HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-06-16, Page 5JANE !
049 ' ` . THE titJCKNO"Vt1` SiJi '''nNEL, 1.,'C76<ly'QW, QNTARTO . .
efuses Culross-Teewater Area
Bruce C'otnity .et...�„ a einbT
led at the Leo= Ra1lilh thhe":town
.f Port Fein ,for, the June AO,
sign. on, • 1Vtonday . evening, .June.
th 1949, with the 'Waid'en, A. K.
McTavish, pfeMMding, .. and: all
member's , present. except. Reeve
Who Pali*, the.
Gordon'Stanley, vv'
first part .of' the' session; ause
of a'• recent illness.
business Vila$. of , a!'
Most of the. be
._. .._ :
ne natur r buts there . ewer. e
.1o1•itl , ,
tvk •`matters o exceptio al im4°
parlance.received- • 'fh
eca n•.
' r eco
$Qidem titian.' of Council
County• Home inadequate
Tl7 tiou'se of ;.Refuge Con n�i t,
tee' •reported that: 'thepresent
Home for 'the Aged is. heeoiniii ;
in,creasiIi ly, • crowded, 'and '.that it
will require a ':considerable
amount •a, f "renovvation in order to
meet . the standards of. the _Pro-
vincial Fire ' Marshal's Depart-
• •
ment, Count 1. was .asked • to con-
sider ,three/alternatives: the eon=.
struction :of a•' nev'' building ' on,
new lands at ,an. estimated, cost
• of. $500,000.00, the .construction , of
a new addition to the `present
building' at a cost of. ialbkx'ut $375,
000.00, or ;:;the :renovation .of t'he'
present .building .The .commit-
tee -was -authorized to -obtain, esti—
Mates of the cost .of, renovating`
the ;'present !building- to meet the.
Fire Marshal's standards.. and to
make arrangement,to board out.
surplus urinates, in • prWlate homes.;
in . the reasonably near tutu ,e,..
The accounts `of the various
High, 'Continuation and. Voca-
tional Sehools • for• the education
of • Bruce "County" 'pupils totalled
$33,844 09.: '"County,; (pupils ' are
thosewho -do "not reside .in any
High or C'oritinuation !Sebool•'Dis-
tr,iet and 'Whose parents. orguard-
ians,T consequently,; do not' pay
school taxes • drreetly to °e psuch.
schools! U der the 'ca mP i at
iirocedure:'pr.ovided ;in the pies-
efrt schobi. acts; the •cost'pf edu�
cation Of these ° pupils is pare* r lei_
the 'first instance •'{by r.theou+ruty
but is is :ultimately :levied by t:lt
County against°:those .Municipal—
ities or portions thereof not 4n-
ri;eluded Within the High, Continua
tion or. Vocational"School District.
The . amounts to which., the
various . schools ..are , entitled are.
as follows:..•
Refuse BLit.:S. District ,Request ,,
Another • iiniportant ' question
arose: in comiectiou with the 're-
questas .,presented iby the Town-
ships. ,of Carrick and Culross to
be detached from, the.•Walkerton
District: Thet De,
partment :of .Education intimated'
• that : it: would not . approve the
detaching pf in+umci(palities frorn
a :High ;.School Distract P,unles;
• those municipalities were • doing
so in order to join a 'larger • Hiigh.
• School District.` Council; .show-'
ever; felt 'that, since ' it was un
':derstoad at the formation' of :the
Walkerton;' High School ',Dstrict:
.'that • municipalities 'cliuld,. with-•'
draw at any _time ujp to the issu=
ing`• of :debentures, ` it Would be:
unfair to prevent the withdraw 1
duiross• and 'Carrick At this,
time A .bye-law wias .therefore
passed detaching •;these ,twomun
icipalities from: the. Walkerton
District, The-' request for. the.
