helens;,. resolutions; -Mrs.- Lorne Ivers,;u Jutuor lista tiite• activities Mrs.,. tait :km...," R. : Du,Val .Was, named chairman, of a. corona: ttee for a aiatmict .exhvbit: at 1,ondon: Mica .A•;Spencer; .c'partmnent s. a lr;irr`ei""tYte` ir'v i5 :offered , by the apartment •thru the co=operative ;program. The meeting • chose •'"Officers • Nand inembers' rally, .study, of the' re- vised handbook"; with, as`' secotrid. choice, "Health before and after •fDiity" The- rally will be held in Merriorial Hail,.. Blyth, and preferred date is in October, 1V1iss Spenr.,exharted her gaud- ience: to "think, of:'Canada as the greatest country' .of the ;inure,. and to, become familiar with tan-; acij;an rimnusic and art, .giying'spec- il meiitip i, to `• the exelus:iv'ely, ,Catnadian:filni, "The:Leon's Neck •facet . , . Mrs.. Wesley Jtiyriiti, Lucknow, sang, aceoltipanied by Mrs. I ur- • nisi 1'h i1Jps. Miss • Jean' Scott,. county. ceach,..exterided 'an h vi- •ta'tion to attend Achievernent Dray for j to -'be" hel t •at the Anglican camp, Bayfield, June 1.1.' Mrs. SimOson, • had" charge Of the question. drawer. Mrs. Tt'el:son, of i • ate ms a • n : +Citiz -. en � i. f The .. doe 4! I.U. a no 9 ' Th auditors' report .of the .various. Departmentsof of the•.: e ,po Municipality, .certified •by' ,Brock, :Davis, _Dunn,;and,.Brough. ton; : chartered accountants,:; is available at the Municipal. Office 'to••all ratepayers -and inhabitants bithe municipality who wish to examine- it. The Reportdeals with the Village of Iuckriov,.,•LucknoW .; Hydro Electric -System, ,Lucknow, Water ;System, Board 'of Edification, , Public - Library, 'Community Hall (Arena) . and the: Recreational Centre; '•� a ' W::A SOLOMON, Reeve. • JOSEPH AGNEW,. Clerk., ��,a�►�ai���o,��o..A�...:Ow..,r.�R�.�.,.�.�..., ,Clinton,•, conveyed' a 'e 1ution of thanks 'to the St., Helens—branch :for their hospittat1ity. • A motion was passed : raising. the • :district fee •. to 10,cents, a • branch' member. An invitation from , Win,ghaan branch ' to `hold ;:.the 1950 district, annual meeting 'there. was acicept ed:' 1 rer.> .. i..IaiI..I1e/■■Iie■1101**11//aaaa;hUhhhIS t'• r• i • 0 0, • and a is truly:L.P. gas at its., best. :'1 : 0 a. 0 ■ ■:: r, III i! .. Instant `Action! Economy!. a ' al ... Complete ,Heat" contrail. ■ • •Th 1 se are a few of the outstanding: advantages of L.1'.• gas >4 e w E TH E UNUER �.UEL 'c:FQR COQKhriC� � .a� ar w In the new. Moffat, Ra ages, L.P. gas reaches new heights 01 • ■ perfection. ' When you purchase a Moffat you will be the mi. r proud ovier of the 'finest L.P: gas range, that, engineering'11 w kill�and production craitmanship can produce. ;.Every f eaturr, it ■ s p , every con+venietiuce you' could, wish for •are , yoUrS in the ' .r 'fatuous 'Moffat LP.. Gas Range, There is nothing fain' ■i: ` rs are heli ■ r ■'- Duie, to thelimited su i orde� g filled in r ■. ■ 0 0 0 111 the order received., r // 'PRUNE lot LITCKNOW ' ■r . ■a r*lull*il.rr■*ialla.011111*Mu"1111111tr111 IMswlilfi;u • 6 y,