HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1949-05-26, Page 6M Nay ;4filpatrlek iroap
1. The' McN`ay i i1patricl group'
1 of 41* -1W:- A , Met ,at the home. of
: Mira:' George ;;Jbyft . Mrs: I ltilpat--
i t icltpresided . and the meeting
opened .With liylr m and the,Lord's
.pr'ay'er • in. uflisdn. The roll calk.
;_was 'answered•iby .a':verse'of'scrip-
ture, The'' scripture' lesson was
:read 'by► •Mrs: J:: A": Crispin.: `After
thusi'i ess"`period ,Rev: • Mrs..1
W' Stewart gave a =.'reading ani
"1V tl erff::<`712iss VV'elah gave a '
short`, account "of an; organ re-'
eitaV ;she attended • recently:.Mrs.
Hoag.: also gave a reading', on
"Other-ness" taken from 'the book
"Live ..a 'New Life!. '. Plan•Neere
atanged for otir, next 'mieeting,
to; tbe s held ' at, `Mrs d , w: :';,loyntrs
and�.it is. to be �a: Group•'�tea. The,
cony//eners are Mr&'Ewart- .Tay-
.lon, Mrs,. J W'. Joynt and, ..Mrs.'.
'Geo. ' Andrei* arid program com1-.
n%ittee' is Mists' liVelsft Miss 'Eva
.Greer' and M S:- Kilpatrick,
.Eiiry,''member'•is' urged to at-`,
tend< • The : meeting was :brought'.
to a • boss,: with .iiymin'-and-' prayer. '
Miss.',Welsh :Conducted.'a musical
Dienibmw4Biatk'T*eOdpr W. 'ill,;;..
The `l4iY. , eti Yg df the •N A:
,. widS• ° held , ' at the, • home-. of.' Itrts° l •
Wijibi gtbn!:0:,R4ndetsatt.) ..oil . We'd- "dal
nesday°4 evening',c,Mayy:...11th .with
,'stn l attendance of= 27.: Mrs :1Black
presidet After•the opening .hyniii'
-thed. LLord's pray.er Was repeated in,
unison. 'Ile : roll' call .was answer= '
ed with the !paying at "lees: The ::
s clines of the last meeting were
read' .and. business -'period,' follow- „
ed. The scriipture'lesson wa's•'read,. ;
by,, Mrs.. 6tttart'Callyer. -•Readings
were, given, ,by Mrs. Floyd Wilson, ,
Mia •Lloyd: Ashton,, Mrs, Orland
RtOiards; solo "by' Wei Lowmd'es, ".
in rumentals Iby Mrs. C.rispin and
Mrs Allm. 'The meeting was clos-1:
ep 1
v+rith prayer- 'ixiyr .Mts..: Taylor
lalid a4 contest andsocial half hour
,followed. The June mteeting is to '
be 'held -4w the, evening at, the
lrome: of Mrs.; Ernie •Acltert. `:
Arran ge rnients ,; Were •, made' •. to
have mems ers of tale Group.assist:
•the' dW tfa + ly,'w'ho lost every
thin 'Me -their `recent fire,- with.
its ''a!C• food, clothing ; , household
effects;: ,,,etc. : ' . , i
Evening Auxiliary .Meet
The• •Makmeeting of the Even
ing auxiliary : • of the United •
• `Chureh'was ' held Tuesday. even
'ina at. thehome of Mrs.:Ale* 'An
drew • wkth .:37- itiattendance;:-•=-The
meeting was: opened ;Iby 'tinging.
' hymn 252; Portions of :the scrip-
ture , were read 'byr Mrs. Harvey'
,Hall: and Mrs. Harold Ritchie. Ar=
' range lents were ':made for a plc -
Tile. rto, be held, June -16th at. Mr3.'
• ! Campbell Thoirtupson's cottage:: A
most. inspiring and challenging
-was- delivered 1,4 Miss D.