;forrnation oaf' a new High Scrool
•.Districts comprising • • Teeswatter:•
and, Culross had to be refused' as-
the corn'bired assessments o
these two' riitai>icl,palties is . eon-
. .
sidered by the Departintent • to be
too Sinali for this- pdrpdset .•
County' Rate:Uichanged, °,
Most -important iarnong • the"
routine ;matters; tinder Consider*
• tion'i Was the county levy. The
rate this year as set at
e • • same as in "1948: is
provide ; •$354,779.45' for county
purposes. • In. addition to this, ;the
• rnuriicipalitie 'sir, ,portions there-
of not included 'within • any high
lar• C•ontintuationi'•' school :.district
will be req ukred to levx..the sum..
cif '.$31,242:14'f'or. the .cost of' 'edu
cation• of , Bruce' "County" pupils.
'The '1;Iighways qon mittee re
:,.‘totted that instead of paving the
'sections between the Elora Road
,and Cargill, Pinkerton and Chep-
stew, the first two of these roadS
*ill receive a coat af.'primer•'and
• 'b paved next year; 'and the road
from Dunkeld to. Chepstow' Wll
require further irriprovemients" of
the •base this, year. 'Work will be
begun can the Turners abridge this
dear and will be completed.• next
,year, •A start will . probably be
in,ade 'on° remo(Vling the 'Quarry
Hill north ,of ,Flortnosa. ' .'tie road
from, An b1eside north through
l! ormosa' to it irrng's- Highway o«
9, and frorn Teeswater to '11l�ild�
n?aY vv311 be •improved, Oa, paving,
. Hugh Schools Chesley $1,791
01;,.;,L' ucknow '$1,593.91,; incar-
dine $3,0Q6..,18;. Port 'Elgin $3,186.
88; Walkerton $3,3)1.04;''Wiarton
$1,9.78 56, •
Continuation` . Schiools; Allen=
ford. $I,8691; .Hepworth $4135.--
3.4; Lion's Head $1,124.88;: 'Pais-
ley' $2,593.25, , Ripley
Sou:tharnpton,•:-$552,64; ,'Farms ' l -
034:54, : •Teeswater$2,975 56, Tiv
'erten •$1,688.62:
Clifford C'entinuatiorl School $52,-
(38; Arthur High School $6.4.25;
Hanover High Set -001 • • $846.57;
l:larriston 1Iig1 ' • School $260.00:
Wingharrt-° 1-Iigh ,Schoai $1,688.06;
Owen• Sound, ',Collegiate $1;050,63,
Vocational rschoQ `;.I . B.., Beale
VocatiorlalSchool, London, $61;30;,,
`Owen Sound Vocational School
The following' grants were
made during the Session. hospi-
tals in. the ,county will . receive
payment • atthe rate of $4.00 per
hospital ital or indi en's'. atients
p day' f g, p .
:less ',payments and recovieries• re-•
ceived •f by..then; ISI addition .they.
ll -
will receive the, U
receiveg.gl'acit s:
Walkerton. ` $•1 500.00' 1�inc, reline•
•$1,000 00•;,;{SoutI arnptoti •$4,000`.00;
Chesley $6,000:00; Lion's, 'Head
‘$,14)0,.00 -The cost .Oltindigent.
patients ir1 putside hospi{ta1s suxce
the. January ,session;ramounted:':to
.$2,916.00. `
.United Erergency, Fund • • for
'Britain $200; Ontario Council. Girl
Guides Men .$100 Bruce' .C.ounty.
,Library Ass': $2,000;• -the follows►
zing grants, will be made provided
a show' or'show` and sale are .held
in ' 1949;' Brikee ,County Holstein:
Club $100; Bruce Oounty, 'Short:
horn Club $100, 'Grx:ey, and Bruce
Hereford Club $50;. 3ruee-Grey:
JerseyCliub:'$50, Gr';1ey-Bruce Ab
erdeen Angus:. Club' $5Q;: Bruce.
Co: Yorkshire C, 1A' $25; Girey .
Bruce. Sheep Breeders; $25, Bruce:
YC iunvty - Pio-V rren'-s • Association
'$100 providedsthe, y, hold a Match
in 1949; .a giant of "$20. will:be
Societies .M the County -on. receipt
of a certificate: of` ;their annual_
show,' Eap i of the three districts'
, •y
of :the . 'Women's Ixistitute in. the;
County will ,receive a grant of
drew Munro ;for . reforestation:
purposes. This will mark the }ter
ginning 0P -the first. County, forest
to be eatablished� ail the southe 'n
(Continued on:. Page. 6).
