HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-06-02, Page 5• THZ?RSxtAV, JUNE 2nd, 1949 , T E LUCKN•QW' SENTINEL LUCKNOWr 01 a. ` U • ,Y BO L ETHEA • .SA!�II�T!G 'VAN ... v � ,Alt1IAN ll�>iVE, 1 , :DEANERY, � •.' •Y, , i' Y garly di<agn 1,s ..and:* treatment , of tuberculosis h,a: saved many Over eighty young peoplefrom Tara, Chesley, . Walkerton, Soot' ampton, Lucknow, Lurgan an i ,in.loui h 'met at ,the Church of the Ascension; Kinlough, for the annual sprii;ig.'raily. The Deanery, t• .president,^•Miss Ma.yy...Boyie, ppre- rsided. ,• lis v: 'C..,, W. Owen of Southainp- ton read, the scripture lesson•_and led in- prayer, Mr. M.idfor. d, .Wall,. president of the K plot& h.- A. Y. - P., :P. A, welcomed the visitors. on {behalf :of the' -local society. The: secretary,' Mrs. Louise Broadfoote Of' Tara ret.td the minutes' of the Fhli rally. held°in Kincardine. The financial .x•eport was • also read skoWirig:',a neat, balance.; in .tne4 A. E..• Ruch of Walk. . thenn rod d t• W, l i i t ace wo new clerxynien, and their: wives. ager at Listowel. •' pE N 11117GUE$ e'ator aria,. • author of :.. The • Creator 1 'which 'Craigs,• .:tike � d�°a;ma `:'Sema. • rd' each week -day :as part •'s,hea the CBC'S noon. our •, farm broadcast. "for •Fntario and Que- bee. '. Mr, % iaghes. ibegan . life as • a ',fai4m: boy, mdvin�g to :.the city as a your g man to, take tip'jaurn m. He:woz°iced'as',a newspaper an in Eaglaind• and. in Canada, t en as . a radio announcer. His career' is now in• • advertising;, carri4b•ines with. 'part.- ' ' time farming." and script=writing - tor�::the; CBC. • 'Kids! See the "Penny .T In 'Ttie :Parse" : Coiat Tlrlek Plus' other games,,, puzzles ,and surprises;'. in .The ',Comic, Weekly. Club Corner, in Puck, The'• Com,•ic Weehly,'big:celer• comic xnagai,ne. in two sections with_ this .Sunday's (June ..5) .Detroit `S•tinday;,Times: A'Lso follow' the ••Comic Weekly Cldb Corner in' the; Daily :Detroit ` he ,pi esident, . Miss May Boyle, then :;took.,.the ,chair for, the:'re maindec•_of:.:the cwening: A �hyinn and prayer :closed -the devotional, part A. short .pr'ograrl •was ,then' gi`v= en acrd.' rnuch'enjoyed by' . eluding;, ,so1c s, 'Mrs.. Harold .Halms derby dialogue,• •well 'presented; 'by : Don; Joyce and 'Douglas!. Hal: de•iiby,'.a`, hurnoro•us .reading. by Miss: Bernice Hudson,` Tara.. The Rev . L..W:•••`Owen,, the Rev Hate ve.y Parker,,and the lie�v: Tavener! coli spoke .•• briefly Votes 'of.. thanks -Were tenderedthe officers for` / their splendid work during the.past year and to the:Kinilougl • for. the lovely .way they.. had prepared'and decorated their.• Sunday :'School••rcoin..in .the A.' Y: P, A.;..Coloi s, blue`•and• white,` for the occasion and, also to all'Who assisted: v.ith the .program A: de-: 'l cious' lunch was then served:3 y the Kiloci•gh ladies and, :during. this trine the ' executive' met .arid made; plans for .the Deanery P:. A.''' picnic to ,be . held at:; the Southai Upton beach on Wedness-: lives, 'but TB patients.:must ,b.a carefta to •ifollow 'their 'doctors instructions to the 'letter if they wish to alv;oid the • danger of 'a re1apise, .;Patients 'disehar ged,. from` sanatoria: meed' tin +e• to accustom their bodies to the rotitir e of Jiv- ing.. Wbirk tolerances must be de- veloped. slowly. Take .it slowly for: a. while. • And Ilhen: there': was the • cow who .asked rano her �cov%r`what. she thought of the , new ;farmhl'. •'An,'awful. rude, .was the. reply.;. fer :To W e ton ran gains red W st 'Dou' las Finneyof 'the ' Liston •weI- ibrancii of the :Canadian Rank of Commerce has been. transferr- ed, to ..the Weston 'branch; His, who have la eiy takezi.:over par_ father, Mr L. A. Finney, is roan- � Y islmGs•iri the deanery' 1VLi ',Ruch also presided for the election : of officers 'who are 'as collo"ws: 'honorary pres., Rev. Ft.. A.. E. 