HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-06-02, Page 4FAOE!'FOUR. TBE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW', 'ONTARIO, A' "WANT ' AD' RATE S—lst'.insertion; 2,! cents. ,a' word,' subsequent insertions 1 cent a ,word. Minimum charge 25 cents. Replies care of The Sentinel *cents '`extr' a . Legal advertising 10 cents per ..count line first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. PIGS: FOR SALE.—just ready to wean. Frank Ritchie R: ;3, .Luck- now., • F.CjR• SALE - 1939 P 1 Y rn • 'th coach.,, • 1931 lord, coupe. Wrnterstein: FOR SALE . -r-•,quantity of •used. brick, .Orland Richards;. Lucknow; ••phone 6$-2 Dungannon: FOR SALE --iron well'puahp•.with: "windmill attachment, 15" cylind- er, '12 ft of 11/2" pipe..Apply ,Ste- wart Mullin, Lucknow: • _ • WANTED - TO. RENT - am a 11 Apartment ' or rooms, u ifurnished, suitable for ..light housekeeping. Apply at Sentinel :Office. • H11 •P FOR TIRED, burning feet .give , yourself. an "Ice -Mint" • treat.• 50c and •$1.06 at Downs' • Drug. °Stoi e.' . LAWN MOWERS repaired :and sharpened. For :first class work' See: -or call. T -ed Rice,-Lucknow ' R: 2, phone. 42-r-31:. CAR :.FOR , SALE —'1930 Chev. -sedan; in good working ; order, , ;gcod''tires. •Rayznorid Mitchell,, R.4 R' 1 .1Ri•: lephone 14-r-10.. FOR $ALE John e st n ' .ironhorse. pumping ,engine ' and.” jack, tared ..,just a month Bargain price. Jack I : eMcIntosh, R' 3, Lucknow, ph one' Dungannon;62 r-11 • FOR $ALE7..1940' Dodge and. 193.4 l~'ord:.coach, both in good shape ;tall r.;ound . priced reasonable; also two -person• .and anne-person ,cycles: (men's). See me this week. Bruce McCallurni Broadway Si., Kincardine.' • I'fANOS Annttat. stocktaking sale of used pianos, Stich' well- known • makes , as .: Heintzman, Mason &.. Ris'ch•Weber, ' Nord heimer, etc,- .Special: ":prices "and' terms during this sale;. Write for list of bargains. Heintzman & Co.. Liinlited; 242 Duridas St., London.. AUCTION SALE 'of farm • stick, ,etc.,.: at Lot .7on ,' C. '10, •Ashfield Township on Thursday, June 9th 'at 1130. o'clock. See ibills for ;list and terms; No reserve as farm is sold:: Ron rt, Farrish, Prop Matt. Gayner, Auctioneer. '` • ' BRAY CAN GIVE. prompt ' ship ent Ask for. ` • summer., prices.: ' bullets:. (special, low -Prices June_ July),, ''Mixed,. startled. • Order now. 'Also; for "July-Augiist delivery. Agent 11)•,. . FINLAYSON,•• Lucknow.' WANT. SUMMER ":CHI,C S?' Be sure you get Big -4 They:' have. plenty 'availa'ble. Pullets, •erels. Mixed..Get them now, ;out :.on : range,': growing ;fast You'll •need these for. ': •later. markets. ,. Agent ED. V.. BAKER; Lucknow. Bruce County Health Unit Appli'cations' 'will' be receiV'ed' for 'the position of Secretary' itl' the. Walkertonoffice of the . !! uce' Coui ty Health Unit . kindlyystarie: experience and. salary require- ments. Personal , interviews max be arranged. T. H;. ,'Alton, Sec.-Treas , Walkerton, Ontario.' TEACHERS. ERS. WANTED .by West Wawanoah Township School. Area. •Board, ' Priri,cipal "for St. ' Helens.• two -room ;school, Sr. room,, will be' expected to teach: one year.' of 'High Sehool: work.. This is a Mod- 'ern, od=Fern, sehobl With furnace a n d hydro.' Also a 'teacher for S.S. No, 2: This is °a` basement. school nivtth furnace. Apply ,stating 'quali Pica tions, experience • and salary est-: • ..peeted, Duties 'to ebin nencenS.ept. • •Dungannon; Ontario.: CARD:' OF THANKS Mrs, Alex. MacLennan wishes to most, °sincerely thank all. her friends and ' neighbors who have been SO very kind and thoughtful in many' ways; during her illness. She wishes to' especially acknow-` ledge : the . kindness of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Agnew, Mrs. • Quigley and Mrs. Hornell: Card of : Appreciation In ibiddirng. farewell to the good people' of : this 'comirinity with whom. we have:. enjoyed-,n�any of pleasant social: and ,.business relations we wish to ex- tend our most. sincere thanks nd. appreciation for ;all your kindness and :goodness t•o4:us. It will ever' :be 'gratefully rememlbered.. ',Mr. and= Mrs.