:McLeod. Miss' Lawndeg' rendered
1.a -delightful solo. Readings; were
given hy.. Miss ' Crania -to .,Mrs. E.,
Crawford a
nd Miss Oslbortie. Miss
Eunice Helm':favored with a vocal' ;
solo to her own- guitar, accoaivpan-
linen/. The meeting was closed
'with the, m.izpah ,beneciiction, and''
a, daioty''lutelit-wad, serv&i,•by the
hoittesaeL • 'r vr.
4 •
kAOi Sit
tor mottos
D'saA', mAy 26th, 1949 ,
Drive in toga . we have a Goodyear tire `A ;
to suit your purse and purpose . see'theDeLuxu.:•
and the Super -Cushion ,,`... both record mileage
builders... built for extra blowout protection
and super -traction in -any weather. '
AS •.
A WIE tinA11ER'r tHilitCW,NEWS • •
V.trant is red .If ' yo doy Hunter Jo>!db 4Groap oil "VY A.
you'd better const4t= your doctor
before .tryii bo. ;get rid of super- •Tile '•May 'meeting, . od :Group 3
fluous fat. ,Even i�f loss od 'wei'ght wast°held att the homewMof Mrs• T.
is deslrtctl' t erre'. are" certain' foods .Camerdn • on -Wednesday, May
the botdotornust 'have • to ltietep it • 11th,, Mrs." Hunter ,,presiding, The
functi(uring ropettly; SeJf n oa meting `opened b singing .a
ed :7 die1s� .of tent 'weaken' the. body, hymn followed by. prayer by
without etti g.• rid "'of. much, Mass 1 Hazel' Webster, The. -scrip -
Weight. Your. doctor is••best.. qua'1 tures- rea'dng^.:was given by Mrs.
iifiedi-to.• say what foods ...you can' J C: Armstrong '.It was''decided
safely do Without. ' that useful -donations be•contrlb-
utect;lby mnern ers to the! :family
SAFETY FROM DISEASE• wb4 lost their' hotmerecenitly' by
fire, donatio; •-to -'be left at the
Thbtis'arids of Carvadia are ;'home of Miss: McGregor,, Short
• ali'ire - today'. because :they 'were
readings Were given: by Mrs.
Janes Mi•s Harold Ritchie Mrs..
Mr• R. G. Bennet, • agricultural°
'repreae'Mative for Ruroni� County:
i announces that Mr. '1'red Q; Wil
sox :h�Is ,been 'appointed: assistant;
agricultural.. representative for
this County. Mr. Wilson, -•moo will. ' .0
commence his, duties ori June 1st,
is �a. t iember•' oaf this,year's gradu-."
t acing 1asS''. at th :Onta ` '
� , � , ria ,� i
culturdl Coll
ege, having . speciate •
zed in animal husbandr3r. 'Mr
Wilson is a= native of 'Wellington,:
Countyj, corning from Erin, which
is. situated about 25 miles. east of
imrnIunized in ' thein ' chi1•Iood • +
agai such •diseases asp axnall W, ' 13asheU and. lvfrs. E Lioci
pg' Two interesting . readiyigs: ere
d.iphthema •�arut-� �uvhoopu>�' cough; ► giv�ert by; Mrs: . Woolley;
Smallpox' has been, practitially rott leased .to,l:Svc
e' Mrs•:
'wiped outwin.Canada, ;by'vaccina-; g p ,
tion, ' 'and wdtpilthe;ria ,atxd whoop -:lc
en�neth•• Beaton speak he, has
'in ' cough': are'I' rein Checked; by
'been` irimfssianary wdrk r sortie
gg.' years in China: ` 'Mit. ''8atn"'Gibsori
totcolcl and vaceine r'I nttriui'iixaUon .
is safve, attr �an�d= raetitalty'pain- gave a, i els .ing• Roll, call. was ans-'
�vfercd'' 'by f'My " Favorite (irl's
lessDSee•: thiel' y+oiur. Child ;'is • pro-,,�
Name r, which :Was 'responded . to
1 .