'B,uch; Walker tori; • chaplain, Rev:. L. W.' Owen, Southampton;, ,preTs`,*Miss May Boyle, itinloUgh ;. vice pros.,. Mi s. Lorne Clarke,; Klricardine, sec'.y., `Vis. ; Louise Bi'oadfoote, Ti7'a;',tr'eas., Mr.,Wrn: Harmer,.Southampton'. Deanery rep3 t seaatative to __the D=iocesan Council ick Hudson, of 'Tara. The wives of 'all ,the• dean- ery:clergymen were chosen •:as;'a c:omiilittee to • nr ganize° a dramatic society:. for.' eoiipetition with Mrs,:. L ' 1V.•' Opti en,, .convener•; and: later.. when plans are. fully :completed and plays. r.e;ady` . for ,presentation, to••' hold ••a dramatic festival: •• .,RESURFACING of , ;. High••way, - 9 frons- Kincardine to Blackhorse. 1 appears :to, have been terminated, teiiapoiiarily at least, ,at. the Ripley road, In' :some quarters: the ','opin- ibn • is expressed• that. this. may be due to •the last.provincial: election. when, I.. P:.rohnstone, :Progress.- ive=Conservative anember was. turned down for • Liberal .candi. date' Kenzie Foster:' • MEMORIALS yvusiaHAM MEMORIAL• SHOP famous for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices,' Always a'lrge stock in choicest, granites : tp • ,choose. from. ,. Cemetery lettering a specialty. All modern. machinery. R:' A, SPOTTOK 'Phone: 256 Wingham, Ont.' • A •farnily'; plot ' should be graced ,with the ,sh 'itae�like' beauty • of 'a monument which will' be everlastingly a tribute to those at rest.. We have rnany 'classic .• styles to suggest, • and wil'1 work with 'you on Ciis- tom designs..'. Exceptionally low prices. No canvassing,which ellniin- •ates ,sales commissions. Inscriptions, ° .. Repairing Sandblasting. Memorials 25 Fears' Experience. ., •The • latest .in' Portable',. ' Sandblast Equipinerit' • All •work persona11y' executed Srow,nf a ''Mein orial: Alfred• St., WINGIA1�1 - 'Phone . 450 • or NEIL MaeLENNAN, Ripley,':Oniario. JEAN' 'MleLEOI ,. 'of Ripley has:' a sumituer pitch-, for the. Beach : Electric in' Clark the Toronto Beaches Softball,Lea ``gue this , Sumner . r cf e :L O D ri�;ana e til.. WM. E NAR �. 8 , Royal -l3,ank at ° , iCoaksville, ,and formerly of Ripley, is being trans- ferred ;to . Durham. Mr, Leonard cottage �i W LANEP pastor at' Wesley Willis tlnited :••'°:Church;, Clinton, . for the past eleven years;. will • preach his : farewell servons on ,Tune 26.th:•lie 'has accepted the 'pastorate at Brussels:: .• - day, July -2Uth, . BORN NIE1VAiY=In Win.gha:rl Gerferal Hospital ori Satu:rday, May:2lst,, to Mr, and .Mrs; Clifford, Meri•ary;. t4ucknoiw,a soil, I� TCHIE-In Windham General, losptal on Thursday,. May 19Th,. to 'Mr. tmd' Mrs, Harold Ritchie, Luer now,. a sots. SCOTT Wingharr General Hospital on ;Thursday, May 19th, Mr,: and y 4Geotge. H. Scott, Wingham,`a daug1 Ater. • WAS' NINETY-ONE IN MARCH:`: In .spite of his ninety=one years, Mr, James' BBark.ley;:of Echo Bay, • Ontario, still takes much enj•or, fi:'.nt, fron7• perusing The Sentinel. One • o'f' this district's :old timers he celebrated, his 91st birthday in Manch, Last year lie attended the truce Couhtyff reunion and. Met a,;few •old, friends;..'althoughh. most of those lice intirnat knew. „bygone days hake, :. ssed on, Mr, Ba7kley's 'Subscription' 'was. rrenew'ed•.by..a niece; Mrs. Richard Gardner of Dungannon; , n event of • rain .• meeting will be held • in the West ' Street Arena. r. 9e• v fi