• " arfield ` Ostran- 'der • 'if CAR will 'look shin• new, WHITE IEGHORN . Pullet .bar- You.. use-' "Tarnoff '. Just rub gains riwhrle they last 2': Weep old " 4.95.3 week. old . 3,0.95 da -old tin $3 , $3 ..TENDERS; FOR GOAL & doKE it on wipe it if :'16 oz. 60c - 36 oz . tin $1.00.; Rae and $26.95. Black Minorca x White -,;.:.Federal Buildings= -Province of Porteous Hardware. , f Leghorn $1.00 peri "hundred more, Ontario :. (Also other. Light : 'and • `. Ieav Y SEALED', TENDERS addressed. to b Breeds,n- OR ;SALE -M. cCor ick ser' ono sexe , pullets and ': ` in , � �� pthe ' undersigned" an ., endorsed , • TEHO QRS • 1'OWNSHIP1''.OF ,KINL+O'SS - Tenders: will be received by the undersigned up to 2'.00 o'clock in the afternoon of: June 13th, 1949, for: theainting of: the outside a. the • Kinloss. Township Hall, - Paiinting to'be a (brush job of two coats, with body and trim of Mat- ching colors., Work' to be done - •right: away after contract let. Paint tto be--suppliede'by Town- ship. The lowest or ••any ` tender not 'necessarily- accepted. J. R. LANE, Clerk, •Kinloss Township, R. , R,• • 2; Holyrood, Ont." T•t NS -..S H E.L E I Miss Margaret McPherson; : stu • dent nurse at St.'. Joseph's Hos- pitaj,: London, •: was 'a week :end .visitor at.tier home here . Chester'Pa .Yore. Mr. Mir - ray Taylor accompanied by- Mrs. 'Gordon, Miller and'Larry, of. Lon- don and Mr. " Jim, Hobden of Wingham are ..leaving this: Week "on • z motor trip and visit to ;relate, tives in Montreal and .Ottawa,'. ,: Mrs. Wm. 'Snowden of Laurel was a visitor, with Mr and ,'Mrs. E. W. Rice last ,week. Mr. Ross 112IcPherson;.'vwho has. been a ;patient in the *bighorn: Hospital` with ck injuries for' the past.fwo rnobamths;: has'gone xo Victoria Hospital, London,. 'for' further .: treatment........: . Mfrs. George.; Stuart was hostess for the regular .meeting:'':.of . the Women's ' Institute which • was. held a week earlier 'because .'of the district annual meeting; which Will be held„here on .Thursday of 'this` week .'Mrs. Elwood •: B ' bour a.r presided': ° and the• :•roll call was .re onded:''to by 'suggestions for •the .new .year. "Plans were made for •• attending the meeting of the Lucknow Institute ' on :'Friday; June ° •10th.. Plans : were completed •'for'. the dinner fpr' the district. KE -annual ', and Mit. Barbour:: Mrs.•. G: McPherson; Miss • Mar � Murray `and "Mrs. W: A. Miller will -.be the, delegates.. It was :decided , to' apply fir. a ;abort Bourse on ; "Your Money's •Worth, in food' or Needle- point Norma' Murray ' r ,p � ;favored' with a piano, iano solo; and :Mrs: -E W: P Rice';;with' a reading:, Lunch' 'was served with ,M,iss Mart • Murray and. Mrs: Cliff: 'Murrayas''host- Y. e R r.� • • • 4 Fr • • H„ ti. hay loader with.Breed•.. cockerels. ay ,, we drop, head,' ' m ..; Turkey Tender for - Coal will 'be receiv=, eawty' good condition. Grant McDiarmid, Poults. Send for reduced. Price ed. until until 3 ;m.: (E.D.S.T.) , Wed - R. 3; Lucknow, phone 68-4 Dun- List. ,for -June. ' : Tweddle Chick nesday, .Tune 15, 1949, for the annon: = Hatcleries'"Limited Fergus,Ont. supply of coal ` and coke 'for the FOR SALE.-+buildin 24. ft. b , �g y .the Province of On'tario.: Dominion . Buildings ihrou •hout ± .NOTICE' TO CREDITORS' . �: g 24 ft:, would make : good ..drive All persons havingc 1 a m s against'the estate of Ntary TwaRn Forms of. tender. withspecifica: shed or straw •'shed. Apply ; Ches le . late f 'th' � T ,• . ;Y,.. o. •e Towrishipof`'A•sli- ter Campbell,. R,.1,• Kincarduie; , field'' in , the ` County ” of . Huron phone_.30 r-10,. Ripley , widow- o di e' . u , wth ed on or about the fifth day of 11/1ay,' 1949* are noti-' NOTICE 'RE WOOD We are prepared to" deliver slabs as:' follows: green hardwood $4.00 ,green �'r fixed : $2.50;; dry : hardwood $4;50, dry inixea $3:50. The ;Luckndw ;;Sawnull Co:. • AUCTION SALE of household ef- fects of the:late Mrs.. William ' ICiake and of .the kite Hugh Lane, ;at Kihilough 'flinirsday, June 'eash., 'I/he 'ProPerty will 'also be offered subject to a reseiVed Well. -.Henderson,. Auc. fled ,to • send to _;'the : undersigned on 'or; before the ,eleventh day of June, ` '19.49, , full particulars of their claims in writing. Imn edi- ately. after. the said eleventgh. day of. June, the assets" sof the; said testatrix w'ill, , lb a distributed 'amongst '' the ; 'parties: entitled thereto, having regard only, • to claims of which the ' ;Executor. shall then .have .notice: Dated 'this 20th' day of May, 1949. . •. , Crawford & Hetherington; WiSgh�aim, Ontario:; Solicitors for the Executor..w ur Brom ason .Stiong, healthy, of low,mortality; giving 160 .percent ' SATISFIED CUSTO1WERS. HOW WE DO IT- -Adhere to strict sanitation throughout. • —Place chicks in Jamesway Brooder Equipment. —Treat' birds first five days-r-Pinn's, R.D.Q. • tablets. —Follow up 'with SalisburY's Iten-O-SaL• —Assist purchasers with future problems. —Have knowledge of immediate cure for ,Coccidiosis: . ALL •THE ABOVE—Chicks, Tonics, Medicines, roUltry Equipment. Lifeteria Feed and ant possible; aisist-' ance or advice' available at— • • 'Phone 16P "S Feed.Store' Lucknow, Ontario tion and conditions attached. can 'be obtained from.: the Purchasing. Agent Department .. of PubU ic Works, Ottawa, and •the Super vising.',Architect , 36 Adelaide': St East, "Toronto, Ont ' Tenders :should • be made on the ' forams 'supplied 'by • tile. , Depart- /Tient epart Ment:and in accordance with -de partmental ::'specifications and conditions.attached thereto.' ;Co dealers'. license numibers must, b �gven.•wthen tendering The Departr•O' t reserves th. right to.' demand: from• any 'sus." cessful tenderer,.'�before, awarding,, the 'order., 'a security •deposit: " the form of :a certified •cheque ona chartered bank •in Canada,' made payable to the order: of. the Hon-. ourable the' Minister. �of Public Works, equal to' 10 :percent, . o the'': amount,: of the 'tender;. o. Bearer Bonds of the Doniinio'i4`o Canada or: of the; `Canadian Nat iohal; ,.Railway '•Company and''. its constituent•',conipanies unc'ondi tionally guaranteed .as" to trinci- :pal and interest, by •the Doininion of.Canada, or• the .aforementioned bonds,' ;and. 'a certified. cheque:, ' if r. equired • tq make' up an . .odd amount, n• Such; .security• Will serve as a guarantee '. for the proper ..fulfil ment• of the contract, By'' order, j', M SOMERV�ILLF ,+ r Secretary. Department. of Public Works, -Ottawa, May '26, 1946'±'" e Coal e e n+ c Of Or BuOilsrs in Goderieli for 25 closed.pri•Saturclai night, and the' 'building ;has been rented by, the • esses. Mrs: Alex Leitch, kr.' and Mrs. Jas.: Bowden ' of Detroit were•vis= itors` :with the : 'former'$ ;brother, —•14. • R o• eP THURS1 AY, JUNE!. 2nd, 1949, Mr, E. JR' noin and Mrs. Thom. • . There Will be no set'v+iee in the United Church next Sunday on account of the; anniversary Ser- vices in ' the . United `C ,arch;. Whitechurch. STERN FARMERS �E :. Weather Insura hce ` Mutual Co,. MOTTO;.: Prompt and Satisfactory Settlements For. • information;; reliable' protectionp • satisfaction, consult 'your local agent SAM ` ALTON L,UCKNO; { Poon Dung annn. 8 -r- a 8 Q 4 .. 4 . • • v 4 T ARMSTRONG. OPTOMEfiRIST' IN LUCKNOW FIRST' WEDNESDAT of • • EACH.''MONTI] 'from' 6 4T WM; SCHMID'S STORE Insure, In Sure : : Insurance Confederation Life WIND,. CAR, FIRE- Preferred Rates tor r.. ferr pre ed risks. • ' ACCIDENT &'.SICKNESS• :; Consult :. . JOHN .FARRISH 'Phots: 7-r-15, Dungannon' : SURAN� E ._FIRE, CASUALTY and AUTOMOBILE To Protect _Your Jack .Insure, With •lack . today. J. A.. cDON R.R.` 3•' Lucknow, :Ont. %. Phone. 61•.=5 Dungannon-•. "41611'0 kGaiage ipcitNow 'tekphone' 175 *pets Don't pay two pricesIbt your insurance., Fon the, most' eeonomical and reliable protection in AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE' LIFE INSURANCE .• FIRE INSURANCE' • SICK & ACCIDENT, INSURANCE , HOSPITALIZATION • T'CAMER •,•LucknoW, Ontario. 'Phone Dungannon 70440 • vimmoxfowni 'ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor. Office fit' thi Office. '1 5 • ie uart MacKenzie ,BARRISTER 'SOLICIIT0,14. . Each. Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON, 'BLOCK iVingham and' Lucknow IN IUCKNOW Each Monday & Wednesday 1 Located on the ground floor the front of, 'John ,Kilpatrick's Building • 'Phode Wingham Office 48 Resider74e 97,