$35. Fall Fairs wi1l,'receive grants
on <. the'Same.,-WALs..'.as• last . Year.
Walkerton. Agricultural ,Society
will 'reeei't' e'74 grant of $1,800
assist with the .eori>Iniercial • part
of the • faiir . and the, prizes and
selling of the . Boys' . and -"Girls'
Baby • Beet Club calves.
ie County liability insurance
was. plac�e�1 with' the '0„9mmecce
Mti tua1: • Insurance:" Co, •at ta' Pre,-
r .
inluni of $6422;60,
'Schools in adjoining ,Counties: given to each •of the Horticultural
The `Reforestation' do nmittee
� a.,.
o•' ted ' t' '' i Ifas : � .urcha '.ed
resp r, 'ihu t P.:�. .. � .
450;': acres : an the 14th-Concession
olf',•,Brant: Tow'riship:froxn Mr.
.• n
'•5;10 1.5
..111...... _
Get New
Pop, Vint" Vigor :, .•
a thtrt1l pony limbo 81.1 Out; 1:t¢IY hollows ..
her up beet -no longer seriiwuy, body loses
starved, sickly "bean -pole" • look..Thqu$anda ot:
g r1 women, men, who never could,. gain• .before ,
are now, proud of shapely, healthy -looking Writes,
They thank the special vigor -building. tiesh-building.
tonic, Dares'. Its tonles, atlmlitants invigorators
iron, •,yithrain Bs, calcium, .enrleh Mood, improve,
appeti,te hnd .digestion so ttlod'gives. you ,more
strength and nourishment: put flesh on bare.bon w
Don't fear, getting•ioo fat. Btop i'ehen you'.ve.gaixtedr
the 6,,10, l:& ot.'l0 lbs: You need for rmal,wetg ht
et acquainted'' size waft 606.-
Costs little. N e9e a
famousoatzs .
Tonle Tablets' s• tor new 'vigor
sud'added ,poinde,this
very. slay. At ¢Il; drnicg>sw
�STRAT 10., , . . COMPANY
'ree ,:Pick Up And. 'Delivery
save Ord'ers`•A�°
darning Busmess Practice
• Ontario tlie,wheels.of.:industry turnfr' tine benefit of •every singler earm eoanbnes,tractors,one 'of us: Uur'latihes, dynamos, drill presses Q . .
: are :producing goods and. services which earn -
. business machines, etc. .. • p g � .
ht. se dollars rovide food, clothing, medical 'care and other
iwCes8dollxrs.,�i TheSe • p high i which eontribute'to our security'and high standard of living.
' ' , -ins le otic of us therefore, lias'a very personal interest in thb flow
Jvcr.. rt
,. �str, I � of trained. workers to industrial plants.:`these workers,;
of a c,tc ariY 11? 3. :., a of ire.
Will' opera! entachities which• are important to our way y. r 1,
o old .a s >rtc'iiate; then, the eo-operativve efforts, of. ooverinnent, ,
We ',should, . l I , g En sc!aools and in
. r in tete: fit ld of employee training, r
inc:l'iisl'ryd and labour
i s'orkers : il!ung acid �pld;'arc; iven the op ortuni ty. to develop -
new ourrin(1 ;pcc.'tffir, Skills in eery Cod of.business and'. indinstrial activity,
'Foe: itislotrCC, every effort .on' the part elf of.T'ide` workers to become pro-
tient: its : tv linin, •.filing, shorthand and secretarial "work, :will 'mean :
l . will; help to , iiiake' Ontario'a :fit r place in
�CtSatC't business cifitCietlG'y"""`'
which to live'and wyori.•
Our. `'Way of g ass Hewarde
Trained Hands ` a.
Ontario tseikers know they can.. earn
:', ; more, have execiitive responsibility
•and enjoy a higher Standard of living ,
• in direct ratio to the skills; they .ac-
quire and the ;. way the make use ;
of thous.' That's always . . i
true.in a free-ec6notuy
�.• --•that's why our com- :
4 '' li etitive; systeih will
T )IPS i'
e o,n t i, n;:u y a tolas a k e ;'
Canada great and a
at place iii which
togrelive, •.
• J s
.14si#si's, 444•iaes'hiiss4Aiiiis,r6: