HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-26, Page 9THURSDAY, ' MAX 26th, 10' PIPE" =:1i AND' Ork GERS At the annual re-organliration. meeting of . the Lucknow Pipe Band, held last Week, the 1o11Qw-.I ing officers were elected; pres., Frank lV>;aclC,enzie; secretary - 'treasurer, MelLi!•in Stewart; Pipe' Major, Roy" -MacKenzie, Mel •suc-1 ems, ecretary fo ' many 'Years, *hee, Band has set July 23rd,, as tly date. for a Saturday evening i (band concert, at which, a collec- tion Will be taken to ;aid in th purchase' of hat badges. Muni:After 60 'hears Visitors atthe bathe of Mr. and Mrs; Joe Hanna'. last week were Mrs.. Hanna's cousins, :Mrs*: . 1V]<.. • Petty'and' diaiighter Jean and Mrs; C F. . Zeigler 'w49'pnotored from Brandon; Maniitoba Mis. `Petty Mrs.. Zeigler ` .went to Mani» and., •• taba from the' I1olyrood areal •about, ' 6.0 years ago ;and this is their, first visit. 'to the. old, hoar e. .Suffered.' Dislocated': Shoulder • After safely dodging the traf= all winter in. Toronto,' David • Errington ,Was. 'home 49nly; a day or so, when he suffered a''tumble and dislocated , his .left shoulder, Mr. Errington suffered ;the injury when he: tripped over a .child's • wagon after. dark. THT. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, I, JCKNQW, QNf'ARZO HELD AREA.' FIELD DAYT ST. HELENS A very successful fief .day, was held" on the St. Helens, school grounds, : Wednesday, May 18th. The assistance of the . inspector, Mr. ,J. H. Kinkead,coupled • with the: enthusiastic support of the teachers, contributed to make this a ' , worthwhile ':activity. Approxi; mately , One hundred.. spectators were on hand for the •afternoon's events. • 'The matin, aim' of the•,day was to prornote •an interest in .athletic activities among the'public school 'children... All :the' events' were *eerily contested ,and some re- cords were''estaiblish"ed. ` • Kids! Fun. For You -Seven- IToys;-A Week Yes, •boys and girls, The 'Comic .Weekly Corner, that great '.fun : 'feature every; week 'in. Puck, The •4, Comic.. Weekly, with The Detroit. • Sunday Times,• also; is- appearing weekdays ,in The Daily Detroit 'T�.znes. ,Games,•puuzzles,' tricks'and, surprises Follow •• the .Comi;c .Weekly Club Corner daily` and Sunday in', The Detroit. Times A PROBE . is ` ibefng 'sought into ..the 'fire .that. destroyed' :the . Ratz 'Saw.nill :in •Wingham:early 'Fri=; day, morning. It w`as' the second' ;_big i.industrial fire in' Winghaan .'' within. 'a few ,weeks. Twenty. -two men;• are`'employed in'the :Mill; which Will be" rebuilt, 'according to Lloyd: Raiz, the manager., BORN CULBERT-At Alexandra Hospi :I tal, Goderich," on May 17,th, 19'9, to 'Mr, and Mrs. Cecil.• , Culbert, Dungannon, . a son,• Jane Arthur. • • .-The teachers :of ,the.,participat `zng;achoo ' are: ScS: N �, .p•'2 ► .Miss. E Dow;: •No,. 2 IVIr$ McAllister; N'0.., '; 7 1Vii . C '' r Miss, 1VIacLen"nan;��No:' 12, Mr. R Erringtozi;• No. 4, Miss 13..McQuillin and :Mr.. W. G. Mac- Donald. The champ ionihips were,'divid-' p• ed. as follows. junior iris ,chain= pion', MyrtleSnell, ,7' points, S.S. No,; 12;' runner-up; _Gail Godfrey, 6: points, S.S. "No. 17; junior•boys Champion, Lynn O'Malley, nine' points,. ' S.S; No. 12 runner-up,` Ireith'Finnigan,.7 points, S.S., No:, 3; intermediate girls, chamipion, Alison Webb, 164'. points; S.S.'4;,• runner-up, Norma.Murr-ay, -eleven pointsk S.:S, 3; •intermediate; boys' ehan>tpion Donald Durnirr, elexe'n: points, $:S 2,• runner-uip, B'11 Rivett, 10` points, S.S. 17; sehi girls• champion, Joyce • Robinson,. 15 points,;;S.S.:"12; runner-up; 'VW.- :Lan Ncsbtitt, 8 points; S.S.,4 senior boys' ch'armpxon;: Murray ..Gaunt, `17 points' SS. .4; runner=up; •Bill. Irwin,. 16 points; .S.S..I2.:, '100 ft. dash, 'girls <junior, Gail Godfrey, ,Phyllis. Barbour, Myrtle Snell; (boys junior. Lynn .:O'Mal;, lev, Tommy i, Keith Fin-' . 125 ft; dash girls interniediate, Norma `Murray • Alison ' Webb,. Donna •Woods,. boys intermediate Donald Durnin, Barry" McQuillin, Billy . Rivett • 150• ft. dash girls • senior,. Wil .nia.,Chesbro, Joyce 'Robinson,.•Isa belle. McP,herso i, boys .;senior, llfurray Gaunt, Carl .Stewart, Bill Irwin' (ti.e) Relay race- -1st, S.S... 12 Bill rwin Leroy. G oyeati Ivan .Dow, Joyce Robinson; '2nd, ' S.S.• 2, Carl Sttew.a`t, Clarence Hoy," .Delina Hoy, Dnald Durnin • •. 3rd .SS. ,17 '' Leonard• ; Brindley, . Bill;: Rlivett ` Ruby' Nivins,' Ken Standing broad lump _• girls';I junior, Joan '. Mills,' Kathleen Smith, Donna Nesbitt;'boys' l.un ior, Lynn', O'Nfialley,;.Keith', :nigan: (tie) .• Sproul; girls " intermediate; ,I)6nna Woods,;. Nor= ma•,Murray, Doriis:,Caidw'ell;,boys' ntermediate; Bob Aitchison,' Ross Durnin,:Donald• Durnin,: girls Sen- or, Vivian Nesbitt, 'Joyce Robin- son, Barbara Wilson; boys senior, Billy irwin;: Murray Gaunt, Lorne•` Smith: Softball'throw grrlssenror; : Phyllis Barboui, Joyce •McDon aid, Kathleen. Smith; ,boys` Junior, . RobertHoy, Dick Curran, Tommy Robinson; girls intermediate;.Nor-' ma :Murray, Alison, Webb'; Doris Caldwell ;boys • interm',ed;ate; Clarence Hoy,'IVJ:arvin; McDona.1d, Harold •' Goyeau; ..; girls: ,:.senior, 'Joyce 'Robinson,, • Ruby Nivrns, Donna, Smyth; 'boys senior,; Mur; ray Gaunt, •wrence Smith; Carl.. 'Stewart., , • Running high; jump--gii;ls. Tun• ior,. Gal' Godfrey Joyce MoDon- `ald; Myrtle $` e11; ib.oys junior, Tammy Rabin n; Delmas Spr"oul, Keith Finnigan; ,glrls'x -rf,te`r`r �ezli- ate, Alison 'Webb, Alma, Niviiis, Marilyn McTavish; 'boys •' inter: mediate, Billy •,Rivett, Barry Mc-';.! Quillin,.Donald Dai nira; girls sen ior, McPher'son,. ` Jeyee Robinson, :Barbara. Wilson ' ' boys senior, Murray; Gaunt, Bihly Ir -1 w'in,. Carl Stewart. " • • Running broad. .jump girds junior, TVYyrtle Snc11, , Joan, Mills, Donna •Nesbitt;' boys junior, .Lyne' O'Malley;" Keith' Finnigan, Robert Hoy; girls rntrrinediate,, Alison' Webb, Doris Caldwell, ,Nor rua Murray;. boys int rfnediatc, Bill. Rivett,' Bob Altz6ison, Clarence Hoy; girls senior, Ruth: Moss; Viv- ian .Nesbitt; Joyce Robinson; boys; senior','Bill Irwin, '(Murray Gaunt and Laurence Smith) tie.. . . Three-legged' race -girl$,' st MEMORIALS WINGHAM;MEMORIAL SHOP "famous for Artistic tic' °Memorials • at very' reasonable. prices. Always a large stock in choicest 'granites to choose from. Cemetery lettering a~ specialty: All ,modern machinery;. R. A.. SPOTTON 'Phone 256 - Wing! at'n, •,Ont. , .1116001.601.00416,10,416011116411111.816600•16.1,M1601....... OflUinen A;' .family • ,pint ''should :'be •graced with ';the -shrine-like; beauty of a monument, which will be everlastingly a ,tribute ' to,those .at rest, We have •rnany classic styles • to. suggest,•' and will work -With you- :on ;c us torn "designs. Exceptionally low pri.ces,' • /No cant/ assing,: which,' eliniin ate • sales: commissions.. %Irru r]liliz>ns: Ii,epari'ing:, S ndlblasting•Monlorlals,' 5• Years' .l3'xperience, The latest 'in• Portable, Sandblast Equipment All ('' 11 'personally. executed Brow niie �iH�er�or�al Alfred St,; VI:NGff.A11i '•Plwne 450 1 .or . ' NEIL -MaCI,ENN•AN, . " Itilaley,. Ontario. • PAGE' NIN,i ; . S. 4, Donna `Woods;' AliSol Webb; 2nd, .S.S. 12, Joyce Robinson,, Myrtle''Sneh; ,3rd, 'S.S. 17, .Grace Nivins, Isabelle Nivins; boys; 1st, S.S. 12, Bill IrwinL, e 2nd, S.S. 4, ' - r�a;�-�s3caau; Deuglas Ne hitt, Mur- ray Gaunt; 3rd,. S.S 2,' Carl' Ste Wart, Donald 'Durnin. Wheelbarrgw race-gr4s, :1st, S.S. 4, Alison We(bll ;: Isabelle. Me - Pherson; 2rid •;•-S.S, 2 Delena Hoy, Ruth' Moss; 3rd, k,S. 17, Doris Cald*ell, • Isabelle Nivins; boys-- • 1st; S,S. 2, •Carl Stewart, 'Donald Durnin; 2nd, S.S. 4, Murray Gaunt, Lorne Forster; 3rd, ,1S.S 12, -Bill Irwin, Leroy Geyeau,. Boys'~ rooster fight---KenCald- well, Lawrence inith, Carl Ste - Wart. •Girls' sliipper kiick-Roby :Niv ins . Lois - Webb, •Ruth` Mass, : Sack Iia.c e- ` •. girls,' , • Vzrtian Nes- bitt; Norma Murray, Doris. Cald - Well; `Boys .7-- Sant ` McQui11in;: ;Wilson, (MurrayBiRivett) tie: • • Ball : gain All-stars from. S.S. 4 and S.S..3 vs;QAll=stars from. S.S. 12, 2 ,and • 17. Final score,,' 11-4. in favor of second, team. ' �issssss®s■■er,��■■�aetise■sr�s■ewAsseefe'a■e��r�� .� _ ■ ■• d■. •l., ■ ▪ ; Decorating Wall • .Paper;, Kyanize Varnish; • Lwe Bros.. Paints, aint, Brushes.1%.. ■ • ■• ■ ■ ■ ■• ■ a i :• a• ■ • Furnittlie ■ aster :and .Liquid > VVa W Modern Switch : Pla es,° Electric . Ligbt Fixtures and .Other Decorating Needs.. ■ e■ses■■�ise■al's ssse■'ess■sss■■ssse■■■ase■sss■■�■a .. . n.ev:ent of rain meetingwill be held in. the West Street Arena, /a HURON NO.R;T' LIERAL.ASSOCIATION` God Save' The, King. • • v 4 • • 6 444 6 14 �P. •