Iby''22 members;, and four visitors,
' MA " ,nnote:••of , . thanks was tendered
tile• thestess.• ,A4 contest was held
YOUR REPRESENTATIVEat 'O wa had ; . _ ~� ' a
. tt;at,read into his apeeeh in Itis
' to ,,..,
House of Commons'' on March• 9, 1949, the. First' a essay: given •
by Loia:Edmonstope of Tobernory:' entitled; 'R►tice: County, The,
.1' ou`rist . Playground":
REPRESENTATIVE at Ottawa la's the. author .of "Touri
ada's -Corning ~industry", in the Cafladian i Veti*int ituuae
YOUR REPRESENTATIVE is in favour of a ,Toatrist Standing Comm tl
being• set•':up in' the : House of- Comintion'2
EMP•LOYMENT.: Labour benefits` through payment for' services rendered'
either directly to the Tourist or Vacatlon;'Vi'kdtor, in the 1iddsi.
and in the factories _
•PROFITS. For all .the .
, services ,rendered, thosle` w bo provide thein, the
manufacturer, the wholesaler,the jobber • and the retailer —' each
e• 1'.'
.• is- modest share, which, when ;totalled adds' many` millions`
-of dollars to our' 'pros rit . each
pe y year.
TAXES: ;- The Provinces through". their gasoline'. taxes and motor taxes.
collected more. than $91,000,000 in 1945. Hunting and fishing
licenses brought in roughly. $2,000,000. The"sale
" •'and lgse` of camp.
sites :'for' cottages, robins; etc, likewise, produces crown revenues'.
AGtICULTURE l;.ast year,it is estimate$ Our. 20,000,000
sumied more than 4,000,000 pounds of butter; ,4,000,000 dozen of
eggs and ' 18,000;000,
pounds of :beefy Other ProdgCtg' are In ',lilts
• ,'Proportion.
e Tourist
Give :Andy A Chance To Carry On!
"and caunch served ;at the . close of.
the ..meeting..
s beef" a very act-
Guelph:: �e has
ive •member iri; D1'ulb •Work in his;
own. County°•for a. number ',of 2
years. '.,
f Mr, Wilson will , suceeclt J C..
Y ,F
Rerii�ie, who `resigned as assistant
agricultural " representative o
March' 31st to 'Work' for , the Nat
Tonal', Dairy . Council at Guelph'
prier -to' going'. to Iowa State Col-:
lege' in September, to get • . his
Master Degree.
COWS - ' $2:50 each
'HORSES $2.50` Ea.
50c per cwt.
Aecordipg:. to size: and
Phone collect:
• Wingham' 561-j.
Rlpley'59-16'or. 38-19
Ingersoll 21
William Stone Sons, Ltd.
It'saves :time and trouble when'
'»Poli 'familiarise yourself`ivith.:the
•-regulations regarding .travel' to
the United States.' before ,,:you
bet! out Ori your trip.. ,Here • are: '
'1. 'T`he allowance for pleasure
travel `during the current
ration' period of "November'
lth, 1948, 'to November.`
'' .15th 1949, is ,$150 U;S. per
person ($100,in the case of
�lydyre�, under, .11 •
2/ A Foz+m H permit; obtain?,
able t'_auy, banktjs, re;
< iguired `to'take out of Can.
add exceeding $lo,
U.S. or U:S and.Cana-.;,
dian funds. " ., •
3 •Special; all'owan.c'�as are'
granted` for' strictly busi
nous travel where;your ap-;
plicetipn ie", certified by:,
:your employer:, "'''"••
4. Applicati ins for larger:
• .amounts of U.S. fiinds,for
travel for health or educa-:
tional'putrpoees,' they be':.
made on special forms ob•.
to enable t your bank,
10Rf10ti EXCHANGE 'CONTRbt s0AR0
OT` AWA • FECS.i`2